Five more new members have joined our Club:

Vince Wirth, WA6BZB
Dave Tustin, K6IGU
T. A. Wynne
Phil Salomon
John Johnson (DSCC), WA6QYU

Club Treasurer Jay Bastow also notes that if ARRL members intend to renew, or if anyone in the Club intends to join the ARRL as a new member, this can be done through the JPL ARC. This way the Club treasury can retain 50 cents of the usual $6. 50 ARRL dues, and will forward the rest for you. Just let Jay know all the details necessary(i.e., new, renewal, etc. ) and he will take care of the rest. Oh, yes... don't forget to enclose your check, too.


Merv/W6IUV reports that ZL3PO/C is on the air and will be operating from the Chatham Islands for the next six months, providing a new country for many hams. Les is working as a radio operator at Chatham Islands Coast Station ZLC. Shift work makes his ham operating schedule unpredictable, but he can be found on the following favorite frequencies:

CW        SSB
3510 kHz  3690
14030     7090
21030     14190
          21300 (Pacific DX Net)

Les radiates a good signal with 150 w and a ground plane. All QSL's should be sent via his QSL Manager, ZL2AFZ. Let's keep him busy; he handles the pileups very well.



FCC has granted the ARRL-requested 60-day extension of time for filing replies to Docket 19245. This Docket is sometimes referred to as the "Eyebank Matter," although the official title is "Inquiry into the extent to which Amateur Stations should be used on behalf of non-amateur organizations." This inquiry has potentially serious implications for all amateur traffic handling and similar public service activities. All amateurs with views on this subject are urged to write to the FCC. The full text of this Docket is in the July '71 issue of QST.


(Tnx to DIDI-DUM-DUM-DIDI, 6/71)

The Electronic Industries Association (EIA) recently made a presentation to the FCC in support of their request that the 220-222 MHz portion of the present 220-225 MHz amateur band be given to the Citizens Radio Service for use by a new Class E license holder. This segment would be divided into 80 channels, separated by 25 kHz, and licensees would be permitted 25 watts of FM. The petition by EIA is known as RM-1747 and the presentation was described in the May 10, 1971 issue of Electronics News. No reference to RM-1747 is available in any amateur publication at this time.


Hilary ("Mac") McDonald, W5UNF/6, a new Club member, just received his Extra Class license, bringing the Club total to thirteen. "Mac" is employed by Philco-Ford, at Goldstone.


The JPL Amateur Radio Club Board of Directors met on August 25, 1971. Those present were:

Walt Ross, W6VPN
Nash Williams, W6HCD
Chuck Krinke, WA6LWB
Maurice Piroumian, WA60PB
Dick Baugh, W60TS
Bruce Kelly, W6DEL
Helmut Mecke, W6ZGC
Merv MacMedan, W6IUV

The following items were discussed:

1. WARP (Wilson Amateur Radio Proj) Plans were presented by Chuck Krinke. This would be a Club-sponsored remote-controlled VHF base station located on Mt. Wilson. Input/output capability would be on 2-meter FM, with complete control capability on 450 MHz from W6VIO. It would be primarily used for AREC, JPL, and RACES support. Coverage to Edwards Test Station, NASA's Flight Research Center at Edwards, and Table Mountain, to link these sites with JPL will be investigated. Chuck will prepare a more detailed description of the system and its use. The Board voted to support the project's initial development, with the understanding that monetary costs to the Club will be negligible and that personnel support requirements from Club members will also be a minimum, at present.

2. Walt Ross reported that Harold Wheelock's resignation as Publicity Manager was not accepted by the Board and was followed up by a letter asking him to reconsider. No reply has been received, and Maurice Piroumian has agreed to try a bit of friendly persuasion.

3. Maurice Piroumian described the AMSAT OSCAR Flight AA-2 progress. The Sept. 25 flight date was confirmed, as well as a trial shakedown flight on Sept. 11. Air-to-ground liaison was favored on 10-meter SSB, using 28.585 MHz. This will be separate from the satellite transponder function. Status will also be available on 7225 kHz; W6ZGC is to be Net Control.

4. Dick Baugh told of splendid progress being made on the Mesa station. The Service Request now has most of the required approvals. The trailer (now parked alongside Bldg. 45) is to be spotted in its final position (next to Bldg. 159) after some bulldozing, and lines will be run up the mountain to the tower and log-periodic antenna.

Another Service Request was approved at long last: the one to clean up our noisy power lines. Congratulations were bestowed upon Dick for his perseverance.

5. Nash Williams described a panic situation that develops frequently, when a Search and Rescue effort starts and W6VIO is requested to remain active during working hours. A procedure is needed to handle such requests in a smooth, professional manner. The Board requested that the Search and Rescue Committee develop such a procedure as soon as possible.

6. Maurice Piroumian announced that a meeting devoted to discussion of the new proposed by-laws is scheduled for Monday, August 30, at noon, in 180-102.

7. Walt Ross reported that the Club Questionnaire is essentially completed, except for some artwork. The Questionnaire should be mailed out in about two weeks.

8. Nash Williams proposed that the Club take on a direction-finding project for W6VIO, in light of the frequent intentional jamming heard on the air (WCARS net, in particular). A simple ferrite rod directional antenna was shown that would be a useful adjunct to any home station. (See article in this issue) W6VIO could participate by giving signal reports to help pinpoint local sources of interference.

9. Closer liaison has been requested by the CalTech Radio Club (W6UE). Since he is involved with the WARP, Chuck Krinke agreed to follow-up.

10. Since the Club Newsletter was going to be published a bit later than usual, because the editor is on vacation, the question was raised as to what date will be used.

Editor's Note: See the cover page for the answer. One nice thing about being the Editor is that precedents can be set at will.


The Southern California and Mexico Amateur Radio Mobile Group has announced their plans to conduct their Ninth Annual Ensenada Motorcade on October 23-24. Families and friends are all invited to the "Gran Fiesta en Mexico," to be hosted by the Radio Club de Ensenada.

The Motorcade is GO whether operating permits are granted or not. Applications for temporary permits will be submitted to the Mexican Government in sufficient time. Contact Nash Williams - W6HCD for further information and details if you are interested in making the trip.


President: Walt Ross - W6VPN
Secretary: Merv MacMedan -W6IUV
Treasurer: Jay Bastow - WB6NFN
Trustee: Jay Holladay - W6EJJ


(Tnx to WCARS Sentinel)

The WCARS Net, and other users of the 40 meter band have been bothered recently by intentional jamming on their frequencies, sometimes causing a loss of time in emergencies. This little direction finder may be of use if you want to help tracking down these offenders with others.


L and C tune to 40 meters. Each half of C (adjustable padders) are about 40pf each. L is about ten turns, depending on the core material of F. A two-turn link goes to the input terminals of the battery operated portable. An ear plug comes out of the small carrying case and up the sleeve for listening. A 40 db pad at I helps when within half a block of the interference source.



Brand New HAM-M Rotator. $80.00
Brand New TR-44 Rotator. $50.00
       George /W6FXZ (714) 633-1254


To someone getting started in Ham Radio:

1. 10-meter transmitter with built-in power supply; 807 final. (Made in 1950)
2. Gonset 10-meter Converter.
3. Mobile 10-meter transmitter (made in 1956
4. 12-volt dynamotor (275 volts output)
5. Miscellaneous coils, microphone and other accessories.
         Herb Simon/W6HUV 980-2261


W6VIO Calling is now into its third issue and the favorable comments are gratefully acknowledged from all who took the time to let us know. However, in putting together this issue, one big thing seems to bother us. The support received has been tremendous, but it has come mostly from the Club Officers, and not the Club members.

Where is everyone ? ? Getting your remarks and comments into print is not any harder than depressing the mike button or sending a string of CQ's. In fact, all it takes is a phone call to us.

The basic aim of W6VIO Calling is to tell what the Club (not the Officers) is doing, and we can't fulfill this function unless you open the microphones to us. Rest assured, our receivers are very sensitive and we will be able to copy Q5 all the way--no matter what the m es s age.

So why not warm up the brain filaments, throw the voltage to the dental plates, and start modulating the tonsils ? We have a practice of never suppressing any of the sidebands and our SWR is practically nil. Let's have a QSO.

Go back to the W6VIO Calling Index.