The next Club meeting, on January 10, 1973, is your chance to voice your opinion on how the Club is going to be run during the next year. Just as in the big elections last November, this is the time to exercise your right to vote. The nominating committee will present a slate of officers for the coming year and it is at this time that additional nominations may be made by the membership.
Under the provisions of our By-Laws, elections shall be held by ballot of the members. Ballots shall be sent out by the Secretary within one week after the January meeting. Ballots will be counted only if returned within 10 days following mailing of the ballots. If there is only one nominee for each office, the ballot may be dispensed with and the election held by Viva Voce vote at the meeting.
The new officers will be presented and installed at the February meeting.
So, if you want to make sure that your man has his chance, and you want to start the new year off right with the Club, BE THERE!! January 10, 1973, 238-543, Noon.
Mark that day on your calendar.. IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN...
There's a good possibility that the new slate of officers may be a hard-nosed bunch, and they might follow right down the line on the provisions of our By-Laws. Just for your information, we'll quote Article IV, Section 1:
The amount of annual dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors and shall be due 1 January and payable no later than 30 January to the Treasurer.
Article III, Section 7 also states:
Forfeit of membership shall be for delinquent dues.
Don't say we didn't give you ample warning!! However, why not look at it this way? If you don't get your dues up to date, you won't have a chance to read this newsletter any more. Isn't that enough of an inducement? Send your two bucks to Jay Bastow right now!! .... and, thanks.
You probably realize, as well as I do, that the potential membership of the JPL Amateur Radio Club may well be the most technically competent group in ham radio. It also happens that just about the nicest guys that can be found anywhere work at JPL. So, you can see why I have considered it a privilege to work with you in the Club, and to have benefited so much from our association.
Thanks, and 73's Al/W6MEO
The FCC has issued a Notice of Proposed Rule Making to again increase license fees. It is proposed to increase the fee for new and renewal applications from $9 to $10, and the fee for modification without renewal from $4 to $5. (From SoCal DX Bulletin - Jan. 173.)
Several years ago, the U.S. Post Office issued a 5 cent Amateur Radio Commemorative stamp. It carries Scott Catalog No. 1260, and may be of some value in prodding QSL's from stubborn DX stations. That is, you might be able to persuade an overseas stamp collector-ham (there are many!) this way.
Mint sheets are available from: Ajax Stamp Co., 9814 Main St., Bay Port Mich. 48720. The price is $3.50 per sheet, plus 50 cent mailing charge per order.
Jay Holladay, Chairman of the Nominating Committee has reported the slate of Officers that will be presented to the Club at the January 10th meeting. Here
they-are: President: Maurice Piroumian WA60PB
Vice President: Dick Ulrich K6KCY
Secretary: Marshall Fong K6AOC
Treasurer: Merrill Burnett K6BERHere's your chance to vote yea or nay -- BE THERE!!
Think about Field Day now? Sure enough!! And the sooner the better!!
Last year, we placed 106th out of 182 -- not too good, per se, but not too bad for four operators, three of which stayed on the hill full time. Also, most of the contacts were made by one operator on 40 and 80 -- namely Jim Lumsden WA6MYJ.
Evidently, we need more hardy souls for this 24-hour operation. Antennas on the higher frequency bands could stand a good deal of improvement. The combination of 40 and 80 meter inverted V that Jim used worked very well; on 20 meters, we had a vertical ground plane and a horizontal dipole. Even though they were matched with an SWR bridge, we always seemed to be at the bottom of the pile. On 15 meters, we had a dipole that did fairly well, but could have been better.
As I see it, we need beams of some type on these bands and on 10 meters. We did not have enough help or operators to get on 2 meters, even though we had the equipment on the hill. Jay Bastow did some CW work on 15 meters, but we could still use more CW men on the other bands.
We have no power problems, as was the case in 1971. The Club has an 1100-watt unit and we have access to other Lab units as necessary.
So, there it is! We have a lot of thinking and work to do before June, so let's hear from any of you volunteers or anyone else with ideas or suggestions.
CU on 160 Meters, Jerry Hawkes W6WXL Ext. 2034.FOR SALE
Heath HR-10 Ham Band Receiver with Xtal Calibrator HRA-10-1. $45.
Heath GR-91 General Coverage Receiver, BC to 30 MHz. $30.
Don Maxeiner X5100.Swan-240, 117 vac Power Supply, matching TCU unit containing extra VFO, VOX, 100 kHz calibrator; xmtr final has upgraded tube, good for over 300 W pep. Rugged, reliable rig. Covers 80, 75, 40, 20 & WWV. The whole enchilada for only $275!
Stan Hench, X2475, or 963-2225
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