Regular membership meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month beginning at 12 noon in 238-543. It is open to all interested parties.

The Board of Directors meet on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 12 noon in 198-211. It is open to all club members. You are invited to join in shaping the club's future.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING was held on June 27, 1973.

Attendees were: Dick Ulrich (VP), Marshall Fong (Secy), Merrill Burnett (Trees), Jay Holladay (Trust), Merv MacMedan (Emcee Comm Mae), Jay Bestow (Hot dog Chair), Glenn Berry (WARP Team Chi) and Nash Williams. Dick Ulrich, in the absence of the President, presided.

Merv MacMedan reported on the Editor's (Stan Hench) desire to retire due to the overloaded work condition that has existed and can only become more severe with time. The new Editor was motioned by Jay Holladay and approval was unanimous. (I sincerely appreciate the opportunity and will do my best.--Ed) I'm sure everyone has enjoyed and appreciate the extensive effort and talents provided by Stan and a genuine thanks is offered for a job very well done.

Jay Holladay reported that preparation for the Amsat 432 to 146 mHz translator test flight had been slightly glitched, as the designer and builder of the translator (DJ4ZC) was not able to send it to Amsat as scheduled. DL4ZC hopes to get a replacement unit built on a crash program for shipment to Calif by August Ruth. In spite of the setback, the test flight is scheduled for October.

Jay Bestow reported that the JPL picnic hot dog activity was doing well for July 14th.

Merrill Barnett reported the club treasury had +$357.08.

Glenn Berry advised that the WARP license application had not been posted, pending clarification of the Commission's confusing guidelines regarding remotely controlled stations. Glenn also advised that purchase of a new receiving antenna has been temporarily suspended. Glenn said, tests might be made but W6VIO will not be operated remotely until proper authorization has been received.


We have two new members, Bob Brodkin and Mike Morris.


If you have worked any foreign stations (Mexico included), you may have QSLs waiting for you at the ARRL Nth call area QSL Bureau. To receive them, send a 5" X 7" self-addressed stamped envelope with your call letters printed in block letters in the upper left corner to:

c/o Northern California DX Club
P.O. Box 11
Los Altos, Calif. 94022

Need 5 X 7 envelopes? They are hard to find, but check with Merv W6IUV. He has a supply of them with clasp that can be reused. They usually cost 10 cents each, but he'll sell them for 5. Call him at X2112.


QSL Bureau           Sam Weaver WB6EMO
EMI Committee        Jay Bastow WB6NFN
Membership Committee Wait Ross W6VPN
Station Facility     Bill Harris K6KZQ
Education Committee  Gordon Crawford WB6DRH

Ad-hoc Committees:

AMSAT Committee   Norm Chalfin K6PGX
AMSAT Test Flight Jay Holladay W6EJJ
Picnic Sales      Jay Bastow WB6NFN
Field Day         Jerry Hawkes W6WXL


NASA Net         Merv MacMedan W61UV
WARP             Glenn Berry K6GHJ
JPL Mobile Group Walt Ross W6VPN
RACES            Gordon Crawford WB6DRH


Congratulations are in order for Stan Brokl (K6YYQ) for acquiring XYL, moving to La Canada, and returning to the air waves very soon. The latter is a pretty good probability, since the new XYL is buying him a transmitter.

Congrats also to Stan Hench (WB6JMP) for his skillful performance with Bette's Bombers, a team of the JPL Bowling Club. The team became JPL champs last June 3rd at the Bahama Lanes in the Winners Rolloff (Universe 6-22-73).

Best wishes to our former President, Maurice Piroumian WA60PB). Maurice is now an employee of Hughes Aircraft Co. While still a member of our club (some of the members had a ball with him on Field Day on Mt. Wilson), he could not
continue as our President. Club officers are required to be employees of Cal Tech. Good luck Maurice.

Chuck Krinke (WA6LWB) is now working for Konigsberg in Pasadena, designing and building a super clean room for space work. Chuck is well known in the club for his work in getting our RTTY installation built and operational at W6VIO and more recently for the 450 mHz Wilson Amateur Radio Project (WARP). Chuck is remaining a club member and our best wishes to him on his new job.

ATS-3 Experiment to TERMINATE

The National Bureau of Standards has been conducting a Frequency and Time Satellite, located in synchronous orbit over South America. Time and Freq signals, similar to WVAr, are transmitted from NBS in Boulder Colorado, and rebroadcasted from ATS-3 on 135.625 MHz. Broadcast periods are 1700-1715 and 2330-2345 GMT, Monday thru Friday.- For the LA area, pointing angles for receiving antennas are 113 deg az, 25 deg elev. Total time delay from Boulder is 130 millisec.

Notice has been received that this experiment will terminate on July 31, 1973. If you have been tracking these broadcasts, your comments are solicited. Send them to:

Mr. D. W. Hanson
Frequency and Time Dissemination Research Section
National Bureau of Standards Boulder, Colo. 80302
Tel:(303) 499-1000 X-3510


Heath SB-101 transceiver 180 watts with mic, power supply and SWR meter. Operating condition. Make offer. Call days, Mike 790-0623 or Nash at 2047.

Want a nice compact, light weight, 2000 w pep linear (160 thru 10)?? Call Marshall X-5378.

Ed's note: I have some "for sale" requests but their status are not known. Please resubmit Please send any info to me 168-327.

Jet Propulsion Laboratory Amateur Radio Club
Attn: Bill Wood, Editor, Mail Stop DSCC-33
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109-8099

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