The March 14 th Club meeting turned out to one of great interest to all members. Chuck Krinke WA6LWB reported on the Wilson Amateur Radio Project (WARP). fie described the complex configurations and operations of remotely controlled amateur stations, and gave us an insight not previously available. Many thanks, Chuck, and keep up the good work!!


The NASA Emergency Radio Team conducted their monthly test of the NASA JPL radio station, NAUT, on March 7, 1973, with the entire command center on emergency generator power. No difference in performance was noted by tile operators, who were: Jay Bastow WB6NPN, Bill Harris K6KZQ, Glenn Berry K6GHJ, and Merv MacMedan W6IUV.

A message was sent to the Net Control Station at Goddard Space Flight Center, advising them of this accomplishment. While the generator has been installed and maintained for several years, it had never been actually used for a radio test. It is believed to be the first time this has ever been done at any of the NASA Centers.


The Civil Air Patrol is looking for qualified Hams who are interested in supporting search operations for lost aircraft, as well as certain Civil Defense or emergency operations, if the need arises. You don't have to be a Civil Air Patrol member, or a member of one of the emergency nets in existence. You will be working directly with the Civil Air Patrol out of your home station.

If you are interested, contact Horst Schneider, X6532, or 791-3336 after work.


In case you're still wondering what's what, as a result of the new frequency band expansions, and whether or not all of those FCC Dockets had any effect, Henry Radio printed up the latest info available, which we hereby relay to our readers on Page 2.


American Satellite Corp. wants to be known as AMSAT once it orbits a domestic communications satellite. But the acronym is already claimed by Radio Amateur Satellite Corp. Says an official of the satellite concern which has ' approached the amateurs about the problem, "Maybe they'll agree to call themselves RAMSAT. That's their initials, you know."
          Wall Street Journal, Pacific Edition 2/15/73


The latest editions of the Callbook -- both Foreign and Domestic are now available for members' reference in the Station Library, 171-B8.


Do you know why a man always stands with his back to a fireplace?

It all started years ago in Noah's ark. One day, the ark sprang a leak and, since everyone else was busy, Noah sent a dog to fix the hole. But the dog just sniffed around it and gave up. Then Noah sent a woman and she daintily tried to cover the opening with her foot. But it didn't work and she also gave up.

Finally, Noah assigned a man to the problem and he did fix the leak by a very simple device. He sat on it!! And ever since that day, dogs have always had cold noses; women have always had cold feet -- and men have always stood with their backs to the fireplace.
                         M. Habernickel, Jr.


What say we get serious for a few paragraphs and lay things on the line. There's going to be a few brickbats thrown, so get your bifocals well settled in.

A new slate of officers has taken up the reins of this Club, promising to do good things, and to help build things up again. As with all good intentions, this was not to be; our President-elect has had to leave the Lab, due to circumstances beyond his control. To this editor's way of thinking, it is no excuse to let things just slide along aimlessly for the lack of a nominal leader. We have been eagerly looking forward to printing some of the long-range plans of the Board of Directors, but haven't seen anything yet. We have been looking for some indication that this year is going to be different for the JPL Amateur Radio Club -- a good year, with some firm sense of direction, a few well-defined goals, and a sense of well-being and comraderie among the membership .... but, we haven't seen anything yet.

We have been looking for some good technical articles on the various aspects of ham radio and for some significant advances in the state of the art from our much vaunted experts .... but, we haven't seen anything yet.

We have also been anticipating some construction ideas, based on the highly sophisticated space age technology we are privy to here at the Lab -- even some simple, fundamental stuff .... but, we haven't seen anything yet.
More than 70% of the active membership has 2-meter FM mobile capability; yet, no move has been made to assure that at least two or three of these mobiles would be available for Lab communications use in the event of an emergency involving our Directorate Staff.

It's high time something was done to get our Club off the dime and moving forward in an unmistakably positive direction. our very survival depends on it and in these times, that's the name of the game. Then, instead of lamenting that we haven't seen anything yet, we might then forcibly declare, "You ain't seen nothing, yet!!"


At least 3 or 4 812-A Triode transmitting tubes --cheap-Les Hieda X2959.

Jet Propulsion Laboratory Amateur Radio Club
Attn: Bill Wood, Editor, Mail Stop DSCC-33
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109-8099

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