Regular Meetings: 2nd Wednesday of each month, 12 noon, 238-543. Open to all.
Board of Directors: 4th Wednesday of each month, 12 soon, 198-211. Open to all club members.
The need for "Loan Pool" "NOVICE" rigs is increasing and it would be great if we could dig out all those old DX-20's or equivalent rigs and old ARC-5's receivers for Loan Pool use. This would also help to clean up your storeroom and at the same time give a newcomer to Amateur Radio a big boost is getting started. Please contact us at X-5497 if you have anything to offer. -- Gordon Crawford, Education Chairman.
On the day of departure from Dakar last month, an American ham station was discovered at the Diarama Hotel. It in my understanding that the operator is with GATE and will be there thru Sept. I'll be arriving Dakar about Aug 26th (via a week delay at Mallorca), and I'll contact W6IUV via satellite link for sked info. The Dakar station does work 20 meters.
Merv (W6IUV) obtained communication predict for LAX-DKR. Times are PDT and only 20 meters is expected to work. For Sept 1974:
4 to 6 pm #3 (Effective from 14 to 22 days of the month)
2 to 4 pm #2 ( 7 " 13 )
6 to 7 pm #2
7 to 9 an #2Contact Merv X-3065 after Aug 27th If you're interested in possibility of working a 6WB.
W6VIO, The club station, needs a 75A4 CW Filter, Collins 455J series. 800 cps BW or narrower. Phone Merv 3065.
Contact Rudy WB6MXW 1-6147 if you are interested in any of the following:
Components for Hi-power Final. All parts show CCS rating and are NEW. Prices shown are new cost--make offer.
Jennings Vac Var Caps: 2 ea VVC-60-20 20kv $110 ea.
1 UCSF-250-10B 10kv, 4.5 to 253 pf $200 ea.
1 UCSL-3000-3S 3kv, 48 to 30OO pf $512 ea
2 ea Eimac 8283/3CX1000A, tubes $220 ea. Sockets $45 ea.
1 Filament Choke, B&W FC50, 50 amp $65
1 Plate Choke, B&W BBC 3.5K, 2 amp, 10kv $45.
1 " " National 1 amp $12.
1 9 MHz Xtal Filter, McCoy, Golden Guardian, 9 MHz SSB, steep skirt $45.
1 Microphone, Collins, SM-1 Dynamic, Hi-Z.THE CV-990 AIRCRAFT
that is used to support the GATE mission in Dakar should be "turning to it's home base (Ames) about Oct lst. It is rumored that an aeronautical mobile ham station will be added to it shortly thereafter. If so it will surely offer some interesting dx.
to Dick Kolbly K6HIJ, Joe Lapp WB6FWB &ad Kent Weaks WA6JKM on getting their JPL ten year pins.
ARRL QSL BUREAU by Jay Holladay.
Operation of the W6 QSL Bureau is moving to Southern California. In a new approach to sharing the load of bureau operation a number of clubs will be involved, each doing part of the job under the coordination of the L.A. Council of Radio Clubs. Under this plan the bureau will operate in the following way:
The Lockheed Employees Recreation Club (LERC) ARC will be the receiving point for all incoming cards and envelopes. At the Lockheed club the cards will be sorted into 25 groups based on the first letter of the call sign prefix (all prefixes included). From there the cards will be distributed to other participating clubs in which volunteers will handle the sorting, filing and distribution chores. Each volunteer will usually handle only one suffix-letter. For example, if W6ABC in handling the letter "M", he would handle all cards for calls starting with W6M--, K6M--, WA6M--, WB6M--. Novice and reciprocal license cards will be handled by the Lockheed club.
The JPL ARC is well represented in the new bureau, with the following volunteers each handling a letter: Merv, W6IUV; Gil, K6TOS; and Stan, K6YYQ. Besides the Lockheed and JPL clubs, other participating clubs are: Southern California DX Club, United Radio Amateur Club, Long Beach ARC, Monterey Park RC, Marina RC, Downey RC, San Fernando Valley ARC, TRW ARC, West Valley ARC and the Mike & Key RC. The volunteer group at Lockheed in headed by Bill Welsh, W6DDB; coordinator of the bureau for the L.A. Council is Archie Willis, W6LPJ.
The Northern California DX Club in proceeding to wind up their operation of the Bureau. The final sailing to everyone who has an envelope on file will be completed by Sept 15. At that time all remaining current cards (on hand less than one year) will be forwarded to the new bureau.
The new bureau will operate with the following policy: Minimum frequency of mailing to any station with envelopes on hand - Once a month if five or sore cards are on head; once every three months if at least one card is on hand. The bureau will handle no domestic cards (special prefixes, etc). First mailing from the now bureau will be during the month of October.
The address for the now bureau Is:
2814 Empire Ave.
Burbank, Ca. 91504Be sure to keep an-envelope (5" X 7-1/2") on file with them!!!!
(For everything you always wanted to know about the QSL bureaus but didn't know who to ask -- see the article "The ARRL QSL Bureau System" by Forbes and Troster in QST for February 1973)
Go back to the W6VIO Calling Index.