Regular Meetings: 2nd Wednesday of each month, 12 noon, 238-543. Open to all.

Board of Directors: 4th Wednesday of each month, 12 noon, 198-211. Open to all club members.


WS6MVM and WS7MVM will be operational from March 25 through April 5. Prime activity will be from Wednesday,
March 27 through Wednesday April 3. Both stations WILL be on the air over the weekend of March 30 - 31.

Additional operators are still needed for both SSB and CW. Please contact Chuck Weir at ext 2747 to select the time you prefer.


During the February 27th Board of Directors meeting, new director appointments were confirmed. The new directors are: Jay Holladay, W6EJJ, Trustee. Jay Bastow, K6CV, Emergency Communications Manager. Dick Ulrich, K6KCY, Immediate Past President.

Committee Chairmen appointed at the meeting are: Delegates to LA Council of Amateur Radio Clubs, Jay Holladay W6EJJ and Glenn Berry, K6GHJ. Newsletter Editor, Elmer McMillan, W6RBR. MVM73 Special Activity, Charles Weir, W6UM. QSL Bureau, Father George Williamson, K6YGN. Publicity, Hal Wheelock, W6SCW. Membership Records, Walt Ross, W6VPN. Program Coordinator: Nash Williams, W6HCD.

The DXer

George H.S. Williamson, K6YGN, who is slowly but surely inching W6VIO towards WAS and DXCC (using only QRP has a new distinction. On March 16, he was ordained a Priest of the Episcopal Church at St. Paul's Cathedral in Los Angeles. Its now more appropriate to refer to him as "Father" now rather than OM. Our best wishes to you George.

Meeting Presentation by Bob Goldman, K6BD, on March 13th.

Bob gave a talk on Radio Propagation. After March 20, Bob can be contacted at: Town House 315, The Village, Redondo Beach, CA. 90277. Bob is opening a Radio Shack on S.E. corner Redondo Beach Bl and Hawthorne Bl. Good luck Bob.

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