Regular Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 12 noon, in Room 238-543. They are open to all.

Board of Directors meet the fourth Wednesday of each month at 12 noon in 198-111. All club members are invited.


At the January 8th general meeting, Jay Bastow, K6CV conducted the elections. As Chairman of the nomination committee, he presented the oommittee's slate of nominees. There being no further nominations from the floor, a voice vote elected the following officers for 1975:

PRESIDENT:      Walt Diem   WA6PEA
SECRETARY:      Ralph West  WB6YMF
TREASURER:      Jim Lumsden WA6MYJ

Congratulations are offered to all and best wishes for a successful administration in '75. The out-going officers sure did a terrific job -a super job.


If you've been considering getting on 2 meters or 220 MHz, now is the time! The Club has arranged for a group purchase of the following VHF equipment at irresistably low unrepeatable discount prices.

2 Meter Equipment:

Icom IC-22, 22 channel 10 watt transceiver
Icom IC-3PA Power Supply & Speaker
Larsen Mobile Antenna
Antenna Specialities Antenna

220 MHz Equipment:

Midland 12 channel, 10 watt transceiver
Midland Power Supply & Speaker
Larson Mobile Antenna

Deadline for ordering Is Tuesday, January 28j, 1975. For info, call Walt Diem X-3186.


(ARRL Special Bulletin Nr 986, January 17,1975)

Effective March 1, 1975, a new reduced fee schedule goes into effect for the Amateur Service. The new fees are 44.00 for new licenses and renewals, $3.00 for modifications. FCC points out that remittances in excess of these fees received after March 1 cannot be refunded because of processing difficulties. Applications received before March 1 with insufficient money for fees in effect at that time will be returned. The League filing opposing the principle of fees for amateur licenses appears on page of December QST.


(ARRL Official Bulletin Nr 517, January 14, 1975)

While few amateur installations will be affected by new FCC rules to implement the Environmental Protection Act, all applications for station licenses after January 20, 1975 must so affirm by including a statement to the effect "This is not a major application as defined in Section 1.1305 of the Commission's rules". This assumes an antenna less than 300 feet high, or a dish less than 30 feet diameter, and a station location other than in a wilderness area, wildlife preserve., national historical area, etc. Check with ARRL Hq. if any question arises.


(ARRL Official Bulletin Nr 518, January 18, 1975)

The Board of Directors of the American Radio Relay League in annual session January 16-17, 1975, examined FCC proposals for restructuring in Docket 20282 and laid the groundwork for an extensive survey of members attitudes and opinions to be gathered prior to a special Board meeting called for May 16, 1975. Directors will seek member reaction in each division but agreed to ask similar questions in each case so national as well as regional views can be tabulated.

ARRL officers were authorized to take all necessary measures in opposing continuing efforts in government agencies to reallocate a portion of the amateur 220 MHz band to a Class E Citizens Radio Service. In response to an FCC inquiry, the League will file a brief seeking U.S. support for expansion of amateur bands at the 1979 world radio conference.

Richard Baldwin, W1RU, was named ARRL General Manager effective February 1. on retirement of John Huntoon, W1RW, who continues his term as Secretary. Thomas Watson, W6DW, plus League Directors K2SJO, AACY and W8ETU were elected to the Board of the ARRL Foundation. W4WHM, W5EYB, W6KW and W7PGY were reelected to the ARRL Executive Committee.

In the operating awards field, a CW DXCC will become available for contacts after January 1. 1975, a special WAS will be issued for contacts during Bicentennial Year 1976, and a plaque will become available to DXers reaching the top of the Honor Roll. The Technical Merit Award will be presented to DJ4ZC and DJ5KQ.

A cooperative project with the Sister Cities program will be expanded. To increase public service capacity a workbook will be prepared for reference use in disaster communications procedures, and W1AW will expand bulletin information during emergency communications activities or alerts. A world wide system of alerting amateur networks in impending or actual disasters will be explored.
Minutes of the meeting will appear in March QST.


Clegg 27D Synthesized 2 motor 30 watt Transceiver. Excellent condition! Only three months old. Asking $375. Vince W6RNO. 248-9230 (evenings oaly).

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