The JPLARC will be selling Hot Dogs once again at the ERC picnic, Soledad Sands, July 10th. "Profit" from this operation allows the club to function with minimal dues. Help is needed to set up the stand, to sell hot dogs during the picnic and to tear down. Volunteer a half hour or an hour; most help is needed between 11 am and 1 pm. If you are not going to the picnic, you can help load and unload at JPL. Two-meter coordination on 147.87/27 and 145.42 MHz. Call Ralph West/WB6YMF at X 6185 now!


The returns from the membership questionnaire were very gratifying. In 57 responses, there were 11 who upgraded their licenses in the past year, 64% are ARRL members, and more than half hold either Advanced or Extra Class licenses!

There was at least one amateur in each of the emission capability boxes provided on the questionnaire, with an almost 50/50 split above and below 30 MHz. There are 30 mobile units and 8 emergency generators reported.

There were no adverse comments and only a few suggestions were received. Some of these were "Restore TTY capability in Club Station," "More technical articles, seminars, etc." [I agree-how about some contributions! - Ed.]

One reason for the questionnaire was to determine if addresses are correct, so that we can be certain that every member is receiving VIO Calling and meeting notices. So if you have not returned a questionnaire, please do so, or at least advise the secretary that your mailing address is correct. Ralph West/WB6YMF, Secretary, 156-142; X 6185 [WB6YMF]


For the balance of the year AMSAT/OSCAR-6 will be ON for Amway communications only on ascending node orbits of GMT Monday, Thursday and Saturday. Since the condition of the battery is worsening with time, as expected, the schedule may be further reduced to extend the useful life of AMSAT/OSCAR-6. [K6PGX]


Emissions Docket. FCC has issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Docket 20777, that would delete entirely all references to specific emission types, such as Al, A5, etc. in the Amateur Radio rules. FCC proposes to replace the present provisions with limitations on the allowed bandwidth which an amateur signal may occupy in certain portions of the amateur bands. Four categories of permissible bandwidth are proposed. These are: less than 350 Hz; less than 3.5 kHz; less than 35 kHz, and 35 kHz or more. CW and RTTY emissions would fall in the less than 350 Hz sub-bands. SSB, FAX and conventional SSTV would be allowed in the 3.5 kHz or less sub-bands, and conventional AM and NBFM would fall into the 35 kHz or less category. The proposed table of authorized bandwidths would not allow bandwidths of greater than 3.5 kHz below the 28 MHz amateur band, thereby prohibiting use of double-sideband AN below 10 meters, Bandwidths of 35 kHz or greater would only be allowed on amateur bands above 1215 MHz, thus eliminating fast-scan TV from the 420-450 MHz band. There are many other implications, both good and bad, to this proposal. Full text will appear in July QST. Comments are due to FCC by June 23; ARRL has requested an extension of this due date to August 4.

Call Letter License Plates. We have apparently won a reprieve on the proposed increase in the cost of call letter plates, Assembly Bill 4271. After discussion with members of the Marin County ARC and others, Assemblyman Wornum (who sponsored the original bill) was favorably impressed with the communications provided by amateurs in emergency situations and with the usefulness of call letter plates in helping to identify the amateurs. He has stated that he will submit an amendment to AB4271 deleting all reference to radio amateurs - meaning that the rules (and price) for call letter plates would remain as they are now. Our people in Sacramento will continue to watch the situation, but it looks like the problem has gone away - for the time being.

1976 ARRL National Convention. Planning a vacation in the general direction of Colorado this summer? Then consider taking in the ARRL National Convention in Denver on July 16-18. The Rocky Mountain gang have a great program planned with plenty of activities for the rest of the family while you're taking part in the convention. See the ads in any recent QST for more info. [W6EJJ]


A radio licensing course by the Lockheed Amateur Radio Club will begin June 7 for 10 Mondays from 7 to 10 pm at 2814 Empire Avenue, Burbank, The class does not require radio training or experience. [L.A. Times, May 25, 1976, via W6HCD]


Nash Williams, W6HCD, instructor for the 5-to-13 wpm code classes announced that four members of that class successfully achieved the 13 wpm goal and certificates are being awarded. Said champs are: Sam Weaver, WB6EMO, Jim Atkisson, Russ Hedges, and Walt Ross, W6VPN. Nash is continuing on up above 13 wpm for those that wish to follow. Contact Nash at X 2047 for further information. Congrats! [W6HCD]


Again finding myself unable to attend the Board meeting because of some important out-of-town business, I asked Ralph West to supply me with the straight poop. Perhaps Ralph should become contributing editor of this "column!" Remembering that nothing here is gospel (since it hasn't been approved yet by the Board) let's roll:

The Board meeting of May 26, 1976 included:

Gordon Crawford WB6DRH
Stan Brokl K6YYQ
Nash Williams W6HCD
Ralph West WB6YMF
Jim Lumsden WA6MYJ
Jay Holladay W6EJJ
Norm Chalfin K6PGX

With President Brokl presiding, Gordon Crawford reported on his Publicity Committee activities. The July issue of Lab-Oratory is fully committed to Viking Project material, but the next issue (August or September) may provide some good coverage for the Radio Club's N6V activity.

The following off-lab members were unanimously approved for membership renewal, as required by the by-laws: Dennis Clark, Maurice Piroumian, and Sheldon Chelsy.

The Board unanimously agreed to reimburse Jay Holladay $6.14 for expenses related to the off-lab meeting with guest speaker Doug DeMaw.

The ATV activity which had been proposed for N6V has been cancelled.

The AMSAT Committee was commended for the successful booth at the Lockheed Hamfest last month. It was suggested that next year we get some real live AMSAT hardware to display.

Nash Williams announced a new course being offered by the Red Cross which includes licensing, first aid, and disaster assessment techniques. Starting June 14, they will be held every Monday and Thursday evening from 7 to 9:30 pm for 12 weeks. Info and registration from Gary Fuller, Pasadena Red Cross, 799-0841 Ext. 27, or from Stan Coutant/WB6WFI, Pasadena City College, 578-7250.

Nash also invited all interested persons to attend a Red Cross disaster preparedness seminar scheduled for August 6 in Claremont. The Red Cross would also welcome suggestions and help in preparing the seminar.


Thanks to Dick Piety and his dedicated helpers, the Trailer site is nearly ready to go full blast come June 18. That's when W6VIO becomes N6V, and we expect it to be a very popular contact. It is the first single letter suffix ever issued by the FCC! To satisfy this demand (and have the opportunity to send our special QSL cards to everyone we can) we need plenty of operators. If you haven't yet sent in your coupon (see May W6VIO Calling) please do it now. Jim Lumsden will not be pleading with you to operate. If you want the best times, sign up early! This operation helps the Club, the Lab, the Viking Project, NASA, and the USA by helping to develop interest in a most newsworthy event. Help us keep it on the air. See Jim - X 6276.


Jim Lumsden WA6MYJ will speak at the next regular meeting of the club, June 9th. He will talk about the status of N6V and what he expects out of the operation and the operators. Following Jim's talk, Jay Holladay W6EJJ will introduce a brand-new ARRL movie, "Moving Up To Amateur Radio" which is geared to introduce CBers to Amateur Radio. Stan Brokl, Club President, emphasizes that these meetings are open to anyone on lab, including CBers who are interested in Amateur Radio.


Someone said the membership of every organization is made up of four kinds of bones:

There are the wish bones, who spend their time wishing someone else would do the work; There are the jaw bones, who do all the talking and very little else; Next are the knuckle bones, who knock everything that everyone else tries to do; Finally, there are the back bones, who get under the load and do the work.

What kind are you? [S. Calif. OOTC Newsletter, 4/76]


Collins 310B exciter in good condition. Covers 80 through 10 meters, CW. 75 watts output. Includes original manual. Excellent Novice rig. $110 or best offer. Call Stan, K6YYQ X2715 or 353-9695 after 6 pm.


USM-38 Oscilloscope. 2 Hz to 6 MHz, .06 microsec. rise time, triggered sweep, sweep expander, voltage calibrator and calibrated timing marks. Full set of probes and instruction book included. $75. Walt Baumgartner, W6WLH 796-6260.


The Communications Act of 1934 allows us to copy but not use or divulge transmissions like these:

NKC (USCG) 16 wpm 0030 0630 1900 2100 GMT on 4346 8682 12730 17151.2 kHz

KFS (IT&T) 20 wpm 0420 1620 2200 2300 GMT on 6348 8715 12695 17185 22515

KPH (RCA) 25 wpm 6500 0818 1700 2300 GMT on 2045 4274 5488 8618 12808.5

WCC (RCA) 25 wpm 8pm PDST on 2136 4331 6376 8586 and 13033 kHz

WSL (IT&T) 28-30 wpm 8pm PDST on 4343 6418 8514 and 12997 kHz.

[Supplied by W6NAZ in The Common Ground, Apr. 76.]

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