August is the month of vacations and Club activity is at a low. Merv/W6IUV and family are in Columbia (HK land) and will return sometime in September. Jay/W6EJJ is off to Europe. Dick/K6SVP is basking in the sun at his beach house in Laguna. I have just returned from two weeks in Minnesota (W0 land) and was out of touch with everything while fishing and boating on the family lake in the northern part of the state. It appears that ham radio is far from the minds of most people at this time of the year.

Norm/K6PGX has been busy lecturing on Oscar, N6V and Amateur Radio at several radio clubs in the area. He also appeared at the Pasadena Woman’s Club on Aug 12th and talked about VIKING, etc. Norm is to be commended for his efforts in giving these talks to so many organizations.

VIO CALLING will be brief this month with the Secretary/WB6YMF substituting for our capable vacationing Editor. I hope everyone had a good vacation. Next month a Nominating Committee will be chosen to select Officers for 1977. Anyone interested in being on the committee or contributing to the committee please contact me at x2715 or x4944.

                 73 Stan/K6YYQ


The Club has been given the Model 300 Slow Scan Converter by ROBOT Research, Inc, San Diego* This converter I am certain will be a valuable piece of equipment the Club will be able to use over the years. The N6V slow scan pictures we have sent throughout the world have been very well received . I wish to say thanks to ROBOT for a fine gift. Stan/K6YYQ


The next phase of the N6V operation begins Thursday, Sept 2nd. The VIKING Commemorative Operation has logged over 6000 stations and we expect to top our original goal of 10,000 stations worked. A number of SWL'ers are also QSLing. The QSL cards have been delivered at last and we are now filling SASE's, with over 500 cards mailed to date (and many more to go). Photos received, a newspaper in New Hampshire and a Polaroid from Australia, are an indication of the great success of SSTV on N6V. Judicious use of SSTV has significantly increased the interest in following VIKING. Even Non-Hams are copying the pictures as evidenced by at least one letter asking for a QSL card for SSTV. The 116V operation %,Till run for two or three weeks following the landing of VIKING II or even longer if interest continues. Our crew needs your support, call me for best operating times. If operating is not your thing- then volunteer to address QSL cards. Jim Lumsden/WA6MYJ


The Club has an opportunity to assist a local Tennis Tournament to be held October 2nd and 3rd at five separate locations in the Pasadena area; PHS, PCC, Brookside Park, John Muir HS, Arcadia Park, and Blair HS. If you can help please call Stan/K6YYQ at x2715 before the 17th of September.


Any Club members interested in a group purchase of U.S. or Foreign CALLBOOKS please contact Jim Lumsden/WA6MYJ at x6726 before the end of Sept,

FOR SALE: Set of International Crystals for RACES Montrose District Frequency, Tx 145.42, Rx 145.42. John Martinez/WB6LKS, Call (213)795-8973 between 1300 and 1700 hours.

Go back to the W6VIO Calling Index.