If you haven't tuned around 10 meters lately because you thought it has been dead for the past few years, you may be pleasantly surprised to do so. You will undoubtedly find prolific activity there, both SSB and CW, with the band being open almost daily now.

I live in a townhouse and have to restrict my antenna farm to the "greenhouse" type ... those that grow well indoors! Having read about ten meters picking up in last month's QST, I crawled up into the attic and turned my 20 meter dipole into a 10-meter inverted Vee. I then tuned up my FT101B to about 90 watts and had a very nice discussion with a ZL chap (RST 559.)

The band is loaded with DX, even Europe and Africa occasionally, and it's very easy to work. If you are not a DX fan, I suspect you will have to go to great pains to avoid working some DX on 10 meters!

Another outstanding feature is the amount of room available. Going from 20 to 10 is like leaving downtown Los Angeles and going to the Grand Canyon ... very refreshing, indeed. Try it soon!


Guglielmo Marconi came to Cape Cod, Massachusetts, in 1901 to establish the first transatlantic wireless station in the United States. The station was constructed on the sand dunes of South Wellfleet, Mass. and was completed in late 1902. The transmitter was of about 30,000 watts power consisting of a three-foot diameter spark-gap rotor supplied with 25,000 volts of alternating current from a kerosene generator. The aerial wires were to be supported by 200 ft. masts. The masts, 20 in number, were placed in a circle 200 feet in diameter in the sand dunes. The Cape Codders were skeptical of the masts being erected in the sand dunes and as they predicted the masts were blown down in a northeast storm in November, 1901. Marconi then erected four 200 foot timbered towers and in late 1902 the station went on the air for tests.

On the night of January 18, 1903, Marconi attempted to send the following transatlantic wireless message from the then President Theodore Roosevelt to the King of England, Edward VII;

"His Majesty, Edward VII: In taking advantage of the wonderful triumph of scientific research and ingenuity which has been achieved in perfecting a system of wireless telegraphy, I extend on behalf of the American people most cordial greetings and good wishes to you and to all the people of the British Empire.

Theodore Roosevelt."

The message was received at the Marconi station in Poldu, England, and for the first time the United States had been linked with England by wireless. A return answer was received at South Wellfleet from King Edward VII and was delivered to the President through the South Wellfleet Railroad Telegraph station.

In 1907 the engineers realized that they had built the station too near to the ocean and by 1917 the sand dunes had eroded close to the tower bases. The station soon after had to be abandoned. Today approximately one-half of the site has been claimed by the Atlantic Ocean.

In its 15-year history of operation the station had three call signs: CC, MCC, and WCC. Old "CC" was a prime press outlet to ships at sea and to this day, WCC, now located in Chatham, Mass., is the busiest commercial radio station on the east coast. The station handles world wide traffic to and from ships at sea and is still communicating by international Morse code as used by Marconi in his day.

During the week of January 14-22, 1978, the Town of Barnstable Radio Club will celebrate the Ruth Anniversary of Marconi's first two-way transatlantic radio transmission. The club will recreate this event with a multitransmitter amateur radio station operating from the original location in the Cape Cod National Seashore Park in South Wellfleet, Mass. The station has received a special event call sign "KM1CC" from the Federal Communications Commission [issued before the recently imposed moratorium on special event calls. - Ed.] and will be manned by members of the Barnstable Radio Club. "KM1CC" will be capable of world wide communications. The station will be open to the public and we hope you will come and visit us. [Tnx Frank Caswell, W1ALT, via WA6MYJ]

ARRL NOTES - By Jay Holladay, W6EJJ

Repeater Deregulation - ARRL plans to petition the FCC for reconsideration of the recent report and order on Docket 21033 - repeater rules simplification. The League will ask for reconsideration of three points:

a) retention of distinctive WR repeater callsigns

b) retention of separate licenses for repeater stations

c) protection for "weak signal" work (i.e., moonbounce, meteor scatter, etc.) in portions of the bands above 220 MHz now totally open to repeaters.

W6KW Status - As many of you have heard by now, ARRL Southwestern Division Director John Griggs, W6KW, suffered a stroke on the night of Sept. 9/10. After undergoing several weeks of therapy at Northridge Hospital, John has recently been moved closer to home. He will be undergoing additional therapy at the Memorial Rehabilitation Center, Santa Barbara County Hospital, Santa Barbara, Ca. 93105.

John sends his greetings to everyone and his thanks for all the cards and messages received. He is now going through the long, slow process of recovery from a major stroke. We are all hoping to hear him on the air soon from the home QTH and that he will be back in the action before too long.

Ham Radio Wins One! - The FCC has dropped its proposal for a new Class E CB radio service at 224-225 MHz. In its memorandum and order terminating docket 19759, the Commission stated that since the release of the original proposal in 1973 significant events have occurred which render the original comments and reply comments obsolete. These include the dramatic growth in number of CB licensees to over 10 million and accompanying changes in the way the service is used, as well as an increase in the number of authorized CB channels from 23 to 40, and a recommendation by personal radio planning groups that frequencies other than 220-225 MHz be considered for a personal radio service. The commission will address the issue of new personal radio services including alternate frequencies in some future rulemaking.


In the first national "test" case involving multiple amateur radio and CB radio issues, the California Court of Appeal rendered its very important decision on October 3, 1977. Addressing itself to almost every issue raised by John Schroeder (W6UFJ) in defense of the rights of personal communication users and manufacturers, the California Court of Appeal decided the case of Schroeder v. The Municipal Court of the Los Cerritos Judicial District and issued an eleven page written Opinion, certified for publication in the state and national official case reports.

In its written opinion, the three Justices of the Appellate Court had favorable comments for hams and CBers on some important issues, but ruled unfavorably on others. In summary, the Court declared that electrical interference is a matter of federal jurisdiction and that state courts and state government have NO JURISDICTION in this area. In matters of local or municipal antenna height restriction ordinances, the Court ruled that, because of public safety and economic values, a forty foot antenna height restriction ordinance is constitutional on its face ... but that it could be successfully challenged if the antenna owner demonstrated the tower was safe and did not impair economic values of the community. The Court declined to rule on the issue of antenna "aesthetics" or economic effect alone, but instead concerned itself solely with safety and economic values "interwoven" together.

Mr. Schroeder's attorney, Frederick J. Lawson (K6JAN) is both pleased and disappointed with the Court's decision. Describing his feelings, Mr. Lawson stated: "Although it is a landmark decision for amateurs, CBers, and manufacturers, I was hopeful of obtaining a definitive appellate ruling on state and local government regulation of antenna heights. The issues involve complex constitutional law principles and must ultimately be decided by the United States Supreme Court, but we must first proceed to the California Supreme Court. At least we now know that ordinances which prohibit radio antennae altogether are unconstitutional (at least in California), and that state courts and local government have no authority over electrical interference.

"This case can have even more of a national impact. In addition to height restriction ordinances, consider its potential impact on deed restrictions regarding antenna height!"

Mr. Schroeder, personally, and on behalf of all other personal communication users, wishes to extend his appreciation to Wilson Electronics, Inc., Yaesu Electronics, Inc., American Radio Relay League, and the Personal Communications Foundation for their contributions toward some of the legal costs in his case. [Tnx Common Ground, W6EJJ, K6YYQ, K6PGX]


The JPLARC Board of Directors met on October 26, 1977 with the following members in attendance:

Jim Lumsden, WA6MYJ*  Gil Yellow, K6TOS
Dick Piety, K6SVP*    Norm Chalfin, K6PGX
Jack Patzold, WB6TXG* Booth Hartley, N6BH
Stan Brokl, K6YYQ*    Merv MacMedan, N6NO
Glenn Berry, K6GHJ*   * - voting member.

President Lumsden chaired the meeting, and in the Treasurer's absence, discussed the issue of how we should best spend the excess of money we now hold in our treasury.

Norm Chalfin reported on the Oscar Aircraft Test Flight in Skip Reymann's absence. Airplane communications will rely heavily on 220 MHz, while a ground status and information dissemination net will run all during the test on 40 meter SSB. N6NO agreed to interface with W6UM for possible use of his San Luis Obispo site for air-ground communications mid-state.

Merv MacMedan requested a newsletter budget but was advised that the club's "publications" allocation ($40) was all his for newsletter purposes if needed.

Walt Diem proposed the club purchase the new Midland 171-513 220-225 MHz synthesized rig for approximately $400. Approved by the board.

Dick Piety requested a 25 mm lens be purchased from Robot for the club's Slow Scan TV station for approximately $65. Approved by the board.

A discussion on whether the club should have a policy of purchasing test gear for members' use off-lab was tabled until further consideration could be given to some of the fine points of such a policy.

WR6APS AT JPL - By Booth Hartley, N6BH

Unfortunately, Booth has been caught up in work and other activities and has not been able to supply us with this column for this month. However, please keep sending your tidbits of information and contributions to Booth at Mail Stop 238-218. Don't forget to log "new calls heard" also, as we hope to print a consolidated list of everyone heard so far on the repeater in a handy-to-use format.


The FCC has expanded the repeater subbands (effective November 4) by opening an additional one MHz on two meters (144.5 to 145.5 MHz) and all amateur frequencies above 220 MHz except the 435-438 MHz space communication subband, to repeater use. As a result, the Southern California Repeater Association (SCRA) Technical Committee has carefully evaluated the various proposals for band plans for these new frequencies. This Committee is responsible for coordination of repeater frequencies in Southern California on 2m and 220 MHz. The Committee finally adopted the following band plan to be presented to the SCRA membership for approval at the next general membership meeting:

The SCRA 2-meter band plan consists of 19 channels beginning at 144.52 MHz with 20 kHz channel spacing and output frequencies of the repeaters 600 kHz above input frequencies. The plan includes a guard band of 200 kHz (144.9 to 145.1 MHz) for non-channelized, non-FM communications. In recognition of current simplex operation, an additional 100 kHz (145.1 to 145.2 MHz) will not be coordinated for a period of one year.

It should be noted that there are differences between this plan and that proposed by ARRL. The Committee recognized the desirability of conforming to the ARRL supported Northern California band plan consisting of 20 channels on odd-numbered 20kHz spaced frequencies. The selection of even-numbered frequencies was adopted to minimize interference with the large number of existing organized amateur networks involved in public service emergency communications, and in recognition of the near impossibility of these networks shifting frequency. One wonders if Northern California may have overlooked a similar problem in the San Francisco Bay Area! [Sounds like quite a challenge to get the Northern Californians to be able to talk with the Southern Californians and vice-versa when they travel and also to make a synthesizer that will cover both schemes without costing a pile. Northern Calif, want to reconsider your plan? - Ed.]

The SCRA 220 MHz Technical Committee carefully studied the existing coordinations for repeaters and auxiliary links on 220 MHz, along with the need for other modes of operation, such as FM simplex, SSB, AM, and CW. With all auxiliary link and repeater frequencies assigned, there is no possibility of expansion of the 220 MHz repeater subband in Southern California without usurping frequencies from other modes of operation. Therefore, the Committee voted to maintain the existing 220 repeater bandplan.


Readers and Tape Operators for making tapes for the Blind are needed; no experience necessary. Call 664-5525 Mon-Thurs 9am-10pm; Fri & Sat, 9am-3pm. Give a little - help a lot! [Lenore Jensen via N6CI]


All members (and particularly committee chairmen) intending to submit budget items for calendar year 1978 are requested to send their submittals to Ron Ploszaj, 233-307, by November 15th. A preliminary draft of the CY-78 budget will be made available to the club membership during the last week of November. Copies of the 1977 budget for reference can be obtained from Ron upon request.


It is again planned to have a group purchase of 220 MHz transceivers and possibly mobile antennas, based on the interest of club members. Jay Bastow, K6CV, will handle the details for Walt Diem, WA6PEA. The following equipment is being considered:

Prices and other information may be obtained from Jay at X 2500. Checks should be mailed to Jay Bastow, 138-310, and must be received prior to November 18, 1977 to participate in the group order. Delivery is expected to be approximately one month. [K6CV]


Try as we might, Murphy always seems to like to visit us as we bang away late at night. In the S.S. Brokl article last month, 2 Meters Revisited, two errors appeared. First, the diodes should be type 1N916, not 1N716. Second, in the coding chart, the frequency 147.060 appears twice. The second time it should really read 147.090.


To Ron Zenone who went balls-out for his Advanced class on Sept. 7 and passed; Ron is awaiting a new W6 preferred call, as he was formerly W3IHW.

To Warren Apel, K6GPK, who recently also upgraded to Advanced. You guys are keeping the FCC office busy!

To Steve Brown, on shedding his WA6LAO for a new N6OE.


Astatic D-l04 Mike with Model G Stand. Cliff Moore, K6KII. Work Phone: 572-3284.


Gotham beam, 4 elements on 20 meters, $40. or trade. Call Steve Brown, N60E, X2269 or home, 794-7323.


Collins KWM-2 HF transceiver, Collins PM-2 AC supply, Collins MP-1 mobile supply, Collins Noise Blanker, Novice adapter, mobile mount, mobile mike. Complete, $650. Steve Bednarczyk, WB6MJK X7747 or home, 249-7539.


Help with this newsletter. Merv, N6NO. X 7264.


Time and Frequency Users Manual (NBS-TN-695)
George Kamas, Editor.
Published by National Bureau of Standards

This manual will be extremely helpful to all technically oriented persons. It explains how to use commonly available services to measure time and frequency for purposes of calibration and/or display. The services discussed are: WWV, WWVH, CHU, WWVB, LORAN-C, TV Line 10, Color Burst TV Signals, various atomic standards, and how to use all of the above in a practical situation with charts, diagrams, etc. Order from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 as SD Catalog No. C13.46-695. The price is $2.80, including postage. [Reviewed by Paul Morrison, K6SUE]


Paul Morrison, K6SUE, collects data on Active Filters and is interested in hearing about any articles you may come across. A brief note of the article's existence would be helpful, while a Xerox copy would really put Paul in a good mood. In fact, is anybody interested in a technical information clearing house to help keep all participants up on the latest developments showing up in the literature? Such an interchange of information would be most beneficial. If interested, get in touch with Paul on the WR6APS repeater, or call him at 249-4459.

MEMBERSHIP LIST: Many thanks to Ron Ploszaj, WA6TPW, for furnishing us with the following list of members.

Go back to the W6VIO Calling Index.