By Norm Chalfin, K6PGX

Amateur Radio Operators in the Soviet Union launched two communications satellites on October 27, 1978. They are designated respectively, RS-1 and RS-2. The call(s) are RS3A.

The orbits of the two ham satellites are very similar to the OSCAR-7 satellite orbit about the poles. The orbital altitude is 1744 km at apogee and 1628 km at perigee with a period of 120.23 minutes. The orbital precession is 30.1 degrees and the inclination 82.6 degrees-Nov. 19 Eqx = 271.9W at 00:27:25Z.

The input uplink frequency for the communications translator is 145.88 to 145.92 MHz; the downlink is 29.35 to 29.39 MHz, but it can be received beyond this range on either side for some distance. The receiver is reported to be extremely sensitive: only 3 watts uplink power ERP on two meters is recommended. As indicated below, excess power takes the spacecraft off the air.

The telemetry beacon frequency is 29.402 MHz and the telemetry seems to have 15 channels. Each telemetry data element includes 4 characters: a letter, two numerals, and a letter. Example: C90K. The data is transmitted in Morse code at approximately 20 wpm. If the first letter is "C" (e.g. the receiver AGC channel) and the numerical value is 90 or higher, the transmitter goes off the air, not to be back on again until the spacecraft is in view of the control station in Moscow, UK3ACM. This is to prevent overloading the spacecraft systems. Telemetry data blocks beginning with "B" or "D" are believed to indicate voltages, and when multiplied by 0.02 give the voltage values. A data block beginning with a "Z" appears to be a temperature indicator, while blocks beginning with "O" or "G" appear to be terminator crossing indicators.

One of the RS spacecraft has been turned off, presumably until the two spacecraft are separated further. They presently are rather close together. Listening during the first few orbits to both spacecraft was confusing. The two spacecraft are packaged differently: one is enclosed, while the other has its systems exposed to the space environment. The purpose of this is to make comparisons under the two environmental conditions. One of the reports has indicated that the power systems of each are different also. No details, though.

Cover of July, 1978 issue of PA[delta]JO magazine (RADIO) showing one of the RS satellites with articulated solar panels above and below the hex body. (K6PGX.)

The ID before the telemetry frame is RS. If repeated twice ("RS RS") it indicates the transponder is in operation. I have listened to the Soviet Amateur Spacecraft one evening for about 20 minutes, then lost it for about 10 minutes, after which it was heard again for about 15 minutes. This phenomenon was also confirmed by observers in the Fast, and it is believed to be caused by an ionized layer reflection condition.

If you hear the spacecraft, AMSAT, P.O. Box 27, Washington DC 20044 would appreciate your report identifying the time heard in UTC and the data recorded in the telemetry frames.


The Nominating Committee, appointed by WA6MYJ and made up of K6CYY, N6NO and chaired by WB6DRH, has come up with an exciting slate of candidates for the club's leadership positions next year. The nominees are:

PRESIDENT:      Mike Griffin, N6WU
SECRETARY:      Ron Zenone, W6TUZ
TREASURER:      Warren Apel, K6GPK

The club By-Laws (Article VII) provide for officer nominations through a president-appointed committee in November. Then this committee magically brings forth a slate for presentation to the club. However, there is an opportunity for floor nominations at the December meeting, before the elections are held. If there is more than one nominee for any office, the Secretary is required to send out ballots to all members within one week after the December meeting. Ten days later is the deadline for receipt of ballots to be counted. If only one member is nominated for an office, then the ballot is dispensed with and confirmation of election is by voice vote.

This year we have two nominees continuing in office, proving once and for all that holding a club office really isn't all that painful! Mike, who was Secretary this year will run for President, and Warren is continuing as Treasurer.

Two new people taking office are George Morris and Ron Zenone. Both are well suited to the task and we are sure they will do an excellent job. We also hope that all club members will back them wholeheartedly throughout 1979.

Don't forget to come to the ELECTION MEETING, December 13.

ARRL NOTES de W6EJJ (Jay Holladay, x4443)

The 1979 edition of the annual ARRL Net Directory is now out and I have some copies available for club members who would like them. I also have a few extra copies of the 1979 Repeater Directory for those who didn't get one at one of the recent club meetings where they were distributed. My office is always open for comments or criticism on ARRL, FCC or amateur radio matters in general. Don't let this opportunity pass! Mail stop 233-208.


This month's issue is coming out somewhat earlier than usual so your editor can enjoy some well deserved Thanksgiving vacation. Consequently, the scheduled Board meeting for November 29 will not be covered in this issue, but will be dutifully reported in the next issue. The next issue will also be out early, well before the Christmas holidays, so please get your articles and ads in to me in plenty of time. Thanks for your indulgence! (N6NO)


Walt Diem, WA6PEA, is Trustee of more than just our club's three repeaters. In addition, he is trustee for WR6APP, the RACES repeater on Mt. Disappointment. Recently, the Red Cross needed and used it for communications during the October 23-24 fire emergency, and, according to the commendation from Frederick L. Thorsen, Red Cross Communications Coordinator for the San Fernando District, "WR6APP was the only 2-meter communications available between the Pacific Palisades and the San Fernando Valley." Nice going, Walt,


Slow Code (5-15 wpm): (All times are PST)

6 am M - W - F
1 pm Tu-Th-Sa-Su
4 pm M - W - F
7 pm Tu-Th-Sa-Su

Fast Code (35-10 wpm):

6 am Tu--Tr
1 pm M - W - F
4 pm Tu-Th-Sa-Su
7 Pm M - W - F

Official Bulletins (18 wpm):

7 am M through F
2 pm Daily
5 pm Daily
8 pm Daily

Frequencies serving the West Coast are:
   1.835, 3.58, 7.08, 14.08, 21.08, 28.08 MHz.
This schedule will be in effect through April 29, 1979.


With the generous cooperation of Miguel Santana, WB6TEB, another VHF tune-up clinic is being planned for December. Bring your rigs and have power output checked, along with frequency settings, deviation, and spectrum purity. The tentative date at press time is Saturday, December 16, but please check on the 220 MHz News Net for confirmation and location as the date approaches. (WB6TEB)

WANTED. Inexpensive multiband HF Novice-type transmitter with VFO. Can fix if broken. Gary L. Stevens, WD6FLY, x6766 or 3036; mail address 238-420.

WANTED: ATLAS 210 HF transceiver in good condition. Joe Cutting, WA6EPY, x4988 or home, 793-5960.

WANTED: 1 or 2 KW Low Band (HF) Linear Amplifier. Also antenna rotator (HAM-M or similar) for 3-element triband antenna. Miguel Santana, WB6TEB. Office: 7999161 Home: 447-5808.

WANTED: Marine VHF radio, preferably 12 channels min. Does not need to be working but must be repairable. Merv MacMedan, N6NO x7264.

FOR SALE: HF Receiver/Transmitter System: DRAKE R4B, T4XB, AC4, MS4 complete system with extras $650. Also MULTI-2000 144-148 MHz synthesized FM/LSB/USB/CW transceiver, $300. Also CB base, mobile and hand-held equipment. Skip Reymann, W6PAJ. Office, 213-445-5955 Ext. 305; home, 714-599-3936.

FOR SALE: SONY B&W 1/2" reel-to-reel video recorder system. Recorder, monitor (9" Sony TV) camera, tripod, mike, cables. Used 25 hrs; has brand new set of heads. $500 or best offer. Miguel Santana, WB6TEB. Office, 7999161; home, 447-5808.

FOR SALE: Icom IC-22A 2 meter, 10-watt FM transceiver. Includes crystals for 34/94, 94/94, 52/52, 22/82, 28/88. In original box, never used: $175. Additional crystals in unit $4 each if sold separately, or $270 for entire package, radio plus crystals:

145.30T/145.30R RACES 146-76T/146-76R Simplex
145.66T/145.30R RACES 146-34T/146-34R Simplex
145.42T/145.42R RACES 146.82T/146.82R WR6ACD (out)
146.01T/146.61R WR6ABB 147.69T/147.09R WR6AAA
146.04T/146.64R WR6ACF 147.72T/147.12R WR6ADH
146.16T/146.76R WR6AFX 147.93T/147.33R XE2RBC
146.25T/146.85R WR6ACJ 147.435T/146.40R WR6AMD
146.46T/146.46R Remote
Jim Fuhrman, WB6HIE, x5358 or home, 793-0942.


as of November 10, 1978

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