For the July 12 meeting of the JPL Amateur Radio Club our speaker will be Gene Thom, W6HIT. His topic is "RESCUE TEAM COMMUNICATIONS". Gene will describe the various activities of the Sierra Madre Search and Rescue Team and, in particular, the wide range of communications utilized by the team to fulfill its motto: "We'll Go Anywhere, Anytime."
Gene has been a radio amateur since 1951, has been on the rescue team since 1959, and has been its communications officer for several years. He had participated in many rescues on both sides of the U.S.-Mexican border. Some have been dramatic, some painful, but none dull. Time: 12 noon. Place: Bldg 238 conference room (543). Come and bring a friend. (Tnx W6HCD)
EDITORIAL by Jim Lumsden, WA6MYJ
Many significant gains have been made by the Club in the past months and years. With the overall hobby of amateur radio expanding into new and broader horizons, our Club is doing its best to provide the capability for all our members to participate in and enjoy as many different aspects of our hobby as possible. The questions are 'Where are we going?' and 'Where should we be going?'
I have been pleased with the attendance at the monthly board meetings, which are seldom dull, and with the turnout at the regular Club meetings. But something is lacking: talk! The board and regular meetings are much too time constrained and valuable to permit much 'kick-it-around type of discussion. It is difficult enough to get through the meeting agendas without having to allow time for open brainstorming sessions.
Brainstorming sessions are valuable though. The first in a series of biweekly breakfast workshops will be held in the JPL main cafeteria beginning at 7:00 AM
PDT (l400Z) on Wednesday, July 19, 1978. These breakfasts, to be continued as long as people enjoy them, have two goals: (1) Foster open discussion with a goal of developing a club game plan; and
(2) Foster club camaraderie at something other than work parties and at a time other than evenings and weekends. Some questions that might be tossed out for discussion include:
- (1) Where should the new 40 meter beam go?
- (2) How should the trailer interior be configured?
- (3) What kind of test facility should the trailer house?
- (4) How can the control cables up to the water tanks beat be protected?
- (5) What are the overall station/facility goals?
- (6) Should we work toward a mobile trailer facility for emergency and educational purposes?
- (7) What should our future commemoratives be like?
So bring your ideas, concerns, proposals, complaints and whatever to breakfast and lets talk. (Note: breakfast is very reasonable). Time: 7:00 AM Date: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays beginning July 19, 1978. Place: JPL main cafeteria Participants: YOU!
Jim Fuhrman, WB6HIE, was in an auto accident in May and was in the Marina Mercy Doctors Hospital for approximately six weeks. Jim is afflicted with Multiple Sclerosis and lives and works in a wheel chair. The accident was not related to the handicap but did cause the loss of sight in one eye. As of the week of June 12, Jim has been home in Pasadena, recuperating. The JPLARC wishes Jim well and a speedy return to work. See you soon, Jim. (Tnx K6BER)
The time has come to conduct an inventory of all club, club assigned, and loaned-to-club equipment. Save me the trouble of calling you. Please return the equipment to the trailer before Thursday, July 13, so the inventory can be accomplished with a minimum of confusion. (WA6MYJ)
We must start now for publicity on the Voyager encounter of Jupiter commemoratives. Beginning with the observatory phase for Voyager 1 in January (that's right, it's almost there). I anticipate as much success as we had with N6V, even without a special callsign. Please, be thinking about it, and volunteer for something if you can (Why is it that busy people can always do one more thing?).
Much of our recent financial success and-Lab rapport can be traced directly to the commemorative and Lab activities we have participated in. Let's keep it up. For now, I will act as advisor but please someone say you will ramrod. (WA6MYJ)
After many requests to open the Westlink Radio Network to general membership, Westlink has decided to make a membership program available. Membership is $5.00 per year, and is available to any licensed amateur radio operator. Membership benefits include a quarterly newsletter which will contain the current schedule (see Jan. 1978 W6VIO CALLING) and other information about the network.
Westlink is currently expanding its operations to keep up with the growing demand for amateur news dissemination. More and more repeaters and other stations are carrying the Westlink News, and the number is growing all the time. Your membership will help to support this organization. If you have further questions, call or write: Westlink, 12731 Rajah Street, Sylmar, Ca. 91342. Ph: (2l3)367-7228. (Tnx N6NO)
WR6APS AT JPL Conducted by Booth Hartley, N6BH
Repeater Status. The original receiver (from a Midland 13-509) has been repaired and reinstalled into WR6APS. The noisy squelch tail is gone, as are the spurious response problems. The backup receiver (Hamtronics) is being reinstalled into WR6APR, for the time being. The final desired configuration can be reached only after the purchase of two Midland rigs (part of the next group purchase). These two transceivers will be made into repeaters: one for the closed autopatch WR6APR, and the other as a spare for both of our repeaters.
The ID on WR6APS was shortened by dropping the 'JPL' part. The long ID was troublesome when the Table Mountain link was in use.
Group Purchase. Ron Ploszaj, WA6TPW, is coordinating a group purchase of Midland rigs. If interested, contact Ron. The cutoff date is July 14.
. . . to Erv Wiebe, K6JUB, for his invention of a multistage refrigeration system (patent granted to NASA) (Tnx May, 1978 NASA Activities)
. . . to Dick Piety, K6SVP, who finally received his SSTV WAS award (certificate no. 25).
The June 28 meeting of the board of directors was attended by WA6MYJ, N6WU, W6EJJ, W6HCD, N6BH, WA6SVY, WB6EMO, WB6DRH, N6BF, N6QV, K6PGX, K6GHJ, K6SVP and N6OE. A quorum was present. After calling the meeting to order, the president, WA6MYJ, reported that W6HCD's 2 meter rig, loaned to the club for field day, had suffered a blown final stage during that event. Allocation of funds to its repair was unanimously approved. N6BH than gave a status report on the repeater (see above). N6WU's minutes of the May 24 board meeting were approved and K6PGX relayed a request from Bob Wilkins for someone to speak on JPL's tracking stations at the Tri-County Radio Club in Pomona on July 20.
W6EJJ informed the board that the renewal of the W6VIO station license had been sent in on May 28 and also described W6LZP's legal problems in erecting a tower in La Canada Flintridge (since this new city does not yet have specific regulations on amateur radio towers).
WA6MYJ reminded the group that support is needed for our hot dog stand at the JPL picnic. At this point WB6DRH submitted some plans for a collapsible cooking facility, which could be used for the picnic, field day and other events. K6SVP offered to help with the project and the board voted to authorize $100 for materials. WB6DRH described a successful contact between W6VIO and VR6TC, Pitcairn Island, (on the first call!) and subsequent traffic on Project Sunfire. Following this the meeting was adjourned. (N6OE)
HF linear amplifier to run on 220 volts. No sweep tubes please. Steve Brown, N6OE, 6l57/794-7323.
Older equipment, well cared-for, suitable for beginner's station. National NC-l90 general coverage receiver, knight T-60 CW transmitter, assorted accessories. Phone Mike Griffin, N6WU, 249-4036 or x7267.
TOWER, 50 ft. free-standing, will hold largest beams in hurricane. $195.00. Phone Walt Diem, WA6PEA, 2487525 or X3186.
WILSON 1402SM 2 meter, 2 watt HT with TT pad and batteries. $220.00. Walt Diem, X3l86.
WILSON 1405SM 2 meter, 5 watt HT with TT pad, batteries, crystals. $295.00. Phone Bob Akers, WYY, X2653.
ICOM 22A 2 meter, 10 watt, crystals for 22 channels. $185.00. Bob Akers, K6CYY, X2653.
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