Dr. Chris Buckley, WD6CLE, will return to the club on May 10 to continue his fascinating talk on how radio amateurs can help in earthquake prediction research. During his last talk we learned about some of the leading indicators of impending seismic activity. Now we will hear how we can collect data and help transmit and filter it. See you there!
The amateur callsign structure has been completely overhauled, effective March 24. No special callsigns or special event callsigns will be issued, and licenses for personal secondary stations will no longer be renewed. Call areas will remain, and will determine the prefix of a callsign issued to an address in that area, but an individual can retain his callsign indefinitely if he wishes, even if his permanent location changes call area.
Under the new policy, which divides callsigns into four "groups," 2x1 and Nx3 callsigns will soon be heard. Group A includes 1x2, 2x1, and 2x2 (AA-AL prefixes), available to Extras only. Group B includes 2x2s, other than AA-AL, and will be available to Advanced Class license holders. Group C is 1x3 callsigns, available to Generals and Technicians, while Group D is 2x3s for Novices. In Group A, 2x1s will be the first calls issued, while Nx3s will be the initial Group C issue.
The initial Extra Class callsign (Group A) assigned in each call area will be AAxA, but 2x2s for Advanced class (Group B) will begin with KA1AA in the first call area but KBxAA in all others (since KAx2 callsigns are currently is use by U.S. military personnel in Japan.) Novices are also going to start a new callsign group (Group D) with KAx3 such as KA3AAB.
Note: Only Extras and other class licensees who are upgrading or applying for their first amateur license are currently eligible for the new calls. Requests are made by specifying on line 13A of Form 610, "Please assign a group ... callsign" when filing the application. But, for any Extra who has received a 2x2, the FCC will process a request for change, if received before October 1, 1978, to a 2x1 callsign. Applications from others will be returned!
New Prefixes for U.S. Pacific and Caribbean Islands are.
- KH1, Canton KH7, Kure
- KH2, Guam KH8, Samoa
- KH3, Johnston KH9, Wake
- KH4, Midway KP1, Navassa
- KH5K, Kingman KP2, Virgin Islands
- KH5, Palmyra KP3, Serrana Bank
- KH6, Hawaii KP4, Puerto Rico
Other spots, such as the Marshall Islands and Guantanamo Bay, are not FCC-administered, and so remain unchanged.
ARRL has petitioned the FCC to reconsider and have another hearing on the callsign changes and licensing, stating that " appears the Commission has been inconsistent in the extreme" in much of the new procedures. Some specific League objections are that it's a "drastic action having a long range, lasting adverse effect on Amateur Radio ... to solve an immediate and lessening problem" (Gettysburg's workload) and likens it to "using a sledge hammer to kill a gnat." They also feel that other possible alternative solutions for the problem weren't considered and too little thought was given to its negative aspects. (Tnx Ham Radio and HR Report.)
By Mike Griffin, N6WU
As was pointed out in a recent issue of W6VIO Calling, fees for obtaining California automobile license plates bearing your callsign will soon be going up. So, while the fee is still a reasonable $3, here's how to get yours.
You need three items: your original FCC license, your car registration, and your current plates. Make sure your license is currently valid; i.e., not in need of renewal. Take these things and your $3 to any local DMV office (cash, no checks!) and head for the registration counter. Don't make the mistake of standing in the wrong line. In fact, don't stand in line at all. Take a number. Even if it doesn't look crowded, take a number.
When called, you'll have to explain slowly and carefully what you want, as you may be confused with a CBer or someone wanting environmental plates (both of these are $20.) You'll be asked to sign a form stating that you don't own another car with the plates you're asking for, and on that form make sure the "Amateur Radio" block has been checked. Then go stand in the cashier's line, pay your three green ones, and that's it.
Best practice is to go early in the morning, arriving at 8 am. There is little or no waiting then. I went at 2:3O pm and was there for an hour and a half.
Nine members showed up on April 26, 1978 for the regular monthly board meeting (MBF, N6BH, K6cv, W6HCD, N6NO, WA6PEA, K6SVP, N6WU and N6YM, listed in "call book" order) but there was no quorum of board members. However, N6BH gave a report on the recent activities and status of the Repeater and Repeater Committee, and N6BF reported on the OSCAR station-upgrading meeting that was held recently.
The following is a copy of the Repeater Committee Charter, as approved by the Board of Directors, 22 February, 1978:
I. Purpose
A. The JPL Amateur Radio Club Repeater Committee is established to organize and direct the design, development, fabrication, testing, installation, maintenance and management of the JPL ARC Repeater System.
B. The JPL ARC Repeater System includes all remotely controlled VHF/UHF radio systems and autopatch equipment operated by and for the JPL ARC.
II: System Objectives
A. Support the JPL Emergency Communications Plan.
B. Provide Amateur Radio links between JPL sites for both emergency and routine amateur communications.
C. Provide an open access repeater for emergency and recreational use of club members and the local amateur radio community.
D. Augment the public service capabilities of the club.
E. Foster interest in the club and its various activities by providing a common meeting frequency for club members.
F. Provide limited access autopatch capability for the use of club members.
III. Organization
A. The Repeater Committee chairman shall be appointed by the club President and confirmed by the Board of Directors.
B. The Repeater Trustee shall be appointed by the Club President, confirmed by the Board of Directors, and shall be a member of the Repeater Committee. He shall also be a regular member of the JPL ARC.
C. Repeater Committee members shall be appointed by the Committee Chairman from among club members.
D. The club President shall be an ex-officio member of the Repeater Committee.
E. The Repeater Trustee shall appoint control operators from among JPL ARC regular members to assist him in supervisory control of the Repeater System.
IV. Authority
A. The Repeater Committee shall manage the JPL ARC Repeater System consistent with Section I (Purpose) and Section II (System Objectives.)
B. The Repeater Committee shall determine functional capabilities, sites, and operating policy for the club Repeater System, consistent with general policy set by the Board of Directors.
C. The Repeater Trustee shall have final authority over matters relating to repeater operation consistent with Paragraph V. E.
D. The Repeater Committee shall authorize the expenditure of funds as necessary to maintain and upgrade the Repeater System within the limits set by the club Budget.
E. The Repeater Trustee shall be the club representative to all applicable VHF/UHF frequency coordinating bodies, or appoint an alternate in his place.
V. Responsibilities
A. The Repeater Committee shall provide a report of status and plans to the Board of Directors at least every two months.
B. The Repeater Committee shall present an annual development plan to the Board concurrent with the annual budget request.
C. The Repeater Committee shall inform the Board of Directors of the need for any required funding in excess of allocated funds.
D. The Repeater Committee shall be responsible for development, site selection, implementation and maintenance of the Repeater System in conformance with club policy set by the Board of Directors, and consistent with the best interests of JPL and the club.
E. The Repeater Trustee shall be responsible for the operation of the Repeater System in conformance with FCC Rules and Regulations, JPL policy and restrictions, and club policies set by the Board of Directors.
VI. Operating Policy
A. All capital equipment shall-be owned by the club, or by JPL. This does not preclude joint ownership (with the Goldstone ARC) of equipment linking Table Mountain with the JPL ARC Repeater System.
B. Privately owned equipment may be installed into the Repeater System only on a temporary basis for test, evaluation, or urgent replacement.
C. The cost of capital equipment and installation expenses, if not supplied by JPL or donated to the club, shall be borne by the club.
D. Autopatch operating expenses shall be borne by the autopatch users.
E. Repeater system financial transactions shall be administered by the Club Treasurer.
The Repeater Committee will be conducting a tune-up session for all club members and other WR6APS users, to test and adjust their 220 rigs to sound better on the air. Measurements will include output power, frequency spectrum, frequency, and deviation. This session will be on one or two Saturdays in the near future at a central location in Pasadena. Please call Warren Apel on x7733 or drop him a line at JPL 114-118 indicating which Saturdays in May and June are best for you. We will select a date that is compatible with the majority. (Tnx K6GPK)
... James Long, for upgrading to Extra Class on Dec. 14 and trading in his old call, WA6QIT for a sporty N6YB.
... Mike Griffin, who traded his WD6EOZ for a new N6WU.
... Dick Piety, K6SVP, who finally QSOed state No. 50 for WAS on Slow-Scan TV. If all QSLs arrive as expected, he will be recipient of Certificate No. 26 on SSTV!
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