JPLARC Trustee and ARRL Southwestern Division Director Jay Holladay, W6EJJ, will conduct an open forum type discussion at the next club meeting, to be held on Wednesday, October 11. Jay will report on the latest happenings in the Amateur Radio world, and solicits your comments on ARRL, FCC, or related matters. He has a supply of ARRL Repeater Directories which will be distributed to those in attendance. He will also have slides of League Headquarters and W1AW for screening if time permits. Don’t miss this one, and be sure to bring your comments for Jay on the League’s proposal to give all-mode privileges to Novices on 220 MHz! (Tnx W6EJJ.)


By Ron Ploszaj, WA6TPW

Let's hear a round of congratulations for the recent graduates of the Club's Novice License Training Course. Certificates of Completion were awarded to the following students at the club meeting of September 13: (Ed. note: we have listed calls of those who have received theirs from FCC so far ... the rest will probably have theirs by next month's issue!)

De Loyce Alcorn
Gary Burdick
Linwood Douglass
Mary Ellen Eltgroth, KA6DBN
Alfred Goldman
George Hansen
Tom Hibband
George Inskeep
Helen Irvine
George ("Bud") Jenkins, KA6CBI
Eva Kuiper
Ed Litty, KA6CTX
Eileen McKinney
John McKinney, KA6DBH
Richard McKinney
Mike Pompa
Dan Rosenthal
Glen Tauke
Richard Van Allen
Oldwig Von Roos

Completing the highly successful course were four (count 'em.!) young ladies along with one husband-and-wife team,. John and Eileen McKinney. As you can see, a few of the graduates have already received their tickets from the FCC.

Eight members of the Novice Class receiving their certificates of completion at the Sept. 13 meeting. Left-to-right: John McKinney, Bud Jenkins, George Hansen, Lin Douglass, Ron Ploszai (instructor), Gary Burdick, Helen Irvine, Rick McKinney, Rich Van Allen. Photo by K6PGX)

Congratulations for a job well done are also in order for the course instructors: Mike Griffin, N6WU, and Rich Ward, N6BF on code; Jim Lumsden, WA6MYJ, and Ron Ploszaj, WA6TPW on theory.

The course, our club's first attempt in recent years to introduce the world of amateur radio to members of the Laboratory staff, was highly successful: Twenty out of the original thirty-three students followed through to completion. Classes were held on Tuesday and Thursday at noon for ten weeks and culminated in the administration of the Novice code and written tests. The ARRL Tune In The World With Ham Radio instruction package and course outline formed the basis for the instruction - plaudits are in order also for the ARRL!

As a follow-on to this course, the club has begun a General Class License Course this past week. The class meets again on Tuesday and Thursday at noon in Building 238 Room 543.

Remember, all of you old and new Technicians and Novices, it's not too late to upgrade to General Class! Come to the class anytime, or for additional information, call Ron Ploszaj, WA6TPW, at Ext. 7447.


The JPL Amateur Radio Club provided communications for the JPL Bicycle Club during its 100-mile "Experience" from JPL to Dawson Saddle on Angeles Crest Highway, and back. There was a turnout of 20 riders, several bike club members supporting the event with food and water, and 8 amateurs supplying communications. The event was staged Saturday, September 99 1978. It started in the dark at 6am and the last rider finally returned to the JPL parking lot at about 4pm. It was a beautiful day in the mountains and everyone had a good time.

The activities actually started the Tuesday before the Experience, when George Morris, W6ABW and Jim Lumsden, WA6MYJ, surveyed the Angeles Crest route from Red Box to Dawson Saddle using 220 MHz simplex. This was on a rainy day and George dodged rocks all over the road and drove to Dawson Saddle while Jim took his station wagon up a dirt (mud?) road to the top of Mount Waterman. This survey gave confidence that good communications could be provided all along the route with a repeater located temporarily on top of Mt. Waterman - 8000 feet. Walt Diem, WA6PEA, worked every night the rest of the week making the WR6APR repeater work in a mobile environment for the mountain location. Those who have operated on APR since the Experience know that several very worthwhile improvements were made to that repeater as a result of this activity.

The day of the event, several amateurs met in the JPL parking lot between 6 and 6:3Oam and drove off to their assigned locations. Jim, WA6MYJ, drove off operating WR6APR/mobile in the back of his station wagon with a mag mount on the roof. How many of you have a QSL from a mobile repeater Jim's day was spent on the top of Mt. Waterman with the repeater and a Midland 13-513 hooked to a new KLM 7-element beam. How's the DX, Jim?

Jim Longthorne, WA6KPW, drove off in his jeep to Dawson Saddle with a Midland 13-509 set up to work APR and an assortment of other 220 and 2meter gear including an 11-element 2-meter beam. George Morris, W6ABW, installed his rig in Mike Shumate's GMC 1-ton Van which the Bicycle Club calls the "Sag Wagon" and put a mag mount on the roof. Rich Krier, N6MJ, showed up in his van, which looks like a mini Mount Wilson: at least a dozen antennas all over the top! He had equipment for all bands from HF to 450 MHz. Inside were a few spare beams and towers ... in case he really needed to get serious! Rich acted as a roving patrol to keep track of the lead riders, while George brought up the rear in the Sag Wagon.

Merv MacMedan, N6NO, and Nash Williams, W6HCD, split the shift at the Charlton Flats checkpoint, where the riders stopped for refreshment on the way up the mountains. Charlton Flats was a little scratchy into the Waterman repeater (although Merv reported it pinned the meter a few hundred feet away from the checkpoint location along the highway) but Merv and Nash located "hot spots" along the road that permitted clear, if not strong, communications, Roland Carpenter, WB6HRD, showed up at this checkpoint with his toolbox at just the right time. The last rider coming in had mechanical problems he had broken a toe clip bracket and needed to make 2 new holes in the remaining piece to reattach it. However, not even Roland had a drill. So, using Roland's punch and hammer, he made 2 dimples and filed them out. Finally he widened the small holes made from the dimples with a reamer from the toolbox. He rode on and made it to Dawson Saddle -1-1/2 hours late but he should get some kind of award for ingenuity! Dick Piety, K6SVP, manned the finish line later in the day to make sure everyone was accounted for before communications were terminated.

The WR6APR machine from high atop Mt. Waterman provided excellent communications over most of the Angeles Crest route from Red Box to Dawson Saddle. Communications back to JPL was accomplished by WA6MYJ via beam into WR6APS and by WA6KPW to WR6AZN on Table Mountain and through the link to WR6APS. These exercises established our ability to provide mountain communications in an emergency situation.

Besides those mentioned above who participated in the mountains, thanks are extended also to Rex Quinn, WD6EWN, and Mike Griffin, N6WU, who loaned their equipment to enable others to participate.

Many thanks to everyone who helped. It was an "Experience" for the JPL Bicycle Club, but it was also an "experience" for the JPL Amateur Radio Club. Let's see if we can have more fun while getting invaluable operating experience on another such mission soon!


1978 National Convention. The "National" at San Diego over the weekend of September 23-24 broke all previous records for an ARRL national convention. The total registration of over 5900 compares with a previous record of 4000 for the 1974 "national," held at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York City. Convention watchers and those who missed the San Diego affair and would like to know when upcoming alternatives are planned, should keep in mind that the 1979 ARRL National will be in Baton Rouge, La. on July 20-21-22; the 1980 "National" will be in Seattle, Washington; and plans for the 1979 Southwestern Division Convention are not yet firm but we are shooting for Anaheim in early October of next year.

Division Election. 1978 is an election year for the Southwestern Division. At the ARRL Executive Committee meeting on September 17, Jay Holladay was found to be the only eligible nominee for Director and was declared elected for the term 1979-80 without membership balloting. Much the same situation existed for the Vice Director slot. In this case there was a second nomination, Alan R. Ogden, W6SPK. As the holder of a Technician class license, Al was found to be ineligible under bylaw 8. The other nominee was therefore declared elected; this being Peter F. Matthews, WB6UIA, the current Vice Director. So, W6EJJ and WB6UIA continue in office for another two years. (And they continue to be available to users of WR6APS for information transmissions both ways, gang ... let's use the circuit for the next two years and let our voice be heard! - Ed.)


When Jay Holladay, Trustee of W6VIO, returned from Europe in early September, he discovered in the one-foot pile of mail a renewed license for W6VIO effective August 18, 1978 and expiring August 1, 1983. That gives us, hopefully, another 5 years of grace to continue the fight against the abolishment of long-standing club calls! (Tnx W6EJJ)


The TRW Amateur Radio Club will hold a ham equipment Swapmeet the last Saturday of each month from 8 am-11 am. The location is the Northwest Corner of Compton Blvd. & Aviation Blvd, in Redondo Beach. All hams welcome. (Tnx HESEAARC - Hughes - Bulletin)

Minutes of Special Board Meeting

6 September l978

Due to the fact that lack of a quorum had prevented both the July and August board meetings from taking place, a special meeting was convened on 6 September 1978. Attending were W6ABW, WB6DRH, K6GHJ, K6GPK, W6HCD, WA6MYJ, N6NO, and N6WU. A quorum was found to be present, and the meeting was called to order.

The minutes of the prior (June) board meeting were read and approved. A motion was approved to spend club funds to purchase a beam for portable use on 220 MHz, with the cost to be approximately $50.

N6WU summarized the particulars of an RFI case that had come before the club by way of the ARRL and Jay Holladay, W6EJJ, the ARRL Southwest Regional Director. The case has generated substantial neighborhood friction in the Sunland area, with the result that a letter complaining about a local ham's operation was directed to the ARRL. At the behest of W6EJJ, the JPLARC made some investigatory phone calls in the matter, the results of which were then brought before the board.

Because of the potentially bad publicity for amateur radio inherent in RFI cases in general and this case in particular, the board decided to form a committee to:

It is emphasized that the JPL-ARC involvement will be with the consent and cooperation of the parties involved.


Unofficial Minutes of September Board Meeting

The regular board meeting of the JPL-ARC was called to order on 27 September 1978, with attendees N6BF, K6CV, WB6DRH, W6HCD, WA6MYJ, N6NO, WA6PEA, K6PGX, K6SVP, and N6WU Minutes of the previous (September 6, 1978) board meeting were approved.

WB6DRH discussed efforts by the club to obtain equipment donations for the JPL Explorer-Sunfire Project. Gordon also outlined plans for a tour of JPL by the Spectrum Management Association on October 14 from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. It was pointed out there personnel sure still needed for assistance in this effort.

WA6MYJ brought up the matter of possible club support of a Jogging Club event on 27 October at 12:00 P.M. The board approved a motion to provide such support. Jim brought to the attention of the board that renovation work on the trailer is in progress. A new roof has been installed and the exterior has been painted, while plans are in progress to remodel the interior. Jim then brought up the question of the desirability of a dues increase in 1979. The board approved a motion to defer such an increase at the present time.

K6PGX discussed plans to develop a traveling OSCAR station for public demonstrations. He was requested to submit a more detailed outline at the next board meeting.

WA6PEA delivered a repeater status report. The board was informed that the solar panels needed for WR6APR are in the club's possession, and that work proceeds on the autopatch, with the critical item still the procurement of a telephone line. It was reported that WR6APR will have to look for a more permanent site, as the current site on top of the mesa may be dismantled. Funds in the amount of approximately $l50 were requested to allow purchase of storage batteries for APS and APR. A promised offer of free batteries had not materialized. The board approved the request unanimously.


Regular readers of W6VIO Calling may remember that the club recently received a funding increment from ERC, and that part of the money was used for the purchase a 2-element 40 meter beam. Meanwhile, Ron Reasoner, N6QV, arranged for the donation of a tower and rotator from a friend who was leaving the area.

Plans are now afoot to convert these very real assets into working portions of the club station, possibly in time for the ARRL Sweepstakes in November. Stan Sander, N6MP, Bob Biswell, W6MZR, Ron Zenone, W6TUZ, and myself are involved in this, with help from others wherever we can find it. Notable in this connection is Glenn Berry, K6GHJ, whose assistance in providing club/lab interfacing is invaluable.

All that is certain right now is that the antenna will be located somewhere up on the mesa. The toughest part of the job is getting all the required approvals. But sometime soon we'll need additional help for the heavy-labor parts, so if you think you can help out, give me a call.

As far as Sweepstakes is concerned, we hope that this year's event can be made to coincide with a whole raft of improvements in the club station. It will be close, but either way, let's get W6VIO into the contest on both phone and CW. All who participated in this spring's DX contest had a lot of fun, and the bigger a club event like this becomes, the better time everyone has.


The JPL Amateur Radio Club will host a tour and symposium for the 220 MHz Spectrum Management Association of Southern California (SMA) on Saturday October 14, 1978. The JPL club is honored to provide this education and social opportunity for members of the SMA to become acquainted with JFL. Arrangements for the tour are under the direction of Gordon Crawford, WB6DRH. (Tnx WB6DRH)


Communications for the SMA tour will be provided on WR6APR. We need 12 operators from 9 am to noon on October 14, 1978. We need equipment to operate 12 positions using WR6APR, including at least 5 handy talkies. If you are available as an operator and have APR-equipped gear, VOLUNTEER BOTH. If you are available but do not have APR capability, VOLUNTEER: we will provide equipment. If you are not available but have APR equipment, please VOLUNTEER either your entire rig or at least your crystals. We are particularly in need of at least 5 handy-talkies to operate on APR. George Morris, W6ABW, is coordinating the SMA communications. Contact George at his office, x7066, or at home, 249-6023. Let’s all help out to put on a smooth communications demonstration. (Tnx W6ABW)


Per QST, September 1978, conclusions were drawn that radiation from hand-held portable transceivers for 144, 220, or 440 MHz bands pose no threat to our health. Tests were made with 6-watt units, rubber duck antennas, and 15 to 60 seconds of exposure each time. Greatest observed temperature rise was less than 1º C in the head or brain.

One precaution, though: do not let the tip of an antenna that does not have a rubber or plastic cap installed, to come close to the eye (or within 0.2 inches or 5 mm) when the transmitter is operated. An rf burn involving no sensation of pain may result in the cornea of the eye. (Tnx WB6DRH)


A small company worth knowing about is CIRCUIT BOARD SPECIALISTS. They primarily serve the amateur radio fraternity with circuit boards and parts kits for most popular projects such as those in QST, CQ, 73, and Ham Radio magazines. Boards are Gl0 glass epoxy, etched, drilled, and plated, parts for these projects are stocked. Also maintained is a repair shop for any of you who has attempted to build a project and cannot get it to work. Send in the project and they will tell you what’s wrong and quote a price on the repair. Custom circuit boards can also be made for your own pet projects. For a list of representative kits and services available, send a SASE to Circuit Board Specialists, P.O. Box 969, Pueblo, Colorado 81002; Phone: 303-542-5083. (Tnx W6HCD)


The JPL and Goldstone ARC Amateur Radio News Net, which has been held on Monday nights at 8pm has, effective October 3, been moved to TUESDAY NIGHTS at the same time until further notice. This is an attempt to alleviate conflicts with the Barstow ARC meetings on Mondays as well as Monday night football on TV, which are believed to be the main cause for a fall-off in attendance. The Wednesday night OSCAR net remains unchanged at 8pm. Both nets are conducted over WR6APS at JPL (222.44 in/224.O4 out) and WR6AZN (Table Mtn)(222-36 in/223.96 out).


The 5/8 wave detachable whip and magnetic mount illustrated here have performed well as a mobile antenna and as an attachable antenna for my handi-talkie. Its SWR has not been checked, but it outperforms the rubber duck by far.

The paint can top mag mount is basically an idea of WA2UMY described in February 1978 "73" magazine. Any spray can lid should work (I used the plastic type.) Cut hole in top to hold SO-239 in place until entire cup is potted. Shield braid should extend beyond connector and spread over entire magnet surface to -provide RF coupling to the auto roof surface. Seal SO-239 back with glue. Invert cup and Pot ¾ full, leaving. room for magnets. Be sure to use a non-metallic epoxy. After 1st pour is gelled, fill cup completely and quickly invert onto cookie sheet or cake pan covered with wax paper. Be sure this surface is flat! Magnets may be obtained at Radio Shack. After -the epoxy is set, trim to suit but do not hand sand magnet surface. Magnets are super hard and you will wind up with a rounded surface which significantly reduces grip.

The antenna was assembled with a goal of "small & light." The coil form is 1/2" wood dowel drilled most of the way through with 3/16" drill. Remaining 1" or so is 1/16" hole to provide tight support for the radiator. About 1/2" of the end of the dowel must be filed down to about .450" to permit screwing into the BNO backshell. The wire taps for the radiator and the BNC center pin are fed-through slanted holes to the center. Wirewrap the tip of the radiator, then feed radiator and wiretap up through dowel, pull wire taut through slant hole and solder to top of #14 wire coil. Solder BNO pin to wire, then screw dowel into BNC. Pot or tape assembly. If desired, trim radiator as required for minimum SWR.

FOR SALE: Wilson 2202 Hand-held, 10.7 MHz crystal filter, crystals for 223.5, APS, AZN, AJI, NTW/R; 2 battery trays with batteries, desk charger, TT pad, spkr-mike, belt clip. $400.Jack Percy, W6OZW 798-5840.

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