by Eileen McKinney, KA6DGV
This year the Radio Club Hot Dog Booth at the JPL Picnic was again a tremendous success, netting over $370 for the treasury. The picnic was held on July 12 at Robert Gross Park in Burbank. Special thanks go to our volunteers who worked hard throughout the day. Jobs such as setting up and taking down the booth, cooking, wrapping, selling hot dogs and directing lost souls toward the bingo booth were on the day's agenda. Thanks go to the following:
- Ron Zenone, W6TUZ, and his wife Pat (worked like dynamos throughout the day),
- Gil Yanow, K6TOS, (his solar-powered fingers moving like lightning),
- John Earnest, N6CTT, and his mom Helen Colombe (wrapped and sold hot dogs like the white tornado),
- George Morris, W6ABW, and his wife Connie, KA6JAM, (a dynamic duo - wrap and sell - Connie can also open a can without electricity. Without her we wouldn't have had any ketchup),
- Jim Lumsden, WA6MYJ, and his wife Fay (Fay was in charge of leftover ice disposal - Brrr!),
- Bruce Beaudry, WD6HEZ, (who loaded the truck, drove it, worked all day and then drove home vowing never to return),
- Frank and Blanche Kenworthy (Eileen's parents who after working all day the second year in a row quickly put Eileen up for adoption claiming she was a slave driver),
- Walt Diem, WA6PEA, (after attending meetings all day took the time to drive to the picnic to help load the equipment into the truck. Unfortunately it was the wrong truck),
- John, N6AVW, and Eileen McKinney, KA6DGV - Picnic Co-Chairmen (Eileen worked hard shopping around and around for the best possible hot dog prices. John "worked hard" supervising Eileen and counting the money over and over again at the end of the day. Assisted by Michael McKinney, N6AVW Jr., who worked so hard he missed the picnic games.
FIELD DAY, l980 (or, "How I Learned to Send CQ FD in a Thundershower"), by John Walsh, N6UK
About thirty-five members of the JPL ARC and their guests turned out for the Club's Field Day activities. As in the past, Field Day was held on Table Mtn., near Wrightwood, site of JPL's Table Mountain Observatory.
When the final QSO was logged and the weary crew hit the last switch, the log books showed contacts with 49 states (Maine was missing), 4 Canadian Provinces and West Germany. A total of 1176 contacts plus bonus points yielded a grand tally of 4272 points, an impressive total for the 4-transmitter class.
In the early hours of Saturday, June 28, a small band of zealots greeted the rising sun with an array of wires and beams that gradually grew into an antenna farm of impressive proportions. On the HF bands, the 20-l5lO meter spectrum was covered by a TA-33 Tribander and a ZL Special Triband beam. Dipoles for l60, 80 and 40 meters made their way into the upper branches of the tall pines. 6 meters was covered by a 7-element KLM Yagi. 2 meters had both a ground plane and a 17-element Yagi available. 220 MHz contacts were maintained with a trusty Ringo Ranger.
The array of transceivers used during most of the contest included a Yaesu FT-101, Swan 300B and Atlas 210 and l80 rigs. During the sunlight hours, one of the Atlas 210 rigs was operated entirely on solar power, the output of the panels staying well ahead of the load.
As an added bonus, twenty-nine members and friends showed up along with their appetites for the Saturday evening BBQ which featured steaks, fresh corn and salad.
Of course, Murphy struck with regularity throughout the weekend, frying PA transistors, snarling antenna lines and bringing forth a short but copious thundershower. However, no one complained, and the rallying cry "Wait till next year" was sounded by all.
by Jay Holladay, W6EJJ, ARRL Southwestern Division Director
The following are highlights of the recent ARRL Board meeting as contained in ARRL Bulletin Number 79, dated July 27, l980:
The Board of Directors of the American Radio Relay League met in Seattle, Washington on July 23 and 24, 1980, just before the ARRL National Convention. Consistent with the majority of more than 600 comments from members on the issue, the Board directed the filing of a petition to FCC requesting that the new 10.1 to 10.15 MHz band be made available to General, Advanced, and Extra Class licensees for CW and RTTY operation only, with an input power limit of 250 watts. The petition also will request that the 20 meter voice sub band be increased by 50 kHz, with an Extra Class sub band of 14.150 to 14.175 MHz and an Advanced/Extra sub band of 14.175 to 14.225 MHz, and also will request that Extra Class voice operation be permitted at 7.075 to 7.100 MHz without eliminating CW and RTTY use by other licensees. The new 10 MHz band will not be available before 1982. (This is the same plan that was presented at the June meeting of the JPL ARC - W6EJJ).
In other actions, the Board directed the formation of an interference task force to aid in combating malicious and other interference problems in the amateur bands, created an Ad Hoc Committee to prepare a strong case for an amateur allocation in the band 902 to 928 MHz, and requested the ARRL Foundation to initiate a fundraising campaign for the amateur satellite program and pledged ten thousand dollars to the program on a matching fund basis.
Among other board actions were several dealing with FCC. ARRL, will request that amateurs be permitted to transmit digital data above 50 MHz using codes other than baudot and ASCII, will support FCC's proposals in Docket 80 252 concerning facsimile and slow-scan television, will seek extension of interim permits in cases where the present 90 days is insufficient time for the upgraded license to have been issued, and will defend the band 420 to 450 MHz for continued amateur use in the U.S. against other services. Finally, the Board endorsed the concept of FCC rules written in plain, non-technical language. Complete minutes of the ARRL Board Meeting will appear in September QST.
See the latest amateur gear and hear an outstanding group of technical programs at the ARRL Southwestern Division Convention, September 5, 6 and 7 at the Los Angeles Marriott Hotel. Pre-registration (before August 18) is $20 for the complete package including banquet. Admission to the exhibits and technical sessions is only $5 and includes eligibility for all prizes.
Registration forms will be available at the Aug. 13 JPL ARC meeting or call Jay Holladay (354-4443) or George Morris (354-7066) for more information. - W6EJJ
The Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club will be hosting its annual hamfest on Sunday, August 17 at Tucker's Grove. Events include a 2 meter T-Hunt, QSL Card Contest, QLF Contest and games. Drawings will be held for a Yaesu 707 HF transceiver, AEA Morsematic computerized keyer, Mirage wattmeter and several other prizes. Activities begin at 9 A.M. with a talk-in on 2 meters (146.19.-79) and on 40 meters (7.235 MHz).
- KA6MGX Chuck Zachman
- KA6MGY Ken Stowers
- KA6MGZ Joe Tsai
- KA6MHA Kerry Erickson
- KA6MHB Mike Hurick
- KA6MHC Chuck Keith
- KA6MHD Young Park
- KA6MHE Chuck Presley
- KA6MHF Jim Erickson
..... who just got their Novice tickets.
That's 100% success for the Spring Novice class. We have not heard from Norm Scheinberg and Mary Witt who finished the class and took the test but will receive KA2 calls because they now live in New York. - N6NO
- Norm Chalfin, K6PGX, who recently received the ARRL National Certificate of Merit in recognition of his outstanding achievement in serving the interests of the community through amateur radio.
- "Al" Couvillon, ex-K6BNV, who has recently joined Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge MA as a senior technical staff member, specializing in advanced medical diagnostic technology. Al was the first JPL ARC President after the club's revival in 1968. W6HCD and N6NO
(From "Cycle News", July 23, 1930)
Bob Hayes' Assembly Bill 1987 was signed into law by California Governor Jerry Brown. The bill allows ham operators to put their call letters on their motorcycle license plates, just as they could do previously on their automobile plates. Hayes introduced the bill on behalf of motorcyclists who wished to use their ham radio-equipped bikes in civil defense/disaster relief work. (Ed. - At last glance, ham plates cost $15) - KA6MHE
ICOM-701, excellent condition, six months old. Contact Dave Sheaty, K4KSC, x3612, M/S 183-401
The address of Stan Brokl, N2YQ was incorrectly given in the June issue of "W6VIO Calling". His correct address is:
- 2645 N. Marengo
- Altadena, CA 91001
- Tel: 798-8827
- N6NO
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