Minutes of Board Meeting, by Ron Zenone W6TUZ

A club board meeting was held on February 27, 1980 in 238-543 at 12:00 noon. Members in attendance included WB6EMO, N6MP, N6NO, WA6MYJ, N6UK, WB6DRH, N6AVW, K6GPK, W6ABW, K6PGX, W6EJJ and W6TUZ. A quorum was present and W6ABW called the meeting to order. Minutes of the January l98O board meeting were read and approved.

Jim Lumsden suggested that the board consider buying several 220 MHz rigs through the group purchase and stockpiling them for future resale to club members at cost. The proposal was disapproved by the board. However, the board did approve the purchase of one (1) such rig for club usage and designated VHF budget as the source of funding.

Off-lab membership renewal requests from Bill Carpenter (WA6QZY), Al Chapman (W6MEO), Mike Griffin (AJ3A), Randy Johnstone (WB6QWR), Jim Longthorne (WA6KPW), Skip Reymann (W6PAJ), Paul Ross (WA6FNZ) and Mike Santana (WB6TEB) were reviewed by the board and approved.

It was suggested by Stan Sander that a club logo contest be held and a prize be given to the winner. The logo would be used in a new masthead for "W6VIO Calling." Concurrence was given by the board for Stan to proceed.

An announcement was made by W6TUZ for Gil Yanow regarding a solar/energy exhibition that is being held at the Pasadena Community Art Center on May 30, 31 and June 1, 1980. Gil wanted the club to consider entering a solar powered ham station exhibit at the event. Club members present at the meeting showed little interest in the event. Following the discussion on this topic, George Morris adjourned the meeting.


Location: Officer's Club, Los Angeles Air Force Station
Time: Saturday, March 8, 1980, l300 Hours


1) Description of San Jose 23 cm. Linear translator operation by John Pronko, W6XN, President, Project OSCAR
2) Display of innovative 70 cm circular polarity antenna designs.
3) Status report of Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT) activities by John Browning, W6SP, AMSAT Board Chairman.
4) Discussion of potential future participation of West Coast amateurs in the satellite program.

How to Get There:

Exit 405 Fwy Westbound on El Segundo Blvd for two blocks. Turn left into complex at Isis St. (opposite Tiny Naylor's Restaurant). Tell guard you are attending OSCAR meeting. Drive to parking lot in rear center (south side) of complex. Use Officer's Club Entrance in Building l20.

All space-age Amateurs are welcome. Attendees automatically become Project OSCAR 198O members. A one dollar donation for refreshments is requested. For additional information, call John Browning at 643-0151. (W6EJJ)

Voyager 2 QSLing Completed, by Merrill Bernett, K6BER, W6VIO QSL Manager

It gives me great pleasure to give credit to those busy guys that said "yes". After finally receiving the Voyager II QSL cards, the answering of received cards was expeditiously performed by a fine group. The credit goes to the following: John, W61VH; Glenn, WA6TPT; Bill, K6KZQ; Booth, N6BH; Jim, WA6MYJ; Merv, N6NO; George, W6ABW; Sam, WB69KO; Ron, W6TUZ and Art, WA6SAL.

Southern California Area 220 MHz Band Plan

The following is the 220MHz Band Plan formulated by the 220 MHz Spectrum Management Association of Southern California (revised Jan., 1980):

220.00  Weak Signal (non-relay) (note 7)
220.06) Outputs for two (2) frequency non
220.70) repeater systems (note 1, 2)
220.72) One-way control or auxiliary links,
220.90) 10 channels (note 5)
220.92) Non-relay direct communication, l80 KHz
221.10) (note 3)
221.12) One-way control or auxiliary links,
221.24) 7 channels (note 5)
221.26) Inputs for two (2) frequency non
221.90) repeater systems (notes 1, 2)
221.92) Weak Signal (non-relay), 260 KHz
222.20) Repeater inputs, 60 channel pairs (note 4)
223.40) Simplex, FM, 20 channels
233.78) 223.50 National Simplex Calling
223.80) Repeater outputs, 60 channel pairs (note 4)


l. 220.00 to 220.50 is restricted to weak signal use by current FCC regulation. In Southern California, weak signal activity is centered at 222.00.

2. Two-way links or auxiliaries are coordinated with 1.2 MHz separation on even 20 Kilohertz channels.

3. The SMA encourages use of new modes of communication on the 220 band and has allocated the segment 220.90 to 221.10 for this purpose. It is not called Simplex because that may imply that the segment is exclusively for FM Simplex.

4. Repeaters are coordinated on even 20 Kilohertz increments with 1.6 MHz input/ output separation.

5. Control channels are coordinated with multiple users. Channel protection with PL (private line ) tone is required. PL frequencies are coordinated by the SMA.

6. Frequency coordination of control and auxiliary channels is not published by the SMA unless permission is granted by the user.

7. It is planned to expand the weak signal sub-band to 220.10 as soon as existing auxiliary links can change frequency.


Modification of Drake EMl525 Touch-Tone Mike for 16 Button Touch-Tone Function

(Also applicable to Data Signal/Digitran l2-button encoders.)


1. Mount momentary push button spst switch on side next to fattest part of push-to-talk button and next to internal support rib.

2. Cut foil to pin 12 of integrated circuit as shown below.

3. Wire switch as shown.

Note: The same technique can be used with Mostek IC encoders (e.g. PIPO), however the IC pin numbers are different.

Mostek MK5087 and MK5089:
Column 3 = Pin 5
Column 4 = Pin 9

Installation of Data Signal TouchTone Encoder in 220 MHz Transceivers

Note: 3-wire shielded cable is recommended. Connect shield to metal box in which TT Pad is installed,

FIELD DAY, l980!!! by John Walsh, N6UK, Field Day Coordinator

The results of-the last Field Day are in and the next one is creeping up on us rapidly. It's time to dust off the generator and cook stove and get ready for the Big Event. This year the annual emergency exercise will take place on the weekend of June 28 and 29 and the JPL and Goldstone clubs will be involved.

The goal of this year's participation is to have a memorable weekend based on equal parts of good radio and good fun for all ops and their families. Initial plans call for participation using HF CW and SSB and as much VHF as the available equipment can support. As always, there will be a Novice station as well.

Committees are in the process of being formed and all JPL and Goldstone club members interested in participating should fill out the Field Day form or call John Walsh, N6UK, at ext. 3303 or Stan Sander, N6MP, at ext. 2625.

Drake EKl525 Mic Installation in Midland l3-5O9

1. If your radio has a three-pin connector, it must be replaced with a 4pin microphone connector (available at Dow Radio in Pasadena for $1.95).

2. The encoder requires 7.5 to 10 volts DC. If the TXB (volts transmit) voltage is not already wired to the mike connector, you will have to add a wire from either the accessory connector or from the TXB trace on the circuit board. Caution: Pin assignments by Midland and Drake are NOT the same - either rewire the mike connector or the chassis connector. Pin numbers are identical, only pin assignments are different. (WA6PEA)


- Wilson hand-held transceiver chargers. Desktop AC unit, brand new in box. Mobile 12 v. DC unit like new. Either one $15. Contact Skip Reymann, W6PAJ, at 714-599-3936.

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