I received a nice letter recently from Tony Kerstjens, EA4QX. Tony, as you may remember from a previous column, is a ham who works in the DSN in Spain. He has supplied me with a list of names and QTH's of the hams who work at the three tracking stations there, and who are eager to establish skeds with hams at JPL. This is. a fine opportunity to get a regular European sked going either from a home QTH or W6VIO. Contact me if you'd like a copy of Tony's letter.
By the time you receive this newsletter, you should have received your copy of the November issue of QST, which contains the 1981 Field Day results. Our Club did extremely well, placing 25th in the tough 3A category which had over 300 entries. Moreover, we did extremely well in comparison to other W6 stations in this category with the second highest W6 score. Again, congratulations to Field Day Chairman Brian Stapleton and everyone on his hard working crew. Wait till next year!
Finally, it's the time of year to start thinking about next year's Club officers. As required by the Club by-laws, I have appointed a nominating committee consisting of Warren Apel (Chairman), Ron Ploszaj, and Dick Piety. The committee will present its recommendations to the Club at the December meeting, at which time nominations from the floor will be accepted and the election held. Take a few minutes to think about who you would like running our Club and call one of the committee members. (Stan, N6MP)
As this issue of W6VIO CALLING goes to press a new appointment of great importance to the Club has been made. Since Walt Diem's resignation several months ago, the Repeater Committee has been without a permanent Chairman. I have taken care of this problem by appointing Jim Lumsden, WA6MYJ, to this' position, effective immediately.
Jim's interest and involvement in Club activities is no secret to anyone. He has held virtually every Club office, and been involved in virtually every phase of the Club's evolution. Though we will be losing a fine Newsletter Editor, I am pleased that Jim will be turning his attention to this very important Club project.
The repeater system is at a crucial point in its evolution with major decisions having to be made over the next few months. Jim will shortly be reactivating the Repeater Committee, and I hope that he can expect the involvement of many of the Club's regular repeater users. (Stan, N6MP)
Your Editor is Red-Faced again! It is difficult to come by good, timely, technical articles of a broad interest to a majority of the readers; so when one of our members does go to the effort to put an article down on paper, he at least deserves the credit for having done so.
Art, Your article on the "PORTA-PEATER" was well done, and concise and to the point. I sincerely apologize for having left the credit note off the end. I guess my scissors just went wild!!
Thanks again for putting the article together. I hope to have more articles from you in the future. (Note: this was composed before the above notice! I'm sure the next Editor will want more articles, too. (Ed.)
My term as Editor has been comparatively short; however, I have gained a tremendous experience and have covered a lot of ground.
The Club has had one of its busiest years in history. This, of course, has kept me busy as Editor. Despite the intense activity, and the corresponding heavy demands on members' time, the activities have been very worthwhile. The local and national/international reputation of this Club is second to none.
I have been a part of achieving that prestige; so have all of you! W6VIO CALLING has been a mirror of those activities, reflecting in the printed medium those accomplishments of the RF medium.
Have you ever stopped and thought about what motivates a person to accomplish anything. Sure, the motives are many, when broken down and dissected into little bits and pieces; but I think the motivation of "Challenge" and "Accomplishment" is prime. W6VIO CALLING was literally an "Award Winning Publication" when I became Editor at the beginning of this year; it was a challenge to maintain that quality. All the changes have been small, mostly, I think I have maintained the tradition of quality and timeliness. Those are basic standards and must never be compromised. Maintaining those standards can be a real challenge at midnight when getting ready to go to press and you know a nice warm redhead is waiting at home, sipping a sparkling glass of wine in front of a nice warm fire ... keeping the dog company instead of me!!! Yes, it happened.
Challenges are where you find them. I have enjoyed the challenge and prestige of Editorship. However, I feel the call of an even greater challenge. I spoke up to answer that challenge, and now have pen in hand because I can't get my foot out of my mouth to speak!
I have accepted the challenge of chairmanship of the Repeater Committee. Prior to accepting, I gave the task much thought. Why reach out to pick up the sword when the pen of the Editor is mightier than any sword ever developed? Besides, when one wields a sword, one can get hurt! I guess the only reason is that "Someone" has to do it. I didn't realize that "Someone" was my middle name!
Think back over the last few years and recall some of the major activities that we have been involved with together: trailer refurbishment; feedline fiascoes; commemoratives! Were these a lot of work for you? That is probably a pretty good picture of what lies ahead. Just work! But just remember how valuable the Repeater System is to the Club. Conjure up a mental picture of what it would be like without it.
The Repeater System is a tremendous asset to the Club. It is the result of a very long and very hard-fought up-hill battle by one person who had a dream for this Club and wouldn't let it go away, or be blown away. We' the Club owe Walt Diem a tremendous thanks for that effort. No amount of work on my part can possibly overshadow or even match the unbelievable dedication that created the W6VIO Repeater System; nor should it.
It will take ALL of us to keep the system going and to expand it as the Club's needs change and expand. I can't and won't do it alone; I'll be in there pitch-in...will you? (Editor Jim Lumsden, WA6MYJ)
All right, you guys & gals ... let's get with it already! All the legit jobs are getting the ax by Congress, so you should have plenty of time now to volunteer for Repeater duty! Lots of nice ideas have been kicked around for improving coverage and overall system capability and have not been implemented because of the lack of manpower; the time has come to make a choice and move out.
Specifically and immediately, we need someone to work a phone line termination and someone to install the new antenna on top of a phone pole (even got the logistics planned already).
The Repeater Committee is currently comprised of some of the most active Club members -- whose time is spread as thin as sheet metal in Detroit's fenders. Some of you newer types are needed. It is a good way to "Break into the Clique".
It seems to me that I wrote an editorial about "cliques" in the Club. I can assure you that the only "clique" in this Club is "those who aren't afraid to do something". The clique is easy to join ... just volunteer and be a part of what's happening. This coming year will be a year to pull together in preparation. Now all we have to do is figure out what we are preparing for! LET'S GO! (Jim Lumsden, WA6MYJ x6726)
The Club again supported the annual Mercury 10K Run, sponsored by the Los Angeles Athletic Club. The Club provided race management communications for this race, which involved about 2000 runners on September 27. The race started at 7th and Olive Streets in downtown Los Angeles, proceeded North to the Music Center, and then turned South on Flower to the finish inside the Coliseum.
Our communication support consisted of transmitting the start signal around the course for clock synchronization, and reporting on the progress of the lead runners to the finish line in the Coliseum. It was found that 220 Mhz simplex worked best in that location, with the help of Art Zygielbaum's car mounted 2 meter/ 1 -1/4 meter remote base.
Club members participating were: Art Zygielbaum, WA6SAL at the start, Warren Apel, K6GPK at the one mile mark, Bruce Beaudry, WD6HEZ at the three mile mark, Bob Layne, W6LTC at the five mile mark, and George Morris, W6ABW at the finish line. (Warren, K6GPK)
-Collins KWM-2 (winged emblem) & 516F2 power supply, $595
351D-2 Mobile Mount, $30
Mobile Power Supply, MPI, $40
PACKAGE, $650 Bob Layne, W6LTC, 248-6911-Hearsay: Walt Diem is cleaning out his unbelievable garage. He has a set of traps for a beam, but no beam, and at least one bumper-type trailer hitch that he will let go real cheap! (Walt, WA6PEA 248-7525)
-WANTED: Newsletter Editor. Must be able to live with any and all Club members. Must be willing to use pen and typewriter at any hour of the day or night. OJT (on-the-job-training) will be provided if needed.
This letter from Mike Griffin, AJ3A, was so concise that there was only one short line that could be edited out, so here is the entire letter:
Thought it was time to drop you all a line out there and relay that AJ3A is still alive and well, although, as the enclosed picture reveals, there have been some additions to the local zoo here! The star of the picture is Allison Renee Griffin, born 10 June, 1981, 6 lbs. She's a doll, and we love her to pieces. I must admit she has inherited some of her daddy's more unfortunate traits, though. She isn't still very often, doesn't sleep much, and likes to begin that little (sleep) sometime around 0230 hrs!
I was prompted to write by seeing my name in your (Merv's) recent article about the various editors etc. that W6VIO CALLING has had. Gave me a nice feeling to see my name in there. If one compares various clubs, the JPL-ARC must rank as one of the most active in the nation, and it is nice to recall that I had a small impact on the day to day operation. I see the Board now has a member who learned his code from me. Time flies.
The new logo is terrific. I think it ought to be part of the Club QSL, whenever a new batch is ordered. And speaking of QSL'S, the new one for Voyager I Saturn encounter is also very nice. Now, if only Voyager 2 will cooperate and survive to Uranus ...
It is sad to read about the minimal funding now being set aside for new starts in the planetary program. This, of course, was one of my reasons for leaving in 1979, but I must say I had not hoped to see my predictions confirmed with quite such a vengeance. As I think about it, it is hard to come up with any solid project that is alive at JPL, except for Galileo, and the rumor mill is not encouraging about it. Is JPL going to become more military again, or will there be layoffs, or what?
After reading about Field Day activities there, I really wished I had had a well-timed business trip to allow me to make it. Sounds like it went really well.
Good luck looking for a new repeater honcho. That is going to be a tough position to fill, I would guess.
My days are as full as usual. I am teaching two courses (undergrad, and one I've taught before) at University of Maryland, and taking two courses at night at Johns Hopkins. A nice fringe benefit, and free for me. Additionally, of course, I have to try and do my job. That is going very well; in fact, I just last week was able to hire another guy-for "staff"--to assist me in what I'm doing. Should work well, as he's a former student of mine from UM who just finished his MS.
... Also congrats to W6ABW for getting Connie licensed! (Mike Griffin, AJ3A)
(Mike's address is: 6698 Buttonhole Ct., Columbia, Maryland. 21044)
Al Goldman, ex KA6DOB, now N6FHM, General Class.
Ex-President & Editor Mike Griffin, AJ3A and 5 month old Allison Renee. (Photo by Mike or Denise)
Where were you on the morning of October 17 at 7 am? Bob Layne (W6LTC) was at Red Box trying to keep warm, while Ralph West (N6YM) was at Dawson Saddle setting up a 220 Mhz beam in the snow. Bruce Beaudry (WD6HEZ) was at Oak Grove Park, and Dave Wagner was riding a 10-speed up Angeles Crest.
What do all these people have in common? Well, they are all on 220.4 Mhz, all going up the Angeles Crest Highway, and all supporting the Fourth Annual JPL Bike Club Century Ride.
Sixty-eight cyclists participated in the 100-mile Century ride up Angeles Crest. The Radio Club provided communications coverage of the race to provide assistance in the event of emergency. This year, one of the cyclists broke his rear cluster on the way up the hill, so the SAG vehicle (following the last cyclist) was radioed for assistance. The bike and rider were loaded into the van and taken to a bike shop for repair. Within half-an-hour, the cyclist was back on the road and able to finish the grueling event.
As the cyclists approached the 7000 ft. marker, it became noticeably colder and snow became visible along the North side of the road. At Dawson Saddle, the top of the run, the cyclists ate lunch, rested, and talked about their conquest of the Angeles. A member of the Orange County Cycling Club said, "Wouldn't it be great if all bike rides were coordinated as well as this JPL Century Ride?"
If you've been waiting for an opportunity to buy a Club patch or jacket, or whatever, now is the time to let us know! Unless we really believe that enough interest exists in any single item, we can't make it. Also remember that you may want to supply the XYL and other trusty folks that participate at picnics and field days. Please be realistic in your quantity and interest estimates. Don't tell us you want 10, and then only buy 1. Remember that the items have to be bought and paid for from the supplier, then resold to you. We don't want the Club or ERC to be left holding the bag with too many unwanted items.
Go back to the W6VIO Calling Index.