

  • Meeting Notice
  • N6NOtes - Merv MacMedan, N6NO
  • July Club Meetings - George Morris, W6ABW
  • DX News - Bob Polansky, N6ET
  • Final FD Score - Jay Holliday, W6EJJ
  • W6VIO Work Parties - Bob Polansky, N6ET
  • Open House Activity - George Morris, W6ABW
  • IEA Contest Report - Merv MacMedan, N6NO
  • The Voice of the Vatican - Jon Adams, NW6H
  • ACC Call for Volunteers - Bob Deen, N5DPU
  • Panamint Mountains Trip - Mike Frantz, KM6QZ
  • W6VIO via Satellite - Mark Schaefer, WB6CIA
  • JPL ARC Repeaters
  • ARRL News - Provided by Jan Tarsala, WB6VRN
  • Upcoming VEC Examinations
  • FCC Issued Call Sign Update
  • Classified Section
  • Roster Changes
  • Editor's Note
  • Meeting Notice

    The next regular JPL Amateur Radio Club membership meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 9, at noon in 238-543. Club Board of Directors meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month in 301-227. Everyone is welcome at both meetings; bring your lunch.

    Upcoming Events

    W6VIO Operations Trailer Work Party: August 12, 9-12 AM

    ARRL Southwestern Division Convention: September 1-3 (Labor Day Weekend). Aboard the Queen Mary, Long Beach, California. Highlights: Famous speakers. Hospitality Suites. DXCC Checking. Auction. Grand Banquet. Tech Programs. Prizes Galore, Flea Market, Forums Exhibits and Workshops. In general, a good time for all. See page 102 in the August QST for further details.

    By Merv MacMedan, N6NO

    By my calendar, we are about halfway through the year and this is probably a good time to pause to take stock of where we are and where we are going.

    So far in 1995 we enjoyed our best Field Day ever, a joint record-toppling achievement with the Caltech Radio Club, W6UE. We fixed a bunch of problems with the WB6IEA repeater including a new frequency coordination so it is now useable. We installed new antennas for the Table Mountain WB6TZS repeater and link, and progressed with upgrades to the W6VIO repeaters. We staffed a radio club booth at the JPL Open House, supported the Altadena Homes tour and supported the La Canada Parade. We put out a timely, regular newsletter of consistently high quality. Supported communications for the special Olympics and finally got QSL's printed and mailed for last year's Apollo 11 celebration. We held several work parties to clean up the trailer, disposed of surplus equipment, and made several equipment repairs at the main station. Other ongoing work, such as maintaining the Web pages, putting the newsletter on the Internet reach month, maintaining the packet BBS nodes and links, running the HF and VHF emergency nets, and preparing the club's role in the "recycling" of DSS-12, must also be commended.

    These accomplishments of a volunteer organization must not be trivialized. It takes many dedicated people to do these things and I thank all of you who have contributed. Unfortunately we are living in a time of great career uncertainty and I understand the difficulty in maintaining adrenaline-level commitments for long periods. Some of you have felt the pressure of work or health and have indicated the need to slow down. But, to compensate for this, others have told me that the enthusiasm and excitement of recently becoming a ham or recent retirement has provided them with time and energy to help the club in many activities that work never permitted before. In today's world, change is inevitable. We must recognize this and keep in tune.

    I want to remind you of a very important activity coming up in the second half of 1995. It is our Galileo Special Event, a unique opportunity to have fun on the air and at the same time give a PR boost to our space achievements. Jan Tarsala, WB6VRN, is preparing a two- pronged justification and petition to the FCC to get us a special call sign for the event. Bob Polansky, N6ET, is developing a list of things needed to fix up W6VIO to support the event. (See his article on page 3 of this issue.) However, much more remains to be done and I am looking for help. We need to secure PIO support and formulate publicity releases for the ham radio magazines soon. A QSL card has to be designed to fit with our traditional commemorative series; I would like this done before the event so we can integrate the QSL activity with computer logging. Lastly, an operator schedule and possibly training sessions have to be organized. I am looking for a leader for the overall event, and leaders for each of the major activities. Most of the work is really in the preliminary phases over the next few months. The operation itself will be short and sweet, supported by many operators in a two-week stint centered around December 7. If you can help in any part of this project, large or small, please call me and let's talk!

    One last item: I am interested in YOUR current opinion of how we are doing and where we are going. I want to provide our diverse membership with a balanced club, hopefully neither emphasizing nor ignoring any single area that our members are interested in supporting. Rather than trouble you with questionnaires and surveys, I would like to hear from you by phone. Give me a call (Ext. 4-7004) and let me know what you think of the club - where it has come (for better or worse), and where it should be going.

    July Club Meetings
    By George Morris, W6ABW

    The regular July JPL Amateur Radio Club membership meeting was held Wednesday, July 12. Vice President Jay Holladay called the meeting to order. Sixteen members were in attendance. Jay reported that President Merv MacMedan was on travel abroad. One of the members congratulated Jay on his promotion to First Vice President of the ARRL.

    Jim Marr reported on Field Day Expenses. There were announcements and handouts provided by Mark Schaeffer on three upcoming events: ARRL Southwestern Division Convention aboard the Queen Mary in Long Beach September 1-3; 75th Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club Hamfest on Sunday August 13; and Associated Radio Amateurs of Long Beach auction on Saturday August 12.

    Bob Deen asked for volunteers for the Angeles Crest Century bicycle race on September 9. Walt Diem requested members of the 220 MHz SMA to attend it's regular meeting on Saturday, July 15, at JPL's von Karman auditorium.

    Members were reminded of the special WB6IEA contest which starts Friday night, July 14, at midnight. See details in the July edition of W6VIO Calling. Walt Diem announced that the PL tone on the output of WB6IEA/R will be turned off to eliminate the hum. Jay Holladay presented Field Day results. The Club made 5011 contacts for 15,066 points.

    The new ARRL video "Friends For Life" was shown to end the meeting.

    The Board of Director's meeting was held in Room 301-227 0n Wednesday, July 26. Only four of the nine Board members were present. Since a quorum was not present, no business was conducted.

    DX News
    By Bob Polansky, N6ET

    This may be my shortest DX article in history. A major Cassini review and a "full plate" for the weekend leave only 15 minutes for its preparation. Sporadic tuning across the W6VIO FT-757 confirm the fact that propagation stinks! Nothing above 20 meters shows any signs of life and even 20 is sparsely populated, at best. The DX Bulletin shows that there are a few activities planned or occurring, but you'll have to dig deep to make QSO's. A few operations of note are listed next to aid in your searches.

    BELAU - KC6YK continues his operation through 25 August. We still need him as a new country for W6VIO. There are few clues as to his operating habits. Drop by the shack and try to find him/work him for the Club.

    BENIN - TY1IJ should be active now through mid-to-late-August.

    CHRISTMAS & COCOS-KEELING ISLAND - VK9XI or VK9CJ will be operating through 16 August, all bands and all modes. The specific operation will depend on what transportation materializes.

    COCOS ISLAND - TI9JJP will be active from this nearby DX rarity for the first half of August. Jose operates all bands and all modes to the best of my recollection.

    HEARD ISLAND - The Peter Island DX group is planning a major DXpedition to this rare outpost later this year. This should be a 3 week effort according to my best information and should start on 12 November. I understand a ship has already been chartered for the assault!

    ISLE OF MAN - GD3NKC plans operation from 5 to 19 August. Look for him on the low bands in his morning and evening (He's 7 hours ahead of our local time).

    That's it for now. Enjoy what propagation exists. Make some CQ-noise. Maybe you'll attract something unexpected.

    Final FD Score
    By Jay Holladay, W6EJJ

    The joint Caltech-JPL ARC Field Day, 1995, is now history. The final paperwork has been submitted to ARRL Headquarters for consideration in the event. Here is the band-by-band breakdown of our score:

    Band   CW QSO's   CW PTS   SSB QSO's   SSB PTS 
    160      0         0         0           0
    80       185       740       108         216 
    40       514       2056      464         928
    20       750       3000      996         1992
    15       235       940       562         1124
    10       2         8         337         674
    6        2         8         72          144
    2        1         4         266         532
    222      1         4         75          150
    432      1         4         60          120
    1.2 GHz  1         4         17          34
    10 GHz   1         4         1           2
    SAT      2         8         13          26 
    PKT      111       444       *	         *
    80N      0         0         *            *
    40N      25        100       *            *
    15N      9         36        *            *
    10N      2         8         165         330
    222N     0         *         33           0
    Total QSO's:1842 CW plus 3169 SSB equal:5011
    Total Score with Multipliers:
    CW x 4=7368 PTS plus SSB x 2=6338 PTS: Total QSO 13706 PTS

    When the bonus points (1360) were added for all the allowable categories we ended up with 15,066 for our total point score. Impressive indeed for class 3A!

    This year's outstanding Field Day effort was made possible by the many people who contributed both time and effort. The radio operators were:

    	Mike Baker, KA6SAR	    Mark Beckwith, WA6OTU
    	Bob Blakely, N6MTI	    Carol Bruegge, KE6SRN
    	Tom Bruegge, KE6SRO  	Matt Carlson, KD6PZZ
    	Bob Deen, N5DPU		    Bob Dengler, NO6B
    	Walt Diem, WA6PEA	    Warren Dowler, KE6LEA
    	Leif Harcke, N3EEN	    Jay Holladay, W6EJJ
    	Peter Loer, KD6RLU	    Merv MacMedan, N6NO
    	Bob Polansky, N6ET	    Mike Ramirez, W6YLZ
    	Steve Rentschler, N8SR	Skip Reyman, W6PAJ
    	Dave Ritchie, N6DLU	    Mark Scxhaefer, WB6CIA
    	Brian Stapleton, KW6J	Bill Wood, WB6FXJ
    	Art Zygielbaum, WA6SAL	David Zygielbaum, KD6SAD

    In addition, others provided excellent support to the overall effort, both before, during, and after. These included:

    	Manny Caldera, KC6ZSY	John Carnakis, KE6DKY
    	Chris Carson, KE6EBQ	Jerry Person, KK6TS
    	Richard Schick, KE6BKE	Sam Weaver, WB6EMO

    W6VIO Work Parties
    By Bob Polansky, N6ET

    In early December, the JPL ARC is going to conduct a commemorative operation for several weeks celebrating the Galileo encounter of Jupiter. There's lots of work to do at the W6VIO Operations trailer to prepare for this event. A list of things we need to do to get ourselves ready for the Galileo Encounter operation follows:

    The first work party will take place on August 12, from 9 to 12 AM. Specific tasks to be undertaken will depend on the turn out. Future work parties will take place on 2 or 3 week centers in an attempt to finish everything prior to the commemorative. Please support this Club activity. We need all the help we can get. If you have any questions, please call Bob, N6ET, at JPL extension 4-4940.

    Open House Activity
    By George Morris, W6ABW

    The JPL Amateur Radio Club had a booth at the Open House. The booth was located near the back door to the visitor center on the path from the main gate to von Karman auditorium

    The Shuttle had landed before the Open House began so we did not have Shuttle audio or video as we had hoped. We did distribute about 1500 pieces of literature provided by the ARRL, about 500 pieces produced at JPL, and about 2000 pieces of SAREX material provided by NASA through our PIO Office. Members working the booth demonstrated their handy talkies and Mark Schaefer had a laptop computer generating Morse code.

    Thanks to the members who helped: Jon Adams, Many Caldera, Chris Carson, Rick Ebert, Merv MacMedan, Rick McKinney, Connie Morris, and Mark Schaefer.

    IEA Contest Report
    By Merv MacMedan, N6NO

    The Important Emergency Activity (IEA) contest on WB6IEA (224.70) has surfaced a number of relatively dormant members, but the activity level for a 230-member club is not as high as we expected.

    The purpose of the activity is to encourage you to dust off your gear, charge your batteries and demonstrate that you can really communicate on our emergency repeater when you have to. May I remind you that first prize is a trophy and a year's QST or equal subscription; second prize is a QST or equal subscription. Most of the participants are not contesters, but just want to help with the activity and give points to the others.

    Won't you join in and exchange license expiration dates (month/year) while showing that we really can communicate among ourselves? You have till August 15 to participate. Rules and log sheets appeared in the July newsletter. When the contest is over, SEND YOUR LOGS INDICATING TOTAL SCORE TO MERV MACMEDAN, N6NO, at JPL mail stop 301-280.

    The Voice of the Vatican
    By Jon Adams, NW6H

    There I was-looking straight down the barrel of a DX pileup. Germans, Spaniards, Africans, Dutch, Danes, Swedes, Russians, Slavs, Czechs, French, Irish, Portuguese, Italians, Greeks, Swiss-and all of them after me! How did I get myself into that situation?

    It was a warm, clear, Sunday morning in Rome. The humidity had not yet come up and the sun was only an hour or so over the horizon. But, like the previous few days, the air temperature would be 90(F by midday and the humidity would be in the high 80's.

    Just before 8 AM, Pino, I0DUD, stops by my hotel to shuttle me across town to 5 Borgo Santo Spirito, home of the Society of Jesus' amateur radio station, HV3SJ. Sunday is the group's "work" day, and today is no exception. The satellite station antenna system was only partially completed and today they would finish the installation.

    After a quick drive across town through deserted streets and across the serene and majestic Tevere, we arrived in the Rome neighborhood immediately east of Piazza San Pietro, home to the Vatican. Up the elevator to the rooftop and the radio shack. There I met Tony, I0JX; Gabriele, IK0HIT, and an American non-ham named Ron who lived and worked in the building.

    Pino proposed that I would enjoy using the radio station while they worked on the antenna setup. I first received a quick demonstration of how to operate the beautiful Yaesu FT-1000 HF rig, the antenna rotor, and the foot-operated PTT switch. Then I sat down to what I mistakenly thought would be a leisurely operating session.

    A few words of explanation first: The station is all Yaesu hardware generously donated by Yaesu as a result of the efforts of JPL ARC member Eric Archer, WB6GYD. And what a station it is! Besides the FT-1000, there is the FT-736 for satellite use, an FT-650 for 6-meters, and a whole pile of accessories to complete the station. (I suspect that Yaesu was hoping for an ad with the Pope at the microphone, calling CQ DX, but I guess that never happened.) The other factor is that I do not consider myself a contest operator, nor much of a DX'er. I am also pretty chatty when on the radio. I was about to enter a world about which I knew little!

    I started on 14,224 kHz with a simple CQ. I was really trying to become comfortable with the Hotel Victor Three Sierra Juliet call. I grabbed the "HV3SJ" engraved sign and set it in front of my nose. By the time I finished my CQ, a DK came back immediately. I chatted with him for a while, talking about the weather, my home QTH, etc. I got the feeling he was amazed that I was spending the time with him. All the while the lights were slowly coming on inside my brain: I would hear an occasional callsign, an air of urgency, thrown in around the edges of our conversation. There seemed to be a lot of people out there! He finally suggested that I should work the growing crowd. We signed; then the wave hit.

    Imagine standing at second base in Dodger Stadium, with 50,000 hams in the stands, all calling out their names at once, each wanting to pass callsigns and signal reports. It was overwhelming, to say the least.

    After fifteen minutes had passed, my brain was exhausted, besieged by seemingly every ham in Europe. I was still not proficient at the HV3SJ call, dropping into my NW6H call more than once, not yet adjusted to the staccato style necessary to service the pileup, and forgetting which language was native.

    Vatican Amateur Radio Station HB3SJ with Pino D'Aurelio, I0DUD
     (photo by Eric Archer, WB6GYD

    So, I went outside to help in the antenna repair and installation. Outside, the sun was hot, the correct tools non-existent, and my three Italian friends were arguing in Italian over the best way to do the work. Sighing deeply, I returned to the radio.

    With the Dome of St. Peter's Basilica in the Background, Gabriele, IK0HIT, and Tony, I0JX, assemble the HV3SJ Satellite Antenna 
    (photo by Eric Archer, WB6GYD

    By mid-afternoon, and many breaks to work on the antennas later, I had worked between 300 and 400 stations on 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 meters. By far, 10 and 12 meters were the most interesting given the sporadic-E propagation characteristics. First I would hear a pileup of Brits, quickly working a few with rapidly fading signals until the band sounded absolutely dead. Then, pounding the airwaves with CQ and QR-Zeds until suddenly a couple of CT's from Portugal were there. Then almost immediately the band would croak or transition to a couple of ON's, or SV's, or Russians. Within a half-hour I would easily log 30-50 contacts.

    During breaks I would walk out on the broad roof terrace or wander up on to other terraces on adjacent rooftops. A beautiful garden and several caves, complete with doors, were immediately south of the building. At noon the Pope himself came out to speak to the assembled throng in Piazza San Pietro. While I couldn't find a roof top position from which to see him I could hear him easily.

    Back at the radio, each time I announced the Sierra Juliet callsign the resulting cacophony was amazing. An explanation: I'd heard from a few contacts that DX packet clusters all over Europe were distributing my location as soon as I'd show up somewhere. If I heard a station sign "mobile", I'd give it preference. I ended up working more than a half-dozen mobile stations, all in Europe, all between 20 and 100 watts.

    Something important was missing: Americans. W, K, N, A calls. Later on in the afternoon I was told by an Irish ham that there were hordes of Americans calling me, but none was apparently able to get through the European crowd. Finally, around 4 PM local, I heard an AA9 call in the din. Dave, in Wisconsin. Wow! An American. With an American accent (well, Wisconsin). I told him that I'd been listening for that side of the pond all day and he was the first. We spent a few minutes talking and I was hoping that I'd hear a few more, but as soon as we signed, the barrier closed and more Europeans showed up.

    The only other exotics were one Kenyan, a few South Africans, some very Eastern Europeans and a pretty rare DXCC country itself, Hotel Victor Four November Alpha Charlie. Of course, HV4NAC is the second of the three Vatican City calls, but I imagine that his curiosity was piqued by hearing an American voice running Sierra Juliet, so he came on to say hi. At 60 dB over S9.

    During all this time Tony, I0JX, would come in occasionally from the antenna-building chores and work sporadic-E on the 6-meter station. Mainly Italians and Spaniards, but there were some Africans and eastern Mediterranean's in there too. He's worked into Texas before via a double hop on 6, but he wasn't getting that kind of range today.

    I was really starting to get into this; being on the receiving end of a DXpedition is a heady, powerful, experience. I could ignore someone if they displeased me. More than a few D-landers displeased me. The ones who would literally yell into the microphone, mike gain at 10, processor full-on, and way off-frequency to boot. The weaker stations I'd give support to. What fun...

    Then, suddenly, Pino ran into the room and motioned for me to get off the microphone. I looked up and saw the back of a black-frocked monsignor at the door to the shack, and all three of the Italians were listening to him with the greatest deference. Apparently he had grown tired of my interfering with his broadcast radio reception. It could have been worse: it could have been the Swiss Guards, or it could have been a bolt of lightning!

    The antenna work was done: The satellite station was ready for working the birds. My voice was worn out; it was time to take a walk over to the Piazza, see the Vatican, then walk back across town to my hotel and stop along the way for a pizza, a cold beer and a plate or two of pasta. As I told my new-found friends, any time they need an operator, I'd gladly return to be the Voice of the Vatican.

    ACC Call for Volunteers
    By Bob Deen, N5DPU

    Once again, the JPL Bicycle Club has asked W6VIO to provide communications support for the Angeles Crest Century (ACC) bike ride. I have agreed to organize the communications for this (yet again), but I need volunteers!

    Public service events such as these are a great way to enhance the reputation of Amateur Radio. They are usually a lot of fun, and not too demanding. The fundamental reason for our being there is to provide emergency communications should someone get hurt. However, we also pass fair amount of logistical information for the ride organizers (like Rest Stop 2 is out of water, or the first rider just came through). I would especially encourage new ham operators to help with these events. It is a great way to get some operating experience in a controlled net, and it's a nice way to give something back to the community.

    The ACC is an amazing ride through the mountains, covering 100 miles and 10,000 feet of cumulative elevation gain (how do they DO that?!). W6VIO has been providing communications for this bike ride since before I started working at JPL in 1987. Volunteers are needed to staff the five rest stops along the course, and, if we have enough people, a base station at the JPL visitor center. I find this ride particularly interesting because it is a great chance to spend a day up in the mountains enjoying the scenery.

    The ride is on Saturday, September 9. The rest stops need to be staffed from approximately 7 AM until 6 PM. The actual times vary an hour or so for each rest stop. If you can work the entire day, that would be great; otherwise, I'll try to set up half-day shifts for the rest stops. Lunch and a T-shirt will be provided.

    We also need additional radio equipment to cover the course. Because of the mountains, communications can be a bit of a challenge. If you cannot make it, but have any amplifiers or high-power mobile rigs or portable beams you can lend, it would be greatly appreciated. Normally we use both 220 and 2 meters, depending on the equipment available. I usually run net control at the top end of the course, using both bands as needed, while a station halfway up maintains contact with the repeater.

    If you can help but do not have equipment, please volunteer anyway and we can probably find you some. Please let me know if you can help out with this event. I can be contacted at work at extension 4-7492 or at home at (818)796-4111. I can also be reached by electronic mail at

    Photo by Dick Wetzel, WA6JBZ    

    Panamint Mountains Trip

    By Mike Frantz, KM6QZ

    In searching through some of the old issues of W6VIO Calling I came across articles about people who combined a weekend of exploring in the great outdoors with an amateur radio event. The results can be a lot of fun. This is exactly what Dick Wetzel (WA6JBZ) and I found out when we explored the Panamint Mountains and participated in the VHF contest that was held June 10 and 11.

    The Panamint Mountains stretch along the western border of Death Valley. Getting to the top requires a four-wheel-drive vehicle as the narrow dirt road is steep and rugged. But the view at the top is worth the effort. At 7200 feet you can see for miles in all directions.

    After spending Thursday night at the base of the mountains in Ballarat, an old mining town, we headed up the mountain. We explored a deserted mining camp and a real, live, operational gold mine. The area used to be mined extensively, but all that remains in the old mining camps is rusted machinery and buildings that have seen better days. But it is fun to explore them. 

    It is great to be able to talk on the radio on trips such as this. Not only is it a good way to pass the time, but it can come in handy in a number of ways. The following are just a few examples of the messages Dick heard on his radio: "Hey, was I supposed to turn right at the last junction?" "Help, I think I'm stuck." "Is it lunch time yet?" "There is another vehicle coming your way" "Help, this time I'm really stuck!"

    Once we got to the top we set up camp and up went the antennas on Dick's van, a 2-meter 12-element beam and a 6-meter 3-element beam. When the contest started Dick was making contact after contact on 6 meters. The band seemed to be open almost all the time. Our location was great for contesting. Two meters was just as good. Dick made about 50 contacts on each of the bands without much effort. He did not operate full time. Much time was taken in hiking, exploring, and just plain enjoying the great view.

    You don't have to wait for Field Day, or a contest weekend to combine amateur radio with the great outdoors. Just load the rigs in the vehicle, and head for the hills. Then sit back, make some contacts, and enjoy the fresh air and the view.

    W6VIO via Satellite
    By Mark Schaefer, WB6CIA

    The Jet Propulsion Laboratory Amateur Radio Club making QSO's via satellite. What a novel concept. It's been a while since that's happened, but it should be a regular occurrence now. Thanks to people like Courtney Duncan, we have 2-meter and 70-cm radios with computer controlled yagis, complete with preamps. Thanks to people like Jon Adams and Randy Hammock, we have the latest tracking software on computer. Thanks to Eric Archer, the radios are repaired and in perfect working condition.

    Now all the station needs is operators like you and me. I have made many a QSO during the Voyager Commemoratives and just plain old daily passes. I have used the satellite station to talk to Shuttle Astronauts by voice and packet. We now need to get some operators for the Galileo Commemorative in December. We could use a PSK/FSK modem for the newer birds, and I do not think we have ever made a SSTV QSO on the birds. Who will be the first?

    The satellite station for Field Day was a lot of fun. Just making one contact is worth 100 points, but we could not settle for just one. However, it was not a trivial task to make the first contact, let alone the 15 we gathered. This was a small total compared to other years, but, like the ionosphere, you do not always get optimum conditions for Field Day.

    I should mention a few of the handicaps we started with: The Caltech Club was unable to get a station together in time so Jay Holladay called on Ted Pfeiffer to supply the Yaesu FT736, and the 2-meter and 70-cm bricks. Ted had to leave an hour after the contest started (for a surprise anniversary party as it turned out). Our antennas were 4-element yagis attached to a ladder for 2 and 70, a dipole for 15, and a vertical for 10. I provided a FT757 for a 15-meter receiver and Jay provided an ICOM 735 for the 10-meter transmitter. Our information on satellite passes was old. We barely knew the satellite passbands and had no information on the satellite operating mode schedules. No one knew the subtle operating features of the equipment. We only had a 20 amp supply for 12 volts, which could not run the HF rig or the 440 amplifier.

    Fortunately there was enough time between passes and enough passes to solve these Murphyism's. Many thanks go to Chris Carson who brought his laptop computer that gave us accurate predictions for all the satellites for the entire contest, and for his armstrong rotator. While We did not know what modes the satellites were in, we figured when we heard signals, that would tell us what the mode was. I brought a spare deep-cycle battery and a charger to power the rest of the equipment. We managed to figure out how to work the equipment the old fashion way; punch all the buttons and turn all the knobs until it works!

    How did all this work? With 4-element yagis we could just barely hear ourselves on AO10. Chris was at the computer, I was at the antennas frantically pointing to where things were loudest and Dave Ritchie got the first QSO on a handkey. Yea! 100 points! Another problem, besides not enough power on AO10, was we had to receive on 2 meters. The satellites were in the same direction as the site VHF/UHF van with it's front-end deafening 2-meter FM and packet stations. Fortunately the low Earth orbiting satellite passes are only 10-20 minutes long so we worked a deal on operating time with the VHF/UHF station.. RS10 was loud, but we only heard a beacon; no other signals or QSO's. Besides, there was not a lot of chance to hear anything while transmitting into the 15-meter receive antenna apex at the base of the 10-meter transmit antenna. FO20 turned out to be the hot bird for us. We worked the 20 minute pass which came from the South Pacific through the Western US, Canada, then the North Pole. It was exciting to first hear nothing, then we can hear our signal coming back down, then others tuning around trying to hear themselves on our frequency, then they finally hear themselves and called us. We made 13 QSO's in rapid succession until we could no longer hear ourselves; only some VE7's talking to each other; then finally silence.

    Next year we need to remember a few things: Bigger antennas for AO10; equipment manuals; satellite handbook; satellite mode schedules; satellite keplarians; latest satellite pass schedules;, solid antenna mounting and AZ EL rotation, HF antennas with at least 30 feet distance; antenna placement so as not to look into the VHF station. Can't wait to use Phase 3 on FD and the shack.

    220 MHz Radio Availability
    By George Morris, W6ABW

    I have heard several comments from Club members recently that there are not many 220 MHz band radios available now. I questioned those comments and decided to do a quick survey. I looked in the catalogues of three nationwide amateur radio equipment suppliers and at recent issues of QST and CQ magazines.

    I was pleased to learn that there are at least twelve radios available from five different manufacturers. Five of the radios are for mobile use and six are handheld. Five of the radios are dual band (2-meters and 220 MHz). A mobile radio is one that provides 25 to 50 watts of power and operates from 12 volts DC. The mobile radio may be used at home with a suitable AC power supply.

    In the survey I will refer to list and sale prices. The list prices are usually discounted 10 percent or more. Radios are single band 220 MHz unless otherwise indicated.

    AZDEN has the PCS-7200 25 watt mobile sale priced at $410.

    ICOM has five radios: The IC-38A 25-watt mobile list priced at $600; the IC-2330A dual band mobile list priced at $1020; the IC-03AT handheld list priced at $450; the IC-3SAT handheld list priced at $425; and the IC-V21AT dual band handheld list priced at $715.

    KENWOOD has three radios capable of 220 MHz: The TM-331A mobile list priced at $570; and the TM 642A tri band mobile list priced at $940 with 2-meters and 220 installed. Space is available in the TM-642A to install a third band; 6-meters, 440 MHz, or 1.2 GHz. People who already have a TM-742A can add the UT-220S module for an additional $319

    STANDARD has two radios: The C228A dual band handheld list priced at $695; and the C288A handheld list priced at $500.

    YEASU has the FT-33R handheld list priced at $370. This radio does not come with a touch-tone pad. One is available as a option, but costs $60.

    I hope this survey will encourage some members to get active on our 220 MHz repeaters which are now operating quite well. Give me a call if you have trouble finding information on any of these radios.

    JPL ARC Repeaters


    W6VIO   147.150 MHz(+) PL 131.8 Open
    W6VIO   224.080 MHz(-) PL 156.7 Shuttle Audio
    WB6IEA  224.700 MHz(-)          Closed Autopatch
    W6VIO-1 145.090 MHz             Packet Node/BBS
    W6VIO-1 223.540 MHz             Packet Node/BBS

    Table Mountain:

    WB6TZS  145.280 MHz(-) PL 131.8 Open
    WB6TZS  223.960 MHz(-) PL 156.7 Open
    WB6TZS  447.325 MHz(-) PL 94.8  Open

    ARRL News
    Provided by Jan Tarsala, WB6VRN

    Upcoming VEC Examinations

    The following test session information is provided by the ARRL/VEC for the upcoming eight week period. For further information, please call the test session contact person at the telephone number listed. If necessary, you may contact the ARRL/VEC at 203-666-1541 x282 for additional information. Electronic mail may be forwarded to the ARRL/VEC via USENET at "" or via MCI Mail to MCI ID: 653-2312 or 215-5052.

    Although the test session information presented here does not indicate whether walk-ins are accepted or not, most test sessions do allow walk-ins. We encourage you, however, to always call the contact person at the telephone number provided so that the VE Team is aware that you be attending the test session.

    08/07/95, A, Lancaster, 805-948-1865, Adrienne J Sherwood
    08/12/95, A, Fontana, 909-823-6818, Louis Johnson
    08/12/95, A, Fontana, 909-822-4138, E William Gruber
    08/17/95, A, Fountain Valley, 714-778-1542, Thomas Harris
    08/19/95, A, Long Beach, 310-431-8998, Ken Newkirk
    08/24/95, A, Colton, 909-825-7136, Harold Heydenfeldt
    08/26/95, A, Culver City, 310-459-0337, Scott V Swanson
    08/26/95, 5, Garden Grove, 714-534-8633, John Gregory
    08/26/95, A, Pomona, 909-620-2089, Frank Westphal
    09/05/95, A, Culver City, 213-292-6423, C Lutz
    09/08/95, A, Irvine, 714-824-8477, Jack C Lockhart
    09/09/95, A, Fontana, 909-823-6818, Louis Johnson,
    09/09/95, A, Fontana, 909-822-4138, E William Gruber
    09/10/95, A, Thousand Oaks, 805-375-1385, M. Treganza
    09/16/95, G, Signal Hill, 310-420-9480, Don Boyce NN6Q
    09/21/95, A, Fountain Valley, 714-778-1542, Thomas Harris
    09/23/95, A, Pomona, 909-620-2089, Frank Westphal
    09/28/95, A, Colton, 909-825-7136, Harold Heydenfeldt
    09/30/95, A, Corona, 909-737-9769, Clerina Lamarche
    09/30/95, A, Culver City, 310-459-0337, Scott V Swanson

    FCC Issued Call Sign Update

    The following is a list of the FCC's most recently issued call signs as of July 1:

    District Group A   Group B   Group C   Group D
             Extra      Adv.    Tech/Gen   Novice
    0        AA0YM     KG0YF       ++      KB0TFM
    1        AA1NW     KE1CJ     N1VMF     KB1BSX
    2        AA2YB     KG2DH       ++      KB2VEV
    3        AA3MC     KE3UD     N3VSJ     KB3BJX
    4        AE4KB     KT4AM       ++      KF4BKY
    5        AC5DB     KK5QZ       ++      KC5POU
    6        AC6OK     KO6XW       ++      KE6VTW
    7        AB7LI     KJ7PS       ++      KC7MBY
    8        AA8UB     KG8SR       ++      KC8AIK
    9        AA9PJ     KG9DI       ++      KB9KZC
    Hawaii    ++       AH6OD       ++      WH6CWI
    Alaska    ++       AL7QC       ++      WL7CNX
    Virgin   WP2R      KP2CF     NP2IF     WP2AHY
    Puerto Rico ++     KP4ZU       ++      WP4NAB
    ++ All call signs in this group have been issued in this area

    Classified Section

    For Sale


    Roster Changes

    Welcome to following new club member:

    Guy A. Labrador, KE6RMY

    Editor's Note

    For the first time W6VIO Calling is being produced using color photographs in the original Word for Windows document. A Hewlett/Packard ScanJet IIIc is used to scan original photographs with a resolution of 600 DPI and "millions" of colors. Each image is converted to the Compuserve GIF format and imported into Word for Windows. The final print file is produced by the Apple LaserWriter II NTX Windows 95 driver. The JPL ARC Web Home Page uses the same text and photographic images as the original Word document.

    While the regular Xerox Docutech print run by JPL Reproduction Services is in black and white, those who have access to a color printer can use the distributed Word for Windows file to produce a copy with the color photos intact. Persons who have Word for Windows 6.0 or later can also view the document on their computer color monitor. Please contact the editor for a copy of the July or August W6VIO Calling Word file via ccMail.

    Jet Propulsion Laboratory Amateur Radio Club
    Attn: Bill Wood, Editor, Mail Stop DSCC-33
    4800 Oak Grove Drive
    Pasadena, CA 91109-8099

    Updated August 25, 1999