
Meeting Notice
By Scott Nolte, N6CUV

The Annual JPL Amateur Radio Club Christmas Banquet meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 11, starting at 6 PM at Marie Callender's Pasadena Restaurant. Be sure to submit your reservation form early. See page 7 for full details.

The next regular Club meeting will be held January 8, 1997, in building 238, room 543 at Noon. Club Board of Directors meetings are held at noon on the fourth Wednesday of each month in 301-227. Everyone is welcome at all club meetings; bring your lunch. n

Calendar of Events

Date Event
December 11 JPL ARC Annual Banquet, Marie Callender's Restaurant, Pasadena
December 21 [Pomona Swapmeet, DeVry Institute]
December 26 [TRW Swapmeet, Redondo Beach]
January 8 General Meeting, Noon - 238-543
January 18 [Pomona Swapmeet, DeVry Institute]
January 22 Board Meeting, Noon - 301-227
January 25 [TRW Swapmeet, Redondo Beach]
February 12 General Meeting, Noon - 238-543
February 15 [Pomona Swapmeet, DeVry Institute]
February 19 Board Meeting, Noon - 301-227
February 22 [TRW Swapmeet, Redondo Beach]
March 12 General Meeting, Noon - 238-543
March 15 [Pomona Swapmeet, DeVry Institute]
March 19 Board Meeting, Noon - 301-227
March 29 [TRW Swapmeet, Redondo Beach]
April 9 General Meeting, Noon - 238-543

Notes from W6EJJ
By Jay Holladay, W6EJJ

Hamming from Paradise

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to move to paradise for a few years and enjoy ham radio from a super location? Our featured speaker at the JPL ARC Christmas banquet did just that. Marty Woll, N6VI, recently returned from a four-year work assignment in Hawaii. While there he acquired the site and antennas of KH6XX and operated several serious contest efforts from that location.

Marty will share some of his ham radio experiences and tell us what it is like to live and work in Hawaii for an extended time. He is a partner with the accounting firm of Coopers & Lybrand and is also a renowned contester. His stories of ham radio and life in Hawaii will be interesting to hams and non- hams alike. We hope you can join us at this year's Christmas banquet!

Club Officers for 1997

Our nominating committee activities got a little behind the time line this Fall, but the slate of officers for 1997 is almost complete. For President, it is a pleasure to announce that Randy Hammock, KC6HUR, has agreed to be a candidate for this office. Scott Nolte, N6CUV, has indicated his willingness to serve another term as Vice President, as has Chuck Sarture, KG6NF, in the Treasurer post. At press time the position of Secretary is still under discussion. We expect to have a full slate of candidates by the time of the Banquet. Anyone desiring to make additional nominations should contact Scott Nolte, Merv MacMedan, or me, or nominations may be made during a (very) short business meeting at the Banquet. If there is more than one candidate for any office, ballots will be mailed soon after that meeting.

That's all for now. Hope to see you at Marie Callender's on December 11.

73, Jay n

November Meetings
By Chris Zygielbaum, N6WEI and Scott Nolte, N6CUV

General Meeting

The general meeting of the JPL Amateur Radio Club was held on Wednesday, November 13, 1996. President Jay Holladay (W6EJJ) called the meeting to order.

Bob Polansky, (N6ET) announced the next work party is scheduled for Saturday, November 16, 9 AM till Noon. Finding the pressure leaks in the coax lines up to the Mesa has been put on hold until the weather cools off. Planned work will be shack clean-up and working on the 160 meter antenna. Call Bob Polansky, (N6ET) at 354-4940 to learn about upcoming work parties.

Walt Diem (WA6PEA) has received the Kendecom repeater back from Bill Wood (WB6FXJ) after having some upgrades done to it. Walt will be testing it at home for awhile before it goes to the repeater site. Philip Barnes-Roberts (KE6PMZ) announced that the Pasadena Radio Club is giving tests for all classes of licenses on Wednesday, November 13. Jay Holladay (W6EJJ) announced that our club's Annual Banquet Meeting will be on December 11, at Marie Callendar's in Pasadena from 6 to 10 PM. No speaker has been picked yet.

Jay Holladay (W6EJJ) introduced our speaker Art Zygielbaum, (WA6SAL). Faced with the problem of integrating a large car, little dash space, and an ICOM 725 for mobile HF, (this was started before the Kenwood TS50 or ICOM IC706 were out) he used a little computer to meet the challenge. Art programmed (assembly language and Pascal) a control program for the HP95LX Palmtop Computer to run the 725. This enabled the radio to be mounted in the back of his Land Cruiser and be operated by remote control. The HP95 solved the problem and gave Art a chance to design the front-panel of his dreams without solder, wire, or a drill. Art explained what he did, how he did it, and how well it works. For more details on this project look for Art's article in an upcoming QST issue.

Board of Directors Meeting

The JPL ARC Board of Directors meeting was held on Wednesday, November 27, 1996. Jay Holladay (W6EJJ) called the meeting to order.

Chuck Sarture (KG6NF) presented the Treasurer's report. There was one ARRL membership purchased through the club (generating $5 income to the club), one new Autopatch membership, and the standard W6VIO Calling postage and the Autopatch telephone expenses for the month.

The Board was reminded that any new ARRL membership paid through the club generates $5 income for the JPL ARC (renewals generate $2 income). Rick McKinney (KA6DAN) has the forms.

The ERC Grant budget plan was reviewed and actions were assigned to verify that needed purchases will be made before the end of the year. A duplexer for WB6IEA Repeater, not previously included in the plan, is now a high priority. Jay will check the Bylaws to determine if changes to the original plan need to be approved by the full ARC membership. Walt Diem (WA6PEA) will check on the price of the duplexer.

The Board closed the single open item in the budget by passing a motion to reimburse John Tallon (N6OMB) $160 for the food on Field Day. John spent $530 and received $370 from individual donations during Field Day. Even though the original store receipts were lost, the Board decided to close the item and reimburse John for the difference.

Jay announced that an informal Nominating Committee, comprised of Merv McMedan (N6NO), Scott Nolte (N6CUV), and Jay met and has made progress on a slate of 1997 officers. He is expecting to announce the slate in time for a vote at the December General Meeting, December 11.

Again this year, the December general meeting will be a banquet. The banquet is planned for Wednesday, December 11 at the Marie Callendar's at 2550 E. Colorado Blvd. in Pasadena. A no-host reception is planned for 6:00 p.m. and dinner will begin at 7:00 p.m. Two entrees will be offered, a London Broil, or Chicken Teriyaki Kebob. The cost for the dinner will be approximately $13, and a slice of a Marie Callendar's pie will be available for $2. Scott Nolte will be accepting reservations and individuals wishing to go are encouraged to send a check to Scott in advance. More information about the program and the price is available elsewhere in the December W6VIO Calling Newsletter. n

DX News
By Bob Polansky, N6ET

The CQ WW CW Contest is over and with it fond memories of the weekend that saw the solar flux skyrocket! We haven't seen that kind of propagation in two or three years. The gods must have been listening to the suffering DXers. A great time was had by all participants. Propagation forecasts are high-normal through the 6th of December.

Now is the time to work DX. Now for some specifics.

CROZET ISLAND - FT5WE is quite active on the low ends of both 40 and 30 meters. Look for the semi-weak high speed CW operator! His QSL manager gets cards back very quickly.

FRENCH ST. MARTIN - Look for FS/W2QM from 4 to 11 December.

HEARD ISLAND - VK0IR will be a mega-operation running from 13 to 27 January. They should be workable on all bands through 15 meters. If the sunspots cooperate, Maybe 12 and 10 meters will be possible, but it's an odds-off bet. Don't miss this one. Frequencies will be published next month.

MARION ISLAND - ZS8IR continues frequent operation on 40 and 30 meters. He's pretty workable on the West Coast at the low ends of the CW band. He's also been spotted on 75 and 80 meters. Hope to catch him myself on the low band.

MINAMI TORISHIMA - This operation is planned from 16 to 23 December.

SOUTH COOK ISLAND - ZK1DI is on most evenings on the low ends of 80, 40, and 30 meter cw. That's all for now. Guess the world's DXpeditioners are all getting ready for Christmas. 73 until next month. A Merry Christmas to all. n

November Work Party
By Bob Polansky, N6ET

We met at 9:00 AM on 15 November to work several tasks. Ross Snyder, John Norris, Chuck Sarture, Chris Carson, and Bob Polansky were the participants. We started by cutting and fabricating two halves of a 160 meter dipole, which we intended to run from the same coax already feeding our 40/80 dipole at the top of the Sommers antenna tower. We pulled out our Honda generator and managed to get it started after about twenty minutes of frustration. Armed with that and a bunch of tools, we made our way to the antenna site. One of the push-up poles supporting the 80 meter dipole had fallen over due to a guy rope failure. It was repaired.

We started to lower the Sommers to gain access to the dipole coax. DISASTER! The top hat supporting the "lowering pulley" on top of the wooden tower segment pulled loose. Due to quick thinking on the part of our fabulous team, we were able to bring back the Sommers beam to its normal operating position without losing the entire beam. The bottom line is that we have no 160 meter antenna; further, we can no longer lower the Sommers without getting someone to climb the wooden pole, design a proper hold down mechanism and they install it on the top of the pole. We are looking for volunteers to do that task. In addition, the control box for the Sommers rotator was left on by someone and the box has failed. We need another volunteer to make the needed repairs on the control box.

We did accomplish one thing during our rather frustrating work party. We developed and documented a detailed sequence for completing the assembly of the TH7DXX on top of our new 67 foot tower. Once we get the needed parts, two work parties will be put together to complete the needed work. n

Emergency Information on the Internet
Provided by Walt Diem, WA6PEA

For those who are "newbie's" to the Internet, here are some Web Sites and Newsgroups worthy of looking into. The source of this information is the DERA _DisasterCom_ newsletter:


The following newsgroups can be accessed through most Internet Service Providers (ISPs):

Please bear in mind that not all ISPs have the same newsfeeds so not all ISPs will have the above newsgroups!

Respectfully Submitted and 73's for now my friends. Patrick Cook, KB0OXD, Denver, Colorado n

FM and Multipath Propagation
By John Sehring

Experiments in the late 1930s showed that narrowband FM on the shortwave bands suffers more than AM from the selective fading that multipath propagation causes. Some call the effect "phase distortion."

70 Years Ago

Early PM work involved many who would become legends of early radio engineering, including Murray Crosby, Murlan Corrington and S.O. Rice. In the late 1920s, when they learned that incidental phase modulation in AM transmitters exacerbates the effects of selective fading, broadcasters redesigned their transmitters to reduce PM.

Others noted that selective fading on the shortwave bands lessened with increasing frequency. This led Arguimbau and Granlund of M.I.T., in the late 1940s, to try wideband FM (75 kHz deviation) at 26 MHz over a transatlantic circuit. They developed an FM receiver with improved capture ratio and AM rejection - to make it highly resistant to multipath distortion. It's IF strip comprised RC-coupled, vacuum-tube amplifier stages with solid-state diode limiters-the basis of the Marantz model 6B FM tuner that hit the market ten years later.

Excessive Multipath

But, despite the advanced receiver, the 26 MHz experiments failed. When two equally strong propagation paths occurred, which often happens, the two signals alternately "captured" the receiver. The path-lengths generally differed, giving different time delays that produced instantaneous phase jumps. The listener heard short, but loud, static bursts.


At higher frequencies, multipath propagation produced by terrestrial obstructions can be just as severe, especially when one end of a link is in a moving vehicle ("picket fencing"). And, since a phase jump causes the effect, the receiver's amplitude limiter can't help, though it can counter other multipath effects.

Later wideband FM receivers evolved from that MIT model - including the Scott and the Von Recklinghausen designs of the H.H. Scott company, and those of Avery Fisher. IF bandwidth in those receivers didn't need widening. It already had to be 240 kHz, to pass the sidebands of a 75 kHz deviation FM signal. Rather, to better handle the effects of multipath propagation, the bandwidth of the limiters and FM detector were increased to several MHz.

Carson, a theorist at Bell Labs in the 1920s, predicted all this. He showed that FM would be inferior to AM in a typical shortwave circuit - no matter what one did to the receiver.

Armstrong persists

Theory never deterred Armstrong, who, it must be stated, did not invent FM. He did realize that to get the full benefits of FM (noise reduction and wide post-detection bandwidth, with low distortion), you had to use large deviation.

He developed and patented methods of generating and detecting wideband FM. His system used "the phasing method" (which can also produce and detect AM SSB signals) to generate small-deviation FM signals at low frequencies-one way of achieving low distortion. He then frequency-multiplied the signal by a large factor, to get the desired 75 kHz deviation. That explains why his transmitters had so many stages.


For FM broadcasting, you need a part of the frequency spectrum where multipath propagation isn't the norm, and groundwave range is short and stable - i.e. above 30 MHz. The first commercial FM broadcast band was from 42 to 50 MHz. But, by 1937, multipath propagation distortion on FM broadcast signals in this band was reported - by a ham in a QST article, among others.

Also, the late 1930s saw the peak of the 11-year sunspot cycle that produced long distance propagation of FM broadcast signals. People in the U.S. received television signals from England, and vice versa, via the ionosphere's F-layer. And "sporadic E" propagation often brought in FM broadcast signals from 1,000 miles away or more.

Highlighting FM's susceptibility to multipath distortion, 10- and 6-meter Amateur narrowband FM signals that propagate via the aurora are useless - because the aurora curtain constantly moves and changes rapidly, producing random Doppler shifts. The aurora produces both amplitude and frequency modulation on reflected signals, but AM are more readable. You can "hear" the modulating rumble of the aurora on signals in either an AM or FM receiver.

In the 1970s, BBC engineers noticed problems in their digital-audio FM-relay links - even low bit-rate ones. It puzzled them, because theoretically the digital modulation scheme was robust, and the microwave links were line-of-sight. Is it any surprise that the problem turned out to be multipath propagation?

Today's "conventional" FM receivers are about as good as they can be in terms of sensitivity, bandpass group delay, hard limiting, capture ratio, and AM rejection. Techniques for receiver threshold extension exist that, under some circumstances, can reduce digital bit-error rates. But the best way to improve a link is to reduce or eliminate multipath propagation. Using horizontal polarization - rather than vertical, linear angle, or circular - helps, as do highly directional antennas.

from the December '95 Indian River ARC (Cocoa Beach, Fla.) "Spurious Emissions Newsletter - Dick McKlveen, W5YWA, Editor, via ARNS. n

Classified Section


A50-to-80-foot self supporting/telescoping/tilt-over tower or towers. Can be either tubular or triangular. Need to be in good condition. Motorized would be a big plus. Will pay for packaging and shipping to Prescott, Arizona. Contact Brian (KW6J) at 714-896-3514 (M-F, 8 AM to 4 PM) or via Internet at

New or used (but in good condition) HF large mono-band beams which were designed for high gain/good front to back ratio/good directivity etc. Contact Brian (KW6J) at 714-896-3514 (M-F 8 AM to 4 PM) or via Internet at

Icom IC-04AT 440 MHz HT. Call Joel Mosher KB6RXE at 818-791-1779 or email to

US Tower (or Wilson) ROTATING BASE and RAISING FIXTURE for a 40 foot tubular telescoping tower. US Tower part number for the rotating base is MARB/40 and for the raising fixture is MAF-40. Please contact Brian Stapleton (KW6J) at 714-896-3514, M-F 8 AM - 4 PM.

Your want ad or article for inclusion in a future issue of W6VIO Calling. Submit either to Bill Wood, Mail Stop DSCC-33; or via Internet ( (KW6J) at 714-896-3514, M-F 8 AM - 4 PM.

For Sale

Video study course, ARRL Advanced Class includes computerized exam review software. Complete course for $50 (new cost $129). Call Bob Dye, KQ6GD, 818-249-0171

Only $4,500 for a US Tower Model HDX-589-MDPL 89-foot self supporting triangular tower with heavy duty motor, pull downs, and limit switches (original cost, over $8,100!). Tower is in great condition and is only a few years old. Contact Brian (KW6J) for further details (work number M-F, 8 AM to 4 PM, 714-896-3514).

Battery Packs (for HT's, camcorders, laptops, cordless and cellular telephones) and mobile antennas at unusually low prices. Contact Walt Diem at 818-248-7525.

Yaesu's - like new. Closing station. FT-470 2m/440 w/tone squelch, PA-6 ~ FNB-12 batteries, chargers, and two vinyl cases. Unused, in carton. $350. FT-212RH 2m mobile w/mic, spkrs. Used very few hours. $295. Astron RS-12 power supply, good condition. $50. George KC6CWA, (707) 945-0705, or via W6MEO@KJ6FY.#NOCAL.CA.USA.NOAM. n

Via the ARRL www Home Page

FCC Proposes New Service For Reallocated 2.3-Ghz Segments
ARRL Letter, November 15 Update

The FCC has proposed to create a new Wireless Communications Service (WCS) in the 2305-2320 and 2345-2360-MHz bands and to award licenses on the basis of competitive bidding. The bands include a 5-MHz segment that Amateur Radio shares with government services between 2305 and 2310 MHz. Just before it adjourned in October, the 104th Congress approved a provision as part of the much larger appropriations bill that directed the FCC to put the 30 MHz of spectrum in the 2.3-GHz region up for competitive bidding to help balance the budget. It's believed to be the first time the Congress has ordered the reallocation of specific frequencies.

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) had identified for reallocation the amateur segments 2300-2310 MHz and 2390-2400 MHz in May 1994, so reallocation of part of that subband came as no surprise. At its special session in October, the ARRL Board of Directors approved a proposal to seek an increase in the amateur service allocation status--from secondary to primary--in the 2300-2305-MHz segment.

The FCC says the new WCS service would allow licensees to provide any fixed, mobile or radiolocation service, or satellite Digital Audio Radio Services (satellite DARS), consistent with the international frequency allocations for these bands. The Commission also proposed to adopt no restrictions on eligibility for a WCS license and to allow WCS licensees "to partition their service areas, disaggregate spectrum, and franchise portions of their spectrum or service areas on a leased basis."

Competitive bidding for the two segments will begin no later than next April 15. Comments are due by December 4, 1996, and reply comments by December 16, 1996 n

Solar Flux Numbers Soar!
ARRL Letter, November 29 Update

Solar prognosticator Tad Cook, KT7H, in Seattle reports: The recent rise in solar flux continued over the weekend to an unexpected level. On November 24, WWV reported that the solar flux was 100, a level which we have not seen since September 1994!

In the last solar report, I asked if the recent rise might be the end of the doldrums and the start of significant activity in Cycle 23. I'm not certain, but I believe the areas that are causing all the activity are near the Sun's equator, which suggests that they might be some improbable last gasps from the waning cycle.

The flux numbers given in this weekly bulletin are always the noon measurements from the Penticton, British Columbia, observatory, but there are actually three per day. Below is a table of each flux value for every day since the last bulletin:

11/21/96 1800 UTC: 74.2
11/21/96 2000 UTC: 74.4
11/21/96 2200 UTC: 75.5
11/22/96 1800 UTC: 79.5
11/22/96 2000 UTC: 82.6
11/22/96 2200 UTC: 82.3
11/23/96 2200 UTC: 95.0
11/23/96 2000 UTC: 91.0
11/23/96 1800 UTC: 90.6
11/24/96 1800 UTC: 103.5
11/24/96 2000 UTC: 99.8
11/24/96 2200 UTC: 104.2
11/25/96 1800 UTC: 103.6

The latest forecast from NOAA SESC is for a flux around 105 for November 25.

Thanks to Cary Oler for the above data. Cary has a very in- teresting and informative Web page with solar data and current solar images at n

Amateur Radio To Have Permanent Space Role
ARRL Letter, November 29 Update

A foundation has been laid to give Amateur Radio a permanent presence in space. Earlier this month, Amateur Radio delegates from eight countries--Russia, Japan, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Canada, France and the US--met at the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, to map plans to include a permanent ham radio station aboard the International Space Station, to be tended by station crew members.

From the United States, members of the SAREX Working Group, officials from NASA, US representatives of the Russian Mir Amateur Radio experiment and members of the Johnson Space Center Amateur Radio Club attended the meetings November 4 and 5, chaired by Roy Neal, K6DUE. ARRL Vice President Joel Harrison, W5ZN (ex-WB5IGF), represented the League at the gathering. SAREX Working Group member Rosalie White, WA1STO, of the ARRL Headquarters staff, was among those on hand. The delegates jointly developed a draft memorandum of understanding to promote the development of Amateur Radio on the International Space Station--to be known as ARISS.

The ARISS group will provide for the planning, coordination and performance of Amateur Radio projects on the space station, similar to the way the SAREX Working Group currently coordinates Amateur Radio activities on many space shuttle missions. AMSAT and IARU organizations in each of the eight countries are to review and consider approving the memorandum of understanding. In the US, this includes AMSAT-NA and the ARRL.

The AMSAT-NA Board unanimously approved the memo- randum of understanding at its November 11 Board of Directors meeting in Tucson, Arizona. Once the memorandum is finalized, AMSAT-NA President Bill Tynan, W3XO, has been given authority by the board to sign it. AMSAT-NA Vice President for Manned Space Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, congratulated the international ARISS team for a job well done. "We look forward to a truly cooperative international venture on the International Space Station," he said. -- AMSAT News Service n

FCC Issued Call Sign Update

The following is a list of the FCC's most recently issued call signs as of November 12, 1996.

District     Group A  Group B   Group C   Group D
             Extra    Adv.     Tech/Gen   Novice
0            AB0DC    KI0FC     ++        KB0YXI
1            AA1QU    KE1GI     N1YCR     KB1CAD
2            AB2CK    KG2JD     ++        KC2ADQ
3            AA3PC    KE3YB     N3YGZ     KB3BQZ
4            AE4YV    KT4XU     ++        KF4NBG
5            AC5KH    KM5ER     ++        KC5WVH
6            AC6YH    KQ6KI     ++        KF6HGA
7            AB7TF    KK7CT     ++        KC7THI
8            AA8YM    KG8ZL     ++        KC8FFX
9            AA9TN    KG9IJ     ++        KB9OWJ
Hawaii       #        AH6OV     KH7BO     WH6DCV
Alaska       #        AL7QT     KL0BI     WL7CTY
Virgin Is.   WP2X     KP2CJ     NP2JM     WP2AIH
Puerto Rico  KP3V     KP3AN     NP3HM     WP4NMO

# New prefixes are available for this block, but none have been issued.
++All call signs in this group have been issued in this area. n

Upcoming VEC Examinations

The following test session information is provided by the ARRL/VEC for the upcoming one month period. For further information, please call the test session contact person at the telephone number listed. If necessary, you may contact the ARRL/VEC at 860-594-0300 for additional information. Electronic mail may be forwarded to the ARRL/VEC via USENET at "" or via MCI Mail to MCI ID: 653- 2312 or 215-5052.

Although the test session information presented here does not indicate whether walk-ins are accepted or not, most test sessions do allow walk-ins. We encourage you, however, to always call the contact person at the telephone number provided so that the VE Team is aware that you be attending the test

12/07/96, Lancaster, 93534, 805-948-1865, Adrienne J Sherwood
12/11/96, Hollywood, 91607, 818-766-1341, Elliott Bloch
12/12/96, Colton, 92324, 909-825-7136, Harold Heydenfeldt
12/14/96, Bell, 90201, 213-560-8618, Pedro Cacheiro
12/14/96, Brea, 92621, 310-691-1514, Robert Reitzel
12/14/96, Culver City, 90230, 310-827-2538, Clive Morel  AA6TZ
12/14/96, Fontana, 92337, 909-823-6818, Louis Johnson
12/14/96, Glendora, 91740, 818-966-7715, Perry Stevens P.R.C.
12/28/96, Culver City, 90049, 310-459-0337, Scott V Swanson
12/28/96, Torrance, 96900, 310-834-0558, Renato Santos n

JPL ARC Christmas Banquet
By Jay Holladay, W6EJJ

Please join us for the big JPL ARC Christmas Banquet meeting. This year it again will be held at Marie Callender's in Pasadena, where we have a private dining room with good facilities for our program and speaker. With a choice of entrees, and an excellent program planned, you won't want to miss this event.

What: JPL ARC Christmas Banquet meeting
When: Wednesday, December 11
            No-host Happy Hour at 6:00 PM, Dinner at 7:00
Where: Marie Callender's Pasadena
              2300 E. Foothill Blvd., Pasadena, CA
              (818) 792-3109

Choice of entree:
Teriyaki Chicken Grill
Grilled London Broil Steak
Includes soup or salad and non-alcoholic beverage
Cost: $13.00 per person (including tax & tip)
Program: Our featured speaker is Marty Woll, N6VI, who will tell us what it was like to live and work in Hawai for sev eral years and operate ham radio from an outstanding loca tion. This is a program that will be enjoyed by the non-hams in your family as well. We also will recognize some of our members who have contributed significantly to the club in the past year, and we will have a drawing for some very nice prizes.

I believe anyone who attended last year's banquet will agree that we have a fine location and that it was a very enjoyable event. Make your plans now to attend. n

Fill in the following form and mail to Scott Nolte at JPL Mail Stop 306-392, together with a check made out to Scott for $13 for each dinner.

Number of guests:____________________
Check box for number of entree(s) desired:
Teriyaki Chicken Grill:__________
Grilled London Broil Steak:______

Jet Propulsion Laboratory Amateur Radio Club
Attn: Bill Wood, Editor, Mail Stop DSCC-33
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109-8099

Go back to the W6VIO Calling Index.