
Meeting Notice

The next regular JPL Amateur Radio Club membership meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 14, at noon in 238-543. Club Board of Directors meetings are held at noon on the fourth Wednesday of each month in 301-227. Everyone is welcome at both meetings; bring your lunch.

Notes from W6EJJ
By Jay Holladay, W6EJJ

Greetings from your new president! When I made my plans to retire from the ARRL Board, I was kind of counting on a "year off" from any position of responsibility in an amateur radio organization. Meanwhile, our JPL ARC's nominating committee had assembled an excellent slate of officers for 1996, lacking only a candidate for president. After a good bit of discussion and some soul searching, I agreed to take the helm for the coming year and try to keep the club moving forward, building on the efforts of Merv, N6NO, and his predecessors. So, please bear with me while I decompress a bit from 21 years as an ARRL volunteer and get busy setting up a new administration.

The club certainly built some forward momentum in the past year, especially in communicating with its members. The highlights were Bill Wood's assuming the editorship of W6VIO Calling, and Gerry Walsh's continuing work to maintain the JPL ARC Web Page and e-mail list. Then we have our net on WB6IEA at noon on Mondays, ably run by Richard Schick. With all of these, plus our regular monthly meetings, no one can say they don't have an opportunity to know what is going on in the JPL ARC!

Given this, some of us keep wondering why there is not more participation in club activities. In the coming weeks I would like to foster some dialogue on what kind of a club we really want. What should we be doing to generate more interest and support for our activities? Or, are we all too busy with our families, jobs, and trying to master that new piece of software to have much time for ham radio? There are many different reasons for the lack of participation, but I'm puzzling over whether we should try to find some new approaches or just accept the situation and let club activity settle out at about the current level.

One thing that is essential to the well being of any organization is a steady influx of enthusiastic newcomers. The first goal I have set is that this year the JPL ARC will sponsor at least one licensing class for beginners. Efforts are underway to set one up - you'll be hearing more about this in the coming weeks.

Please join us at the general meeting on February 14 and share your ideas on future directions for the club. Or, contact me via e-mail or telephone and let me know you thoughts on the subject. The club can be only as good as the members choose it to be, and I'd like your help in deciding the activities we should emphasize (and that you would support) this year.

73 de Jay - W6EJJ n

January Club Meetings
By Chris Zygielbaum, N6WEI

The first regular meeting for 1996 of the JPL Amateur Radio Club was held on Wednesday, January 10. President Merv MacMedan called the meeting to order. The nominating committee presented its slate of officers for 1996. The slate was approved by the club members. Jay Holladay, W6EJJ, was elected President, Scott Nolte (N6CUV) Vice President, Chuck Sarture, KG6NF, Treasurer, and Chris Zygielbaum, N6WEI, Secretary. The members expressed their thanks to the outgoing officers for their hard work during the past year. The incoming officers (especially the Secretary) trust that the coming year will be as successful as 1995 was.

Following the elections, two videos were shown. The first, ICOM's "Next Generation", highlighted recent equipment offerings by ICOM. By viewing this video, our club is eligible for a drawing for a new IC-706! The second video presented an in-depth look at Kenwood's new TS-870S HF rig with digital filtering. There certainly are some interesting new items of equipment on the marked these days!

The new Board was off to a good start at its January 24 meeting in 301-227. With all new officers present, President Jay Holladay welcomed the new board and spent time discussing ideas for 1996.

Treasurer Chuck Sarture and his ad hoc budget committee held several meetings prior to presenting a preliminary budget to the board at this meeting. The Board of Directors will continue working on 1996 budget and will present it formally to the membership at the next regular club meeting on February 14.

Jay suggested that we keep an up-to-date club calendar in W6VIO Calling. The calendar can also be posted on the JPL ARC Home Page.

The meeting concluded with discussion of ways to increase participation in club activities and possible additional social events. Jay concluded the meeting by stating that he looked forward to a productive year with the JPL ARC. n

DX News
By Bob Polansky, N6ET

The first Monday of the month fast approaches; therefore, it is time to put pen to paper (or should I say "fingers to keyboard") and tell you all about the fantastic DX available to all as the sunspots hit bottom. Since I contributed several other articles this time, there will be no further preamble to this one.

AMSTERDAM, CROZET, KERGUELEN - W4MGN leaves Reunion Island on 12 February, destined for these three FT5 locations. Hopefully he'll make his presence known when he arrives!

CHAD - TT8SS has been reported in the late afternoon (2300 to 0100Z) around 7005 kHz. This may be a bit early for California, but I NEED HIM on CW.

CROZET - FT5WE frequents 7005 kHz from 1530 to 1630Z. He's fairly weak and operates at 30 WPM or so.

FRANZ JOSEF LAND - R1FJZ is active at 3501 kHz at 1000Z and 7003 kHz at 0700 and 1200Z. These would both be nice "catches".

INDONESIA - YB2ARW is quite workable on 17M SSB in the late afternoon. Work him quickly, as he will be leaving in early February.

IVORY COAST - Look for the TU5A signals during the 17, 18 February CA contest, also a couple days before as they tune their antenna (and probably use individual call signs).

KERMADEC - ZL8RI will be the callsign of this all-band operation planned for 4 to 14 May. Don't miss this one, as the cost of any operations from the Kermadecs doesn't permit much access to hams.

MALDIVES - 8Q7YV and 8Q7ZR callsigns have been requested for an all-band operation planned for 14 to 20 February.

MIDWAY ISLAND - NH4/NH6D has been reported on 40M CW around 1500Z and also on 14026 kHz at 0100Z. If you hear him, work him for the Club. Our only Midway QSO was from a boat and doesn't count for DXCC credit.

SIERRA LEONE - Look for 9L1PG. He's been spotted at 3511 kHz at 0200Z.

SOUTH ORKNEYS - LU6Z continues daily operations at the low ends of 80, 40, and 17M CW. Also, some phone operation on 17M. He's very copyable everywhere. The operation will end around 24 February. On the low bands, he operates from 0000 to 0600Z. On 17M, he operates from 1600 to 1700Z.

UGANDA - ON6TT has signed a 6 month to 2 year contract that will keep him moving all over eastern Africa. Look for possible operations from 5X (his home base), 9X, 9U, 9Q, 5H, ST, ST0, T5, 5Z, E3, and ET.

That'll do it for today. Pretty good for a sunspot minimum, no? n

W6VIO Work Parties
By Bob Polansky, N6ET

On 20 January, the JPL ARC had a mini-work party. Supporting the effort were Chris Carson and yours truly. We redesigned the nitrogen pressurization system for the Club's hardlines to eliminate the need for nitrogen detectors inside the trailer. Parts needed are being obtained. The Trailer's batteries were serviced as were their terminals. It took an entire one-gallon bottle of distilled water to refill both batteries! After letting the batteries charge and cook for several days we determined that the batteries were not restorable.

Bob Blakely has provided the Club with a no-cost 12-volt battery with sufficient capacity to meet our needs with mega-ampere-hours to spare. We can obtain replacement batteries at the same cost from the same source on a yearly basis. Walt Mushagian has negotiated the long-term use of a high quality regulated battery charger for use by the Club. What we need now is a water-proof box (like fiberglass) which the battery will fit in. The battery's horizontal dimensions are 22 by 11 inches and it is 11 inches high. Does anyone have any ideas on how to meet this need? Give me a call at extension 4-4940 if you have.

Please save the following dates for upcoming W6VIO work parties 10 February, 2 March, 23 March. I'll publish more details on what we plan to accomplish on the JPL ARC Exploder at a later time. n

In Memory of N6IWT
By Rick McKinney, KA6DAN

Floyd G. "Pete" Olson Jr. became a silent Key on Christmas Day, 1995, at the age of 68. Pete is survived by his wife, two children, and eight grandchildren.

Pete was a native Californian, born in Hollywood, where he lived his early years. He was reported to have sold newspapers at the famous corner of Sunset and Vine as a youth. Pete attended Hollywood High School and worked briefly in the defense industry before entering the Navy in World War II. He completed the Navy radio operator's school and joined the fleet as a signalman aboard a landing craft in time to serve in the battle for Okinawa and the occupation of Japan.

After discharge, he returned home to attend electronics technical school. He earned his First Class Radiotelephone license as well as his Amateur General license as W6IST. He went into radio, and later television, repair. Like so many returning veterans, Pete and his new bride, Betty, moved to the San Fernando Valley and started a family.

By the time Pete came to work for the JPL in the mid 1960's, he had lost interest in amateur radio and had developed other hobbies. These included fishing (both fly and saltwater) gardening, and raising parakeets. Although, his big interest was in building and flying radio controlled model airplanes. It was this hobby that rekindled his interest in amateur radio. He found out that licensed amateurs had special frequencies that enabled him to fly without waiting up to an hour for an open public frequency. He was relicensed as N6IWT. It took a while, but Pete finally bought a 220 HT and joined our club. He could often be heard checking in on the way home from an ocean fishing trip.

Pete retired from the Lab in 1993 and used some of his free time to get more involved in amateur radio, including packet and DX, working South America and Japan from his home. n

Communications Drill
By Walt Mushagian, K6DNS

As part of it's support of the JPL Multihazard Emergency Response Plan the JPL ARC will be participating in a emergency drill on February 28, 1996. The JPL ARC Emergency Team Net will be activated on the 224.70 MHz club repeater. Activities will begin in the morning. Everyone is encouraged to participate.

A Reminder: The JPL ARC Emergency Team Net meets every Monday at 12 noon on the 224.70 repeater, please join us at that time. n

Lab Radio-Free Zones
By Chris Carson, KE6ABQ

If you've driven along Pioneer Road, in front of Bldg. 117 or past the Transportation lot below Bldg. 197 lately, you may have noticed "No Radio" stenciled on the pavement. This is a reminder not to transmit in the northeast area of the Lab. Small amounts of explosives, such as squibs and other devices, are stored and used in this area and there is a slight chance that a suitable amount of RF energy could ignite one of these devices.

As you travel through various buildings on Lab, you will also see signs posted in some places stating "No Radio Transmissions In This Area" or words to that effect. These are generally posted near alarm circuitry that can be triggered by stray RF. Such an alarm shuts down equipment, or causes a building to be evacuated - an undesired result of a simple QSO.

Be aware of your surroundings while operating, and the possible effects of keying your transmitter. JPL Safety Practice SPI-4-08-41 covers the use of Radio Frequency Transmitters at JPL. n

PCBs In Dummy Loads
By Cheryl McClure, AE4HN

I recently learned of a 1985 study done at the Communicable Disease Center (CDC) that concerns hams who use oil-filled dummy loads. The following is from a paper, titled "Amateur Radio Operators and Exposure to Polychlorinated Biphenyls," that appeared in Archives of Environmental Health.

"Amateur Radio operators regularly use oil-filled dummy loads to tune their transceivers. The dummy loads resemble gallon paint cans filled with oil that immerses a resistor. The oil can leak through a vent on the top. We were alerted to the possibility that oils used in these devices could be contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls.

Until 5 to 7 years ago, manufacturers recommended used transformer oils - many of which contain PCBs - for their excellent heat-dissipating properties. Amateur Radio operators, therefore, could be exposed to significant levels of PCBs through inhalation of oils volatilized during operation, and by direct contact with the oil.

To evaluate the possible exposures and concomitant health risks, we conducted an exposure assessment study in two phases: (1) an evaluation of the prevalence of environmental contamination, and (2) an assessment of human exposure. Of 77 oil samples collected, only two were contaminated above a 50-ppm level. Analyses of blood specimens collected from these two operators showed serum PCB levels well within a normal background range. Although, on the basis of these limited data, PCBs from contaminated oils do not appear to be a hazard to Amateur Radio operators, we recommend that PCB-contaminated oils not be used, because of the potential for exposure."

Bottom Line: Beware if you buy an old dummy load at a hamfest. Although the study did not find widespread contamination, it did find one load whose oil was 86 percent PCBs! Dummy loads made recently should not have this problem.

from the June 1995 Gwinnet AFZS "The Garzette" Dean Matthews, AD4OD, Editor. The author is a chemist in the CDC toxicology laboratory in Chamblee, Ga., and was the GARS-featured Ham of the Month for April 1995.

If you use an oil-filled dummy load, it's a good idea to keep it outside (but protected from rain), both to avoid possible biphenyl contamination and because most transformer oil is flammable. You can bring a coax from the load into the shack and connect it to one of the positions on your coaxial antenna switch. AF6S, editor, ARNS Bulletin, February 1996 n

Ten Electronic Commandments
By Gordan Crawford, WB6DRH (now a Silent Key)

I. Beware the lightning that lurketh in an undischarged capacitor lest it cause thee to bounce upon thy buttocks in a most unprofessional manner.

II. Cause thou the switch that supplieth large quantities of juice to be opened and thusly tagged that thy days may be long in this earthly vale of tears.

III. Prove to thyself that all circuits that radiateth and upon which thou worketh are grounded and thusly tagged lest they lift thee to radio frequency potential and causeth thee to make like a radiator too.

IV. Tarry thou not amongst those fools that engage in intentional shocks for they are surely non-believers and are not long for this world.

V. Take care thou useth the proper method when thou taketh the measure of a high voltage circuit so that thou dost not incinerate both thee and thy meter; for verily, though thou art expendable and can easily be replaced, the meter is not and as a consequence bringeth much woe upon the department.

VI. Take care thou tampereth not with interlocks and safety devices for this incurreth the wrath of thy supervisor and bringeth the fury of the major department head upon thy head and shoulders.

VII. Work thee not on energized equipment, for if thou doest so thy comrades surely will be buying beers for thy widow and consoling her in certain ways not generally acceptable to thee.

VIII. Verily, verily I say unto thee, never service equipment alone for electrical cooking is sometimes a slothful process and thou might sizzle in thine own fat upon a hot circuit for hours on end before thy maker sees fit to end thy misery and drag thee into his fold.

IX. Trifle thee not with radioactive tubes and substances lest thou commence to glow in the dark like a lightning bug and thy wife be frustrated and have no further use for thee except for thy wages.

X. Commit thou to memory all the words of the prophets which are written down in varied and sundry memorandums, and which giveth out with the straight dope and consoleth thee when thou hast suffered a ream job by thy group leader. Provided by Bob Polansky, N6ET n

PECG Meeting
By Jan Tarsala, WB6VRN

I represented the JPL ARC at the quarterly meeting of the Pasadena Emergency Communication Group recently. Thirty-two hams were in attendance, including a Chief from the Pasadena Fire Department. Noteworthy were the seven YLs who seem to provide the focus and energy for the organization.

Our two-meter repeater is a key asset to them on which they are depending. Their appreciation of the generosity of the JPL ARC in furnishing this infrastructure was made clear to me many times during the meeting.

I made a brief presentation on the W6VIO repeater system using the diagram below. Additional details, up/down codes, and explanations will be forthcoming to all when time permits.

Hams residing in Pasadena and the surrounding communities are encouraged to become active with the Pasadena Emergency Communication Group. Training seminars and practical drills are held on roughly a quarterly basis. Nets are held weekly on W6VIO (147.15 MHz (+) PL-3B) at 7:15 PM on Monday night.

Very Big Yagi
Modern Giant Yagi
Excerpted from "Antennas and Propagation," June 1991

What may look like six separate HF yagi antennas pointing the same direction is actually one large 13 element 20-meter beam! This giant antenna was designed, constructed, and demonstrated, by Jack Hachten, W6TSW, JPLer Bud Ansley, W6VPH, and JPL Amateur Radio Club member Dan Bathker, K6BLG. (That is W6VPH on the top of the far tower).

Thirteen widely-spaced elements had been disposed on six towers in a fixed-azimuth application. Overall antenna dimensions were 10 by 100 meters, by 25 meters above the ground: a structure roughly 0.5 x 5.0 x 1.0 wavelengths in the WARC-allocated 20-meter amateur band. The elements were arranged for a considered balance among forward gain, sidelobe level, impedance level, and bandwidth, and structural wind survival and construction economies, with an EM emphasis on forward gain.

Recently-available MININEC-based multiple optimization software has very conveniently and efficiently automated several of the EM-related design steps, requiring brute-force iterations. In fact, without such (PC-implemented) method-of-moments analysis and weighted, multi-parameter optimization such a project would not likely be initiated. The wire and optimization codes have clearly enabled such a large undertaking to be approached with high confidence, with assurance that multiple objectives will be sensibly realized, and with trivial (or none at all) final adjustment. Still, indispensable human judgment, experience, and strategy remain necessary ingredients, despite over 15,000 machine-aided EM design iterations, in this instance.

The 100 meter, divided-boom, antenna operated at a center frequency of 14.150 MHz . The design provided a feed-point resistance (30 ohms), with a bandwidth somewhat more than 2 percent. In free space, the predicted directivity was 15.8 dBi. The predicted directivity was fully 21.5 dBi, at a favorably-low elevation angle, when arrayed over low conductivity (in fact, good dielectric) ground. Each element was built with heavy-wall aluminum tubing, starting in the center with 32mm diameter, stepped twice, and ending with 19mm diameter at the tips. Each of the six 75mm-diameter boom segments measured 9 meters in length.

To assure EM field purity in the six-tower environment, the topmost tower guys were dielectric. A conductor-free zone of a half-wavelength (minimum) radius was thus provided for the intended horizontal polarization.

The antenna operated from Southern California, at a boresight of 15 degrees East of true North, on a great-circle heading to cover selected portions of Europe and Asia. The azimuth beamwidth is slightly less than 30 degrees to the minus 3dB points. Following first turn on in February, 1991, it was evident that the performance in both transmission and reception equaled or exceeded all expectations. n

Via the WWW ARRL Letter


The ARRL Board of Directors, meeting recently in Savannah, Georgia, elected retiring First Vice President Jay A. Holladay, W6EJJ, an Honorary Vice President. Holladay retired from the board after 21 years of distinguished service in numerous leadership roles. He received a standing ovation after the unanimous board vote. n

FCC Back On The Job

The Federal Communications Commission reports it's making good progress on processing a backlog of more than 2800 ham radio license applications filed electronically, including almost 2000 from ARRL.

The commission was back on the job again January 16, in the wake of a month-long shutdown begun by the budget impasse and extended by bad weather and a Federal holiday. Between the budget-related shutdown and a second bout of bad weather, the commission returned to work for one day January 11. However, that was just long enough for VECs to electronically file applications with the FCC for processing.

A spokesman said the furlough and the snow days have delayed implementation of the vanity call sign program. The commission has yet to announce opening dates for the various vanity call sign filing gates. New and upgraded license information is available from ARRL by calling 860-594-0300. Applicants also can check the University of Arkansas at Little Rock FCC database at http://www.ualr. edu/doc/hamualr/callsign.html. - Bart Jahnke, KB9NM n

FCC WRC-97 Preparations

The FCC kicks off preparations for WRC-97 on February 6 at a meeting of the WRC-97 advisory committee in Washington, DC. Cecily C. Holiday will head the WRC-97 preparatory team. She was FCC vice chair of the US WRC-95 delegation. In addition to continuing work on issues left over from WRC-95, including non-geostationary satellite network issues and simplifying international radio regulations, the 1997 conference will consider issues involving broadcast satellites as well as HF broadcasting and the space, maritime and aeronautical services. - FCC n

219-220 MHz Allocation

The FCC has affirmed the secondary allocation of 219-220 MHz for Amateur Radio. The action, for the most part, denied a Petition for Reconsideration filed by Orion Telecom, an Automated Maritime Telecommunications System licensee. Orion had argued to rescind the decision to allocate the 219-220 MHz to ham radio because the 50-mile exclusion distance between AMTS and amateur operations was insufficient to protect primary AMTS operations from harmful interference. Orion asserted 575-mile exclusion distance was necessary, which would have precluded Amateur Radio operation in many areas.

The FCC did agree with Orion's concern that the amateur rules do not adequately specify the frequency range of AMTS operations. The FCC amended its rules to indicate that AMTS operations specifically use the 217-218 MHz and 219-220 MHz bands. AMTS coast stations use 219-220 MHz for receiving, and 217-218 MHz for transmitting.

ARRL Executive Vice President David Sumner, K1ZZ, says the League is pleased that the FCC has reaffirmed its commitment to provide some relief to the Amateur Service at 219-220 MHz "to offset our loss of access to 220-222 MHz." He says the ARRL has an effective procedure in place to ensure that amateurs planning to use the band "are well aware of their obligations to avoid harmful interference to other services." Sumner said the small change that the FCC has made-calling attention to the fact that one must look at 217-218 MHz assignments to know what AMTS coast stations are operating in a given area-is something that ARRL already takes into account in its procedures. n

Mir Radio Power Supply Fails

German cosmonaut Thomas Reiter, DF4TR/DP0MIR, aboard the Mir orbital complex, reports that a power supply used for some of the spacecraft's ham radio equipment failed on New Year's Eve. The remaining, older power supply is only capable of powering the old ICOM 2-meter transceiver and one 1200-baud TNC. The digital voice module also has failed, so there will be no more automatic voice recordings in the near future.

Reiter reports all four fuses in the two connected transceivers have blown and only two spare fuses remain. Last month, Reiter used the digital voice recorder, built by Thomas Kieselbach, DL2MDE, to broadcast holiday messages. The primary transmitting frequency is 145.800 MHz.

Recently, the cosmonauts on Mir unpacked new Amateur Radio equipment delivered by rocket, including a 70-cm FM transceiver and 9600-baud packet gear.

Reiter was philosophical. "Well, at least we can be reached and still can talk with the world," he said in a message to Dave Larsen, N6JLH. n

Joseph Merdler, N6AHU, SK

Joseph Merdler, N6AHU, died January 17 after apparently suffering a massive heart attack. He was 60. Joe was very well known in ham radio legal circles nationwide and frequently spoke at conventions, including the Dayton Hamvention. His wife, Margo, survives. Services were held January 19 in Mission Hills, California. - Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF n

Spectrum-Policy Hearings

The ARRL hopes to be able to participate in the Federal Communications Commission's en banc hearings on spectrum allocation. The FCC says that since spectrum issues have been arising in numerous contexts and affecting several services, it has decided to hear oral presentations and "allow a direct exchange of viewpoints." The hearings will address future spectrum demand and user needs, trends in technology, and approaches to spectrum allocation and assignment, including licensing and uses. The FCC is seeking comments from individuals and representatives of affected industries. Originally scheduled for January 31, the actual date of the hearings now is in doubt because of the Federal furloughs triggered by the congressional budget deadlock and heavy snow which extended the shutdown. - Steve Mansfield, N1MZA n

STS-76 Plans

During the STS-76 mission, the Space Shuttle Atlantis makes its third trip to the Russian Space Station Mir. This is the third of seven Shuttle flights to Mir, an effort known as Phase 1--the precursor to building the International Space Station. Launch is scheduled for March 21, 1996 at 0834 UTC (3:34 AM EST) from the Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida. Landing is scheduled for March 30, 1995 at 1707 UTC (12:07 AM EST) at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida. 9 day mission.

Amateur Radio operators from around the world will point their antennas at the sky during the upcoming Shuttle mission, STS-76. Many of them hope to make radio contact with the astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle Atlantis. And, some of these amateurs have volunteered to assist student groups that have prepared questions to ask the astronauts via the ham radio airwaves. The project is called the Shuttle Amateur Radio EXperiment, or SAREX.

The astronauts will use a radio aboard the Shuttle, on frequencies used by ham radio operators, to talk directly with large groups of students. They'll demonstrate to young people, teachers, parents and communities how Amateur Radio energizes students about science, technology, and learning.

To operate Amateur Radio from the space shuttle, one or more of the astronauts needs to have an Amateur Radio license. Astronaut Richard A. Searfoss will serve as the shuttle's Pilot, and has Amateur Radio call sign KC5CKM. Searfoss last operated SAREX from the Space Shuttle Columbia during mission STS-58 in October/November 1993. This will be his second shuttle flight. Linda M. Godwin is N5RAX, and will serve as a Mission Specialist. Her third shuttle flight, Godwin used ham radio aboard the shuttle Atlantis during STS-37 in April 1991, and from aboard Endeavour during STS-59 in April 1994. Ronald M. Sega is KC5ETH, and is also a Mission Specialist. Sega used SAREX from Discovery during the first joint US/Russian shuttle mission, STS-60, in February 1994. The remaining crew members include Commander Kevin P. Chilton, and Mission Specialists Shannon W. Lucid and Michael R. Clifford.

During the mission, the Shuttle will rendezvous and dock with the Russian Space Station Mir. Later, the Shuttle will return to Earth, leaving Shannon Lucid with Mir for a 5 month stay aboard the Russian complex.

Amateur Radio has been flying aboard the Shuttles since 1983. n

FCC Issued Call Sign Update

The following is a list of the FCC's most recently issued call signs as of January 1:

District Group A   Group B   Group C   Group D
         Extra      Adv.    Tech/Gen   Novice
0        AA0AF     KI0AB       ++      KB0UTH
1        AA1PC     KE1DS     N1WJF     KB1BVV
2        AA2ZR     KG2FF       ++      KB2WPX
3        AA3NB     KE3VP     N3WOS     KB3BMG
4        AE4OS     KT4HY       ++      KF4FPQ
5        AC5GA     KK5VS       ++      KC5SCZ
6        AC6RK     KQ6CS       ++      KE6ALC
7        AB7OA     KJ7TD       ++      KC7OIX
8        AA8VK     KG8UQ       ++      KC8BUT
9        AA9QV     KG9FA       ++      KB9MGY
Hawaii    ++       AH6OJ       ++      WH6CZE
Alaska    ++       AL7QH       ++      WL7CRH
Virgin   WP2U      KP2CJ     NP2IS     WP2AIA
Puerto Rico ++      ++         ++      WP4NNG
++ All call signs in this group have been issued in this area n

Upcoming VEC Examinations

The following test session information is provided by the ARRL/VEC for the upcoming twelve week period. For further information, please call the test session contact person at the telephone number listed. If necessary, you may contact the ARRL/VEC at 203-666-1541 x282 for additional information. Electronic mail may be forwarded to the ARRL/VEC via USENET at "" or via MCI Mail to MCI ID: 653-2312 or 215-5052.

Although the test session information presented here does not indicate whether walk-ins are accepted or not, most test sessions do allow walk-ins. We encourage you, however, to always call the contact person at the telephone number provided so that the VE Team is aware that you be attending the test.

02/10/96, Camarillo, 805-388-2488, George Kreider III KN6LA
02/10/96, Corona, 909-737-9769, Clerina Lamarche
02/10/96, Fontana, 909-823-6818, Louis Johnson
02/10/96, Torrance, 310-328-0817, Richard Perkins
02/17/96, Downey, 213-923-5598, Wesley Printz
02/22/96, Colton, 909-825-7136, Harold Heydenfeldt
02/24/96, Culver City, 310-459-0337, Scott V Swanson
02/24/96, Pomona, 909-949-0059, Donald Warburg  WA6HNC
02/25/96, Rialto, 909-867-9270, Patricia Essary
03/05/96, Culver City, 213-292-6423, C Lutz
03/08/96, Irvine, 714-824-8477, Jack C Lockhart  WD6AEI
03/28/96, Colton, 909-825-7136, Harold Heydenfeldt
03/30/96, Culver City, 310-459-0337, Scott V Swanson
03/30/96, Pomona, 909-949-0059, Donald Warburg  WA6HNC
04/01/96, Lancaster, 805-948-1865, Adrienne J Sherwood
04/13/96, Fontana, 909-823-6818, Louis Johnson
04/25/96, Colton, 909-825-7136, Harold Heydenfeldt n

Classified Section


A 220 MHz FM transceiver, HT or mobile, preferably with PL, DTMF, and/or service manual. Contact Ross Snyder (N0GSZ) at 818-545-3973 or via Internet at

A 50-to-80-foot self supporting/telescoping/tilt-over tower or towers. Can be either tubular or triangular. Need to be in good condition. Motorized would be a big plus. Will pay for packaging and shipping to Prescott, Arizona. Contact Brian (KW6J) at 714-896-3514 (M-F, 8 AM to 4 PM) or via Internet at

New or used (but in good condition) HF large mono-band beams which were designed for high gain/good front to back ratio/good directivity etc. Contact Brian (KW6J) at 714-896-3514 (M-F 8 AM to 4 PM) or via Internet at

Your want ad or article for inclusion in a future issue of W6VIO Calling. Submit either to Bill Wood, Mail Stop DSCC-33; or via Internet (

For Sale

Battery Packs for HT's, camcorders, cordless and cellular telephones, etc. at unusually low prices. Larsen mobile antennas also at a discount. Call Walt Diem at (818) 248-7525. n

Jet Propulsion Laboratory Amateur Radio Club
Attn: Bill Wood, Editor, Mail Stop DSCC-33
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109-8099

Go back to the W6VIO Calling Index.

Updated August 27, 1999