
  • Calendar of Events
  • Meeting Notice
  • President's Message
  • November Club Meetings
  • DX News
  • Tower Work Update
  • Classified Section
  • ARRL News
  • FCC RF Safety Update
  • FCC Callsign Update
  • JPL ARC Year End Banquet
  • Permission to copy is granted provided that credit is given to "W6VIO Calling."

    Calendar of Events
    December 10 JPL ARC Year-end Banquet,
    December 20 [Pomona Swapmeet, DeVry Institute]
    December 27 [TRW Swapmeet, Redondo Beach]
    January 14 General Meeting, Noon - 238-543
    January 17 [Pomona Swapmeet, DeVry Institute]
    January 28 Board Meeting, Noon - 301-227
    January 31 [TRW Swapmeet, Redondo Beach]
    February 11 General Meeting, Noon - 238-543
    February 25 Board Meeting, Noon - 301-227

    Meeting Notice
    By Scott Nolte, N6CUV

    Be sure to attend the Annual JPL Amateur Radio Club End of Year Banquet meeting this year. It will be held on Wednesday, December 10, starting at 6 PM at Marie Callender's Pasadena Restaurant. See the details on the inside back page of this issue.

    Club Board of Directors meetings are held at noon on the fourth Wednesday of each month in 301-227. Everyone is welcome at both meetings; bring your lunch. n

    President's Message
    By Randy Hammock, KC6HUR

    It has been a fairly productive year for the Club. We are on the verge of have HF capabilities the likes of which we have never seen within the Club. We have acquired a new "high tech" rig and antenna tuner. A new 65-foot tower has been installed and antennas are soon to follow. The Club has become an even more integral part of the Lab's emergency preparedness plan with installation of radios at the EOC on-lab and at the ECC at Goldstone. Through other efforts, we are about join the leading edge with a 56K packet station and designs for mega-bit plus operations in the near future. As family duties lighten (however slightly) we hope to see the repeater systems receive a bit more attention. Field Day turned fairly well. While we only put a token effort into operations this year (trying to have fun), we still managed to place in the top ten in the nation in THE MOST competitive class. I only next year turns out a good.

    Don't forget the December meeting/banquet on the 10th at Marie Callender's in Pasadena. See the next to the last page of this issue for reservations and details. n

    November Club Meetings
    By Chris Zygielbaum, N6WEI

    General Meeting

    The November General Meeting was held on Wednesday November 12, 1997. Randy Hammock (KC6HUR) called the meeting to order.

    Walt Mushagian (K6DNS) reminded the group about the Monday Emergency Net: Noon on 224.08, 147.15, 449.975, and 223.96 (Table Mountain). Randy reported on the progress made installing the HF antenna on the Mesa. A work party was planned for Saturday, November 15 to stack the last two sections on the tower.

    The December General Meeting will be the annual dinner meeting on Wednesday, December 10, 1997 at Marie Callendar's in Pasadena. The program will be a video of the Heard Island DXpedition.

    Chris Carson (KE6ABQ), chairman of the Nominating Committee for next year's officers, has volunteers for most of the offices and tentative volunteers for the remaining offices.

    The program for the meeting was provided by Bruce Nolte (N6TFS) who gave a presentation on "Power-User Tips for Repeater Operation." Even though the talk was geared for general audiences, it was informative and stimulated some lively and good-hearted discussion.

    Board of Directors Meeting

    The JPL ARC Board of Directors Meeting was held on Wednesday, November 26, 1997. In attendance were Walt Diem (WA6PEA), Randy Hammock (KC6HUR), Jay Holladay (W6EJJ), Walt Mushagian (K6DNS), Bill Wood (W6FXJ) via teleconference, and Chris Zygielbaum (N6WEI).

    Walt Diem reported that he applied to the FCC to change the WB6IEA repeater call sign to the vanity call WR6APR. (The APR stands for "Auto Patch Repeater.") He filed after the fee was increased from $30 to $50 and was prepared to pay the higher charge himself, but Jay Holladay moved that the club reimburse Walt for the entire filing fee ($50). The board unanimously passed the motion.

    The subject of the Club's call signs was discussed in light of the impending opening of the FCC's Vanity Gate 4 on Monday, December 2.

    The Annual December dinner meeting was discussed. An e-mail announcement will be distributed early next week so members can plan to attend.

    The 1998 slate of officers is Randy Hammock, President, Mark Schaefer (WB6CIA), Vice President, Phil Smith (WB6LQP), Secretary, and Chuck Sarture (KG6NF), Treasurer.

    Walt Diem reported on the status of the repair of the WB6IEA repeater. Walt installed a different duplexer and the desense was worse than before. Bill Wood believes that the transmitter could be putting out spurs, which could be contributing to the problem. Walt's tests also showed noise when one of the duplexer cavities was tapped, indicating that it had a problem as well. The plan is to remove the transmitter and give it a thorough test. The results of the test should be available when 1998 budget meetings take place early next year. The Board felt that funding would be provided to correct the problem.

    Jay Holladay reported that the HF antenna tower is completed on the Mesa. It is just under 60 feet tall and has been secured with guy wires. With the winter weather coming on, the tower should be able to withstand relatively high winds. n

    DX News
    By Bob Polansky, N6ET

    By the time you read this, the CQ World Wide CW DX Contest will be history. A number of the contest stations will still be active, however. In particular, 9G5VJ will be active through 2 December, T49C (T48RCT after the contest) will be active through 5 December, and 5A1A will be active through 4 December. Propagation forecasts indicate that conditions should be excellent through the beginning of December, so enjoy! Now for what little I've been able to find in the 59(9) DX Report and in QRZ DX other than news about the CQ WW Contest operations:

    BURUNDI - 9U5CW (perhaps using 9U5L) is active through mid-January. He's been reported on both 40 cw and 15 ssb.

    GABON - TR8XX is active on 160 meters at 1823 kHz at 0515Z. He has also been reported on the low end of 40 meter cw around 0600Z.

    IRAN - EP2FM is QRV primarily on Fridays from 1600 to 1700Z on 14200 kHz.

    EP2MKO has been frequently reported on 20 cw near the low band edge.

    MINAMI TORISHIMA - Look for JL1KFR/JD1 primarily on cw from 80 through 10 meters. He will favor 0900 to 1100Z.

    SWAZILAND - 3DA0CA is frequently spotted on both 30 and 80 meter cw from 0300 to 0400Z. He likes 10103 and 3507 kHz. He's an easy QSO if you find him prior to the pileup getting started.

    The list is a bit short this month, due to preoccupation with the contest. Sorry about that! By the way, miracles do happen. I saw a brief note in QRZ DX a week back that a fellow DXer just received a QSL from VS9AWR in Aden (Southern Arabia if you don't know where Aden is). The QSL was for a QSO that had taken place on 1 March, 1965! Here's wishing you good DXing. n

    Tower Work Update
    By Bob Polansky, N6ET

    We had a most productive month on our HF antenna tower project. Thanks to the efforts of Chris Carson, Randy Hammock, Jay Holladay, Walt Mushagian, Jerry Person, Bob Polansky, and Sam Weaver, all six tower segments are now in place on the Mesa top. In addition, the top segment guy wires are shackled to the tower and have been properly tensioned per Rohn specs. The 300 pound "package" containing 500 feet of 7/8-inch hardline has been rolled down the hill and is now in a position just above the tower where it can feed out the needed hardline length to connect the tower site to the hardline from the shack.

    Our next work will be to secure everything, check to make sure the tower is vertical, move the 24-foot heavy-duty mast to its position at the top of the tower, connect up the hardline extension, put the antenna rotor in place, and mate it to the mast. After that, the TH7DXX gets put in place and we're on the air! It's getting a bit close to Christmas, so the "system operational" date will probably move into January. Keep up the good work, guys.

    One last thing: When you say you're going to be there to help us, please don't let us down. We had one work party that almost didn't fly because two of our workers cancelled at the last minute and our work plan needed all the people we had, plus one. It's difficult to replace people on Saturday morning! n

    Classified Section

    The 40M, 20M, 11M and 10M elements for the Hustler Mobile antenna system. Call Bill Westphal, WB6YPF at 213-633-3121 (Work) or e-mail at

    A50-to-80-foot self-supporting/telescoping/tilt-over tower or towers. Can be either tubular or triangular. Need to be in good condition. Motorized would be a big plus. Will pay for packaging and shipping to Prescott, Arizona. Contact Brian (KW6J) at 714-896-3514 (M-F, 8 AM to 4 PM) or via Internet at

    New or used (but in good condition) HF large mono-band beams which were designed for high gain/good front to back ratio/good directivity etc. Contact Brian (KW6J) at 714-896-3514 (M-F 8 AM to 4 PM) or via Internet at

    US Tower (or Wilson) ROTATING BASE and RAISING FIXTURE for a 40 foot tubular telescoping tower. US Tower part number for the rotating base is MARB/40 and for the raising fixture is MAF-40. Please contact Brian Stapleton (KW6J) at 714-896-3514, M-F 8 AM - 4 PM.

    Your want ad or article for inclusion in a future issue of W6VIO Calling. Submit either to Bill Wood, W6FXJ, 31094 Hemlock Ave, Barstow, CA 92311; or email

    For Sale:

    HF transceiver, Atlas 350 XL, 160 M to 10M, 140 to 200 watts output. Includes 14 VDC, 32 AMP power supply/external speaker, mobile rack mount and technical manual, $400. HF transceiver, single band, 75 M, Heathkit HW-12A, includes HP-13A 12VDC input mobile power supply and technical manual, $40. HAL ST-5000 FSK (RTTY) Demodulator/Keyer includes technical manual, $20. Call Walt Mushagian, K6DNS, (818) 354-3036

    Complete Heathkit HF Station. HW-5400 XCVR, HW-5400-1 Power Supply/Clock, SB-230 Linear Amp, SB-610 Station Monitor, SA-2060A Antenna Tuner, Desk Mic. $700.00 Call Bill Westphal WB6YPF at 213-633-3121 or e-mail to

    Test equipment. From Volt Meters to Oscilloscopes. Too much to list. Call for price list. Call Bill Westphal WB6YPF at 213-633-3121 or e-mail to

    Only $4,500 for a US Tower Model HDX-589-MDPL 89-foot self supporting triangular tower with heavy duty motor, pull downs, and limit switches (original cost, over $8,100!). Tower is in great condition and is only a few years old. Contact Brian (KW6J) for further details (work number M-F, 8 AM to 4 PM, 714-896-3514).

    Yaesu FT-470 2m/440 mobile w/tone squelch, PA-6, FNB-12 batteries, charger and vinyl cases. Like new, $250 or best offer, + shipping. FT-212RH 2m mobile with mike, speakers, Diamond antenna. Like new, $195 plus shipping, or best offer. KC6CWA Geo Kendall (916) 383-1652. For more info contact W6MEO @ KJ6FY.#NOCAL or n

    Newsletter Deadline:

    December 31 for the January issue of W6VIO Calling. Your articles, ads, photos, diagrams, letters to the editor, or technical material should be submitted to the editor via email ( or regular mail to: Bill Wood, 31094 Hemlock Ave, Barstow, CA 92311.

    ARRL News

    FCC Issues RF Safety Supplement B to OET Bulletin 65
    Via the ARRL Letter Online, Volume 16, Number 46

    Hams now have basic guidelines and tools to evaluate their stations for compliance with the FCC's RF exposure guidelines that start phasing in January 1, 1998. The FCC's Office of Engineering and Technology issued the long-anticipated Amateur Radio Supplement B to its OET Bulletin 65 on November 18. The FCC worked closely with the Amateur Radio community to develop the new supplement. Several ARRL Headquarters staff members and Technical Advisors reviewed preliminary drafts of the supplement. ARRL Lab Supervisor Ed Hare, W1RFI, has been the League's point man for RF safety and exposure issues. "It has been my pleasure to work with the FCC staff and the amateur community in finalizing Supplement B," Hare said. "All who have been part of this process deserve the thanks of the entire amateur community."

    Supplement B, entitled Additional Information for Amateur Radio Stations, contains detailed information specific to ham radio stations. It is designed to be used in conjunction with the FCC's OET Bulletin 65 (Version 97-01), Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields. The revised Bulletin 65 was issued earlier this year. Supplement B covers definitions of RF radiation and discusses the FCC exposure guidelines and their applications, methods of predicting human exposure, estimating compliance distances, and controlling exposure to RF fields. The supplement runs approximately 70 pages. Among its noteworthy highlights are numerous easy-to-use tables based on various frequencies, power levels and antenna configurations to help hams determine whether their stations comply with the FCC's published RF exposure guidelines. Most tables show compliance distance-the distance that an antenna needs to be located from areas of exposure to be in compliance. (For a closer look, see "FCC RF-Exposure Regulations-the Station Evaluation," by Ed Hare, W1RFI, which will appear in the January issue of QST.)

    The new RF exposure rules go into effect January 1, 1998 for all new stations and for those filing a Form 610 with the FCC after that date. Existing stations have until September 1, 2000 to comply with the new rules. But, existing stations making changes that could affect RF exposure from their station-such as increasing power or relocating antennas-must evaluate that change if done after January 1, 1998.

    As first announced, the FCC set a power threshold of 50 W to trigger the need to do a station evaluation. In late August, the FCC revised the power level thresholds to trigger a routine Amateur Radio station RF exposure evaluation. Those changes were welcome news for most hams. The newest guidelines raised its original 50-W PEP threshold on all bands except 10 meters through 2 meters, where it remains at 50 W PEP. The FCC went along in part with an ARRL request and established a sliding scale for threshold levels dependent upon frequency. The revised thresholds (all PEP) are 500 W for 160 through 40 meters, 425 W on 30 meters (the maximum legal power is 200 W), 225 W on 20 meters, 125 W on 17 meters, 100 W on 15 meters, 75 W on 12 meters and 50 W on 10 meters. The threshold for all VHF bands is 50 W. On UHF, the threshold level is 70 W on 70 cm, 150 W on 33 cm, 200 W on 23 cm, and 250 W on 13 cm and higher frequencies.

    The threshold for amateur repeaters is 500 W effective radiated power (ERP) if the repeater antenna is located on a building or is less than 10 meters above ground. Stations operating at or below these respective power levels are categorically excluded from having to conduct a routine RF radiation evaluation. Mobile and portable (hand-held) devices using push-to-talk operation generally are also exempt from evaluation. But, all stations-regardless of power level-still must comply with the RF exposure limits that become effective New Year's Day.

    OET Bulletin 65 and the new Supplement B are available at Copies are available from International Transcription Service Inc, 1231 20th St NW, Washington, DC 20036; tel 202-857-3800; fax 202-857-3805. n

    FCC Call Sign Update

    The following is a list of FCC sequentially assigned call signs issued as of November 3, 1997. Note that the last available Group C (1x3) call sign, N3ZZZ, has been issued in District 3. Group D (2x3) call signs now will be issued to Tech Plus, Technician, General, and Novice licensees in District 3. The FCC has almost exhausted its supply of Group C call signs in District 1.


    Group A Extra

    Group B Advanced

    Group C Tech/Gen

    Group D Novice
    0 AB0GP KI0KL ++ KC0CDV
    2 AB2EL KG2MZ ++ KC2COJ
    4 AF4GG KU4LU ++ KF4UNL
    5 AC5OD KM5MS ++ KD5COB
    6 AD6DQ KQ6SX ++ KF6OFV
    7 AB7WT KK7KJ ++ KC7ZNS
    8 AB8BL KI8EH ++ KC8ISH
    9 AA9VC KG9LT ++ KB9RPV
    N Mariana Isld NH0B AH0AY KH0GT WH0ABI
    Guam ++ AH2DF KH2SQ WH2ANV
    Hawaii KH7J AH6PD KH7GZ WH6DEJ
    Amer. Samoa AH8P AH8AH KH8DL WH8ABF
    Alaska AL0H AL7QV KL0KR WL7CUN
    Virgin Islands ++ KP2CM NP2JV WP2AIJ
    Puerto Rico NP3Q KP3BC NP3RK WP4NNM

    ++ All call signs in this group have been issued in this district. n

    JPL ARC Year End Banquet
    By Jay Holladay, W6EJJ

    Please join us for the big JPL ARC Year End Banquet meeting. This year it again will be held at Marie Callender's in Pasadena, where we have a private dining room with good facilities for our program and speaker. With a choice of entrees, and an excellent program planned, you won't want to miss this event.

    What: JPL ARC Year-End Banquet meeting
    When: Wednesday, December 10
                 No-host Happy Hour at 6:00 PM, Dinner at 7:00
    Where:Marie Callender's Pasadena
                 2300 E. Foothill Blvd., Pasadena, CA
                (626) 792-3109

    Choice of entree:
                    Teriyaki Chicken Grill
                    Grilled London Broil Steak
                    Includes soup or salad and non-alcoholic beverage
    Cost: $13.00 per person (including tax & tip)

    Program: Our featured program will be the showing the video of the 1997 VK0IR Heard Island Dxpedition. If you read about it in the September 1997 QST, you will not to miss it! This is another program that will be enjoyed by the non-hams in your family as well. We also will have a drawing for some very nice prizes.

    I believe anyone who attended last year's banquet will agree that we have a fine location and that it was a very enjoyable event. Make your plans now to attend. n


    Fill in the following form and mail to Scott Nolte at JPL Mail Stop 306-392, together with a check made out to Scott for $13 for each dinner.



    Number of guests:____________________

    Check box for number of entree(s) desired:

    Teriyaki Chicken Grill:__________

    Grilled London Broil Steak:______

    Jet Propulsion Laboratory Amateur Radio Club
    Attn: Bill Wood, Editor, Mail Stop DSCC-33
    4800 Oak Grove Drive
    Pasadena, CA 91109-8099

    Go back to the W6VIO Calling Index.