Meeting Notice
By Scott Nolte, N6CUV

The next regular Club meeting will be held February 12, 1997, in building 238, room 543 at Noon. This month our speaker will be Clifford Uyeda, KJ6HC, of Kenwood's Amateur Radio Products Group. He is a Senior Customer Care Coordinator and provides support for Kenwood amateur and marine radios. Clifford travels to many hamfests in the US to pass along the Kenwood message.

Club Board of Directors meetings are held at noon on the fourth Wednesday of each month in 301-227. Everyone is welcome at all club meetings; bring your lunch.

President's Message
By Randy Hammock, KC6HUR

With this, my first message as President of the JPL ARC (again), I would like to wish everyone the best for the coming new year.

I think we are entering into era where things will pretty exciting and that we as a club will be able to rise to the challenge of preparing our organization for the coming millenium. I have set out to develop a mission statement that says what we are all about, identify projects that will fulfill that mission and get those projects rolling (and maybe completed).

But first, we have a number of projects in-hand that must be completed. We had planned to purchase a new HF rig for the shack; however, we don't have anything in the air to connect the rig to. Therefore, we must place a high priority on getting the TH-7 onto the tower that was erected a year ago. In fact, would you believe this project started over 5 years ago? The Sommer's antenna will probably have to be replaced. The wind storm a few weeks ago really took it's toll on that antenna. Also, not only does that antenna need to be replaced, but something has to be done about how that antenna held in the air. The current mount needs repair before what is left of the antenna can be lowered. The condition of the pole on which this antenna is mounted should be checked to determine if it is good enough to mount another antenna on it, or should it be replaced with a new tower?

Our repeaters are in descent shape and work is continuing on them to finalize their installations and configurations. Once this is done, they should become pretty much hands off, save routine maintenance. The 2-meter repeater took a lightning strike a few weeks ago and must be repaired. This points out a fact that we must provide good lightning protection of our equipment or be prepared to spend money replacing it. Stay tuned for more in the coming months. Get ready to help out. Get ready to have fun!

Calendar of Events

Date Event
February 12 General Meeting, Noon - 238-543
February 15 [Pomona Swapmeet, DeVry Institute]
February 19 Board Meeting, Noon - 301-227
February 22 [TRW Swapmeet, Redondo Beach]
March 12 General Meeting, Noon - 238-543
March 15 [Pomona Swapmeet, DeVry Institute]
March 19 Board Meeting, Noon - 301-227
March 29 [TRW Swapmeet, Redondo Beach]

January Meetings
By Chris Zygielbaum, N6WEI and Scott Nolte, N6CUV

General Meeting

The January General Meeting of the JPL ARC was held on Wednesday January 8, 1997. The outgoing President, Jay Holladay (W6EJJ) officially passed the gavel to the new President, Randy Hammock (KC6HUR). Randy called the meeting to order.

Vice President Scott Nolte (N6CUV) asked the membership for program suggestions for future meetings. Even though Scott did not have a speaker for the January meeting, the response and interest in having club members share recent ham radio projects was excellent.

Rick McKinney (KA6DAN), membership chairman, reported that he is ready to start collecting 1997 dues when the Board of Directors informs him of the amount to be collected.

Bob Polansky (N6ET) announced that he is ready to start Work Parties for the New Year. There is lots of work to do on Mesa, with the wind damaging the Sommers antenna and the high-pressure line that still leaks.

Bob has made initial contact with the Caltech Radio Club to combine efforts for Field Day, 1997. It was decided that we will compete in the 3A category, just as last year. More information and requests for member participation will be forthcoming.

The 220 Spectrum Management Association was held on January 18 at Parker Center in Los Angeles. The January meeting is the election of officers.

The new JPL Emergency Preparedness Administrator is Eric Fuller. The club is looking forward to a good relationship with Eric, as he has indicated an interest in ham radio and is an ex-member of the Montrose Search and Rescue Team.

Walt Mushagian, Emergency Communications Manager, reported on the ARC's participation in the Laboratory emergency operations on Monday, January 6. The Lab was closed at approximately 9:30 a.m. due to extremely high winds creating a serious hazard to Lab employees. Chris Carson (KE6ABQ) was asked to stand by for emergency traffic at the Emergency Operations Center. The Lab was evacuated in an orderly manner, with employees being released by geographical areas on Lab. This approach alleviated the intense traffic jam that ensued after the Lab was evacuated after the Sierra Madre earthquake. The EOC was closed about 1:00 p.m.

The program was a "Show and Tell" by several club members. Scott Nolte (N6CUV) demonstrated a Morse code generator that he built from an article in QST and discussed how he modified extension for the ICOM 901 remote head to the main radio. Scott then did the same for a new Kenwood radio. Philip Barnes-Roberts (KE6PMZ) brought the 12V accessories that he is making for an eventual solar-powered packet radio station. Philip brought a Molex power strip and LED lamp that he built.

Randy Hammock (KC6HUR) brought his Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) standalone tracking system that he put together using a Delorme Tripmate GPS receiver, KPC-3, a custom interface cable, and an Alinco DR-1200T. Randy's "practical" application of the tracking system is to chart the horse trails that he has taken in the San Gabriel Mountains.

Board of Directors Meeting

The JPL ARC Board of Directors' meeting was held on Wednesday, January 22. President Randy Hammock called the meeting to order and went around the table for members' reports.

Rick McKinney, membership chairman, requested the board decide on club dues for 1997. Walt Diem (WA6PEA), WB6IEA Trustee, suggested a $5.00 autopatch dues for members who joined prior to January 1996. He would like to cull out those autopatch members on the roster who are not interested in the autopatch anymore. Some are now residing out of the area, but Walt realizes that some members don't use it regularly, but want to have it for an emergency. Walt also suggested installing a dedicated business telephone line to the Mesa, which would add the capability to the 224.08 repeater and possible extend it to the 440 MHz. A compromise motion to impose $3.00 Autopatch dues was proposed, seconded, and passed. A motion to continue the 1996 regular membership dues structure of $11 per year ($1 discount if paid before March 1) and family memberships at $5, was proposed, seconded, and passed.

The Sommers antenna on the Mesa was destroyed during the high winds of January 6. The board discussed alternatives to getting back on the air; either repairing the Sommers or purchasing a new antenna that covered a wider range of bands. The parts and labor to repair the Sommers would be very expensive. The board discussed purchasing a log periodic HF beam, which would cover all frequencies 30 meters and above. A couple of the board members volunteered to research some choices and prices of new antennas. There has been some discussion about purchasing a new HF radio, but Jay Holladay who is a frequent user of the HF system, feels that getting back on the air with a new antenna has higher priority than a new radio.

Warren Dowler (KE6LEA), led a work party to repair the Tri-Ex MW65 tower trailer that was damaged at last year's Field Day. The group determined that it could not be repaired and that a replacement is the best bet. These are not made anymore, but it is thought that used ones are available. Inquiries are being made to locate one and a request is being placed on the World Wide Web.

Access to the weekly Newsline transmission has been a problem since there is no longer a toll-free number available. A couple solutions have been proposed, but each one requires someone to figure out a workaround procedure. The annual toll charge to get the service for the Monday net is estimated at $80. Bob Dengler (NO6B) suggested "This Week in Amateur Radio" as another alternative. It is a 50-minute program that includes the Newsline and other items as well. It was decided to include the $80 in the upcoming budget discus- sions as a default solution, but other perhaps better, news sources should be pursued.

Treasurer Chuck Sarture (KG6NF) has been out of town. 1997 budget meetings will be scheduled as soon as he returns. .

DX News
By Bob Polansky, N6ET

The propagation gods didn't give broad smiles, but the slight grins they did give were adequate to give many West Coast DXers QSO's with the recently completed Heard Island DXpedition. Signals were weak, but persistent from this an- tipodal location, especially on 40 meters. I understand that over 70,000 QSO's were made world-wide by this group. There's not a whole lot of DX news to report, but let me get right to so you don't miss anything.

ARRL CW DX CONTEST - This event planned for 15-16 February is always lots of fun with ample opportunities to work new countries, band-countries, zones, etc. Try itYou'll like it! The companion ARRL SSB DX contest will take place about a month later.

BANGLADESH - Several amateur radio operators will be in this relatively rare country from 2 to 14 February. They hope to get permission to operate. If successful, they should be workable on 80 through 20 meters. They intend to concentrate on the low bands.

PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Following the Bangladesh operation (attempt?) the same group will move to this location where they have been promised a license. Look for them from 20 February to 4 March.

MALDIVES - 8Q7CR will be active from here on SSB from 12 February to 4 March. This would be a nice catch and should be doable from the West Coast on both 40 and 20 meters.

ST. PETER & PAUL ROCKS - It you get this in time, you may still be able to catch ZY0SG on CW and ZY0SK on SSB from this relatively rare location. Their all band operation is planned from 25 January to 8 February, dependent somewhat on fishing boat schedules. Good luck!

That's all for now. Hopefully we'll be able to get W6VIO antennas repaired in time to enjoy some of the better than average winter propagation conditions. More next month.


Christopher Bruegge, 8-year-old son of Carol KE6SRN and Tom KE6SRO, passed the Novice written exam on 13 November 1996 and the Element 1A code test on 11 December 1996. He now holds a Novice license with the call KF6HZE and is the youngest member of the JPL ARC. Our hats are off to Christopher for the tremendous accomplishment and we welcome him to the Amateur Radio community and the JPL ARC.

Classified Section


A 50-to-80-foot self supporting/telescoping/tilt-over tower or towers. Can be either tubular or triangular. Need to be in good condition. Motorized would be a big plus. Will pay for packaging and shipping to Prescott, Arizona. Contact Brian (KW6J) at 714-896-3514 (M-F, 8 AM to 4 PM) or via Internet at

New or used (but in good condition) HF large mono-band beams which were designed for high gain/good front to back ratio/good directivity etc. Contact Brian (KW6J) at 714-896-3514 (M-F 8 AM to 4 PM) or via Internet at

Icom IC-04AT 440 MHz HT. Call Joel Mosher KB6RXE at 818-791-1779 or email to

US Tower (or Wilson) ROTATING BASE and RAISING FIXTURE for a 40 foot tubular telescoping tower. US Tower part number for the rotating base is MARB/40 and for the raising fixture is MAF-40. Please contact Brian Stapleton (KW6J) at 714-896-3514, M-F 8 AM - 4 PM.

Your want ad or article for inclusion in a future issue of W6VIO Calling. Submit either to Bill Wood, Mail Stop DSCC-33; or via Internet (

For Sale

Video study course, ARRL Advanced Class includes computerized exam review software. Complete course for $50 (new cost $129). Call Bob Dye, KQ6GD, 818-249-0171

Only $4,500 for a US Tower Model HDX-589-MDPL 89-foot self supporting triangular tower with heavy duty motor, pull downs, and limit switches (original cost, over $8,100!). Tower is in great condition and is only a few years old. Contact Brian (KW6J) for further details (work number M-F, 8 AM to 4 PM, 714-896-3514).

Battery Packs (for HT's, camcorders, laptops, cordless and cellular telephones) and mobile antennas at unusually low prices. Contact Walt Diem at 818-248-7525.

Yaesu's - like new. Closing station. FT-470 2m/440 w/tone squelch, PA-6 ~ FNB-12 batteries, chargers, and two vinyl cases. Unused, in carton. $350. FT-212RH 2m mobile w/mic, spkrs. Used very few hours. $295. Astron RS-12 power supply, good condition. $50. George KC6CWA, (707) 945-0705, or via W6MEO@KJ6FY.#NOCAL.CA.USA.NOAM.

Dues Reminder

The Board of Directors set 1997 Club Dues at 1996 levels: $11.00 ($10.00 if paid by end of February.) Family members are still $5.00.

The Board also set separate Autopatch Dues of $3.00 on top of club dues. That means $14.00 for Regular Member (or $13.00 if paid early) and $8.00 for family members.

If you have not already sent in your membership dues, now is the time to act. Get a $1 discount and send your check to Rick McKinney, M/S 168-327 by the end of February!

Via the ARRL www Home Page

ARRL Members Asked To Comment on License Restructuring Ideas
ARRL Letter Online, Volume 16, Number 5

ARRL members are being invited to add their ideas, comments and recommendations to those of the ARRL WRC-99 Planning Committee, which has suggested sweeping--and potentially controversial--changes to the Amateur Radio licensing structure in the US. On the table for open discussion and debate are proposals that include:

Details of the plan, discussed during the recent ARRL Board of Directors meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico, will appear in March QST. The Board says it seeks comments from members to ensure that before any plan goes forward, it enjoys broad support from the amateur community. The Board will not act on the issue at least until its July meeting.

After it's research revealed that as many as three Novices in four are inactive, the committee concluded that the Novice license is no longer useful. Although the committee would end the Novice license, its plan provides current Novices with an easy means to upgrade (via an open-book test) to the new Intermediate class license, which would replace the current Technician Plus. All present Tech Plus licensees would become Intermediate licensees. The Basic license would supplant the Technician license--now the hobby's most-popular entry-level ticket--with no changes in privileges. In addition, the committee's plan would phase out the current Novice and Tech Plus bands on 80, 40 and 15 meters, and replace them with new Intermediate-class allocations. The committee's consensus plan for Intermediate-class licensees calls for new CW bands on 80, 40 and 15 meters starting 25 kHz up from the lower band edge, digital and phone-band privileges on 75 and 15 meters and a 50-kHz phone or CW segment at the top end of 160 meters, plus expanded Novice and Tech Plus CW and phone allocations on 10 meters.

According to the proposal, Intermediate CW bands would be 3525 to 3700 kHz, 7025 to 7050 kHz, 21025 to 21150 kHz and 28050 to 28300 kHz. Digital operation was suggested for 3600 to 3625, 21100 to 21125 and 28100 to 28189 kHz. Phone privileges would include 1950 to 2000, 3900 to 4000, 21350 to 21450, SSB from 28300 to 28500 and FM from 29500 to 29700 kHz. Transmitter power for Intermediate- class licensees would be limited to 200 W PEP output (other licensees using these bands would not be limited to 200 W, however).

General-class and higher amateurs also would benefit from the plan, if it's adopted according to the committee's outlines. General-class hams would get additional phone privileges 3800 to 3850, 7200 to 7225, and 21250 to 21300 kHz; Advanced-class hams would add 3725 to 3775, 7125 to 7150 and 21175 to 21225 kHz; Extra-class hams would also have 3700 to 3750, 7125 to 7150 and 21150 to 21200 kHz.

With the exception of 40 meters, where Novice and Tech Plus licensees already have privileges, the committee suggested no changes on the hobby's narrowest and most crowded bands-- including 20 meters and the narrow WARC bands at 30, 17 and 12 meters.

The Intermediate CW test would be 5 words per minute (the same as the current Tech Plus requirement), but the committee proposed that the General class CW requirement be set at 10 wpm. There still would be no additional CW exam for the Advanced ticket, nor would there be any change in the 20wpm requirement for the Extra. Exams for all classes would include a return to a sending test and the requirement for one minute of solid copy during a five-minute test--instead of the current method that tests on the content of the CW text.

Right now, these major changes are only in the talking stage. "Let us be very clear about this," said ARRL Executive Vice President David Sumner, K1ZZ, who characterized the committee's proposals as a starting point for discussion, not a done deal. "The changes are not ARRL policy; nothing has been proposed to, or by, the FCC, and the ARRL Board is committed to making no decision before its July 1997 meeting." Sumner said there is no timetable to complete the process. Only after there is an opportunity for in-depth consideration and discussion by the membership will the ARRL Board consider taking the next step--to approach the FCC with a rulemaking proposal--a process that automatically invites additional comments and suggestions.

Between the time they receive March QST and May, members are asked to voice their opinions on the committee's suggestions to their directors, whose postal and e-mail addresses are listed on page 10 of QST. All suggestions and comments-- positive and negative--are welcome.

ARRL Finds Missing Call Signs; Vanity Processing Could Resume Soon
ARRL Letter Online Update, Volume 16, Number 4

Following up on "a few inquiries" into why certain call signs were not assigned when they were available, FCC personnel in Gettysburg report they found some 3355 call signs (mostly 2x2 and 2x3 format) that should have been made available for the vanity program but were not, for some reason. An FCC spokesman in Gettysburg reports a search of all vanity applications (including those that required special handling) comparing requested call sign(s) against the 3355 turned up four to be resolved. The other call signs now have been made available for future vanity grants.

As reported in The ARRL Letter Vol 16, No 3, callers to the FCC's Gettysburg office were being told that processing of vanity call sign applications would not resume until early March because of "unspecified computer-related problems." Gettysburg now seems to be pulling back from that date, and a spokesperson said this week that the FCC hoped to resume vanity processing by February1. Before processing the backlog of vanity call sign applications, personnel in Gettysburg first plan to deal with those applications that required special handling--the so-called "WIPS" (work in process) stack-- which is backlogged from early November. A spokesman said Wednesday that the FCC will resume work on the WIPS stack "in about a week." Also, contrary to what several callers were told, the FCC did not issue a public notice about the vanity call sign program this week.

Little LEOs Narrow 2-Meter Focus to 146-148Mhz
ARRL Letter Online, Volume 16, Number 3

In their effort to secure spectrum space that includes the 2-meter and 70-cm ham bands, the Little LEOs have narrowed their focus on 2 meters to the 146 to 148-MHz segment. The industry also appears to be attempting to reposition itself as a potential emergency communication adjunct to ham radio.

The little LEOs will use low-Earth-orbiting satellites to provide position-location and two-way data-messaging services to potential customers around the world. Customers would use small, inexpensive transceivers to communicate with satellites. According to the FCC, potential uses of this service include emergency location in remote areas, environmental data collection, vehicle tracking, and time-sensitive business and personal data communication.

For Region 1, a draft little LEO frequency allocation table has proposed adding a primary mobile-satellite allocation of 146 to 148 MHz to the existing allocations for fixed and mobile (except aeronautical mobile [R] services). The table was contained in a working paper--Document IWG-2A/86 Rev. 3, entitled "New Allocations for the Mobile-Satellite Services Operating Below 1 GHz"--submitted by representatives of the Little LEOs industry to Informal Working Group-2A (IWG-2A) January 7.

The 146 to 148-MHz segment is not a ham band in Region 1, but in Regions 2 and 3, a footnote would be added to state: "Additional allocation: the bands 146-148 and 430-440 MHz are also allocated to the mobile-satellite service, limited to non-geostationary satellite systems, for use only during emergency communication situations as a complement to the amateur service in accordance with Resolution No. 640."

The little LEO proposal also calls for a new primary allocation for the mobile-satellite (space-to-Earth) service for 430- 440 MHz in Regions 2 and 3 (ham radio is primary in Region 1), and offers this rationale. "The allocation for the mobile- satellite service within the bands allocated to the amateur service is intended to be a complement to that latter service in situations involving emergency communications as provided for the [sic] Resolution No. 640."

As currently drawn, Resolution 640 covers only the 144 to 146-MHz segment of 2 meters and does not apply at all to 70 cm.

In the 440 to 450-MHz band, where the Amateur Service is not listed in the international table of frequency allocations except by footnote (ham radio is secondary in Australia, the US, Jamaica, the Philippines, and Canada), the little LEOs proposed a new worldwide primary mobile-satellite (space-to- Earth) allocation.

Calling their service "inherently global" the little LEO group said the industry needs "frequency allocations that can be used anywhere in the world," for nongeostationary, nonvoice mobile satellite service through the year 2002. "ITU-R studies indicate sharing is possible," the industry said.

"If the demand for Little LEO spectrum cannot be satisfied by allocations that could be used on a worldwide basis, one solution is to assign different frequencies for use in the various regions of the world from within the allocations to the mobile satellite service," the working paper's preamble said.

Little LEO firms CTA, E-Sat, Final Analysis, GE Starsys, and LEO One submitted the third revision of the lengthy paper--which drew criticism from the ARRL as well as from military and land-mobile interests and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration--at the January 7 session. The ARRL continued its objection to the inclusion of amateur bands and to the misapplication of Resolution 640. For now, Document IWG-2A/86 Rev. 3 is tabled, but it's expected to come up again at future meetings. IWG-2A meets on January 21 and February 4.

Overall, the little LEOs proposed the following bands for additional allocation to nongeostationary data-only mobile satellite service systems: 138-144, 146-148, 149.9-150.05, 150.05-156.7625, 380-387, 387-390, 390-399.9, 399.9- 400.05, 400.15-401, 430-440, 440-450, 470-608 and 614-806 MHz. The paper notes there are proposals concerning 401-406 and 450-470 MHz and for feeder links at 1390-1400 and 1427- 1432 MHz in other papers, and that "additional allocation proposals are under construction for the 174-230 MHz band."

For additional information on the little LEOs situation, read the editorial "It Seems to Us . . ." in by ARRL Executive Vice President David Sumner, K1ZZ, in February 1997 QST.

Ol' Sol Still In The Doldrums
ARRL Letter Online, Volume 16, Number 4

Solar observer Tad Cook, KT7H, in Seattle, Washington, reports: We are still at the solar minimum, with very little activity to report. Since there are no really active regions that we know of on the solar surface, there is no activity to forecast as the solar surface rotates relative to the Earth.

This week's average solar flux was exactly the same as the week previous, and the sunspot numbers were barely higher. Unlike the previous week, there were no periods of geomagnetic activity, and the A index stayed in the single digits. The next few weeks are expected to stay the same, with the solar flux around the low to mid 70s, and the A index around 5. The A index may jump up to around 10 on February 3, and again around February 6-9.

Sunspot numbers for January 16 through 22 were 16, 12, 34, 0, 0, 0 and 0, respectively, with a mean of 8.9. The 10.7-cm flux was 74.8, 74.1, 74.6, 75.3, 76.8, 74.1 and 73, respectively, with a mean of 74.7. The estimated planetary A indices for the same period were 3, 2, 5, 4, 5, 9, and 5, respectively, with a mean of 4.7.

FCC Issued Call Sign Update

The following is a list of the FCC's most recently issued call signs as of January 3, 1997.

District        Group A  Group B   Group C   Group D
                Extra    Adv.     Tech/Gen   Novice
0               AB0DT    KI0FC     ++        KB0YXI
1               AA1RJ    KE1GI     N1YCR     KB1CAD
2               AB2CX    KG2JD     ++        KC2ADQ
3               AA3PF    KE3YB     N3YGZ     KB3BQZ
4               AE4ZS    KT4XU     ++        KF4NBG
5               AC5KZ    KM5ER     ++        KC5WVH
6               AC6ZG    KQ6KI     ++        KF6HGA
7               AB7TP    KK7CT     ++        KC7THI
8               AA8YX    KG8ZL     ++        KC8FFX
9               AA9TR    KG9IJ     ++        KB9OWJ
N. Mariana Is.  NH0A     AH0AW     KH0FS     WH0ABF
Guam            ++       AH2DC     KH2RI     WH2ANR
Hawaii          AH7J     AH6OX     KH7CI     WH6DCW
American Samoa  AH8O     AH8AH     KH8DC     WH8ABF
Alaska          #        AL7QT     KL0CR     WL7CTY
Virgin Is.      WP2X     KP2CJ     NP2JO     WP2AIH
Puerto Rico     KP3V     KP3AO     NP3JD     WP4NMT

# New prefixes are available for this block, but none have been issued.
++All call signs in this group have been issued in this area.

Upcoming VEC Examinations

The following test session information is provided by the ARRL/VEC for the upcoming three month period. For further information, please call the test session contact person at the telephone number listed. If necessary, you may contact the ARRL/VEC at 860-594-0300 for additional information. Electronic mail may be forwarded to the ARRL/VEC via USENET at "" or via MCI Mail to MCI ID: 653- 2312 or 215-5052.

Although the test session information presented here does not indicate whether walk-ins are accepted or not, most test sessions do allow walk-ins. We encourage you, however, to always call the contact person at the telephone number provided so that the VE Team is aware that you be attending the test.

02/08/97, Culver City, Clive More, AA6TZ, 310-827-2538
02/08/97, Fontana, Louis Johnson, 909-823-6818
02/08/97, Torrance, Joe Lamphen, WB6MYD, 310-328-0817
02/12/97, Alhambra, David F. Mangels, 818-281-4945
02/15/97, Culver City, Clive Morel, AA6TZ, 310-827-2538
02/15/97, Downey, Wesley Printz, 310-923-5598
02/15/97, San Bernardino, John P Mc Cann, 909-864-2656
02/22/97, Culver City, Scott V Swanson, 310-459-0337
02/22/97, Pomona, Donald Warburg, 909-949-0059
03/01/97, Los Angeles, Ali Hassan, 213-758-6343
03/04/97, Culver City, Edward Walker, 213-292-2183
03/08/97, Cypress, Harrison Spain, AC6TI, 714-952-6114
03/08/97, Fontana, Louis Johnson, 909-823-6818
03/14/97, Irvine, Jack C Lockhart WD6AEI,714-824-8477
03/15/97, San Bernardino, John P Mc Cann, 909-864-2656
03/15/97, Santa Clarita, Irene Oseas, 805-252-7459
03/29/97, Culver City, Scott V Swanson, 310-459-0337
03/29/97, Pomona, Donald Warburg, 909-949-0059

Jet Propulsion Laboratory Amateur Radio Club
Attn: Bill Wood, Editor, Mail Stop DSCC-33
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109-8099

Go back to the W6VIO Calling Index.