Meeting Notice
By Scott Nolte, N6CUV

The next regular Club meeting will be held March 12, 1997, in building 238, room 543 at Noon. Topics and Speakers wanted for JPLARC meetings: If you have a idea for a topic or a speaker for a club meeting contact Scott Nolte at 354- 9724 or

Club Board of Directors meetings are held at noon on the fourth Wednesday of each month in 301-227. Everyone is welcome at all club meetings; bring your lunch.

President's Message
By Randy Hammock, KC6HUR

Since I've been away, I have forgotten about some of the activities in which the club participates. In the past, these activities have been taken care of by ad hoc committees that operated in the background without much direction from the club officers. The same people headed these committes year after year to point that their being there was assumed to be true or just plain forgotten.

It has recently come to my attention that we are lacking leadership in a few areas. We need a leader for the Los Angeles Marathon Medical Net Team. It is too late to volunteer for this year, but we will need someone to handle this postion next year. This has been the area where the JPL ARC has been able to get out and shine. The person holding this position would interface with the Marathon officials and our club. This person would also be responsible for getting the members of our club involved with the marathon. If you would you would like to volunteer for this position, give me a call.

Another activity that the club is involved in is the La Canada Memorial Day Parade. This usually requires about a dozen hams to help coordinate the formation of the parade units. As far as I am aware, we are in need of a volunteer to help coordinate this activeity within the club.

Are there other activities that I have forgotten about? Let me know. Maybe you can help, too. Most of these activites do not requires a whole lot of time. Usually a day or part of a day. The job of a coordinator is not hard, just requires making some phone calls, send out some e-mail messages or talking it up over the air. These types of activities help keep your skils up as an emergency communications operator. Kill serveral birds with one stone. Help yourself become more prepared, help your community and have fun to boot.

January Meetings
By Chris Zygielbaum, N6WEI and Scott Nolte, N6CUV

Budget Meetings

The JPL ARC Board of Directors conducted three special meeting (February 5,7, and 10) to prepare a 1997 Budget to be submitted to the membership at the February General Meeting. Proposals were presented by Bob Dengler (NO6B), for the W6VIO Repeater, Walt Diem (WA6PEA), for the WB6IEA Repeater and Autopatch, Eric Archer (N6CV), for the Packet system, and Bob Polansky (N6ET), for replacement of Sommers HF antenna, which was destroyed by the recent high winds.

There was discussion of an $80 annual telephone toll charge to access the Newsline for retransmission during the weekly Emergency Communication net. There are several alternative methods to access the program, but its value to the club members is unknown. A suggestion was accepted to request guidance from the members by taking a poll.

After some discussion, a draft budget was agreed upon and a motion to accept the budget as discussed was proposed, seconded, and passed. Chuck Sarture (KG6NF), Treasurer, took the budget and prepared the presentation for the General Meeting.

Rick McKinney (KA6DAN), membership chairman, re- quested the Board review the list of off-Lab members from 1996 and approve accepting their 1997 membership dues. The club bylaws require that off-Lab members of the club not exceed 20% of the total membership. The club's 216 members allow 43 off-Lab members. The current off-Lab membership of 28 is well within the limit. Approval was given to accept dues from them all.

Bob Dengler requested that the Board approve support of the Los Angeles Marathon again this year. Bob proposed loaning some club equipment that is not currently in use, and shutting down the Mesa repeaters during the race on March 2. A motion was proposed, seconded, and passed to provide the support.

General Meeting

The February General Meeting was held on Wednesday February 12, 1997. Randy Hammock (KC6HUR) called the meeting to order and asked for officer and chairman reports.

Walt Mushagian (K6DNS), Emergency Communications Manager, reminded the members of the Monday check-in.

Rick McKinney reported that he is accepting 1997 dues. Dues are $11 per year, but if paid before March 1, dues are $10; family memberships are $5, and Autopatch dues are $3.

Bob Polansky (N6ET) announced that he is planning a Work Party for March 1, but has not made the specific plans for it yet.

Chuck Sarture, Treasurer, presented the draft 1997 budget, which was compiled by the Board of Directors. See the Treasurer's Report [next month] for details of the budget. A motion to accept the budget as presented was proposed, seconded, and passed.

Scott Nolte (N6CUV), Vice President, introduced the program for the meeting. Clifford Uyeda (KJ6HC), a Senior Customer Care Coordinator for Kenwood, discussed the company's marketing strategy and brought in two of the new Kenwood radios. Cliff, an extra class amateur, provides customer support for amateur and marine radios. He provides dealer training and does extensive travel to many hamfests in the United States.

Kenwood's focus is aggressively presenting the marketplace with new products and features. Kenwood invites input from users to shape their products of the future. They have an extensive educational program informing potential hams about packet, satellite, HF, etc. One element of the program is an amateur radio primer, which is placed in electronics stores to attract non-hams to the hobby. Kenwood's study material package, includes exam study guide booklet and software with test questions. They also have a Family Radio Service, which is a communications package that does not require a license.

Cliff brought two Kenwood radios; a HF transceiver, the TS- 570D, covering 500 kHz to 30 MHz at 100 Watts, and a dual band (2 Meters and 440 MHz) mobile radio, the TMV7A.

Board of Directors Meeting

The JPL ARC Board of Directors Meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, February 26, was not held because there was no quorum.

DX News
By Bob Polansky, N6ET

Lots of activity is planned for the near future. We are starting work parties again to restore our HF capabilities in the W6VIO shack. Maybe by June we'll have it all together. Hope we don't miss too many mode countries for the W6VIO DXCC Awards prior to that time. There's been a continuous flow of "good stuff" on the bands lately, probably as a result of the ARRL DX Contests as well as the general band conditions as of late. My inputs this month have been obtained, for the most part, from both the 59(9) DXReport and QRZ DX.

GHANA - 9G1BJ and 9G1TM are active for at least another year on 160 through 10 M. Look for them on 14195 kHz from 1900-2030Z.

GIBRALTAR - G4VZJ/ZB2 will work primarily cw from this QTH from 12 to 18 March.

MACAO - XX9TR is active daily on 14022 kHz ot 0000Z. Look for him also on 21022 kHz. He was easily workable on 80 and 40 cw in the ARRL CW Contest.

MONACO - DJ7RJ/3A plans an operation from 3 to 13 March. Look for him on all bands where he can raise antennas from 160 to 10M.

SCARBOROUGH REEF - Look for a one week operation from BS7H starting on 30 April. Lots of DX heavyweights will be involved with this one.

SWAZILAND - 3DA0CA is QRV from this relatively rare location through 27 February. He was quite workable on 30M during his one-week stay. He will be back in 3DA0- land thereafter where he will resume his frequent activities on 40 through 15M.

WAKE ISLAND - KC7FWZ has been reported on 30M (10107 kHz) from 0810 to 0840Z. No report on how long he will be there.

That's it for now. Listen carefully and better your DXCC totals.

L.A. Marathon
By Randy Hammock, KC6HUR

On Sunday March 2nd, the Los Angeles Marathon took place. The Marathon is one of those events where hams can really show their stuff, hone their operating skills, make sure their equipment is still working and have some fun in the process. Hams are involved in almost every aspect of the Marathon operations. We provide a very vital link between all of the other groups that keep the Marathon running.

There is the Shadow Net where hams are assign to ceratin key Marathon personel. These are the people who manage the operation of the Marathon and must maintain contact with the other groups to keep things running smoothly.

The Lead Vehicle Net keeps track of where the front runners of the race are located.

The Mile Net has people at each milepost. They coordinate transportation of runners who drop out of the race and other logistical tasks.

The Medical Net handles medical problems along the route. Emergency and non-emergency tranportaion is arranged through this net as well as providing doctor to doctor communications.

The Technical Team is responsible for making sure there are repeaters available for the event. This team starts several weeks before the marathon, setting up repeaters and arranging for repeaters to be used by the Marathon.

On the day of the Marathon, we all have to rise early and head out to our appointed meeting places. Some of us meet up with our asignees while others begin the setup of their operating positions. Eventually everyone gets gets into position and communications checked out and the last minute details worked out.

Finally, the start gun goes off and the race begins. For the checkpoints close to the beginning of the race, activity ramps up very quickly and drops off almost as fast. Later in the race, it may be over an hour after the start, before activity begins to slowly ramp up to a constant flow before slowly tapering off to a trickle, then it is over.

I would like to thank the following for their participation: Melinda Dengler , N6OB; Robert Dengler, NO6B; William Fesler, AC6UQ; Randy Hammock, KC6HUR; Jay Holladay, W6EJJ; Allen Hubbard, NGVTX; Steve Jenkins, N6UNI; Jim Kesterson, KA6IBF; Robert Layne, W6LTC; Richard McKinney, KA6DAN; Larry Ruple, AA6TV; Patricia Ruple, KB6VPO; Charles Sarture, KG6NF; Brad Tallon, KE6UKA; John Tallon, N6OMB; Jan Tarsala, WB6VRN; Richard Ulrich, K6KCY; Gerald Walsh, KB6OOC. We could not have done it without you.

It's Time Again for A Class!
By Phil Barnes-Roberts, KE6PMZ

The date has been set for the Pasadena Radio Club's Spring Class for the No-Code Technician Amateur Radio license. Our talented and fearless instructor, Allen Wolff, KC7O, will be conducting this class at Kaiser Permanente's Walnut Center (business offices) at Walnut and Los Robles in Pasadena, for 8 Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 pm, starting April 2nd, 1997. It's a pleasant environment, with multimedia facilities, guarded covered parking, and an opportunity to get in on the wonderful wide world of ham radio.

If you or a friend are ready to embark on this adventure, call Allen at 818-603-5682 (work#) or email at and let him know you are interested.

Making a Difference
By Randy Hammock, KC6HUR

I was getting ready to write an article about my involvment in the SAREX program, when the following was sent to me by one of my partners on the AMSAT Development and Operations Team (ADOT). I pretty much sumed up what I wanted to say. Bill is not an ADOT member; however, I believe he has spoken for us all here.

"I was there at an early 1980's Dayton Hamvention banquet when Roy Neal K6DUE and the late Victor C. Clark, W4KFC (then ARRL president) began an impromptiu discussion of getting ham radio onto the space shuttle with Owen Garriott W5LFL. This was the basis for ARRL involvement in what became the first ever manned ham radio operation from a space shuttle-the flight of STS-9.

I sat in Roys office at NBC Net News and planned the very first video presentation about hams operating from space and then traveled over 17,000 miles to work with camera crews nationwide to make "Amateur Radios Newest Frontier" a reality.

It was Tony England W0ORE who gave SAREX its name, and when he flew I was at Chaminade High School in Northridge California with cameraman to record on of the first ever school contacts in the SAREX program.

To anyone who doubts the great worth of SAREX or the importance of any SAREX (or MIREX) contact, go sit for 20 minutes and view the videotape "SAREX - The Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment." Look at the faces of those kids. Pay close attention to their eyes. Feel the inspiration in their being. Then I dare any of you to tell me that there is no signifigant importance to one of these contacts!

SAREX and its offshoot programs are important motivational tools. You cannot put a dollar value on what they accomplish and [...]. As such, each school contact is "a moment of greatness" in that it helps to motivate a child or two-or 20 toward careers in the sciences and technologies that are needed by our nation and our world.

Over the years, I have been proud to have been associated with the SAREX program and thats why I have donated my time and what small God given talent I may posess to it. I recognize its signifigance in the overall education of our nations youth and-more and more of late-in the education of the worlds youth. Talking to an astronaut or cosmonaut is as much a motivation for a youngster in Brazil or Poland or Russia as it is for kids in the USA.

But none of this is about me, Roy, Vic Clark, the ARRL, AMSAT or any other group or individual. Its really about kids, educatioin and motivation. We live in a day and age when we are fighting to keep our kids away from drugs and the gang life style. In a small way, the manned ham radio space program is doing a bit to present youth with a positive view of themselves and their peers. Its also showing them what is possible if they are willing to put forth a bit of effort. By letting then go to space vicariously using ham radio, it motivates them to far higher goals."

                  de Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, Newsline On-Line

I am curently working with my third school in two years. I was present at one school when the contact was made and, Bill was right, there is some kind presence of being when watching those kids talk to the astronaut on-board the Shuttle. If you would like to know more about this program, drop me a line and I will show you how you too can make a difference.

73, Randy, KC6HUR

Work Party Results
By Bob Polansky, N6ET

On 1 March, we conducted a work party to continue the restoration of the W6VIO station capabilities. We had the largest support group I recall ever having attended such a work party. The following people supported our activity (in no special order). Walt Mushagian, Randy Hammock, Chris Carson, Chuck Sarture, Sam Weaver, Jerry Person, J.R. Hall, Ross Snyder, Nick Gautier, Harry Enmark, Dayton Jones and myself. In addition, Freddie Gooden from the JPL Fire Department and two of his helpers provided support. One of the main goals of the work party was to install a new top-hat hold down assembly for the Sommers telephone pole. In that, we were unsuccessful, due to safety concerns regarding use of the long ladder. We will pursue Plan B, which is to get the services of a phone pole climber to do the needed work. Our next work party will address this problem.

As result of the wind damage, our inverted vee capability on 40 and 80 meters was damaged. The end support poles were reerected. We later found that the feedline was apparently severed somewhere up the Sommers telephone pole. Again, we'll fix this next work party.

We were successful in finding the major leak that made our fourth hardline unusable. The break will be repaired at our next work party.

The new kilowatt antenna tuner was installed and settings determined for the 20, 15, and 10 meter bands. The WARC band settings will be determined during our next work party.

A plan is being considered to make use of the stainless steel tower segments stacked next to the Storage trailer. During the next work party, we plan to pull out these tower segments and line them up to determine if we have all the pieces needed to proceed with such a plan. Follow-on for what we should do on the top of the Mesa will be addressed at the next JPL ARC Club meeting.

I want to express my thanks for all the support we got during the 1 March event. I'm tentatively hoping we can hold the next Work Party on 22 March, but need to confirm that we have a tower climber available before the date is firmed up.

73 for now, Bob Polansky, N6ET

Dues Reminder

The Board of Directors set 1997 Club Dues at 1996 levels: $11.00. Family members are still $5.00.

The Board also set separate Autopatch Dues of $3.00 on top of club dues. That means $14.00 for Regular Member (or $13.00 if paid early) and $8.00 for family members.

If you have not already sent in your membership dues, now is the time to act. Send your check to Rick McKinney, M/S 168-327.

Classified Section


50-to-80-foot self supporting/telescoping/tilt-over tower or towers. Can be either tubular or triangular. Need to be in good condition. Motorized would be a big plus. Will pay for packaging and shipping to Prescott, Arizona. Contact Brian (KW6J) at 714-896-3514 (M-F, 8 AM to 4 PM) or via Internet at

New or used (but in good condition) HF large mono-band beams which were designed for high gain/good front to back ratio/good directivity etc. Contact Brian (KW6J) at 714-896-3514 (M-F 8 AM to 4 PM) or via Internet at

Icom IC-04AT 440 MHz HT. Call Joel Mosher KB6RXE at 818-791-1779 or email to

US Tower (or Wilson) ROTATING BASE and RAISING FIXTURE for a 40 foot tubular telescoping tower. US Tower part number for the rotating base is MARB/40 and for the raising fixture is MAF-40. Please contact Brian Stapleton (KW6J) at 714-896-3514, M-F 8 AM - 4 PM.

Your want ad or article for inclusion in a future issue of W6VIO Calling. Submit either to Bill Wood, Mail Stop DSCC-33; or via Internet (

For Sale

Video study course, ARRL Advanced Class includes computerized exam review software. Complete course for $50 (new cost $129). Call Bob Dye, KQ6GD, 818-249-0171

Only $4,500 for a US Tower Model HDX-589-MDPL 89-foot self supporting triangular tower with heavy duty motor, pull downs, and limit switches (original cost, over $8,100!). Tower is in great condition and is only a few years old. Contact Brian (KW6J) for further details (work number M-F, 8 AM to 4 PM, 714-896-3514).

Battery Packs (for HT's, camcorders, laptops, cordless and cellular telephones) and mobile antennas at unusually low prices. Contact Walt Diem at 818-248-7525.

Yaesu's - like new. Closing station. FT-470 2m/440 w/tone squelch, PA-6 ~ FNB-12 batteries, chargers, and two vinyl cases. Unused, in carton. $350. FT-212RH 2m mobile w/mic, spkrs. Used very few hours. $295. Astron RS-12 power supply, good condition. $50. George KC6CWA, (707) 945-0705, or via W6MEO@KJ6FY.#NOCAL.CA.USA.NOAM.

Via the ARRL www Home Page

HAARP To Air Test Transmission For Hams
ARRL Letter Online, Volume 16, Number 8

The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) facility in Gakona, Alaska, will transmit a test signal on March 8, 1997, seeking reports from hams and SWLers in Alaska and in the "Lower 48" to determine how well the HAARP transmissions can be heard to the south.

During this test, the HAARP facility will transmit on or near the frequencies 3.4 MHz and 6.99 MHz to give listeners the opportunity to listen for the HAARP facility and to claim a QSL card. The test will be conducted beginning at 0430 UTC on March 8 (2330 Eastern Time on March 7).

The format of the test will be to transmit a constant carrier (no modulation) signal followed by a CW message at 10 WPM, according to the following schedule:

0430 6.99MHz Carrier Only Pointed Up
0435 6.99MHz CW Message Pointed Up
0440 6.99MHz Carrier Only Pointed to SE
0445 6.99MHz CW Message Pointed to SE
0450 3.4MHz Carrier Only Pointed Up
0455 3.4MHz CW Message Pointed Up

The transmission beginning at 0450 is primarly for Alaskan hams. Reception reports should include signal strength during the constant carrier transmission period along with the text of the CW message.

Complete details on this test and a QSL address will be listed on the HAARP home page at

The HAARP facility--now in the developmental prototype stage--has been undergoing testing since it was completed in late 1994. Multiple transmitters feed multiple antenna elements (there are 48 antenna elements on the site, arranged in eight rows of six columns; however, at this time, only 18 elements are active. The test will use 17 antennas with a net transmitter power of 340 kW). The final configuration could have 180 antenna elements and a combined transmitter power of 3.6 MW. HAARP's stated scientific purpose is to study "the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purposes." HAARP is managed by the US Air Force and the US Navy.

For more information, see "The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program" (QST, Sep 1996, p 33), or check out the HAARP home page, . --Ed Kennedy, K3NS

FCC Resumes Vanity Processing!
ARRL Letter Online Update, Volume 16, Number 7

The vanity floodgates have reopened. The FCC office in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, has processed vanity applications received from December 1, 1996, through February 5, 1997. In all, slightly more than 2400 applications were processed, but only slightly more than half of the applicants managed to successfully snag one of their call sign choices. The FCC made 1344 grants. More than 1000 applications ended up in the dreaded work in process (WIPS) stack for special handling. It's expected that most of the WIPS applications will be dismissed because the FCC was unable to grant any of the applicant's requested call sign choices. In other cases, the FCC must resolve apparent discrepancies in the applicant's name, address or call sign.

A backlog of WIPS applications had held up vanity processing for approximately two months, as personnel in Gettysburg worked to clear the decks. Prior to the recent big wave on February 12, a few vanity grants had trickled out of Gettysburg as the staff worked its way through the WIPS pile.

Vanity call sign applications continue to arrive at the FCC. Gate 1 opened last May, Gate 1A opened in July and Gate 2 opened in September. There is still no word on when the FCC plans to open Gate 3.

Solar Same Ol' Same Ol'
ARRL Letter Online Update, Volume 16, Number 9

Solar seer Tad Cook, KT7H, Seattle, Washington, reports: This was one more uneventful week, still at the bottom of the solar cycle. February 21 and 26 had some geomagnetic activity, but otherwise all was quiet. On most days, the sunspot number was 0, and on every day the solar flux was less than the average for the previous 90 days. For the ARRL International DX SSB Contest this weekend, don't expect any big change. Solar flux should continue in the low 70s, and we should not see any unsettled or stormy geomagnetic conditions until March 7-10 and again around March 16. Based on the previous solar rotation, the solar flux could go to the high 70s toward the middle of March. Twenty meters should remain the best band for worldwide propagation during daylight, followed by 40 meters after dark. Sunspot numbers for February 20 through 26 were 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 12 and 0, respectively, with a mean of 3.3. The 10.7-cm flux was 72.6, 73.2, 73.5, 74.6, 74.6, 74.1 and 74, respectively, with a mean of 73.8. Estimated planetary A indices for the same period were 4, 10, 6, 9, 8, 5, and 13, respectively, with a mean of 7.9.

New WATS Number for Ham Info From FCC

The FCC has designated a new, toll-free (WATS) number for Amateur Radio license inquiries--including inquiries about vanity and new call signs. The new number, 888-225-5322, will connect callers to the FCC National Call Center, handled by the FCC's Consumer Information Bureau.

Callers to the old consumer information number will get a message referring them to the new number.

FCC Issued Call Sign Update

The following is a list of the FCC's most recently issued call signs as of February 3, 1997.

District        Group A  Group B   Group C   Group D
                Extra    Adv.     Tech/Gen   Novice
0               AB0EB    KI0GL     ++        KB0ZNG
1               AA1RO    KE1GZ     N1YMY     KB1CBZ
2               AB2DA    KG2KA     ++        KC2ATT
3               AA3PH    KE3YR     N3YQJ     KB3BRS
4               AF4AO    KU4BN     ++        KF4OSX
5               AC5LD    KM5GN     ++        KC5YTK
6               AC6ZQ    KQ6MQ     ++        KF6ITI
7               AB7UB    KK7EY     ++        KC7UJI
8               AA8ZD    KI8AT     ++        KC8FXZ
9               AA9TS    KG9JD     ++        KB9PLP
N. Mariana Is.  NH0A     AH0AW     KH0FS     WH0ABF
Guam            ++       AH2DC     KH2RJ     WH2ANT
Hawaii          AH7M     AH6PA     KH7CO     WH6DDJ
American Samoa  AH8O     AH8AH     KH8DC     WH8ABF
Alaska          #        AL7QT     KL0DL     WL7CUC
Virgin Is.      WP2Y     KP2CJ     NP2JP     WP2AIH
Puerto Rico     KP3V     KP3AP     NP3JX     WP4NMT

# New prefixes are available for this block, but none have been 
++All call signs in this group have been issued in this area.

Upcoming VEC Examinations

The following test session information is provided by the ARRL/VEC for the upcoming two month period. For further information, please call the test session contact person at the telephone number listed. If necessary, you may contact the ARRL/VEC at 860-594-0300 for additional information. Electronic mail may be forwarded to the ARRL/VEC via USENET at "" or via MCI Mail to MCI ID: 653- 2312 or 215-5052.

Although the test session information presented here does not indicate whether walk-ins are accepted or not, most test sessions do allow walk-ins. We encourage you, however, to always call the contact person at the telephone number provided so that the VE Team is aware that you be attending the test

03/08/97, Agoura, Rick Leyton WB6WFH, 818-349-5583
03/08/97, Culver City, Clive Morel, 310-827-2538
03/08/97, Cypress Harrison Spain AC6TI, 714-952-6114
03/08/97, Fontana, Louis Johnson, 909-823-6818
03/08/97, Glendora, Perry Stevens AC6UJ, 818-966-8549
03/08/97, Malibu, Arthur Goltz, 818-780-5443
03/08/97, San Pedro, Elvin Lytle, 310-325-2965
03/09/97, Loma Linda, Bernard Taylor, 909-796-3075
03/09/97, Thousand Oaks, Marco Treganza , 805-375-1385
03/15/97, Rancho Palos Ver, Paul Wisiolek, 310-644-2271
03/15/97, San Bernardino, John P Mc Cann, 909-864-2656
03/15/97, Santa Clarita, Irene Oseas, 805-252-7459
03/15/97, Signal Hill, Don Boyce NN6Q, 310-420-9480
03/19/97, Alhambra, David F Mangels AC6WO, 818-281-4945
03/26/97, Anaheim, Bob Wallar, 310-429-8275
03/27/97, Colton, Harold Heydenfeldt, 909-825-7136
03/29/97, Culver City, Scott V Swanson, 310-459-0337
03/29/97, Donald Warburg WA6HNC, 909-949-0059
04/04/97, Los Angeles, Ali Hassan, 213-758-6343
04/05/97, Los Angeles, Ali Hassan, 213-758-6343
04/05/97, Northridge, Arthur Goltz, 909-780-5443
04/05/97, Riverside, Charles Peck, 909-780-2680
04/12/97, Culver City, Clive Morel, 310-827-2538
04/12/97, Fontana, Louis Johnson, 909-823-6818
04/12/97, Glendora, Perry Stevens AC6UJ, 818-966-8549
04/12/97, San Pedro, Elvin Lytle, 310-325-2965
04/12/97, Joe Lamphen WB6MYD, 310-328-0817
04/19/97, Downey, Wesley Printz, 310-923-5598
04/19/97, San Bernardino, John P Mc Cann, 909-864-2656
04/24/97, Colton, Harold Heydenfeldt, 909-825-7136
04/26/97, Culver City, Scott V Swanson, 310-459-0337
04/26/97, Pomona, Donald Warburg WA6HNC, 909-949-0059
04/30/97, Anaheim, Bob Wallar, 310-429-8275

Jet Propulsion Laboratory Amateur Radio Club
Attn: Bill Wood, Editor, Mail Stop DSCC-33
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109-8099

Go back to the W6VIO Calling Index.