Permission to copy is granted provided "W6VIO Calling" is credited
Calendar Of Events May 14 General Meeting, Noon - 238-543 May 17 [Pomona Swapmeet, DeVry Institute] May 28 Board Meeting, Noon 301-227 May 31 [TRW Swapmeet, Redondo Beach] June 11 General Meeting, Noon - 238-543 June 28-29 ARRL Field Day June 25 Board Meeting, Noon 301-227 June 28 [TRW Swapmeet, Redondo Beach] July 9 General Meeting, Noon - 238-543 July 19 [Pomona Swapmeet, DeVry Institute] July 23 Board Meeting, Noon 301-227 July 26 [TRW Swapmeet, Redondo Beach] Contents
Meeting Notice
By Scott Nolte, N6CUVThe next regular Club meeting will be held May 14, 1997, in building 238, room 543 at Noon. Topics and Speakers wanted for JPLARC meetings: If you have a idea for a topic or a speaker for a club meeting contact Scott Nolte at 354-9724 or
Club Board of Directors meetings are held at noon on the fourth Wednesday of each month in 301-227. Everyone is welcome at all club meetings; bring your lunch. n
President's Message
By Randy Hammock, KC6HURYou may recall that in a message past, I put out the call for volunteers to head-up various activities. Well, I glad to say that we have had some members volunteer, but we are still in the need for others. Bob Polansky and Jay Holladay volunteered to co-chair the Field Day activities and they will be letting us know what their plans are for this year. Manny Caldera volunteered to be the cook for Field Day once again. I've decided to head the group that "runs" the La Canada Memorial Day Parade.
And now, something completely different...
The JPL ARC has always been a club that supports 220 MHz operation. We helped pioneer repeaters on this band. Before we added the 2-Meter repeater and 70-cm repeaters to our lineup on W6VIO, many new members asked why we had two 220 repeaters but no others. After all, doesn't the ARRL and every Amateur Radio publication say that 2 meters is where it is at and 70cm has a lot of potential? Although this dates back before my time as a member of JPLARC, it is my understanding that there was an attempt to put up a 2-meter repeater, but the band was considered saturated and that we were offered two repeater channels on 220 instead. We accepted the offer and the rest is history.
Times and technology change, as have we. Through the efforts of Bob Dengler and Jan Tarsala, we have managed to get repeaters coordinated on 2 meters and 70 cm. These repeaters share the same controller as the W6VIO 220 repeater and thus cross-linkable. It is, therefore, my proposal that we move our Emergency Communication Team Net over to the W6VIO repeater system from WB6IEA. There are several reasons for making this move:
- Many of our members do not have 220 radios, but would like to participate in our net activities.
- Since the Table Mountain Repeater system is linked to the W6VIO repeater system, it is then possible to add that system into our net activities. This would serve as a means of testing this link on a weekly basis and would offer members on the other side of the hill a chance to participate in the information nets.
- The W6VIO system will be easier to maintain in an emergency situation as it is well with walking distance if service is needed.
- By moving our net operations over to the W6VIO repeater system, the WB6IEA autopatch would be freed-up for emergency phone call use since emergency net operations would be conducted on W6VIO.
- The W6VIO system provides better on-lab coverage and with the inclusion of the 70-cm repeater, provides better building penetration.
Before making the move final, I would like to run a test where we hold net operations on the W6VIO repeater system during the month of May. I encourage ALL members to check-in using whatever band you have: 2m, 220 or 440. After the information net has closed, those with 220 can move over to WB6IEA for the Newsline replay. This will serve as a test of the autopatch.
One note of interest. In the event of an actual emergency, the 2-meter repeater will not be available for club use, as we have given the Pasadena EOC permission to that system for their emergency operations. That would leave use of 220 and 440 for our internal use; therefore, while the 2m repeater will be linked with the other repeaters for our weekly net, it is recommended that those with 2m/440 dual-band radios use the 440 repeater rather than 2m for a more realistic test. n
April Club Meetings
By Chris Zygielbaum, N6WEIGeneral Meeting
The April General Meeting was held on Wednesday April 9, 1997. Randy Hammock (KC6HUR) called the meeting to order. He started the meeting with officer and committee reports, and other announcements.
The duplexer in the WB6IEA repeater is degrading rapidly. Walt Diem (WA6PEA) will be replacing it with the mobile duplexer system that was installed at the Arco Building in downtown Los Angeles to support the Los Angeles Marathon.
Randy is planning to conduct the Monday Emergency Net on the 224.08 220 repeater, linked to the 2-Meter frequency during the Month of May. More club members should be able to participate and it will be an opportunity to test the linking capabilities, audio leveling, etc.
Rick McKinney (KA6DAN) will be sending out reminders to those members who have not yet renewed their membership for 1997.
Walt Mushagian (K6DNS) reported that Eric Fuller, the JPL Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, was setting up some emergency communications for the flood victims in the Midwest. Unfortunately, the JPL ARC cannot participate because we don't have a FEMA call sign and we don't have equipment to access to the frequencies that will be used this time.
Walt Diem announced that the July 19 meeting of the 220 SMA will be held at JPL. There will be some significant issues brought up and members are encouraged to update their SMA membership and attend.
Jay Holladay (W6EJJ) has volunteered to coordinate a JPL ARC booth at the Open House on June 7 and 8. He is looking for ideas to represent amateur radio to the general public and volunteers for the event.
Bob Polansky (N6ET) relayed Eric Fuller's request for anyone who is familiar with scanners to contact him. Eric is planning to purchase scanner(s) to listen to local public service organization broadcasts during emergency situations. He feels that he will be better able to plan the JPL response to emergencies if he has information about situation in the local areas.
Eric Archer (N6CV) provided an update on the status of the Packet System upgrade on Lab. Eric has secured space and access to Building 180, Room 6. His home organization is having the room stripped, painted, HiNet connections and AC power (hopefully, uninterrupted) installed. The ARC will receive 1-2 racks and antenna space on the roof. It may take a couple months to complete, but it will be first class.
Bob Polansky provided the program for the meeting. He discussed his plans for refurbishing the W6VIO HF station and rebuilding the antenna system on the JPL Mesa. Bob described the current situation, both the bad and the good.
The Bad:
- The Sommers antenna was destroyed
- The Sommers tower was weakened so that the beam cannot be lowered
- One hard-line was ruptured
- The satellite antenna tower was bent
- The DX packet cluster tower was sheared
The Good:
- TS-850 received and integrated with the Dentron linear,
- kW antenna tuner has also been integrated,
- DX packet cluster tower has been repaired and the system is operational
- The hard-line leak has been located and a repair kit is available in the shack
- A WARC band antenna has been ordered and received
- The Sommers antenna rotor has been fixed
- TH7DXX antenna has been built and is stored on top of the water tower
- Funds have been obtained from the ERC for a new tower for the Mesa
- JPL Facilities Division will dig the holes and pour the concrete for the new tower
Bob's plans for the next steps are:
- Fix the Sommers tower pulley assembly
- Fix the hard-line leak
- Recondition W6VIO excess hardware and conduct an auction to raise money
- Build, install WARC antenna and rotor at the water tower site
- Remove and scrap the Sommers antenna
- Temporarily install the 203BA on the Sommers tower
- Prepare the new tower
- Install 1 Kilowatt antenna switch
- Install new satellite station tower
- Prepare equipment for Field Day
- Move TH7DXX and rotor to new tower (next year Bob plans to add a 40-meter beam)
- Retrofit Sommers tower to support wire antennas (80 and 40-meter delta loops and 160 meter inverted vee)
The plans are dependent on the level of participation by club members. If all goes well, Bob hopes to complete by the end of the calendar year. A more detailed schedule was included in last month's W6VIO Calling. The work was started on Saturday, April 12.
Board of Directors Meeting
The JPL ARC Board of Directors Meeting was planned for Wednesday, April 23. There was no quorum, but several announcements were made.
Rick McKinney has sent out reminders to 1996 members who have not yet renewed their membership for 1997. Autopatch members should know that the Autopatch may not be used by those who are not up to date with their dues.
Jay Holladay and Bob Polansky will be meeting to organize their plans for Field Day this year and will be presenting the plan at the May 14 General Meeting.
There was discussion of moving the location of the Board Meeting to a room with teleconferencing capability so that Bill Wood can participate. n
I've been listening for the BS7H guys, who I know are active, but all I've heard are significant pileups, and uncopiable signals from Scarborough Reef. Wonder if someone disconnected my coax from the antennas! They will operate through 7 May on 80 through 10 meters, both phone and CW, but you will probably miss this operation unless you read about it in the last W6VIO Calling. My thanks to both The 59(9) DX Report and QRZ DX for providing source material for this DX News article.
Now for the news:
ANNOBON - 3C0DX will liven up the bands from 20 to 27 May with 3 stations simultaneously operating. Don't miss this one.
BANABA - T33?? will be ZL1AMO in disguise assuming he finds a fishing boat to transport him from 3D2-land to this much more remote QTH.
FRANZ JOSEF LAND - Look for newcomer, R1FJV through the rest of the year. He's supposed to be active on 40 through 10 meters, primarily on CW.
GUINEA - 3XY3A (a most unusual call) is active on 14020 and 14130 kHz through 15 June.
IRAQ - YI1VK will be active starting 12 May for a couple of months on both CW and SSB. This will be a fine catch if we're lucky. YI9HW may also be heard.
MALDIVES - 8Q7BZ and 8Q7MZ should be active now through 14 May on SSB on 40,20,17, and 15 meters. Good luck on this one. 20 meters is probably your only hope from California.
RHODES - SV5/many HA calls plan an operation from Rhodes from 3 to 17 June, all bands, and all modes. Published frequencies where the W6's have a chance on SSB are 7089, 14189, 14260, and 18141 kHz; on CW 7011, 10101, 14011, 18071 kHz.
TURKEY - If all goes well, TA4/G3SDL will be active from Turkey from 18 through 25 May. Keep your fingers crossed.
VANUATU - YJ0/K8VIR promises activity from 8 to 15 May. Look for him on 14260 and 21300 kHz.
Conditions between now and mid-May are forecast between High-Normal and Above-Normal. Not bad for the sunspot minimum!
73, Bob, N6ET n
Memorial Day Parade
By Randy Hammock, KC6HURWe are rapidly approaching the time for the La Canada Memorial Day Parade. This is an activity that I think is more fun than the Tournament of Roses Parade. Instead of just being communicators for guys in "funny white suites", we are the guys who run the show, more or less. We quite literally tell everyone where to go. Our job is to make sure that everyone appears in the correct order and to get them lined up and ready to go. When all is said and done, we usually get a ride down the parade route on the back of a fire truck.
Sounds like fun? Give me a call and let me know you want to be a part of the fun: Work: (818)393-1214; Home: (818)951-7975. n
By Bob, N6ET
On Saturday, 12 April, the JPL ARC had another successful work party. A new Club record (I think) was set for attendance with on the order of 13 people supporting our efforts, including a volunteer tower climber and a contingent from the JPL Fire Department! We had set out to do the following tasks:
1. Tie down Sommers antenna lowering pulley
2. Free inverted vee from pulley assembly
3. Fix hole in hardline
4. Locate 203BA 20 meter antenna and prepare it for temporary use on Sommers tower
5. Dig hole and sink 4X4 at top of mesa site for antenna switch. Cement in place
6. Pull spare Sommers rotor cable to top of hill. Measure spare cable length
7. Lay out and clear pads for new tower and guy pointsWe made a command decision to not work items 3 and 4 in favor of completing all work needed at the top of the hill, in addition to the lowering of the Sommers tower (now possible after the pulley mechanism repairs) and the removal of the remains of the Sommers beam. All work at the top of the hill was successfully completed. A picture [taken by Jay Holladay] showing our tower climber perched atop the telephone pole is shown here. The Club members who supported this work party were:
Chris Carson, KE6ABQ
J. R. Hall, WB6PTX
Jay Holladay, W6EJJ
Guy Labrador, KE6RMY
Roger Linfield, Appreciated volunteer
Bob Polansky, N6ET
Rob Smith, W6GRV
Ross Snyder, W0GSZ
Sam Weaver, WB6EMO
Our sincere thanks go to the JPL Fire Department, JPL Safety Office, and our tower climber, Roger Linfield for the help received in making this all happen. Without their support, we could not have completed the most important repairs needed to reestablish our HF antenna capability. My thanks to all the Club members who contributed to the success of this operation. I hope that future work parties will continue to get strong backing from our club members. n
By Randy Hammock, KC6HUR
Though I don't have the exact dates just yet, I'm putting this out to you thinking about it now. In the latter part of October, there is this footrace (Angeles Crest 100) that starts in Wrightwood and ends in the Arroyo just below the JPL East Parking lot at Johnson's Rock.
The organizers of this event are looking for a group of amateurs to man the finish line. It is the responsibility of these volunteers to log the arrival of the runners as they cross the finish line. The time for the race is about 36 hours; however, it is only necessary to man the finish line for that last half of the race (yes, runners complete the 100 miles that quickly).
This still leaves 18 hours where people must be available. Given enough volunteers, times can be broken down into several hour shifts. Of course, if you want to be there for the entire time period, you are welcome to do so. The race starts round 6:00am on Saturday morning and officially ends about 36 hours later. The JPLARC repeaters in Pasadena and on TMO are used along with packet. If interested, call me: Work: (818)393-1214; Home: (818)951-7975. n
Field Day Plans
By Jay Holladay, W6EJJPlans are well underway for our annual trek to Mt. Gleason for Field Day. This year we have THREE tower trailers available! Once we get on top of the mountain, putting up antennas will be much more pleasant than with some of our past tower lashups. The problem will be getting those three trailers to the top of the mountain. If you have a trailer hitch on your vehicle, please help by providing a tow - these are lightweight trailers that can be pulled by virtually any vehicle. Even if you can't spend three days on the mountain, towing a tower in one direction on Friday or Sunday would help us tremendously.
Warren Dowler, KE6LEA, (who provided these photos) Welds Tower
As usual, we need help in many departments. We especially need people for setup on Friday, and we are looking for someone to lead the effort to set up our satellite station. Come to the Club meeting on May 14 to hear all about our plans for Field Day 1997, and watch for the full story in W6VIO Calling for June. Be sure to mark you calendar for June 27-28-29 and get set to participate in Field Day '97!
Dave Ritchie (N7UE) and Bob Polansky (N6ET) monitor repaired tower test nWanted:
A 50-to-80-foot self-supporting/telescoping/tilt-over tower or towers. Can be either tubular or triangular. Need to be in good condition. Motorized would be a big plus. Will pay for packaging and shipping to Prescott, Arizona. Contact Brian (KW6J) at 714-896-3514 (M-F, 8 AM to 4 PM) or via Internet at
New or used (but in good condition) HF large mono-band beams which were designed for high gain/good front to back ratio/good directivity etc. Contact Brian (KW6J) at 714-896-3514 (M-F 8 AM to 4 PM) or via Internet at
Icom IC-04AT 440 MHz HT. Call Joel Mosher KB6RXE at 818-791-1779 or email to
US Tower (or Wilson) ROTATING BASE and RAISING FIXTURE for a 40 foot tubular telescoping tower. US Tower part number for the rotating base is MARB/40 and for the raising fixture is MAF-40. Please contact Brian Stapleton (KW6J) at 714-896-3514, M-F 8 AM - 4 PM.
Your want ad or article for inclusion in a future issue of W6VIO Calling. Submit either to Bill Wood, Mail Stop DSCC-33; or via Internet (
For Sale:
Video study course, ARRL Advanced Class includes computerized exam review software. Complete course for $50 (new cost $129). Call Bob Dye, KQ6GD, 818-249-0171
Only $4,500 for a US Tower Model HDX-589-MDPL 89-foot self supporting triangular tower with heavy duty motor, pull downs, and limit switches (original cost, over $8,100!). Tower is in great condition and is only a few years old. Contact Brian (KW6J) for further details (work number M-F, 8 AM to 4 PM, 714-896-3514).
Yaesu FT-470 2m/440 mobile w/tone squelch, PA-6, FNB-12 batteries, charger and vinyl cases. Like new, $250 or best offer, + shipping. FT-212RH 2m mobile w/ mic, spkrs, Diamond antenna. Like new, $195 + shipping, or best offer. KC6CWA Geo Kendall (916) 383-1652. For more info contact W6MEO @ KJ6FY.#NOCAL or n
This is the first issue of W6VIO Calling to be published on the Clubs Web site at the same time it is printed. After some training (and arm twisting) of your editor by Webmaster Gerry Walsh (KB6OOC), we have converted over to Microsoft Word 97 to produce both issues.
At the same time a new Kodak RFS 3570 film scanner will be used to produce high quality digital images from 35 mm to 6 by 9 cm color negatives and transparencies. Images provided on film in past issues of W6VIO Calling have been rescanned, processed in Adobe Photoshop 4.0, and replaced on the web site to both reduce file sizes and to improve the quality. Check out these and give us some feedback.
To encourage you to send your negatives for use in future editions, your editor will return them with disk copies of the digital images after scanning. So, by all means, take photos of your ham related activities and send in your negatives and/or short articles for publishing in your clubs journal of record, both in print and on the Internet. n
Via the ARRL www Home PageVanity Fee Hike?
ARRL Letter Online, Volume 16, Number 18Last month, the FCC proposed effectively raising the fee for a vanity call sign from $30 to $50 for the 10-year license term. Now, the ARRL has asked the Commission to postpone the higher fee until after all four vanity call sign gates have been opened. In comments filed April 23, the ARRL told the FCC that it does not object to the fee increase per se but said that it wants all hams to have an opportunity to request a specific call sign under the current fee schedule.
The fee increase was among those included for all FCC-regulated services -- including broadcasters and commercial satellite services -- in the NPRM in MD Docket No. 96-186. Under the proposal, the FCC "rounded up" all FCC-imposed $3 annual fees to $5 per year -- the lowest fee in the new schedule. The ARRL noted in its comments to the Commission that because projected revenue from the vanity fee increase "significantly exceeds" the revenue needed to cover the costs of administering the program, a delay would be reasonable. The ARRL also asked the FCC to limit the vanity call sign fee to the minimum it needs to recoup its costs to administer the vanity program but "without rounding to a significantly higher fee." The FCC adjusts its fee schedule every year. n
Solar Activity Increases
ARRL Letter Online, Volume 16, Number 18Sun watcher Tad Cook, KT7H, Seattle, Washington, reports: Solar activity was up a tiny bit last week, but the daily solar flux was still below the previous 90 day average of 74 on each day. Solar flux peaked slightly at 73.1 on April 27.
April 26-29 had very quiet geomagnetic indices, with an A index of 4 each day and many periods with a K index of zero, the best there is for HF conditions.
The projection for the rest of May indicates more flat conditions, but of course this is based only upon the previous solar rotation. Since there has been no significant activity over the past month, there are no known really active regions to rotate into view.
Sunspot numbers for April 24 through 30 were 13, 12, 32, 17, 17, 12 and 0, with a mean of 14.7. The 10.7-cm flux was 69.8, 68.7, 70.9, 73.1, 72.4, 71.9 and 72.6, with a mean of 71.3, and estimated planetary A indices were 15, 7, 4, 4, 4, 4, and 11, with a mean of 49. n
The following test session information is provided by the ARRL/VEC for the upcoming one month period. For further information, please call the test session contact person at the telephone number listed. If necessary, you may contact the ARRL/VEC at 860-594-0300 for additional information. Electronic mail may be forwarded to the ARRL/VEC via USENET at "" or via MCI Mail to MCI ID: 653-2312 or 215-5052.
Although the test session information presented here does not indicate whether walk-ins are accepted or not, most test sessions do allow walk-ins. We encourage you, however, to always call the contact person at the telephone number provided so that the VE Team is aware that you be attending the test.
- 05/10/97, Culver City, Clive Morel 310-827-2538
- 05/10/97, Cypress, Harrison Spain AC6TI, 714-952-6114
- 05/10/97, Fontana, Louis Johnson, 909-823-6818
- 05/10/97, Glendora, Perry Stevens AC6UJ, 818-966-8549
- 05/10/97, Austin Rudnicki K6IA, 805-967-3024
- 05/10/97, San Pedro, Elvin Lytle, 310-325-2965
- 05/12/97, Lancaster, Adrienne Sherwood WA6YEO, 805-948-1865
- 05/17/97, Big Bear Lake, Howard Wilson, 909-866-8944
- 05/17/97, San Bernardino, John P Mc Cann, 909-864-2656
- 05/17/97, Santa Clarita, Irene Oseas, 805-252-7459
- 05/17/97, Signal Hill, Don Boyce NN6Q, 310-420-9480 n
The following is a list of FCC sequentially assigned call signs issued as of April 1, 1997.
District Group A-Extra Group B--Advanced Group C-Tech/Gen Group D--Novice 0 AB0EW KI0HM ++ KC0AIR 1 AA1RX KE1HL N1YWB KB1CDF 2 AB2DK KG2KS ++ KC2BGQ 3 AA3PO KE3ZI N3YZS KB3BST 4 AF4BV KU4EV ++ KF4QIR 5 AC5LX KM5IC ++ KC5ZSK 6 AD6AV KQ6NW ++ KF6JXT 7 AB7UQ KK7GL ++ KC7VMM 8 AA8ZU KI8BQ ++ KC8GTE 9 AA9UG KG9JZ ++ KB9PZR N Mariana Is NH0A AH0AX KH0GS WH0ABG Guam # AH2DC KH2RM WH2ANT Hawaii AH7S AH6PA KH7DJ WH6DDT Amer Samoa AH8O AH8AH KH8DH WH8ABF Alaska AL0D AL7QT KL0FM WL7CUE Virgin Islands ++ KP2CJ NP2JQ WP2AIH Puerto Rico NP3C KP3AR NP3MI WP4NMZ
# New prefixes are available for this block, but none have been issued.
++All call signs in this group have been issued in this area. n
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Amateur Radio Club
Attn: Bill Wood, Editor, Mail Stop DSCC-33
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109-8099
Go back to the W6VIO Calling Index.