Permission to copy is granted provided that credit is given to "W6VIO Calling."


  • Meeting Notice
  • President's Message
  • Calendar of Events
  • October Club Meetings
  • Field Day Finale
  • DX News
  • Tower Work Update
  • Classified Section
  • If Radio Manufacturers Made Cars
  • ARRL News
  • FCC to Open Vanity Gate 4
  • Solar Update
  • Tauzin Says "We Hear You"
  • FCC Call Sign Update
  • Upcoming VEC Examinations
  • Elmer!
  • Calendar of Events
    November 12 General Meeting, Noon - 238-543
    November 15 [Pomona Swapmeet, DeVry Institute]
    November 26 Board Meeting, Noon - 301-227
    November 29 [TRW Swapmeet, Redondo Beach]
    December 10 JPL ARC Year-end Banquet,
    December 20 [Pomona Swapmeet, DeVry Institute]
    December 27 [TRW Swapmeet, Redondo Beach]
    January 14 General Meeting, Noon - 238-543
    January 17 [Pomona Swapmeet, DeVry Institute]
    January 28 Board Meeting, Noon - 301-227
    January 31 [TRW Swapmeet, Redondo Beach]

    Meeting Notice
    By Scott Nolte, N6CUV

    The next regular JPL Amateur Radio Club meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 12, at noon in building 238, room 543.

    Mark your calendar for the Annual JPL Amateur Radio Club End of Year Banquet meeting to be held on Wednesday, December 10, starting at 6 PM at Marie Callender's Pasadena Restaurant. More details to follow.

    Club Board of Directors meetings are held at noon on the fourth Wednesday of each month in 301-227. Everyone is welcome at both meetings; bring your lunch. n

    President's Message
    By Randy Hammock, KC6HUR

    We've almost reached the end of another year and it is time to elect new officers. I have thrown my hat into the ring to be President again. While much has happened this year and I'd like to claim credit, it has been through the efforts others that most things have gotten done. Of course, that's the way it should be. It is not the job of the president or the other offices to "do it all." But it is their job to facilitate getting the other jobs done. Next year, I would like to be a bit more proactive. During the past year I've identified a number things which need to be handled and next year I'd like to see that these things get handled. More on this later.

    One of the things that I'm particularly proud of, was the inclusion of Bill Wood as a more active participant in the Board of Directors. While Bill has been a voting member of the Board for several years now, it has almost been an honorary position since it is generally too much to ask him to come down to the Lab from Barstow for meetings. Now, he is included in every meeting via teleconferencing. Between these meetings and e-mail, one would never know that such distances separated us.

    With the activation of the new radio system at the JPL EOC and the Goldstone ECC, the radio club is playing an even more important part in the emergency preparedness plan for the Lab. We need everyone's support. Please check into the Monday noontime net to find out the latest.

    Until next month, 73! n

    October Club Meetings
    By Chris Zygielbaum, N6WEI

    General Meeting

    The October General Meeting of the JPL Amateur Radio Club was held on Wednesday October 8, 1997. Randy Hammock (KC6HUR) called the meeting to order.

    Walt Mushagian (K6DNS) reminded the group about the Monday Emergency Net: Noon on 224.08, 147.15, 449.975, and 223.96 (Table Mountain).

    Bob Polansky (N6ET) and Randy updated the group on the status of the Telecommunications and Mission Operations Directorate's (TMOD) Emergency Operations Center at Goldstone. The equipment at Goldstone was installed and the center declared operational. Kenwood TM-642s have been installed both at JPL and at Goldstone and will be running on the 220 frequency. Modifications are being made to the City of Industry link to minimize the interference between Goldstone and JPL.

    Bob reported on the progress made installing the HF antenna on the Mesa. The tower is ready to be assembled. Arrangements had been made to have a cherry picker ready on Friday, October 10 to put up the antenna pole. The remainder of the assembly will be accomplished from the ground. Bob expects to have the antenna installed before the end of the year. He acknowledges the excellent support for the work parties to assemble the antenna.

    Chuck Sarture (KG6NF), Club Treasurer, reported that FY98 Emergency Operations funds have been received.

    Chris Carson (KE6ABQ), chairman of the Nominating Committee for next year's officers, is polling members for volunteers and suggestions. Call Chris if you would like to participate or have a suggestion.

    Walt Diem (WA6PEA) reported that the autodialer on the WB6IEA repeater has not been reliable recently. If there is a problem using the autodialer, key in all the digits, bypassing the autodialer function. Unfortunately the problem is intermittent and has not been identified yet.

    The program for the meeting was provided by Dale Winther (WB6PDL) who talked about the early days of repeaters and remotes in the Los Angeles area.

    Dale first received his Novice license in 1965; six weeks later he received his General. He was the President of the Crystal Crackers Club at Culver City High School before he graduated in 1966. He then joined the local Culver City radio club.

    Dale reminisced about the early years in 2 meter and 440 radio and the emergence of repeaters. He remembers a flight to Las Vegas when he was able to hit his remote on Contractor Point, about 200 line-of-sight miles away, with a handy talkie. He was amazed that he could contact his remote.

    His most memorable use of an autopatch was a Field Day when he set up the autopatch capability so those participants could call home directly from their tents.

    Board of Directors Meeting

    The JPL ARC Board of Directors meeting was held on Wednesday, October 22, 1997. In attendance were Randy Hammock (KC6HUR), Scott Nolte (N6CUV), Walt Mushagian (K6DNS), Chuck Sarture (KG6NF), Rick McKinney (KA6DAN), Bob Polansky (N6ET) and, via teleconference, Bill Wood (W6FXJ) and Walt Diem (WA6PEA).

    Bill Wood (W6FXJ) and Bob Polansky (N6ET) reported on the status of the emergency communications link between JPL and Goldstone in support of the Telecommunications and Mission Operations Directorate (TMOD). The new Kenwood TM-642s have been installed at JPL and Goldstone and a 17-element beam installed at Goldstone to provide emergency communications between JPL and Goldstone via the Table Mountain (WR6AZN/R) / JPL Mesa (W6VIO/R) link. Preliminary tests of the link indicate that Table Mountain is full quieting at Goldstone. However, the signal from Goldstone to Table Mountain is marginal. Bill recommends the addition of a second 17-element beam and a 120-watt amplifier at Goldstone to increase the signal from Goldstone by another 10 dB. Bill said that Dave Simmons (KD6YLU) has agreed to coordinate and operate the station at Goldstone. Simmons is not only a HAM; he also works in the Goldstone emergency communications center. In recognition of his participation, the Board voted unanimously to grant a gratis club membership to Simmons for this year.

    Bob Polansky (N6ET) reported that Eric Fuller is providing a separate account of $2000 for club emergency communications needs for FY'98. Bob proposed spending $700 for a 40-meter beam, $150 for the 220 beam for the Goldstone station, $100 for 2 Kenwood speakers, $150 for field day trucks and gas and $300 for miscellaneous hardware and cables. Walt Mushagian (K6DNS) and Walt Diem (WA6PEA) reminded the Board of the need for a $1100 duplexer for WB6IEA/R.

    Treasurer Chuck Sarture (KG6NF) indicated that he is starting to assemble the FY'98 club budget and needs budget requests ASAP. n

    Field Day Finale
    By Jay Holladay, W6EJJ

    When November QST arrives, the dyed-in-the-wool Field Day enthusiast looks quickly to find his or her group's score and see how it compares with the competition. This year the JPLARC/Caltech ARC effort, as W6VIO, was faced with limited resources and poor band conditions, so our expectations were not too high. As reported in the August issue of W6VIO Calling, our final score of 2226 QSO's, 7734 total points, would have been good for 11th overall the previous year.

    Guess what? We placed 11th overall in Class 2A this year! There were 594 entries in that class. Given the modest antennas and other limitations we had to deal with, your Field Day committee is very pleased with the results. Our thanks to all those who contributed to this effort. n

    DX News
    By Bob Polansky, N6ET

    I'm pleased to report that the W6VIO shack's TS-850 is working well. I sat down with it during Saturday afternoon and operated barefoot into the 40-meter inverted vee using the internal antenna tuner.

    In the period of about two hours, I was able to fill two pages of the logbook with about 30 countries on SSB, primarily on 15 meters. A few QSO's were made on 10 and 20 meters also - not bad with no beam! I even made a contact with Ascension Island on 15 meters. So much for bragging. Thanks to the 59(9) Report for the following:

    GHANA - Look for 9G5VJ from 21 November to 2 December. This is an operation before, during and after the CQ WW CW Contest. They should be pretty easy to find!

    LIBYA - 5A1A will be activated from 24 November to 4 December (includes the CQ WW CW Contest) by a group from Germany. Don't miss this one. I need it on CW myself.

    MALDIVES - 8Q7AJ will make his presence known from 30 October through 10 November. Look for him on 160 through 10 meters, primarily on CW and RTTY.

    MONACO - Look for 3A/I1YRL through December. No frequencies given.

    REUNION ISLAND - FR/DJ4VW will be active on 40 through 10 meters including the WARC bands from 18 November through 5 December.

    SVALBARD - JW5NM will be QSOable through next summer. Look for him primarily on CW; although, he was worked on the West Coast on 3790 kHz at 0538Z the other night. He will be active in the contests.

    TOGO - 5V7A will be supplying QSO's during the CQ WW CW Contest. Again, look for the large pile up.

    UGANDA - Lots of Uganda activity these days. Worked 5X1T on both 12 and 17 meter SSB the other day. 5X1P, 5X4F and others are also active on 40 and 30 meters.

    It's meeting time now so this is an abbreviated report. 73 and enjoy the DX! n

    Tower Work Update
    By Bob Polansky, N6ET

    Several work parties have taken place this month with the goal of making progress on implementing our new tower. Warren Dowler and I connected the guy wires to the 25-foot section of the tower and put tension on them. This was followed up with a larger work party on the 25th of October with participation from Chris Carson, Warren Dowler, Randy Hammock, Walt Mushagian, Bob Polansky, and Sam Weaver.

    We accomplished much on the 25th! The tower was made "vertical" and the tension in the guy wires was adjusted to "Rohn specs". The turnbuckles were tied to eliminate the possibility of them loosening. A ground rod was hammered into the ground and several cables were connected to the tower, providing a hefty ground for the structure. Another group of workers installed "big grips" on all ends of the Phillystrand 5/16-inch guy cables.

    We had time to spare after that was done, so we installed another section of tower on top of the existing stack. Only two more to go now! Keep up the good work, guys. n

    Classified Section


    The 40M, 20M, 11M and 10M elements for the Hustler Mobile antenna system. Call Bill Westphal, WB6YPF at 213-633-3121 (Work) or e-mail at

    A50-to-80-foot self-supporting/telescoping/tilt-over tower or towers. Can be either tubular or triangular. Need to be in good condition. Motorized would be a big plus. Will pay for packaging and shipping to Prescott, Arizona. Contact Brian (KW6J) at 714-896-3514 (M-F, 8 AM to 4 PM) or via Internet at

    New or used (but in good condition) HF large mono-band beams which were designed for high gain/good front to back ratio/good directivity etc. Contact Brian (KW6J) at 714-896-3514 (M-F 8 AM to 4 PM) or via Internet at

    US Tower (or Wilson) ROTATING BASE and RAISING FIXTURE for a 40 foot tubular telescoping tower. US Tower part number for the rotating base is MARB/40 and for the raising fixture is MAF-40. Please contact Brian Stapleton (KW6J) at 714-896-3514, M-F 8 AM - 4 PM.

    Your want ad or article for inclusion in a future issue of W6VIO Calling. Submit either to Bill Wood, W6FXJ, 31094 Hemlock Ave, Barstow, CA 92311; or email

    For Sale:

    HF transceiver, Atlas 350 XL, 160 M to 10M, 140 to 200 watts output. Includes 14 VDC, 32 AMP power supply/external speaker, mobile rack mount and technical manual, $400. HF transceiver, single band, 75 M, Heathkit HW-12A, includes HP-13A 12VDC input mobile power supply and technical manual, $40. HAL ST-5000 FSK (RTTY) Demodulator/Keyer includes technical manual, $20. Call Walt Mushagian, K6DNS, (818) 354-3036

    Complete Heathkit HF Station. HW-5400 XCVR, HW-5400-1 Power Supply/Clock, SB-230 Linear Amp, SB-610 Station Monitor, SA-2060A Antenna Tuner, Desk Mic. $700.00 Call Bill Westphal WB6YPF at 213-633-3121 or e-mail to

    Test equipment. From Volt Meters to Oscilloscopes. Too much to list. Call for price list. Call Bill Westphal WB6YPF at 213-633-3121 or e-mail to

    Only $4,500 for a US Tower Model HDX-589-MDPL 89-foot self supporting triangular tower with heavy duty motor, pull downs, and limit switches (original cost, over $8,100!). Tower is in great condition and is only a few years old. Contact Brian (KW6J) for further details (work number M-F, 8 AM to 4 PM, 714-896-3514).

    Yaesu FT-470 2m/440 mobile w/tone squelch, PA-6, FNB-12 batteries, charger and vinyl cases. Like new, $250 or best offer, + shipping. FT-212RH 2m mobile with mike, speakers, Diamond antenna. Like new, $195 plus shipping, or best offer. KC6CWA Geo Kendall (916) 383-1652. For more info contact W6MEO @ KJ6FY.#NOCAL or n

    If Radio Manufacturers Made Cars

    This article appeared in the October 1997 issue of the "ARNS Bulletin", Steve Auyer-N2TKX Editor.

    Almost all cars would be made in Japan. A few small American manufacturers located in small towns in the midwest would make cars, but these would be prized more for their "classic American styling" than for their performance.

    All cars (except for those made by one American manufacturer in Wisconsin) would be sold without engines. Drivers could buy an engine for their car from the manufacturer but these engines would cost about twice as much as an engine purchased from a firm that specializes in manufacturing engines. Of course these lower cost engines wouldn't match the styling of the cars, but most drivers take the viewpoint that "it's hidden under the hood, so what's the difference."

    Cars would not operate in the states of Oklahoma or Kansas. Admittedly, few drivers want to operate in those states, but those who do can obtain a simple mod from the car manufacturer that will allow their vehicles to operate in these states - the driver just needs to mail a copy of their driver's license to the car manufacturer to show that they are properly licensed.

    A few drivers elect not to purchase engines for their vehicles - instead hitching their vehicle to a horse, using a rubber band engine, or relying on pedal power. While the top speeds achieved by these vehicles are low, they serve as an important demonstration of "renewable energy sources."

    A small group of drivers would severely underpower their vehicles. While this makes the daily commute to work very difficult, they claim that each arrival at work gives them a real thrill, as they know that only their superb driving skills allowed them to reach their destination.

    Cars initially had manual "stick" shifts. As time passed fewer and fewer drivers used manual shift transmissions, preferring to use "automatic" transmissions. But as with those drivers who prefer to underpower their vehicles, there is a group of drivers dedicated to the preservation and use of "stick" shifts. These drivers insist that some roads have special lanes that are reserved for the use of cars with "stick" shifts.

    Some vehicles are small, inexpensive and easy to use but are not capable of reliably reaching distant destinations. Owners of these vehicles develop a strategy of driving their small vehicle to a nearby central location, boarding a larger, higher-powered vehicle for a trip to a distant location, and then using a small vehicle for local travel at the distant location. Some of these owners call themselves "commuters", some call themselves "vacationers", and some call themselves "repeaters." There is much speculation about the origin of these terms, but no one really knows how they developed.

    A few drivers develop modifications to their engines that allow them to exceed federal horsepower limits. This allows them to reach distant destinations much faster and more reliably - but at the cost of inconveniencing drivers of legally powered vehicles using the same roads.

    Most manufacturers would make some attempt to limit sales of their vehicles to owners who possess a valid driver's license. But in an attempt to increase sales, at least one manufacturer will sell to anyone with the cash.

    Cars would become so complex and high-tech that drivers have little choice but to buy a completed vehicle from the manufacturer - very few drivers have the skills to build a car from scratch. The one area drivers can still "build it themselves" is tires. Drivers delight in designing and building their own tires convinced that their design will yield slightly better gas mileage or a higher speed than anyone else's. Whole publications are devoted to the design and construction of tires. Popular tire designs are known by the name of the driver who developed the design, as in "I've got a set of 27-inch 'Harolds' on my car."

    Manufacturers would increase sales by regularly introducing new models with added "bells and whistles." A large trade in used cars would develop where drivers congregate in parking lots once a month to trade vehicles. These meetings would become known as "carfests."

    Initially the federal government would tightly regulate drivers. But in later years the government would begin to argue that drivers should be self-policing. Drivers are not sure whether this is a good idea. They like the idea of regulating themselves, but find it difficult to enforce speeding and parking rules.

    Cars and accessories would almost exclusively be sold by mail order from 3 or 4 large national distributors. Only the "Car Shack" firm would sell cars and accessories from many small stores in local shopping malls. n

    Newsletter Deadline:

    November 26 for the December issue of W6VIO Calling. Your articles, ads, photos, diagrams, letters to the editor, or technical material should be submitted to the editor via email ( or regular mail to: Bill Wood, 31094 Hemlock Ave, Barstow, CA 92311.

    ARRL News
    Via the ARRL Internet Home Page

    FCC to Open Vanity Gate 4!
    ARRL Letter Online, Volume 16, Number 43

    Christmas will arrive a bit early for General, Technician Plus, Technician and Novice Class hams. The FCC has announced that vanity call sign program Gate 4--the last vanity gate--will open December 2, 1997, for General, Tech Plus, Technician and Novice class hams to request a vanity call sign on or after that date. The potential number of applicants from these four licensee groups is huge--well over a half million hams!

    Applicants may use either the electronic Forms 610V and 159 on the Web or hard-copy Form 610V and 159 -- but not both. Both versions -- plus fact sheets and answers to frequently asked questions -- are available at The application fee is $50, payable by check (to "FCC"), bank draft, money order or credit card. Do not send cash. The FCC gives processing priority to electronically filed Forms 610V for which the filing fee and Form 159 have been received. The FCC now requires all vanity filers to include a Form 159, which must be mailed to the FCC with your fee.

    It's up to applicants to make sure that their applications do not arrive before December 2, 1997. The FCC will return all applications that arrive early. All other vanity call sign gates will remain open and Amateur Extra and Advanced class operators continue to be eligible to file for vanity call signs under those filing gates.

    Any call sign requested must be appropriate for the class of license you hold. This means that Technician, Tech Plus, and General class licensees may ask for a Group C (1 by 3) or D (2 by 3) call sign. Novice class licensees may only request Group D call signs.

    Electronic filers must mail the Form 159 Fee Remittance Advice to FCC, Amateur Vanity, PO Box 358994, Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5994. The Form 159 and the fee must be received within 10 days of electronically filing your Form 610V or your application will be dismissed.

    Those filing on document Forms 610V and 159 must mail the application package containing a completed Form 610V with a copy of your license attached, Form 159 and the proper fee in a sealed envelope to FCC, Amateur Vanity, PO Box 358924, Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5924.

    Application packages via courier or delivered by hand must be prepared in the same way, sealed in a second, outer envelope, and addressed to Federal Communications Commission, c/o Mellon Bank, 525 William Penn Way, 27th Floor, Room 153-2713, Pittsburgh, PA 15259, ATTN: Wholesale Lockbox Shift Supervisor. This address should only be used for applications delivered by hand or courier.

    For general information, call the FCC's toll-free National Call Center, 888-225-5322 (CALLFCC). n

    Solar Update
    ARRL Letter Online, Volume 16, Number 43

    Solar sage Tad Cook, K7VVV, in Seattle, Washington, reports: The disturbed conditions forecast for last weekend hit quite hard. A coronal mass ejection a few days earlier caused the Planetary A Index to hit 25 last Friday, 19 on Saturday and 14 on Sunday. This caused HF havoc during the CQ Worldwide DX Contest.

    Last week we saw the average solar flux drop a few points and the average sunspot number decline by 10. At the same time the average flux for the previous 90 days went up by one point from 86 to 87, and the solar flux was below this average for six out of the seven days.

    This weekend is the ARRL CW Sweepstakes, and conditions for this domestic contest should be quite a bit better. Conditions are expected to be quiet to unsettled, with solar flux climbing from 90 to 95.

    Northwest Research Associates has an interesting web site devoted to space weather, including charts of 10.7 cm solar flux, effective sunspot numbers and geomagnetic indices. Check it out at

    Sunspot numbers for October 23 through 29 were 0, 11, 13, 14, 44, 50 and 41 with a mean of 24.7. The 10.7 cm flux was 79.7, 78.6, 81.4, 82, 84.4, 85.5 and 87.2, with a mean of 82.7, and estimated Planetary A Indices were 6, 25, 19, 14, 15, 13, and 10, with a mean of 14.6.

    Here are some projections for domestic paths for this contest weekend:

    From California to the Northeast: Check 80 meters 2330-1230 UTC, 40 meters 2130-0300 UTC and 0630-1500 UTC, 20 meters 1500-2200 UTC, and possibly 15 meters around 1800-1900 UTC.

    From the Southeast to California: Check 80 meters 0000-1300 UTC, 40 meters around the clock, with the strongest signals from 0130-0300 UTC and 0630-1130 UTC, and 20 meters 1530-2200 UTC.

    From Ohio to Texas: Check 80 meters 2130-1400 UTC, 40 meters around the clock with the least stable conditions around 0500-0600 UTC and the strongest signals from 0000-0200 UTC and 0700-1130 UTC. Check 20 meters 1500-2130 UTC.

    From Seattle to the Midwest: Check 80 meters 2300-1500 UTC, 40 meters around the clock, with strongest signals 0100-0500 UTC and 0800- 1300 UTC, and 20 meters 1530-2330 UTC. 15 meters may open 1800-2130 UTC, and 10 meters might open 1900-2030 UTC.

    From the Midwest to Hawaii: Check 80 meters 0330-1400 UTC, 40 meters 0200-1500 UTC, 20 meters around 1600 UTC and 1700-0000 UTC and 0130-0230 UTC, and 15 meters looks very good 1730-2330 UTC. n

    Tauzin Says "We Hear You" To Amateurs, Scanner Fans
    ARRL Letter Online, Volume 16, Number 43

    Hams, scanner enthusiasts and others are breathing a tentative sigh of relief this week. Their efforts apparently have paid off to convince House Telecommunications Subcommittee Chairman W. J. "Billy" Tauzin (R-La) that HR 2369, the Wireless Privacy Enhancement Act of 1997, was flawed legislation. Tauzin's so-called "scanner bill" has been rewritten to reflect the concerns of hams, volunteer firefighters, scanner enthusiasts and others.

    Many meetings, phone calls and letters with Tauzin's staff followed the introduction of the original bill. At Tauzin's request, the League submitted recommendations to narrow its scope. From Washington, ARRL Legislative and Public Affairs Manager Steve Mansfield, N1MZA, reports that most of those recommendations found their way into a committee markup of the bill, released Wednesday, October 29. While the original version of HR 2369 covered the entire Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS), the current version restricts its scope to just cellular telephone and the Personal Communications Service (PCS). Mansfield tempered his optimism with caution. "It is still too early to say whether the bill in its modified form, or in any other form, will ever become law," he said.

    In introducing the substitute bill, Tauzin praised hams for their constructive cooperation. "The bill was never intended to prohibit the scanning of public safety frequencies or other noncommercial frequencies in which users have no expectation of privacy," he said. It was designed solely "to protect users of wireless services that pay for such services." Mansfield said the League worked with a coalition of other organizations to make sure members' voices were heard on The Hill. Changes also were recommended by scanner interests including Uniden and Tandy.

    Unless Congress cuts corners, the bill still has a long way to go. It must be passed by the full Commerce Committee before it goes to the floor of the House. "The ARRL will continue to work with committee staff to fine tune one of the bill's provisions that could have unintended consequences with regard to unrelated modification of equipment," Mansfield said.

    In its original form, the bill had generated a good deal of controversy that boiled over into emotional letters and e-mail messages to Members of Congress. Some critics interpreted the bill as outlawing equipment that receives law enforcement, fire, EMS and other nonbroadcast services, and felt it could even prohibit listening to these transmissions. The ARRL believed it could also impede the ability of manufacturers to include expanded VHF and UHF receiving capability, something most hand-held and mobile transceivers now offer.

    While the League did not object to the original bill's efforts to curb cellular and PCS eavesdropping-something that's already illegal-its primary objection was that it could adversely affect the efforts of ham radio emergency volunteers, volunteer fire departments and other agencies that monitor public service frequencies using scanners. Among other things, the League pointed out to House members this month that the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) of 1986, makes it illegal to intercept cellular, PCS, and other telephone-type communication.

    One provision of the latest version calls on the FCC to consider defining the expression "capable of readily being altered" to require scanning receivers to be made in a way that effectively precludes alteration as necessary to prevent illegal use. Another calls on the FCC to consider requiring warning labels for scanning receivers that alert users to the prohibitions in federal law.

    Mansfield praised Tauzin and his staff for paying attention to Amateur Radio concerns on the proposed legislation. "On the whole, it looks like Congress has listened," he said. n

    FCC Call Sign Update

    The following is a list of FCC sequentially assigned call signs issued as of October 1, 1997.


    Group A Extra

    Group B Advanced

    Group C Tech/Gen

    Group D Novice
    0 AB0GH KI0KE ++ KC0CAA
    2 AB2EH KG2MP ++ KC2CLQ
    4 AF4FS KU4LB ++ KF4UEF
    5 AC5NX KM5MG ++ KD5CIQ
    6 AD6DF KQ6RZ ++ KF6NMB
    7 AB7WM KK7KB ++ KC7ZHD
    8 AB8BG KI8DU ++ KC8IOH
    9 AA9UY KG9LK ++ KB9RLN
    N Mariana Island NH0B AH0AY KH0GT WH0ABI
    Guam ++ AH2DE KH2SL WH2ANV
    Hawaii AH7V AH6PD KH7GU WH6DEI
    American Samoa AH8P AH8AH KH8DK WH8ABF
    Alaska AL0F AL7QU KL0KK WL7CUM
    Virgin Islands ++ KP2CM NP2JT WP2AIJ
    Puerto Rico NP3O KP3BC NP3RE WP4NMM

    ++ All call signs in this group have been issued in this district. n

    Upcoming VEC Examinations

    The following test session information is provided by the ARRL/VEC for the upcoming two month period. For further information, please call the test session contact person at the telephone number listed.

    Although the test session information presented here does not indicate whether walk-ins are accepted or not, most test sessions do allow walk-ins. We encourage you, however, to always call the contact person at the telephone number provided so that the VE Team is aware that you be attending the test.

    By Rick Regent, K9GDH



    Jet Propulsion Laboratory Amateur Radio Club
    Attn: Bill Wood, Editor, Mail Stop DSCC-33
    4800 Oak Grove Drive
    Pasadena, CA 91109-8099

    Go back to the W6VIO Calling Index.