Permission to copy is granted provided that credit is given to "W6VIO Calling."


bulletMeeting Notice
bulletPrez’ Mix
bulletCalendar of Events
bulletMarch Club Meetings
bulletDX News
bulletAPRS and the LA Marathon
bulletPacket Station Update
bullet25 Years Ago; W6VIO Calling
bulletClassified Section
bulletARRL News
bulletFCC Investigating Texas Amateur
bulletFCC Says Reciprocal Permits Now "Paperless"
bulletNASA Provides Space Qualification Funding to SAREX/ARISS
bulletSolar Update
bulletUpcoming VEC Exams
bulletNew IARU Leadership Team Chosen

Calendar of Events

April 10 [Fontana Swap Meet, A. B. Miller HS, Fontana}
April 14 General Meeting, Noon - 238-543
April 17 [CMRA Hamfest, Cal Poly, Pomona, 7 AM]
April 24 [TRW Swapmeet, Redondo Beach]
April 28 Board Meeting, Noon - 233-305J
May 8 [Fontana Swap Meet, A. B. Miller HS, Fontana}
May 12 General Meeting, Noon - 238-543
May 15 [CMRA Hamfest, Cal Poly, Pomona, 7 AM]
May 26 Board Meeting, Noon - 233-305J
May 29 [TRW Swapmeet, Redondo Beach]
June 12 [Fontana Swap Meet, A. B. Miller HS, Fontana}
June 9 General Meeting, Noon - 238-543
June 19 [CMRA Hamfest, Cal Poly, Pomona, 7 AM]
June 23 Board Meeting, Noon - 233-305J
June 25-27 ARRL Field Day, Mount Gleason
June 26 [TRW Swapmeet, Redondo Beach]
July 10 [Fontana Swap Meet, A. B. Miller HS, Fontana}
July 14 General Meeting, Noon - 238-543
July 17 [CMRA Hamfest, Cal Poly, Pomona, 7 AM]
July 28 Board Meeting, Noon - 233-305J
July 31 [TRW Swapmeet, Redondo Beach]

Meeting Notice

The next regular JPL Amateur Radio Club will be held on Wednesday, April 14, at noon in Building 238 Room 543. The program has not been chosen yet, but keep your eyes peeled for an email announcement via the club exploder. The Club Board of Directors meetings are held at noon on the fourth Wednesday of each month in 233-305J. Everyone is welcome at both meetings; bring your lunch. n

Prez’ Mix
By Bob Dengler, NO6B

Let me start this month by announcing that "This Week in Amateur Radio," a satellite and internet-delivered amateur radio news service, can be heard most Saturdays at 6:00 PM on our 447.65 repeater. The reason it is played at that time, instead of after the Monday noon net, is because that’s when it’s available via satellite. I’ve found this news service to be more accurate than the other one we play after the Monday net. It also seems to be more efficient as "This Week in Amateur Radio" receives far less in contributions than the other service, yet it manages to stay in business.

Speaking of 447.65, it appears that our move of the club 440 system from 440.125 to 447.65 was quite successful. There appears to be no input interference of any kind, and the signals from the co-channel repeater in San Diego are easily silenced by using the CTCSS decode feature present in most radios.

The club has received the new RLC-3 repeater controller that will be installed at Cerro Negro to link and control the 220 and 440 repeaters there. The frequencies of the 224.08 and 224.70 repeaters will be swapped (Cerro Negro will be on 224.08 and the mesa will be on 224.70) so that the link to Table Mountain will be available on our main 220 repeater as well as the 447.65 repeater. Randy Hammock and I have just begun the long task of programming the controller. We may need some help in making interconnect and power cables for the controller; listen to the Monday noontime net or watch your e-mail for more details.

John Tallon, N6OMB, setting up the medical net antenna outside net control at the Citibank building

On March 14th, several club members participated in the Los Angeles Marathon amateur communications effort. In recent years our club has taken charge of the medical net operations, with John Tallon, N6OMB, leading the effort. Assisted at net control by Steve Jenkins, N6UNI, and Greg LaBorde, KD6MSM, the net participants provided critical communications for the doctors and medical teams along the course, freeing them from the burden of dealing with complicated, unreliable communications equipment.

Last year saw the introduction of a novel communications tool to the LA Marathon in the form of the Amateur Position Reporting System (APRS). Using just a mobile whip antenna stuck outside a window at street level, Randy Hammock, KC6HUR, was able to display lead vehicle positions to Los Angeles City officials.

Scott Fraser, KN6F, Commissioner of Communications for the LA Marathon (he was too busy to pause for a good picture)

This year an attempt was made to improve APRS coverage along the far western portions of the course by using a digipeater graciously provided by Jim Walls, K6CCC, of the Edison ARC. Look for more details on the APRS operation in Randy’s article. Next year we hope to install a permanent APRS digipeater and possibly a 220 MHz repeater at the 445.45 MHz marathon repeater site located atop one of the tallest buildings in downtown LA.

A special thanks to all the club members who participated in our largest and most prominent public service activity of the year. While our effort was successful, we were a bit short-handed on the course this year.

Greg, KD6MSM, and Steve, N6UNI, finally pause for a picture at medical net control Sunday afternoon as things begin to wind down

Consider making plans now to help out with next year’s marathon. Contact John Tallon, or Randy Hammock if you have APRS capability. 73 ¾

March Club Meetings
By Jonathan Cameron, KF6RTA

General Meeting, March 10

The meeting was called to order at 12:07 by President Bob Dengler, NO6B. Those present were: Phil Barnes-Roberts, KE6PMZ, Eugene Baughman, KF6TXY, Bob Dengler, NO6B, Warren Dowler, KE6LEA, Randy Hammock, KC6HUR, Ray Jurgens, KQ6RH, Jim Lux, W6RMK, Rick McKinney, KA6DAN, Scott Nolte, N6CUV, John Norris, KE6QEZ, Jerry Person, KK6TS, Bob Polansky, N6ET, Bob Stiver, KF6PSS, and Jim Sutton, ND6X.

Everyone was reminded that anyone who has moved recently needs to update their address with the FCC by filing a new FCC 610 form. If the FCC cannot reach you at the address in the FCC database, they can suspend your amateur radio license!

The 440 MHz repeater frequency has been changed to 447.65 MHz (5 MHz minus offset; PL 103.5). Make sure you get the offset right; don’t transmit out of band! This is the frequency for an old radio system on Oat Mountain that has been abandoned for at least two years. The nearest repeater using this frequency is a closed repeater on Mt. San Miguel in San Diego.

One of the goals for the continuing repeater work is to link the 220 MHz repeater and the 440 MHz repeater fulltime. This will allow the newer club members to access most of our repeater facilities -- including the autopatch -- without buying 220 MHz radios.

There was a discussion of what to do with the shuttle audio. There is a desire to move the shuttle audio from the 2-meter repeater so that it isn’t tied up every time a shuttle is operating. Various suggestions were made, but nothing was resolved.

Eric Archer is putting out a roster and is considering new badges for club members. If you have suggestions or want to help out, please contact him (see his contact information in the masthead at the start of this newsletter).

Bob Polansky reported that Mt. Gleason has been reserved for field day, cost-free. No wilderness permit will be required. The club HF systems are in good condition. Several club members have been using them in contests and the hardware has been performing well. There is a new badge reader for access to the Mesa for the new JPL badges. Bob submitted a list of all the club members to security and requested that the all of us have access to the Mesa. In any case, it is a good idea to check with the main guard station any time you drive up to the mesa.

Randy Hammock reinstalled the auto-dialer on the autopatch repeater. We can now access all PacBell service areas. Contact Randy for details. Randy has obtained all the club equipment that Walt Diem had. He is checking it all out and will make use of it in the club repeaters as appropriate.

Bob Dengler reported on his conversations with Eric Fuller about JPL security’s desire for some type of remote video/image collection capability. Something like the new Kenwood image transmission systems or ATV systems is desired. Various options were discussed including using camcorders with PC’s for conversion. The conclusion was that we don’t have enough information. We need to have further discussions with Eric Fuller to better understand security’s goals and also to show them the nature of some the existing technology.

Randy Hammock reported that he plans to do APRS for the Los Angeles Marathon. The system he will be setting up will have a computer with a APRS-capable receiver at the CIC (Command/Information Center). The positions of all important chase vehicles will be displayed on the computer on top of a DeLorme Street Atlas display. Six vehicles, which follow the key runners, will be tracked. Each vehicle will have a GPS unit, a Kantronics KPC Packet TNC, and a radio. The Edison repeater in downtown will support digipeater operation to improve coverage.

The club welcomed new ham Eugene Baughman, KF6TXY, into the amateur radio community. Congratulations Eugene!


The meeting was held in 233-305J on the fourth Wednesday of March. Initially there was no quorum present so various topics were discussed. A late arrival brought the group up to a quorum. Those attending the meeting were: Eric Archer, WB6GYD, Bob Dengler, NO6B, Randy Hammock, KC6HUR, Walt Mushagian, K6DNS, and Jonathan Cameron, KF6RTA.

Bob Dengler informed us that some of the purchases that were to have been charged to the EOC account were shifted to the regular budget. Other items, such as some packet hardware, will be purchased using funds from the EOC account to balance expenses. The purpose of the shift was to allow all the purchases from a single vendor to be placed on one order (to minimize shipping costs and avoid the complexity of multiple orders).

Although other items were discussed, no other official business was performed before the meeting was adjourned. ¢

DX News
By Bob Polansky, N6ET

Let me express my apologies in advance for this being such a brief article; however, I felt that "little" was better than "none!" The only source available to me today was the most recent edition of QRZ DX, so they get the kudos this month. Here goes:

BURKINA FASO - XT2DM and XT2CI should be workable through 11 April. No bands, frequencies, or modes were specified.

CENTRAL AFRICA - TL8CG is active on 40, 20, 15, and 10-meter SSB. Operation is planned through 20 April.

MALAWI - Need a 7Q7? 7Q7LA and 7Q7HB will be active through 23 May. Look for them on 14235 kHz around 1700Z. 7Q7RM has also returned; although, his activity status is unknown at this time.

MARION ISLAND - ZS8D will be active for some time starting in mid-April. It sounds like he will have a "readily hearable" signal once he gets established!

PALESTINE - E4/G3WQU seems to be the most available surviving E4 operation. He will be active for at least the next two years on 80 through 10-meter CW. (There’s hope for me yet!)

SPANISH SAHARA - Look for S07UN and S09A, both which are currently active. The S09 is only active for the next two weeks.

Good luck. The bands appear to be returning to the DX-needy. ¾

APRS and the LA Marathon
By Randy Hammock, KC6HUR

Over the past several months, I’ve done a lot of talking about APRS and how it can be used. We’ve had N6VTX give a talk about how it is used in the Tournament of Roses Parade. I’m working through the Club to provide even more access to APRS by adding MIC-E capabilities to our repeater systems.

Now I would like to talk about APRS and the Los Angeles Marathon. This is the second year in which APRS has been used at the LA Marathon Unified Command Center. So far, it has been more of an experiment than a fully operational system. We place APRS trackers in several key vehicles and setup a display system at the command center. To help provide better coverage of the course, a digipeater was placed on the 20th floor of one of the skyscrapers to relay the tracker reports back to the command center.

An APRS tracker consists of a GPS receiver, an APRS ready TNC (typically a KPC3) and a transceiver. The GPS receiver determines the vehicles current position and sends this data to the TNC. The TNC formats this data into a form that is usable by APRS and transmits this data over the air via the transceiver as a packet data burst every 30 seconds.

The digipeater is a standard packet digipeater. Its sole purpose is to receive packets and retransmit them. A digipeater is similar to a voice repeater except that it operates in a half duplex mode. It receives and stores the data, then shortly after reception, transmits it again.

At the command center, a computer system running APRS+SA and Delorme Street Atlas , connected to a TNC and transceiver, receives the position data from the various trackers and displays an icon on a street map. Prior to race day, I went into the Street Atlas program and hi-lighted the course and added mile marker indicators. Using tactical callsign substitution, it was possible to replace the ham radio callsigns, which are normally displayed with the position icons, with a meaningful label such as MENS LEAD.

Overall, the system performed well. The command center received position reports over most of the course. The area with greatest difficulty in getting reports back to the command center was the Far Western edge. The map almost always showed where the vehicles were and corresponded to the voice reports coming in from the police along the course. The displays generated much interest in the officials within the command center. If we can get a digi located on a higher structure, having a better view of the course, we should have continuous coverage of the course.

I would like to thank Allan Hubbard, N6VTX, for providing several trackers, Jim Walls, K6CCC, (of SCE) for providing the digipeater and two trackers, and Scott Fraser, KN6F, for providing a tracker and getting the LA Marathon interested in using APRS. ¾

Packet Station Update
By Eric Archer, N6CV

We continue to make progress on the High Speed Packet Station. A work party was held March 6th. JPLARC members Chris Carson, Gerry Walsh and myself participated. We installed a Comet tri-band vertical on the Bldg. 180 roof tower and moved the 1200 bps packet station.

Upon powering up the packet station we found that the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses assigned to us were actually reassigned to someone else. As a result, we were unable to immediately establish operations with the station. We are in the process of working this issue.

Our next work party will be in mid-April, probably April 10th or 17th. We plan to continue installing other packet station antennas and to also continue establishing operations in Bldg. 180, including the satellite station. So, come on down and help out. ¾

25 Years Ago in:

By Bill Wood, W6FXJ

The highlight of the April 1974 issue of W6VIO Calling was the comprehensive review of the club's Mariner Venus Mercury Commemorative the preceding month by Chuck Weir, W6UM.

Chuck's four-page critique of the operation included a breakdown of each of the nineteen operator's contact totals for each mode. Walt Diem, WA6PEA (now W6CWD), bagged the top position with a total of 639 QSO's out of the club total of 2772. Chuck himself racked up a total of 631 for second place.

Chuck had each of the Mariner commemorative operators keep notes and to submit recommendations for improvement before the next operation. That resulted in nine detailed and well-reasoned recommendations.

Merv MacMedan made a pitch for help at the ARRL 6th Area QSL Bureau. Jay Holladay and Walt Diem were invited by the Vallejo North Bay Amateur Radio Association to speak about the Mariner 10 flight to Venus and Mercury. Vice President Helmut "Mickey" Mecke, W6ZGC, was recovering at home in Barstow after a heart attack.

The April 1974 issue also has a write-up on W6ZGC's 2-meter repeater start-up at the JPL Table Mountain facility. The Standard Radio repeater operated on 146.76 MHz and was the result of several years of work by Mickey and with the cooperation of Earl Ivie, W6KMT, the JPL site manager.

At the Board of Director's meeting, Treasurer Merrill Burnett reported that the club had 48 paid up members for 1974 and a balance of $589.91 in the bank.

Check the updated club QSL archive on-line for the MVM QSL card and links to NASA and JPL mission data. The full April 1974 issue can be accessed at the following Internet address: ¾

JPL ARC Repeaters
WR6JPL 147.150 MHz (+) PL 131.8 Open
WR6JPL 224.080 MHz (–) PL 156.7 Open
WR6JPL 224.700 MHz (–) Closed Autopatch
WR6JPL 447.650 MHz (–) PL 103.5 Open
W6JPL-1 145.090 MHz   Packet Node/BBS
W6JPL-1 223.540 MHz   Packet Node/BBS
Table Mountain:
WR6AZN 145.280 MHz (–) PL 131.8 Open
WR6AZN 223.96 MHz (–) PL 156.7 Open
WR6AZN 447.325 MHz (–) PL 94.8 Open

Classified Section


Wanted. Inexpensive 2M Mobile rig to use for Packet. Nothing fancy needed, just 45-50 watts. Contact Bill Westphal WB6YPF at 213-633-3121 or

Your want-ad or article for inclusion in a future issue of W6VIO Calling. Submit to Bill Wood, W6FXJ, 31094 Hemlock Ave, Barstow, CA 92311; or email

For Sale:

QST 1990-1994 CD-ROM set, new. $25 (ARRL price $39.95) Skip, W7NWY, 818-354-9674

US Tower (MA40) 40 foot tubular telescoping tower, hinged base, 2 co-ax arms, mast extension, Hy-gain Explorer-14 beam antenna with 40 meter dipole add-on, and Hy-Gain antenna rotator (Ham IV). Original cost, less tax, was over $2200. Sell all for $800. Contact Ron Zenone (W6TUZ) at (626) 914-5585.

Icom UT-40 Tone Squelch Option Board (CTCSS) for HT models 2GAT, 4GAT, 12GAT, 32AT or for mobiles 228, 448, 901, 1201, 2400 and 2500. Cost: $80 (AES Catalog) Sale for $40. Radio Shack, Rotor/Controller and Cable, 3 years old, never used, have box/papers, like new. Cost: $70+ Sale for $50. Scott Nolte, N6CUV 818-354-9724n

The following piece of humor appeared in the January 1999 issue of "Watts News", the newsletter of the Olympia (WA) ARS, George Lanning, KB6LE, Editor. Via ARNS

If I Died . . .

A wife asks her husband, "Honey, if I died, would you remarry?"

"After a considerable period of grieving, I guess I would. We all need companionship."

"If I died and you remarried," the wife asks, "would she live in this house?"

"We’ve spent a lot of money getting this house just the way we want it. I’m not going to get rid of my house. I guess she would."

"If I died and you remarried, and she lived in this house," the wife asks, "would she sleep in our bed?"

"Well, the bed is brand new, and it cost us $2,000. It’s going to last a long time, so I guess she would."

"If I died and you remarried, and she lived in this house and slept in our bed, would she use my golf clubs?"

"Oh, no," the husband replies. "She’s left-handed." ¾


FCC Investigating Texas Amateur
Via the ARRL Letter Online, Volume 18, Number 13

The FCC is investigating information indicating that Technician licensee Leonard Martin, KC5WHN, of Houston, Texas, operated outside of the amateur bands without a proper license. Field Office personnel in Houston reportedly monitored Martin and located him using direction-finding equipment on two occasions. On February 27, he was said to be operating on 27.535 MHz and 27.545 MHz. On March 15, he was said to be operating on 27.370 MHz, a frequency between CB channels.

FCC personnel, accompanied by local police, visited Martin on March 15, but he allegedly refused a request to inspect his station. The FCC's Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, says he has spoken with Martin, and the case is under review. "This subjects him to a large fine for unlicensed operation and refusal to allow an inspection, plus loss of his license," Hollingsworth said.

The FCC warned Martin in writing last November 3 about operation on frequencies other than those authorized under his Amateur Radio license. "While these warning letters are a courtesy, we don't forget who we sent them to and it is a serious mistake not to take them to heart," Hollingsworth commented.

In other actions, the FCC sent Warning Notices to an Illinois ham alleging broadcasting and on-air harassment as well as transmission of profane and indecent language. The FCC also warned a Texas ham about causing deliberate interference on 40 meters, an Illinois ham who holds a Technician ticket about operating on 20 and 40 meters, and a North Carolina Novice who's allegedly showed up on 2 meters. ¾

FCC Says Reciprocal Permits Now "Paperless"
Via the ARRL Letter Online, Volume 18, Number 14

The FCC is advising applicants for reciprocal operating permits that an application is no longer required. Under new ULS rules that took effect February 12, the FCC Form 610A has passed into history. The new rules also will pave the way for US hams to more easily operate in most of Europe. The FCC is expected to issue a Public Notice in the near future that will spell out the details.

Alien visitors to the US holding an amateur license issued by their home country may operate in the US without submitting any FCC paperwork--provided that a reciprocal operating agreement is in effect between the two countries. The only documentation required is proof of citizenship and an Amateur Radio license issued by the country of citizenship. These arrangements are similar to longstanding arrangements between the US and Canada.

The new rules move the US a step closer to participation in the licensing arrangements of CEPT, the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations. The US State Department applied for US participation in 1997, and the request was approved in early 1998. Completion of the final steps to make this a reality is understood to be imminent. These include formal US notification to the European Radiocommunications Office that it is prepared to carry out its responsibilities under CEPT Recommendation T/R 61-01, and the issuance of a Public Notice in English, French and German.

Under the CEPT arrangements, a US Technician licensee will be recognized as holding the equivalent of a CEPT Class 2 (VHF-only) license. Holders of Tech Plus through Extra tickets will have the full HF and VHF privileges of a CEPT Class 1 license. Novice licensees will not be eligible.

Additionally, the ARRL has informed the US State Department that it plans to go forward in April with arrangements to issue International Amateur Radio Permits to US hams in accordance with the CITEL Amateur Convention, signed by several countries in the Americas. The League has offered its services to issue IARPs to US hams. An IARP is not a license, but it certifies the existence of a license.

The new rules will not change the procedures for US hams wishing to operate overseas in countries that are not CEPT members or CITEL Amateur Convention signatories. ¾

NASA Provides Space Qualification Funding to SAREX/ARISS
Via the ARRL Letter Online, Volume 18, Number 13

NASA has given a $90,000 boost to the cause of giving Amateur Radio a permanent place in space. The money, recently transferred to the US-based Space Amateur Radio EXperiment (SAREX) team from NASA's Education Office will support the space qualification of Amateur Radio hardware bound for the International Space Station as part of the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) program.

AMSAT-NA's Vice President for Human Spaceflight Programs and ARISS Administrative Chairman Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, says ARISS was "ecstatic" to learn of the subsidy for this crucial facet of the ARISS hardware development. "While this may sound like a great deal of funding to the Amateur Radio community, it represents approximately one-seventh of what we expect will be required to fully develop all three phases of the ARISS hardware system," he said.

The ARISS initial station hardware--basically dualband H-Ts--is currently being prepared for launch this October on STS-101. More sophisticated transportable ham gear will be delivered in late 2000 or early 2001. The rack-mounted permanent station is expected to be launched in 2003 or 2004. Qualification testing--sometimes called "shake-and-bake testing"--is required of all equipment bound for the ISS or used in manned spaceflight. The detailed, rigorous testing sequences are aimed at ensuring crew safety and minimizing equipment failure.

The bulk of the $90,000 will go to support space qualification of the ARISS initial station hardware and some early aspects of the transportable station. Space qualification of the initial station has proven to be a bit of a challenge, in part because of the international nature of the equipment contributions. The US and German-developed radio hardware will be installed inside the pressurized Russian service module, while Italian, Russian, and US-developed antenna systems will be installed on the outside. Mounting the antenna system hardware and the coaxial feedlines will require a space walk, or EVA. "Ensuring the ARISS hardware can pass the EVA safety tests is our most challenging task," Bauer said.

The ARISS team has been working at Goddard Space Flight Center with a NASA contractor team from Orbital Sciences Corporation to deliver the ARISS Safety Data Package and ensure the ARISS hardware is flight-qualified. ¾

Solar Update
Via the ARRL Letter Online, Volume 18, Number 14

Sun watcher Tad Cook, K7VVV, Seattle, Washington, reports: Solar activity has been in the doldrums again recently. This past week the average solar flux was over 20 points lower than the previous week, and average sunspot numbers were over 40 points lower. The average weekly sunspot number reported in this bulletin has not been this low since February 4-10 of this year, and the average solar flux hasn't been this low since June 18-24 or last year. The only bright spot has been the season, with early spring being a good time for HF propagation.

The average solar flux for March was only 126.3, much lower than the 142 average for February, 142.4 for January, and 150.1 for December. This solar cycle is supposed to peak next year at much higher levels than it is running right now, yet it seems to be in decline. The average flux for the first quarter of 1999 is 136.7, which is very close to the 135.4 average for the last quarter of 1998 and not much higher than the 129.2 average for the third quarter of last year. Not very encouraging, is it?

For the next few days, April 1-3, expect solar flux around 105, 110 and 110, and a planetary A index around 15, indicating unsettled to active geomagnetic conditions. After April 3 look for a rising solar flux, reaching 130 by April 5, 140 by April 8, and peaking around 150 for April 10-13. Unless some new activity appears on the sun, flux levels may be back to where they are now after April 20. Look for unsettled geomagnetic conditions around April 10-11 and active conditions around April 25.

Sunspot numbers for March 25 through 31 were 48, 33, 45, 65, 63, 72, and 70, with a mean of 56.6. The 10.7-cm flux was 107, 103.6, 104.5, 103, 104.2, 104.7, and 102.4, with a mean of 104.2. The estimated planetary A indices were 8, 6, 4, 6, 24, 18 and 14, with a mean of 11.4. ¾

Upcoming VEC Exams

The following ARRL Internet page will help you find a US amateur license exam session near you. Its database is updated on a regular basis and includes all information necessary to schedule and attend FCC amateur radio license examinations: ¾

New IARU Leadership Team Chosen

Via the ARRL Letter Online, Volume 18, Number 12

For the first time in a decade, the International Amateur Radio Union is about to experience a change in its top leadership. In voting completed March 12, IARU member-societies overwhelmingly ratified the election of Larry E. Price, W4RA, [shown in photo] as president, and David A. Wardlaw, VK3ADW, as vice president. Price received 80 votes for election, with one abstention and one nay vote, while Wardlaw got 79 votes, with two abstentions and one nay vote.

A former ARRL president, Price succeeds Richard L. Baldwin, W1RU, who has served as IARU President since 1982. Wardlaw succeeds Michael J. Owen, VK3KI, who served as vice president from 1989. Price and Wardlaw begin five-year terms on May 9. Price's replacement as IARU secretary will be designated prior to that date.

First licensed in 1951 at the age of 16, Price has held elected offices in the American Radio Relay League continuously over the past 27 years. He served as ARRL president from 1984 until 1992.

Price was IARU vice president in 1983-84 and has been IARU secretary since 1989. He's attended 13 IARU regional conferences and has served as an IARU delegate at every ITU World Radiocommunication and Telecommunication Development Conference since 1992 as well as at numerous other ITU meetings.

Wardlaw, a dental surgeon in Melbourne, Australia, joined the Wireless Institute of Australia in 1947 and was first licensed in 1948. While living overseas in the 1960s held the call signs G3RYW (still current) and VE3CAY. He has served in numerous WIA posts, including two stints as president.

Wardlaw has twice served as IARU Region 3 Director, 1988-1994 and 1997-present, and has attended six meetings of the IARU Administrative Council as well as regional conferences. Since 1978, he's also attended numerous ITU meetings and conferences as a member of the Australian delegation or as an appointed ITU expert. ¾

Newsletter Deadline:

Friday, April 30 for the April issue of W6VIO Calling. Your articles, ads, photos, diagrams, letters to the editor, or technical material should be submitted to the editor via email ( or regular mail to: Bill Wood, 31094 Hemlock Ave, Barstow, CA 92311.

Jet Propulsion Laboratory Amateur Radio Club
Attn: Bill Wood, Editor, Mail Stop DSCC-33
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109-8099

Go back to the W6VIO Calling Index.