Permission to copy is granted provided that credit is given to "W6VIO Calling."


Calendar of Events

March 10 General Meeting, Noon - 238-543
March 13 [Fontana Swap Meet, A. B. Miller HS, Fontana}
March 20 [CMRA Hamfest, Cal Poly, Pomona, 7 AM]
March 24 Board Meeting, Noon - 233-305J
March 27 [TRW Swapmeet, Redondo Beach]
April 10 [Fontana Swap Meet, A. B. Miller HS, Fontana}
April 14 General Meeting, Noon - 238-543
April 17 [CMRA Hamfest, Cal Poly, Pomona, 7 AM]
April 24 [TRW Swapmeet, Redondo Beach]
April 28 Board Meeting, Noon - 233-305J
May 8 [Fontana Swap Meet, A. B. Miller HS, Fontana}
May 12 General Meeting, Noon - 238-543
May 15 [CMRA Hamfest, Cal Poly, Pomona, 7 AM]
May 26 Board Meeting, Noon - 233-305J
May 29 [TRW Swapmeet, Redondo Beach]
June 12 [Fontana Swap Meet, A. B. Miller HS, Fontana}
June 9 General Meeting, Noon - 238-543
June 19 [CMRA Hamfest, Cal Poly, Pomona, 7 AM]
June 23 Board Meeting, Noon - 233-305J
June 26 [TRW Swapmeet, Redondo Beach]

Meeting Notice

The next regular JPL Amateur Radio Club will be held on Wednesday, March 10, at noon in Building 238 Room 543. The program has not been chosen yet, but keep your eyes peeled for an email announcement via the club exploder. The Club Board of Directors meetings are held at noon on the fourth Wednesday of each month in 233-305J. Everyone is welcome at both meetings; bring your lunch. n

Prez’ Mix
By Bob Dengler, NO6B

I’m happy to report in regards to club business that the first couple of months have been fairly routine and productive. The club now has a budget and we are already awaiting the arrival of the first items ordered to perform the many upgrade projects we have planned.

The RLC-3 repeater controller should arrive shortly after you receive this newsletter, which means Randy and I (and anyone else that would like to help!) will be very busy over the next few months getting the Cerro Negro repeaters upgraded to work with this controller.

The hardware and software flexibility of this controller combined with the one we already have on the mesa will eventually allow us to interlink any of our repeater systems. Normally, we plan to have the 224.70 system linked full-time to our 440 repeater so that those club members who only have the more popular 2/440 dual-band radios will be able to communicate with the rest of the club.

We have tried crossband-linking in the past between our 147.15 and 224.08 mesa systems; however, the presence of shuttle audio on the 2 meter system combined with the limited coverage of the mesa systems reduced the usefulness of this link.

Amateur radio suffered a great loss with the recent passing of King Hussein, JY1 (what a callsign; if President Clinton were to become a ham, could he get W4?). His death called to mind one of my most memorable moments in my hamming hobby back in 1981: contacting his Majesty on 2 meters.

Yes, 2 METERS! Actually, one of the things I remember about his operation is that he didn’t like being called "your Majesty", as he announced between contacts more than once "my name is Hussein, Hotel-Uniform-Sierra-Sierra-Echo-India-November". He just wanted to be another ham operator on the 146.67 WR6ABJ Henry Radio LA repeater in Bel Air, but that was hard to do working through the list taken by the late Mel Jack, W6WOU. Mel was gracious enough to allow me to get in on the end of the list after he finished taking it. Then I waited impatiently as each station gave Hussein his or her well wishes for a safe return to Jordan as he was returning home the next morning. When he finally called for me, I was so excited I almost couldn’t think of anything to say. His QSL card remains my only foreign QSL.

QSL Card Front

QSL Card Back

Speaking of exciting amateur radio events, it’s time for me to get back to work on preparations for this year’s Los Angeles Marathon. Our club has supported this amateur communications effort in a major way for many years, and this year will be no exception. 73 ¾

February Club Meetings
By Jonathan Cameron, KF6RTA


The regular board of director’s meeting in late January was not held due to absence of a quorum. Since it was critical to get the budget worked out, Bob Dengler called a special meeting of the board of directors on this date. Those present were: Bob Dengler (NO6B), Randy Hammock (KC6HUR), Bob Polansky (N6ET), Jonathan Cameron (KF6RTA), Walt Mushagian (K6DNS), Eric Archer (WB6GYD), Chuck Sarture (KG6NF), and Bill Wood (W6FXJ, via phone).

After the meeting opened, Bob Dengler presented his preliminary draft of the budget. Chuck Sarture also had copies of the 1998 budget for reference.

During the discussion of how to economize, the board recommended that the next issue of "W6VIO Calling" should ask for volunteers to forgo receiving paper copies of the "W6VIO Calling". If you regularly read the newsletter on the Web or by email, and rarely consult the paper version, consider volunteering to NOT receive the paper version to help the club reduce the number of issues that need to be printed every month!

After a detailed discussion about the budget (including a few modifications to the draft budget), a final budget was developed which balanced income with expenses. A motion was made to accept this budget, seconded, and accepted unanimously. The meeting was adjourned after this action was complete.

GENERAL MEETING, February 10th

The meeting was called to order by Bob Dengler at 11:07. Those present were: Bob Polansky (N6ET), Walt Mushagian (K6DNS), Jim Bangasser (ERC Assistant Administrator), Jim Sutton (ND6X), Bob Stiver (KF6PSS), Rick McKinney (KA6DAN), Scott Nolte (N6CUV), Irv Crane (W6WMK), Randy Hammock (KC6HUR), Bob Dengler (NO6B), Dayton Jones (K6DJ), and Jonathan Cameron (KF6RTA).

Bob Polansky canceled the Mesa work party planned for Saturday, February 13th. He was not able to plan when the next work party would occur, although he thought it should happen in the next few weeks.

Bob Polansky mentioned that the club has a post office box set up and operational. It is now being used for QSL’s. Any mail to the club may be sent to this new address, which is:

Everyone is encouraged to renew their membership, if they have not already done so. The cost is $10 by the end of February and $11 dollars by the end of March ($15 for a family membership). Don’t forget to fill in and return the information forms in "W6VIO Calling"!

The secretary, Jonathan Cameron, reported that a new letter to security has been produced for several members-at-large who need permission from security to come on-lab for meetings. The letter was signed by Joseph Charles (Manager, Security and Protective Services), and mailed to the relevant off-lab members. A copy of the letter was given to Bob Dengler.

Randy Hammock reported that he obtained the Kendecom repeater and flat-pack duplexer. He plans to set them up on the 224.70 MHz autopatch repeater on Cerro Negro. When he gets it working, he will remove the old repeater unit and have it repaired and modified to interface with the new controllers.

Randy Hammock, acting in his capacity as president of the club in 1998, presented an award plaque to Rick McKinney in appreciation of his services to the club in 1998. Thanks Rick!

Bob Dengler reported that the 440 MHz repeater is operating reasonably well, but is getting some de-sensing from the Caltech repeater. He is working on how to improve its operation.

Bob Dengler presented the proposed 1999 club budget. He reviewed the various items on the budget and explained how each would help fix existing repeater problems. After some review and discussion, a motion was made and seconded to accept the budget as presented. The budget was accepted by a unanimous vote.

After the official business of the meeting was concluded, Jim Bangasser (the ERC Assistant Administrator) asked for a moment to address the club. He asked us how the ERC could assist our club. Everyone present seemed pleased with the ERC support of the radio club. After the discussion was complete, Jim invited anyone in the JPL Amateur Radio club to attend the monthly ERC council Dinner meeting on the 4th Tuesday of each month. At this point the meeting was adjourned.


This regular Board of Director’s meeting was called to order at 12:25 after a late arrival brought the number of attendees up to a quorum of 5. Present were Bob Dengler (NO6B), Randy Hammock (KC6HUR), Bob Polansky (N6ET), Bill Wood (W6FXJ, via phone), and Jonathan Cameron (KF6RTA).

Note that the meeting was in room 233-305J. All regular Board of Directors meetings will be in this location for the rest of the year.

There was a brief discussion of some of the logistics of getting new hardware ordered. Everyone was reminded that Eric Archer is leading work party for the Packet system on top of building 180 this weekend (February 27th, 8:00 AM-12:00 Noon). Bob Polansky hopes to organize a Mesa work party in a few weeks.

Bill Wood suggested adding another corner reflector on the 223.96 MHz JPL-to-TMO link repeater in the City of Industry so that link reliability would be improved. Discussion on this plan followed and everyone seemed convinced it was a good idea.

Bob Dengler has ordered 447.650 MHz crystals for the 440.125 MHz repeater. Apparently no one in the greater Los Angeles area has been using this frequency for at least a year and a half. The nearest repeater using this frequency is in San Diego. Bob feels that the new frequency should work well and eliminate some of the interference problems that exist currently.

Field Day is scheduled for June 26-28th (the last full weekend in June). We agreed to collaborate with Caltech again. Unless plans change, we will probably compete in the 2A classification as we have for the last few years. Bob Polansky hopes to have a new 20-meter 4-element antenna ready for field day. Apparently 10 meters may be a useful band during this field day and we plan to set up an antenna and station for that frequency. It is unlikely that we will sponsor either a satellite station or a packet station. Bob Polansky will check on the availability of the usual location and start to get planning started. After this discussion of Field Day activities, the meeting was adjourned. ¢

DX News

By Bob Polansky, N6ET

Due to time problems, I am forced to take the easy way out this month. The table which follows is today’s update of the operating aid I maintain for "which stations I need are available on what frequencies and when." Source material is gleaned from "the 59(9) DX Report and several on-line sources. Enjoy.

GMT Date Spotted Station Frequency
1400-1415Z 2/12 JT1BG 3797, 3799
1430-1510Z 2/22 3B8CF 24946, 24956
  /22 TA2BK 7001, 7003, 7017
  2/22 TL5A 28025
1500-1530Z 2/26 JY9QJ 3503
  2/22 4X4DK 3504
1500-1700Z 2/26 3DA0CA 18093, 18103
  2/26 D44BC 18077
  2/26 5B4AGC 18075, 18076
  2/22 TA2BK 7001, 7003, 7017
  2/22 TL5A 18069, 18122, 24890, 28026
  2/12 TU2IJ 24935
  2/12 HV4NAC 18150, 24935
1530-1700Z 2/26 JT1CO 10103
  2/26 D44BC 24942
1600Z 2/26 PJ8/W8 28495
1630Z 2/22 5A1A 28480
  2/22 XT2DM 21257
1800Z 2/26 XT2DM 21267
1800-2030Z 2/26 3DA0CA 18137
  2/22 TL5A 18069
  2/12 JW5NM 24965
2000Z 2/26 E44/HA1AG 14007
2030-2145Z 2/22 TL5A 24900, 24935
2200-0130Z 2/22 JX7DFA 10105, 10111
  2/22 TL5A 24900, 24935
  2/12 TU2XZ 10105
0000-0130Z 2/22 JX7DFA 7003, 7005, 10105, 10110
  2/22 TL5A 7002
  2/12 5N0/OK1AUT 10104, 18077
  2/12 TU2XZ 3512
0100-0130Z 2/22 VQ9QM 10109
  2/8 EI8IP 3798
0130-0300Z 2/26 JY9QJ 10102-10108
0200-0400Z 2/26 JY9QJ 10102-10108
  2/12 TU2XZ 3512,10105,10106
0213Z 2/22 TL5A 3503, 3535
0315Z 2/26 5H3US 3505
0330-0430Z 2/22 3B8CF 18072
  2/22 TL5A 3503-3505, 7002-7004
  2/12 TU2XZ 3512
0400-0700Z 2/26 5B4AGC 10104
  2/22 TL5A 3503-3505, 7002-7004
  2/12 TU2XZ 10106
  2/8 EI6S 3794
0630Z 2/22 JX7DFA 3800

In addition, the following operations are happening or are planned over the periods indicated.

Not shown of the following list are operations currently in progress for which the end dates are not known. Both are from the new "DX Entity" called Palestine. Look for E44A, E44/HA1AG, and E44/JA8RUZ. Lots of people trying to get this new one worked. Listen for the pileups and tune down 5 or 10 kHz down to find the Palestinian stations.

C21SX,ZM--- Now - 7 Mar
PJ8A--- Now - 14 Mar
T30RD--- 1 Mar - 8 Mar
HK0/W4DC--- 2 Mar - 9 Mar
XF4MX--- 3 Mar - 18 Mar
PJ8/W3EH--- 6 Mar - 7 Mar
" 7 Mar - 10 Mar
T31RD--- 10 Mar - 28 Mar
T33RD--- 10 Mar - 28 Mar
PY0S?--- 15 Mar - 22 Mar
T30RD--- 1 Apr - 8 Apr ¾

Packet Station Work Party
By Eric Archer, N6CV

Well, it's time once again for another JPLARC Packet Station Work Party. All JPLARC members are invited. Please let me know if you can make it. Please pass the word to any interested parties:

Date: Saturday, March 6th
Time: 8am to 12 noon (I'll arrive about 7 am)
Place: Bldg 180 Roof
What: Move the 1200 BPS AFSK packet station to Bldg 180, install antennas for other HS packet stations. ¾

25 Years Ago in:

By Bill Wood, W6FXJ

The March 1974 issue of W6VIO Calling was short and sweet. The Mariner Venus Mercury commemorative operating schedule was announced. The prime activity was to be between March 27 and April 5. Chuck Weir, W6UM, asked for additional operators for both CW and SSB.

At the club board meeting the "new" Directors were appointed: Jay Holladay, W6EJJ, as Trustee, Jay Bastow, K6CV, as Emergency Communication Manager and Dick Ulrich, K6KCY, as Immediate Past President.

Bob Goldman, K6BD, gave a talk on radio propagation at the club General Meeting. He gave a four-page handout with hourly propagation predictions for the whole year from Southern California to the major continents of the world.

George H. S. Williamson, a club QRP DXer, was ordained an Episcopal Priest on March 16. Editor Elmer MacMillan wondered if it would be more appropriate to refer to George as "Father" rather than OM.

Check the updated club QSL archive on-line for the MVM QSL card and links to NASA and JPL mission data. The full March 1974 issue can be accessed at the following Internet address: ¢

JPL ARC Repeaters
WR6JPL 147.150 MHz (+) PL 131.8 Open
WR6JPL 224.080 MHz (–) PL 156.7 Open
WR6JPL 224.700 MHz (–) Closed Autopatch
WR6JPL 440.125 MHz (+) PL 103.5 Open
W6JPL-1 145.090 MHz   Packet Node/BBS
W6JPL-1 223.540 MHz   Packet Node/BBS
Table Mountain:
WR6AZN 145.280 MHz (–) PL 131.8 Open
WR6AZN 223.96 MHz (–) PL 156.7 Open
WR6AZN 447.325 MHz (–) PL 94.8 Open

Classified Section


Wanted. Inexpensive 2M Mobile rig to use for Packet. Nothing fancy needed, just 45-50 watts. Contact Bill Westphal WB6YPF at 213-633-3121 or

Your want ad or article for inclusion in a future issue of W6VIO Calling. Submit to Bill Wood, W6FXJ, 31094 Hemlock Ave, Barstow, CA 92311; or email

For Sale:

QST 1990-1994 CD-ROM set, new. $25 (ARRL price $39.95) Skip, W7NWY, 818-354-9674

US Tower (MA40) 40 foot tubular telescoping tower, hinged base, 2 co-ax arms, mast extension, Hy-gain Explorer-14 beam antenna with 40 meter dipole add-on, and Hy-Gain antenna rotator (Ham IV). Original cost, less tax, was over $2200. Sell all for $800. Contact Ron Zenone (W6TUZ) at (626) 914-5585.

Icom UT-40 Tone Squelch Option Board (CTCSS) for HT models 2GAT, 4GAT, 12GAT, 32AT or for mobiles 228, 448, 901, 1201, 2400 and 2500. Cost: $80 (AES Catalog) Sale for $40. Radio Shack, Rotor/Controller and Cable, 3 years old, never used, have box/papers, like new. Cost: $70+ Sale for $50. Scott Nolte, N6CUV 818-354-9724n

Reprinted from the January 1996 issue of "73 Amateur Radio


King Hussein, JY1, SK
Via ARRL Letter Online Volume 18, Number 7

Radio amateurs around the world joined in mourning the recent death of Jordan’s King Hussein, JY1. Hussein, 63, died February 7. The Middle East’s longest-reigning ruler, he’d been Jordan’s king for 47 years, taking the throne when he was just a teenager. His son, Abdullah, 37, succeeds him.

Hussein had earned a reputation as a catalyst for peace and as a conciliator in the Middle East. President Clinton was among the heads of state from around the globe who gathered in Jordan February 8 for Hussein’s funeral.

Hussein had been active in recent months from the US while seeking cancer treatment at Minnesota’s Mayo Clinic. A QSO with JY1 was considered by many hams to be both an honor and a privilege. His elegant QSL card was prized.

Hussein was a life member of the ARRL. ARRL Executive Vice President David Sumner, K1ZZ, called him "an enthusiastic radio amateur whose support was invaluable to us in obtaining new amateur bands at the 1979 World Administrative Radio Conference." Sumner recalled that in May 1979, International Amateur Radio Union President Noel Eaton, VE3CJ, was invited to Amman to meet with King Hussein.

"Jordan’s support of the Amateur Service was much in evidence at the conference that fall, and was a crucial element in our success," Sumner said. The WARC-79 resulted in Amateur Radio’s gaining the 30, 17, and 12-meter bands. That same year, JY1 was featured in the film, "The World of Amateur Radio." Hussein regarded his 1983 contact with Owen Garriott, W5LFL, on board the Space Shuttle Columbia, as a high point in his Amateur Radio activity.

King Hussein also participated in the historic 1995 joint Israel-Jordan JY74X operation on Mt Nebo, where hams from both countries participated in a Field Day-like operation. The King put in appearances both on the air and in person, much to the delight of the participants and those waiting to work him and JY74X.

Hussein’s friend Bruce "Blackie" Blackburn, W4TA/JY9BB, of St Petersburg, Florida, called him "one of the world’s most respected amateurs" and recounted many stories about King Hussein as a person and an avid Amateur Radio operator. Blackburn said King Hussein "promoted Amateur Radio to the hilt in Jordan" and saw to it that Amateur Radio classes were instituted in elementary schools. King Hussein also dropped in on meetings of the Royal Jordanian Radio Amateur Society in Amman. King Hussein also was involved with the early satellite experiments.

Former US Ambassador to Lebanon and Iran Armin Meyer, W3ACE, also recalled Hussein February 8 in a letter to The Washington Post. Meyer said JY1 "has for decades been promoting peace and good will among quite ordinary people." As Meyer put it: "For the king, ham radio was a different world, a community of diverse people."

All members of the Jordanian royal family automatically have Amateur Radio privileges in Jordan. Although the new king does not appear to have a call sign, King Hussein’s widow--the American-born Queen Noor--is JY1NH. King Hussein’s brother, the former Crown Prince Hassan, is JY2HT, while his cousin, Prince Raad, JY2RZ, is chairman of the Royal Jordanian Radio Amateur Society.--Jennifer Gagne, N1TDY, supplied information for this report ¾

FCC Shuts Down Troublesome Bay Area Repeater
Via the ARRL Letter Online, Volume 18, Number 9

The FCC has shut down for 120 days the K7IJ repeater facility on Grizzly Peak in the San Francisco Bay area and told the licensee his ham ticket could be in jeopardy. The FCC took the action by modifying K7IJ’s license to prohibit repeater operation starting midnight February 28, 1999.

The repeater operates on 145.29, 223.78, 440.175, and 441.175 MHz. The FCC also set aside recent license grants of four individuals accused of unlicensed operation on the repeater prior to obtaining their amateur tickets and other behavior. The cases, the first major VHF/UHF enforcement actions the FCC has taken in recent months, were brought to the Commission’s attention by the Amateur Auxiliary.

The FCC’s Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, said that for almost a year, the repeater’s control operator, identified as Blake B. Jenkins, N6YSA, of Berkeley, California, "has apparently not only allowed, but encouraged, use of the repeater by unlicensed operators, rebroadcast of cordless telephone calls, playing of music, and profanity and obscenity." He said extended QSOs have taken place between the control operator and unlicensed stations.

Hollingsworth said the situation was brought to the attention of the licensee, Bruce Wachtell of Carson City, Nevada, but nothing was done. "Such operations are not only contrary to the Amateur Radio Service rules and frequency allocations, but degrade the service for legitimate radio licensees as well," Hollingsworth said in a certified letter to Wachtell February 25. "The operation of the K7IJ repeater system in this manner may reflect adversely upon your qualifications to hold a Commission license."

Hollingsworth said Jenkins’ "actions and omissions" while control operator were under separate FCC review, along with those of the secondary control op, Steven R. Rossi, KE6LNH, of Novato, California.

The FCC set aside the recent license grants or upgrades of James C. Walker, KF6VAA; Gordon B. Reese III, KF6QKA; Michael J. Nichols, KF6UAS; and Eric B. Shuler, KF6BMG (ex-KF6UJU) pending further investigation. The FCC has permitted Reese, who just upgraded to Tech Plus, to retain his Technician operating privileges while its investigation continues.

The FCC also warned Mervyn Ehambrave of E Palo Alto, California, about unlicensed operation on the K7IJ repeater, and warned Timmy O Sheen Sr., N6MZA, about behavior including "jamming and rebroadcasts of cordless phones" on the repeater, Hollingsworth said. ¾

Hams Still On Hold for ULS
Via the ARRL Letter Online, Volume 18, Number 9

While the FCC’s Wireless Telecommunications Bureau began using the Universal Licensing System (ULS) February 16, hams remain in a holding pattern on ULS until the FCC establishes a ULS Amateur Service database. That’s not expected to happen until later this year. This means that hams still must use Form 610 and its variations. These so-called "pre-ULS forms" are valid until further notice. On-line services are limited to Form 900 renewals within 120 days of expiration and Form 610V vanity call sign application. License modifications are not yet available on-line unless done at the same time as a renewal.

The ULS is a new, interactive licensing database that consolidates and replaces 11 existing databases and licensing systems, including the Amateur Service. Among other things, it will replace the venerable FCC Form 610 series with a new Form 605 and provide on-line filing, modification, and renewal for amateurs.

In January, the ARRL petitioned the FCC for minor alterations to the ULS rules. The League said it wants the FCC to continue to issue paper license documents; to come up with a way for applicants not having a Taxpayer Identification Number--typically a Social Security Number--to meet ULS requirements to provide one; and to include on Form 605 a section for Volunteer Examiners to certify that an applicant has met the requirements for a new or upgraded ham ticket.

The FCC subsequently did make provisions to assign TINs to those doing business with the Commission who have no legal way to obtain one. The "assigned" TINs will consist of the letter "A" followed by eight digits. They will not be available to those eligible to hold a Social Security Number. Alien licensees needing an assigned TIN should contact FCC Technical Support at 202-424-1250.

Prior to its latest filing, the ARRL had expressed concerns that the FCC might do away with paper license documents altogether and rely instead on the "license grant"--the virtual document that resides within the FCC’s computerized amateur database. The League pointed out in its January petition that some states regulate possession of scanning receivers but exempt amateurs, and inability to produce a license document could result in "arrest and criminal prosecution as well as seizure of equipment by local law enforcement." The League said hams operating overseas also often must produce a paper document. The ARRL noted that the CEPT agreement requires US hams traveling in CEPT countries to possess a US government-issued license document and that ITU regulations "appear to require" a government-issued license document. ¾

Solar Update
Via the ARRL Letter Online, Volume 18, Number 9

Solar savant Tad Cook, K7VVV, Seattle, Washington, reports: Solar activity was down this week, but so were geomagnetic disturbances after a rough start. On February 18 the Planetary A index was 54, the Boulder A index was 41, and the high latitude A index was 89. February 19 wasn’t much better, but on February 20 and 21y geomagnetic activity was very low, with K indices at all latitudes at zero during many periods.

Average solar flux was down about 45 points from last week to this week, and average sunspot numbers were off about 65 points. Solar flux should continue to decline, with predicted flux values for this weekend, February 26-28, at 120, 118 and 115, and planetary A indices at 8, 8 and 10. Solar flux is expected to bottom out around 105 from March 3-5, then rise to 130 by March 8, 160 by March 10, and peak around 200 on March 13. After that it is expected to decline to 120 around March 22. This is all based on the previous solar rotation, so new activity could increase these numbers with little warning. During that period geomagnetic conditions are expected to be unsettled around March 5 and 6, more so on March 11, and especially on March 16-18, about 28 days or one solar rotation since the last big disturbance.

Sunspot numbers for February 18 through 24 were 135, 122, 118, 103, 108, 38 and 56 with a mean of 97.1. The 10.7-cm flux was 168.1, 164.2, 157.1, 147.2, 129.7, 127 and 119.8, with a mean of 144.7, and estimated planetary A indices were 54, 38, 5, 5, 4, 7 and 11, with a mean of 17.7. ¾

Upcoming VEC Exams

The following ARRL Internet page will help you find a US amateur license exam session near you. Its database is updated on a regular basis and includes all information necessary to schedule and attend FCC amateur radio license examinations: ¢

In Brief:

AMSAT-NA 30th anniversary party: AMSAT-NA will celebrate its 30th anniversary March 13 at the NASA/Goddard Employee's Recreation Center, Greenbelt, Maryland. The festivities are slated to begin at 6 PM, but there will be related activities throughout the weekend including tours of the Hubble Space Telescope Center and the NASA Communications Network. The cost to attend the anniversary dinner is $12 per person. No AMSAT funds will be used for this celebration. For reservations, contact AMSAT-NA, 301-589-6062, before March 5; e-mail

Newsletter Deadline:

Friday, March 26 for the April issue of W6VIO Calling. Your articles, ads, photos, diagrams, letters to the editor, or technical material should be submitted to the editor via email ( or regular mail to: Bill Wood, 31094 Hemlock Ave, Barstow, CA 92311.

Jet Propulsion Laboratory Amateur Radio Club
Attn: Bill Wood, Editor, Mail Stop DSCC-33
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109-8099

Go back to the W6VIO Calling Index.