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Calendar of Events

Meeting Notice

Prez’ Mix

January Club Meetings

Field Day Reminder

DX News

25 Years Ago, W6VIO Calling

Classified Section

ARRL Bulletin

Calendar of Events

February 9

General Meeting, Noon - 238-543

February 12

[Fontana Swap Meet, A. B. Miller HS, Fontana}

February 19

[CMRA Hamfest, Cal Poly, Pomona, 7 AM]

February 23

Board Meeting, Noon - 233-305J

February 26

[TRW Swap meet, Redondo Beach]

March 8

General Meeting, Noon - 238-543

March 11

[Fontana Swap Meet, A. B. Miller HS, Fontana}

March 18

[CMRA Hamfest, Cal Poly, Pomona, 7 AM]

March 22

Board Meeting, Noon - 233-305J

March 25

[TRW Swap meet, Redondo Beach]

April 8

[Fontana Swap Meet, A. B. Miller HS, Fontana}

April 12

General Meeting, Noon - 238-543

April 15

[CMRA Hamfest, Cal Poly, Pomona, 7 AM]

April 26

Board Meeting, Noon - 233-305J

April 29

[TRW Swap meet, Redondo Beach]

Meeting Notice

By Christopher Carson, KE6ABQ

The next General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 9th starting at 12:00 noon in 238-543. You may bring your lunch.  The agenda for the business portion of the meeting will include discussion and voting on this year’s general Club budget.  Our scheduled presentation will be by Phil Smith WB6LQP. He will be demonstrating a very portable 2.4 GHz video cam system based mainly on off-the-shelf consumer electronics.

Once again, it is very important that we have enough General members as well as Board members attend so that we can conduct the Club’s official business (which shouldn’t take very long). Besides we have a great presentation planned. See you there.

The Club Board of Di­rectors meet­ings are held at noon on the fourth Wednes­day of each month in 233-305J.  Eve­ryone is wel­come at both meetings; bring your lunch to the BOD meeting.  n

Prez’ Mix

This month has been so busy for me that I barely got my column in this month.  Thanks to the hard work put in by all your board members, we got this year’s Y2K budget ready for you to approve at our upcoming general membership meeting on February 9 at noon in 238-543.  Be sure to be there so we can complete the ERC-mandated budget process ahead of schedule! Last month’s meeting was more interesting than any we had last year thanks to Phil Smith, who demonstrated his low-cost S-band ATV system, & Chris Carson, who arranged the program.

Speaking of ATV, it looks like our club activities are branch­ing out in even more exciting directions as we are putting to­gether a real-time fast-scan ATV system for the lab’s emer­gency preparedness office.  Our current plans are to test with a 2.4 GHz receiver in our new high speed packet & satellite communications test bed in 180-R6 to feed the lab wide cable TV network, providing one-way video communications be­tween virtually any two points on lab.  More details on this test will be available at this month’s club meeting.

In case you haven’t heard, the club now maintains a repeater list on the web at  The listings cover 6 meters, 2 meters & 440 MHz, with 220 MHz soon to be added.

Preparations for this year’s LA Marathon are in progress.  In addition to the usual club compliment of nearly the entire medical net, the club will also be installing a node in down­town LA to provide APRS coverage over the entire course.  If you would like to help out with LA Marathon amateur com­munications, call the LA Marathon office at 310-444-5544 or email your name & address to

There’s much more to report on but that’s all the time I have for this month.  73.  ¢

January Club Meetings

General Meeting, January 12th

By Christopher Carson, KE6ABQ

Once again I’m filling in for Jonathan to report on the monthly meeting.  He should be back here next month. January broke our one-month streak, and once again we failed to reach quorum.  So no official business could be conducted. 

The budget was discussed briefly, and the Board will continue to work towards a balanced budget at the next Board meeting.  It will be presented to the general membership for discussion and vote at the February meeting.

Bob Dengler, NO6B, reports that the Repeater List web page is up and working.  For an up to date listing of Southern Cali­fornia repeaters, point your web browser to where you will find lists of 2-meter and 440 repeaters, and a link to the 220 SMA’s site for 220 repeaters.  Bob expects to have the 6-meter repeater list up within the next several weeks, as well.

Our first presentation (we had two! See what you missed?), was an overview of the Club’s systems by yours truly.  Did you know we have an RF presence from 160 meters through the 900 MHz band except for 6-meters? And that over 29 transmitters are operated and maintained by the Club? That we will soon have packet capability in the EOC? That we have a fully functional HF station next to the East Gate?

We support a wide variety of Lab and community activities ranging from the recent Y2k effort, the NASA SHARES pro­gram, JPL and City of Pasadena EOC’s, to the Rose Parade, the LA Marathon, the Angeles Crest 100, and re-broadcast of shuttle audio and JPL mission launches and landings.

We have several web sites including Bob’s repeater list page mentioned above, as well as the JPL ERC Home page at and the WR6AZN TMO Repeater Home Page at which are both maintained by Bill Wood, W6FXJ, our multi-talented editor of this newsletter. 

VP’s Note:

Who is ALWAYS looking for material for W6VIO Calling?  Did you get a new toy for Christmas?  How about writing a mini-review about what you like/hate about it?  The neat wid­get you have to make something work - dare I say it - Faster, Better, or Cheaper?  The last trip to the beach/mountain/desert where you worked DX?  Twenty minutes or 200 words, whichever comes first.  E-mail it to Bill and he’ll spell check it and format it for you at no charge.  Soapbox mode off. 

We now return to regular programming...

Our second presentation was by Phil Smith WB6LQP.  This was actually a teaser.  The real presentation is set for the Feb­ruary meeting.  He showed us his “helmet cam,” which is based on a 2.4 GHz consumer video system available locally or through the mail or web.  Inexpensive, fun, experimental, practical, geeky? You decide.  Come to the February meeting and see it.  We promise to have the TV working!

There was some discussion of starting VE testing again or actively supporting existing activity.  Several club members expressed interest in setting up classes and/or testing sessions.  Can you help?

We also looked at the current W6VIO QSL card.  It’s looking a little long in the tooth, and dated.  How about a contest for a new design? Any graphically inclined folks out there? Got a good idea but can’t draw because they took your crayons away? Describe it.  Take a picture of it.  Find an artist.  What about the Club logo? Is it outdated or is it a classic like the NASA meatball? Inquiring minds want to know.

See you at the February meeting.  February 9th in 238-543.  Bring your lunch.  Admission is free.  Unless you want to pay your dues then.  Cash or check - we don’t take American Express.

Board of Directors Meeting, January 26

By Jonathan Cameron, KF6RTA

The meeting was convened with a quorum at 12:10 PM.  Those present were Eric Archer (N6CV), Jonathan Cameron (KF6RTA), Chris Carson (KE6ABQ), Bob Dengler (NO6B), Bob Polansky (N6ET), and Chuck Sarture (KG6NF).

Bob Dengler presented a preliminary budget.  As pre­sented initially it did not balance.  After some adjustments, such as deferring satellite radio related items for a year and a few other minor adjustments, the budget was balanced. 

The budget was accepted by a unanimous vote as the working budget.  In a second vote, the board approved presenting this budget to the club at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

After informal discussion of a few other items, the meeting was closed.   n

Field Day Reminder

By Bob Polansky, N6ET

Just a friendly reminder:  Put aside the weekend of 23 through 25 June for Field Day this year.  The joint JPL ARC and CIT ARC are undertaking an all-out effort in Class 3A to set an all time record score.  Your Club needs your support. 

There are antennas to be tuned, band plans to be created, the site to be laid out, a weekend “city” to be built and stocked with club members, and meals to be planned and prepared, and best of all, stations to be operated and logs to be main­tained. 

We will be calling upon the Club members to help with the planning for this activity.  We will have an exciting time on the mountaintop this year!  Please plan to lend a hand.   ¾

DX News

By Bob Polansky, N6ET

It’s been an interesting month so far.  The 160-meter an­tenna is in place and apparently working well.  The TS-850S has been repaired and is busy feeding exciter power into the new AL-82 legal-limit amplifier.  The FT-1000D has been returned from Goldstone and will shortly be put in place as a third HF capability in the W6VIO shack.  The FT-1000D and Dentron amplifier are on their way back from Madrid and will also be installed upon its arrival.  All that said, what’s going to be out there to work with all these resources???

First, 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 12, and 10 meters have all been exer­cised by a number of us since everything got back together.  The antenna arrays have performed exceeding well and are yielding lots of rare DX QSO’s.  The following gives you some indication of what’s upcoming in the world of DX.  I’ve or­dered everything by date this time as opposed to alphabetically by country.  Does anyone of my readers have a preference?

5U7X/5U7Z ---           Now - 30 January

FH/G3SXW ---           Now - 31 January

XU? ---                      Now - 4 February

XZ0A ---                    Now - 6 February

V73XP ---                  Now - 7 February

ZS8D ---                    Now - 29 April

VP6BR (VR6) ---        Now - 30 April

E4/G3WQU ---           Now - Year 2001

H40MS ---                 February 3 weeks

CE0ZX/ZY ---            17 February - 29 February

ARRL CW Contest --- 19 February - 20 February

CQ 160M SSB ---      25 February - 27 February

FO0C ---                   March - 20 March

TX0DX (Chesterfield Is)    15 March - 8 April

H40?? ---                  March

Don’t miss the fun.   ¾

25 Years Ago in:

By Bill Wood, W6FXJ

Editor pro tem Norm Chalfin, K6PGX, packed the Feb­ruary 1975 with 16 pages of tightly packed news of interest to amateur radio.  This included an article ex­cerpted from Paraplegia News by club member Allan Chapman, W6MEO, about a Barstow quadriplegic ham Otho Jarman, WB6KYM.  (Otho continues to be active in ham radio and the Internet in Barstow).  Other excerpts were included from the Amsat Newsletter, Ham Radio Report and Commu­nications News as well as Skip Reymann’s (W6PAJ) Oscar 6 and 7 orbital crossings data.  . 

The full February 1975 issue can be ac­cessed at the follow­ing Internet ad­dress:   ¾

Classified Section


Your want-ad or article for inclusion in a future issue of W6VIO Calling.  Submit to Bill Wood, W6FXJ, 31094 Hemlock Ave, Barstow, CA 92311; or email

Kenwood TM-642 or TM 742 with both 2M and 220MHz modules.  Bill Westphal 213-787-9991

For Sale:

QST 1990-1994 CD-ROM set, new.  $25 (ARRL price $39.95) Skip, W7NWY, 818-354-9674

US Tower (MA40) 40 foot tubular telescoping tower, hinged base, 2 co-ax arms, mast extension, Hy-gain Ex­plorer-14 beam an­tenna with 40 meter dipole add-on, and Hy-Gain an­tenna rotator (Ham IV).  Original cost, less tax, was over $2200.  Sell all for $800.  Contact Ron Zenone (W6TUZ) at (626) 914-5585.   

Icom UT-40 Tone Squelch Option Board (CTCSS) for HT mod­els 2GAT, 4GAT, 12GAT, 32AT or for mobiles 228, 448, 901, 1201, 2400 and 2500.  Cost: $80 (AES Catalog)  Sale for $40.  Radio Shack, Rotor/Controller and Cable, 3 years old, never used, have box/papers, like new. Cost: $70+  Sale for $50.  Scott Nolte, N6CUV 818-354-9724n


Newsletter Deadline:

Friday, February 25 for the March issue of W6VIO Call­ing.  Your arti­cles, ads, photos, diagrams, letters to the edi­tor, or techni­cal mate­rial should be submitted to the editor via email ( or regular mail to: Bill Wood, 31094 Hem­lock Ave, Barstow, CA 92311.

ARRL Bulletin

Flames Claim Ham Radio Outlet's Anaheim Store

Via ARRL Online Letter, January 28, 2000


Photo courtesy of Janet Margelli, KL7MF

Ham Radio Outlet's Anaheim, California, store was de­stroyed by fire early Sunday, January 23.  The fire--said to be of suspicious origin--apparently first broke out in a dental office at the south end of the strip mall that housed the HRO store on North Euclid Avenue.  After spreading into an attic area, the flames raged through the rest of the business center, engulfing the HRO store, the dental office, and two other businesses.  Two other shops were dam­aged. 

The Anaheim HRO store's manager, Janet Margelli, KL7MF, said she was alerted to the fire by the store's alarm company.  She arrived just in time to see flames engulf her store.  "Talk about feeling helpless and hopeless--you just watch it burn," she told the ARRL.  Margelli said the store and its contents were a total loss. 

The cause of the fire has not been determined, but arson in­vestigators were said to be focusing on the burned-out remains of the dental office where the fire is thought to have origi­nated.  Fire investigators also are trying to determine why a car parked in an alley several hundred feet away caught fire and exploded, since it did not appear that the fire in the strip mall caused the car fire. 

More than 80 firefighters were called out to battle the four-alarm blaze, and it took them the better part of two hours to bring it under control.  Margelli said flames were shooting 200 feet into the air as she arrived on the scene.  No injuries were reported.  Damage was estimated at $1.5 million. 

Operations at the HRO Anaheim store--including telephone and fax--are being handled temporarily by the company's Bur­bank store a couple of hours away, using staffers from both stores.  Margelli is coordinating the opening of an all-new store in an undamaged store area in the same business center. 

The only item recovered from inside the HRO store was a plastic owl decoy that now has become the store's new mascot.  The owl decoys--sold to scare birds away from towers and beams--had been suspended from a display tower in the store.  After the fire, Margelli said, one decoy--"Smokey," as it's now being called--was found a bit worse for the wear atop a pile of ash and charcoal in the center of the display.  Margelli said Smokey will get his own display case in the new store. 

HRO operates a dozen stores across the US, including five stores in California.  Margelli said she hopes to have the new Anaheim location open for business within two or three weeks.   ¾

HQ restructuring e-mail:

ARRL Headquarters personnel have received thousands of e-mails (in addition to telephone calls and snail mail) with ques­tions or comments on restruc­turing.  The ARRL-VEC depart­ment alone has received nearly 1600 messages since the FCC announced the restructuring program December 30, 1999.  If you have e-mailed HQ with a question or comment that has not been acknowledged and/or answered, please be patient.  Staff members are working their way through the backlog in the order messages were received.  To ensure e-mail goes to the most appropriate department at Headquarters, questions about the new FCC rules should be directed to John Hennes­see, N1KB,, in the ARRL Regulatory Information Branch; questions about amateur examinations should be directed to the ARRL-VEC at; ques­tions about the availability of ARRL li­cense study materials should be directed to  Members should direct questions or comments concerning ARRL policies and positions to their ARRL division directors.  Contact informa­tion for ARRL di­rectors is on page 10 of any issue of QST.


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Posted February 3, 2000