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Calendar of Events

Meeting Notice

Prez’ Mix

January Club Meetings

JPL ARC Facility News

DX News

25 Years Ago in W6VIO Calling

Letters to the Editor

General Upgrade Seminar

Classified Ads

Calendar of Events

February 14

General Meeting, Noon - 238-543

February 17

[CMRA Hamfest, Cal Poly, Pomona, 7 AM]

February 24

[TRW Swap meet, Redondo Beach]

February 28

Board Meeting, Noon - 233-305J

March 3

[Fontana Swap Meet, A. B. Miller HS, Fontana}

March 4

[Los Angeles Marathon]

March 14

General Meeting, Noon - 238-543

March 17

[CMRA Hamfest, Cal Poly, Pomona, 7 AM]

March 28

Board Meeting, Noon - 233-305J

March 31

[TRW Swap meet, Redondo Beach]

April 7

[Fontana Swap Meet, A. B. Miller HS, Fontana}

April 11

General Meeting, Noon - 238-543

April 21

[CMRA Hamfest, Cal Poly, Pomona, 7 AM]

April 25

Board Meeting, Noon - 233-305J

April 28

[TRW Swap meet, Redondo Beach]

Meeting Notice

By Christopher Carson, KE6ABQ

The February General Meeting of the JPL Amateur Radio Club will be held on Wednesday February 14th in Bldg. 238-543. 

Bob Polansky, N6ET, will discuss the club’s new HF ham shack, its layout and planned evolution.  In addition, Bob will discuss changes in our antenna system interfaces to match the proposed plans for the new shack.  The goal is to get some feedback from the Club membership on these items.  So attend this important meeting and make your thoughts known. 

The February Board Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday February 28 in Bldg. 233-305J.    n

Prez’ Mix

By Bob Dengler, NO6B

I have just enough time this month to get a few reminders out of upcoming events and other important stuff:  Sunday, March 4th is the 16th City of Los Angeles Marathon.  As in years past, the JPL ARC will be providing communications support. 

If you have a 2-meter, 222 or 440 MHz HT or any combination thereof, consider helping us out participating in this public service communications activity.  To do so, please visit the LA Marathon Amateur Radio web page at and use the online form to signup. 

There is a mandatory training meeting for all amateur marathon volunteers that will be held on Saturday, February 17th at 1:00 PM at City of Angels Hospital, 1711 W. Temple in Los Angeles.  See the above web page for more info.

Anyone who’s used the club’s 6-meter station lately is probably aware of the new paging antennas that were recently installed atop building 180.  No, not because of intermod - the FT-847 still receives just fine on all bands.  The problem is that these new antennas block the rotation of our 6-meter yagi!  We hope to have this situation remedied in a few weeks.  In the meantime, be careful about using the antenna rotor in the VHF/UHF shack atop 180.  A note underneath the rotor box indicates the allowable range of movement.  Basically, it can only be turned towards the eastern U.S., eastern Canada and Europe.

Finally, do plan to attend our next club meeting on Wednesday, February 14th at noon in 238-543.  We actually have a program this month: our own Bob Polansky N6ET, trustee of the W6VIO HF station will be making a presentation on some changes planned in the antenna system and location of the shack (we’ve been offered new better space). 

73, Bob    n

January Meetings

By Jonathan Cameron, KF6RTA

General Meeting, January 10

The meeting was opened at 12:10 by Bob Dengler.  Those present included Eric Archer (N6CV), Jonathan Cameron (KF6RTA), Chris Carson (KE6ABQ), Bob Dengler (NO6B), Marvin Druskoff (K6NJ), Randy Hammock (KC6HUR), Walt Mushagian (K6DNS), Bob Polansky (N6ET), Robert Sweet (KG6DKW), and Mike Tope (W4EF).  A quorum was present.

Bob Polansky suggested a couple of amendments for the club budget.  Based on those changes, an amended budget was approved by a vote of the board of directors present.  Then the general members present received the budget and approved it by a vote.

Bob Dengler presented the issue of the problem with the Field Day prohibition of using 142.52 MHz during Field Day Operations.  Several arguments against this prohibition were presented and generally agreed with by those present.  A motion was made and approved for Bob Dengler to draft and send a letter to the ARRL contest committee to remove this prohibition in the future.

Bob Dengler handed out TASMA applications to those present and encouraged us all to join.

Bob Polansky reminded us that our storage trailer has been targeted for eventual removal and discussed other options for storage, including a nearby disused building.  Some funding is available for this purpose.  We should expect further information about this as the situation develops.

Board of Directors Meeting, January 24

The board of directors meeting was canceled.  n

JPL ARC Facility News

I have gotten a look inside the building that is being considered for the new W6VIO ops emergency communications site.  It is immediately behind our storage trailer just inside the East gate to JPL.  It will take a bit of work to make it “home”, but the job appears worth undertaking.  Some facility support will be needed, but it has been tentatively promised.

I have designed in my mind what is needed and how the building should be configured.  Once I have committed the thoughts to paper, we need to look at the ideas and make whatever changes appear needed.  Hope I can depend upon your help in readying the building and making the move assuming that nothing changes.

Parts have been received to repair our WARC antenna elements, which have been bent a bit by the wind or perhaps by a heavy red-tailed hawk.  In addition, the rotor for the beam will have to be removed and repaired.  A cherry picker is now available to permit that job to be done.  Assuming that we can make the rotor repairs locally, we should have the antenna and its rotator back in service within a month after “de stacking”.

On an unrelated note, the commercial paging folks have seen fit to install vertical antennas on the roof of B180, which interfere with our ability to turn our new 6-meter beam more than about 120 degrees.  It took real “smarts” to install their antennas where the physical interference was so obvious.  As I understand it, the needed antenna moves on their part is being negotiated; however, any users of the 6-meter beam should exercise care when rotating the antenna to minimize damage to our antenna and rotor.

Parts have been received to repair the R-7000 antenna, which will provide limited HF capability to the B180 roof site.  We need to assemble and tune the antenna prior to moving it there for installation.

Plans are also on the table for redeploying the hard lines that go up the hill from the W6VIO ops trailer.  I plan on providing additional switching to better use the total antenna resources on our hilltop.  This will be coordinated with the move to our new shack, if/when it happens.    n

DX News

By Bob Polansky, N6ET

Lots of exciting things going on in the realm of DX.  The most exciting thing in my mind is the fantastic time I had exercising our World Class DX Station capabilities during last weekend’s 160 Meter CW Contest.  I was able to work 16 countries during about 8 hours of operation including an EA8 and a CT3, just off the East coast of Africa.  Both contacts were made on my first call in heavy pileups!  The 80 Meter long path has yielded a number of exotic contacts too, like A9, UA6, and many Europeans.  40 Meters is a dream when you have a 2-element beam up at 75 feet.  That band has provided contacts with A5, D6, VU, and numerous European entities on both the long and short paths.  Working DX is wonderful!!  What’s coming up next?  I thought you’d never ask.

BOUVET - 3Y0C is handing out many contacts on 80 through 10 meters and will be doing so through roughly mid-March.  He’s barefoot due to a failed amplifier, but he’s still hearable.  Operation is primarily on SSB.

COMOROS - D68C will attract lots of attention on 160 through 10 meters from 8 February through 28 February.  They should be workable on all bands, given lots of patience.

EQUATORIAL GUINEA - 3C1AG has been active for about a week now on 80 through 10 Meters, primarily on CW.  His planned departure date is long passed, but his activity continues.  I don’t know how long he will remain, so work him quickly!

ST. MAARTIN / FR. ST. MARTIN - Operations by WD5S, W8EB, and their spouses are planned from 15 February through 18 March, including the ARRL CW Contest period.  Look for them on 160 through 10 meters using PJ7/ and FS/ preceding their US calls.

ST. PETER & PAUL ROCKS - PW0S plans a one week operation starting on 7 February.   W6VIO needs this entity on SSB.

SYRIA - YK9A starts operation on 3 February for about a week on 160 through 10 meters.  This is another entity needed by your Club station on SSB.

WAKE IS. - Look for AC4G/KH9 from this Pacific island from 9 through 27 February.  This is understood to be another all-band operation.

For those of you who simply want to work lots of DX, don’t forget the ARRL CW DX Contest the weekend of 17/18 February (GMT).  There should be lots of new countries for most avid DXers operating that weekend.  To help in your quest, propagation predictions from today through at least 17 February are all “above normal”.  Enjoy!!!!    n

25 Years Ago in:

By Bill Wood, W6FXJ

Editor Merv MacMedan, W6IUV, led off the February 1976 issue with an editorial about communications priorities during the recent Guatemalan earthquake emergency. 

Jim Lumsden, WA6MYB, detailed the need for operators for the upcoming Viking Special Event activity in July of 1976.  Dick Piety, K6SVP, put out a call for a work party to install five or six new coaxial cable and control cables from the W6VIO trailer up to the Mesa to improve communications for the event.

Stan, K6YYQ, passed on a suggestion that is still a good idea:  Post the Meeting Notice part of W6VIO Calling on the nearest bulletin board so interested non-members will be exposed to club activities. 

In an article titled “CHALFIN TALKS TO RATS,” Norm Chalfin, K6PGX, is to present one of his famous illustrated talks to a meeting of the Desert RATS Association in Palm Springs.  Norm swears it is not a CB group – it stands for Radio Amateur Transmitting Society! 

Education Committee Chairman Chalfin also announced the successful completion of the club’s Novice and Extra code classes with completion certificates awarded to seven students at the February General Meeting.  Merv MacMedan conducted the 5 WPM class while Charlie Potts handled the 20 WPM students.  Nash Williams, W6HCD, is continuing the 13 WPM class with more certificates due when they reach their goal.

The full February 1976 issue can be accessed at the following Internet address: ¾

Letters to the Editor

What a pleasant surprise to find my dear departed friend’s callsign, - W6VIO, still active at JPL.  I know Jack would be honored.  I talked to Jack from Hawaii as KH6EOQ almost every day during his lunch break at JPL from Jan 65 till Sep 67.  He visited me in Hawaii with his wife a couple of times and we stayed in touch until shortly before his death.  I thought Jack was a wonderful man and a dear friend.  Thanks for giving him his well-deserved bit of immortality.

I made a contact with the station in 1994 and am looking for the log, so I can ask for one of those beautiful QSL cards. I was WA4SIH then and when I talked all those years to Jack that was my home call.  KH6EOQ was [the] Tripler Army Hospital [callsign].  I worked several of the other ops there at JPL during that time also.

73, Bill, W4SIH    n

General Upgrade Seminar

By Phil Barnes-Roberts, AD6PQ

Announcing:  An opportunity to study for upgrade to FCC General Class Amateur Operator license, in Pasadena CA.

Sick of the bickering on local repeaters?  Want to get in on the activity you hear about on HF?  “Ten is hot”, as are 12, 15, 17 and 20 meters (not to mention 40, 80 and 160, since the 11-year sunspot cycle is just about at maximum.)  You need a General to operate on most of it, though.  Now’s the time, while the sunspot cycle is near its peak, to get it and get on the air!

WHEN AND WHERE:  Beginning February 15th (finally!), and continuing for eight Thursday evenings, 7:00pm to 9:00pm, we will be meeting at the Pasadena Kaiser Permanente offices “Walnut Center”  (This is not the medical facility) at the corner of Walnut and Los Robles, just South of the 210 Freeway in Pasadena.  Eastbound, exit Fair Oaks, stay on the frontage road to Los Robles; Westbound, exit Lake Ave and do likewise.  Enter guarded parking on Los Robles, announce your intentions, come to the lobby and sign in.  We will be in Room 1-C, across the hall from the Pasadena Radio Club’s usual meeting room.

TEXT AND COST:  We will use the ARRL General Class License Manual, Fourth Edition © 2000.  If you need a copy of this book, I will be willing to make a group buy, on which we can get a small discount from the cover price of $15, which will help cover expenses, or if you have your book, the handouts, sample tests, etc. will cost you $5 for copying, etc.  Let me know right away (see CONTACT INFO below) if you need a book, so we can start quickly.

THE PLAN: is to have everyone take responsibility for a section of the book, and come prepared to teach it to the rest.  Details will be worked out at the first meeting on the 15th.  There are 12 chapters plus the question pool and appendices, so enough students will lighten the load for everyone.  Morse study will also be discussed.  Getting to 5WPM isn’t hard; practice is the key.

COMM:  We will coordinate as much as possible by email, using as a group mailing list.  If you wish to be involved - or just monitor - [there’s no spam in it!] go there and click [Join] to become a member of this online community.  You can also get daily digests, or just go read messages at the Website.  Egroups (which used to be OneList) was just bought by Yahoo, so you’ll see ads for Yahoo, but as always, you don’t have to buy anything there.  If you have a printed copy of this and don’t have email, don’t panic.  Show up on the 15th, and we’ll make sure we can keep in touch either by phone, US Mail, or on the air.  Are we not communicators?

CONTACT INFO: Phil Barnes-Roberts AD6PQ is the facilitator for this seminar, and can be reached on the JPL 2M repeater during the day (147.150/+/131.8) or Pasadena Telco in the evening (145.180/-/156.7); US/snail/Mail 323 Marathon Road, Altadena CA 91001; Tel. 626-791-0851 (recorder 24/7, if the kid isn’t on it); email also works.  Joining the egroup (or now, yahoogroup) also lets you send email to the other members and Elmers.    n

Classified Section


Reliable Person to receive about 40 copies of “W6VIO Calling” each month to address and mail to retired and other off-lab club members.  Job involves applying club supplied adhesive address labels and postage stamps.  Takes only 30 minutes each a month.  Contact Bill Wood, W6FXJ, at 760-256-5529 or for details.

Your want-ad or article for inclusion in a future issue of W6VIO Calling.  Submit to Bill Wood, W6FXJ, 31094 Hemlock Ave, Barstow, CA 92311; or email

For Sale:

Radio Shack (Realistic) PRO-2021 Scanner.  200 Channels.  30-512 MHz.  AC powered Desktop Scanner.  Excellent condition. $75.00 Contact Bill Westphal WB6YPF at 213-787-9991 or

Uniden Bearcat BC-760XLT Scanner.  100 Channels.  Covers 800 MHz band.  Preprogrammed police, fire, marine, weather.  12 VDC powered Desktop or Mobile.  Comes with AC-DC Converter, Telescopic whip antenna, Suction cup window antenna and mobile mounting hardware.  Excellent condition $100.00 Contact Bill Westphal WB6YPF at 213-787-9991 or

Cushcraft ARX2B Ringo Ranger II 2 Meter antenna.  Good condition.  $35.00Contact Bill Westphal WB6YPF at 213-787-9991 or

QST 1990-1994 CD-ROM set, new.  $25 (ARRL price $39.95) Skip, W7NWY, 818-354-9674

Icom UT-40 Tone Squelch Option Board (CTCSS) for HT models 2GAT, 4GAT, 12GAT, 32AT or for mobiles 228, 448, 901, 1201, 2400 and 2500.  Cost: $80 (AES Catalog)  Sale for $40.  Radio Shack, Rotor/Controller and Cable, 3 years old, never used, have box/papers, like new. Cost: $70+  Sale for $50.  Scott Nolte, N6CUV 818-354-9724

All the following items are offered by Randy Ballinger, WB6MMJ:

·        Yaesu 220 MHz memorizer with mike and PL. $100.00.

·        Mirage D 30-10 amp. 100 watts out. $150.00. 

·        Homebrew 4CX1000 amp. is on 15 and 20 mtrs. can be changed to run 10-80 mtrs. Has 220 variac. Transformer is 3800 volts @2.5 amps. Very well built. Price: $450.00. pick up with your pick up. (in 6 ft. rack)

·        Eico 753 transceiver. Covers 20-40-80 mtrs. works good with matching power supply. Price:$125.00.

·        Henry 2K4 floor model. Runs a pair of 3-500z‘s Looks and works great.  Pick up only. $600.00

·        Kenwood TS 903 sat with matching speaker and mc 60 mic. both manuals.  $700.00. 

·        Icom IC 471A UHF all mode. Covers 430-450 with DTMF mic and manual.  $400.00. 

·        Astron RS 20a power supply. $50.00.

·        Johnson Viking Pacemaker. This is a very rare transmitter. Very clean and works good. With photocopy manual. $600.00. Prefer pickup.

·        Johnson Viking 2 transmitter. Works good. Front panel is poor. Comes with the matching vfo. Price $150.00.

·        National NC 300 receiver. works good and looks good. $200.00 prefer pick up.

·        Hammerlund HQ110 receiver. works good and looks good.  Is missing the tiny dial cal knob. $125.00

The larger, heavier items have to be picked up. I will ship the lighter ones with buyer paying the shipping.  Randy Ballinger WB6MMJ,  909-867-7769,    n

Newsletter Deadline:

Friday, March 2 for the March issue of W6VIO Calling.  Your articles, ads, photos, diagrams, letters to the editor, or technical material should be submitted to the editor via email ( or regular mail to: Bill Wood, 31094 Hemlock Ave, Barstow, CA 92311.

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