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Calendar of Events

Meeting Notice

Prez Mix

October Club Meetings

DX/W6VIO Facility News

Classified Ads

Calendar of Events

November 3

[Fontana Swap Meet, A. B. Miller HS, Fontana]

November 14

General Meeting, Noon – 310-109

November 17

[CMRA Hamfest, Cal Poly, Pomona, 7 AM]

November 24

[TRW Swap meet, Redondo Beach]

November 28

Board Meeting, Noon - 233-305J

December 1

[Fontana Swap Meet, A. B. Miller HS, Fontana]

December 12

General Meeting, Noon - 238-543

December 15

[CMRA Hamfest, Cal Poly, Pomona, 7 AM]

December 29

[TRW Swap meet, Redondo Beach]

January 5

[Fontana Swap Meet, A. B. Miller HS, Fontana]

January 9

General Meeting, Noon - 238-543

January 19

[CMRA Hamfest, Cal Poly, Pomona, 7 AM]

January 23

Board Meeting, Noon - 233-305J

January 26

[TRW Swap meet, Redondo Beach]

Meeting Notice

By Christopher Carson, KE6ABQ

NOTE:  Location Change for General Meeting

The November General Meeting of the JPL Amateur Radio Club will be held November 14th at noon in 310-109. This is the JPL Emergency Operations Center. Here is your chance to see the EOC and check out the JPLARC operating position.

The November JPLARC Board meeting will be held November 28 in 233-305J. Everyone is welcome to attend – bring your lunch if you want.  n

Prez Mix

By Bob Dengler, NO6B

I’m opening my column this month with some good news.  Well, good news for you and bad for me: I’ve decided to go ahead and make myself available to be your club president for another year (assuming someone else doesn’t want the job). 

Frankly, I’m distressed over the lack of response to last month’s call for new officers.  I can only hope that some of you will step forward to fill at least some of the positions that have been so dutifully filled by your current JPLARC board.

In the event I end up being Prez’ again, I regret to inform you that I will not be able to write this column on a monthly basis anymore; it will probably end up being every two to three months.  This means that if you don’t want to be President, you should at least think about being a part-time contributor to this newsletter.  Contact our tireless Newsletter Editor Bill Wood if you’d like to write an occasional column on your favorite club activity here.

I got word from LA Marathon Commissioner of Communications Scott Fraser, KN6F that the 2002 LA Marathon course will be substantially different from past years.  It has been posted to, and from what I can see it looks like our Cerro Negro repeater site will provide excellent coverage of the entire course. 

This makes our planned move of the 224.08 repeater from the Mesa to Cerro Negro even more important, as this move must be fully completed in order to take advantage of the site for our club’s biggest public service activity. 

I would like to get the initial phase of this move completed by early December and will need help getting the equipment up the 40’ staircase, so let me know if you can be available on a Saturday in the next few weeks.    n

October Meetings

By Jonathan Cameron, KF6RTA

General Meeting, October 10

Those present included Bob Dengler (NO6B), Bob Polansky (N6ET), Walt Mushagian (K6DNS), Chris Carson (KE6ABQ), and others---including two visitors.  The club Secretary was unable to attend and consulted several people to construct this abbreviated report.  No comprehensive attendance list is available.

Bob Dengler opened and conducted meeting.  He reminded the club about the need for club officer elections.  Bob Polansky gave a report on the status of the move to the new shack.  There was a report that the status was unchanged at the Cerro Negro site.

Board of Directors Meeting, October 24

Present were Chris Carson (KE6ABQ), Warren Dower (KE6LEA, partial), Randy Hammock (KE6HUR), Walt Mushagian (K6DNS), Bob Polansky (N6ET), and Jonathan Cameron (KF6RTA).

Chris Carson opened the meeting.  He reported that he had made arrangements for the general meeting next month to be held in the Emergency Operations Center so that we can all become familiar with the new location and how JPL ARC members can assist in emergency operations.

Bob Polansky reported that great progress has been made in moving the shack to the new location.  The move is mostly complete.  Most radios have been moved and hooked up.  The Internet drops work.  The telephone jacks all work and four phones have been installed.  The antenna box/patch panel has been moved and has been installed.  Three stations have been tested. 

One of the FT-1000s had some audio problems and is being sent for repairs.  The linear amplifiers are reconfigured and installed.  The new linear will not operate on 12 and 10 meters, but instructions for necessary modifications have been ordered.  Most things in the shack are working well.  The remaining work includes moving the 2m/220MHz antenna connections, building and installing the 12-volt power system, moving file cabinets, and minor decorating.  Bob will also purchase a speakerphone for the shack.

Bob Polansky purchased the 6-meter military antenna as authorized in the last Board of Directors meeting.  Warren Dower has set it up and tested it and it seems to work well.  It can be raised to a height of approximately 30 feet.

Bob Polansky reported that due to NASA official restrictions, the arrangement for free QSL cards printed on lab fell through so he will work out another (more expensive) arrangements.

Randy Hammock reported that he is making good progress getting the IRLP (Internet Repeater Linking Protocol) link hardware assembled and hoping to get everything installed and operational by the end of the year.    n

DX / W6VIO Facility News

By Bob Polansky, N6ET

I’ve just finished inaugurating the new W6VIO HF facility in Building 173.  I took up residence for the weekend, including a foam mattress, a pillow, and my comfy sleeping bag.  This was the weekend for the yearly CQ World Wide SSB DX Contest.  Conditions were, and continue to be nothing short of fantastic. 

The station performed like a champ!  I exercised everything from 160 through 10 meters, including “not in the contest” appearances on all the WARC bands.  Only when I was half asleep did I have any problems setting up operations on new bands (I didn’t blow out anything). 

I made contacts in 39 of the 40 CQ zones, missing only Zone 34.  Two stations were active from there, but there was never any propagation to W6VIO.  Five new countries were worked for W6VIO, and close to a hundred new band-countries were put into the log. 

What capabilities we now have!  I took delivery of and flight-tested seven matched, almost new, and very comfortable chairs.  On the RTTY side of the shack, the PSK station continues to be exercised by several of our members.  It’s apparently pretty easy to work the world with 35 watts and a beam on PSK (it helps since you only use up a fraction of a Hertz of bandwidth). 

Enough about the new facility.  Here comes the DX news present and planned:

ASCENSION ISLAND – ZD8Z will make another of his appearances to this east-Atlantic island starting on about 20 November for about three weeks.  His main action will be as a ten meter single band entry in the CQ World Wide CW DX Contest, which will take place on the 24th and 25th of November.

CAMBODIA – Look for XU7ABW to be exciting the DX community through 10 November.

CHAD – TT8DX is supposed to be active through August of next year; however, the only spot to date was apparently a bootlegger.  Keep listening!

DUCIE ISLAND – A currently unknown VP6 call surrounded by a large pile-up will herald the presence of this new DXCC entity near Pitcairn Island.  Operation is planned from 16 November until 29 November.

KERMADEC – ZL8CW will be the call sign used for the upcoming Kermadec operation from 1 through 13 November.

MALDIVES – 8Q7QQ should be active now through 8 November.  Should be a good time of year for QSO’s with California.

TRISTAN DA CUNHA – ZD9IR is active from this rare South Atlantic.  He is apparently poorly equipped antenna-wise, but plans to have louder signals shortly.  His stay at ZD9 should be through October of 2002.

That’s all for now.  Don’t want to destroy your ability to hunt down all the “good DX” for yourselves.    n

Classified Section


Reliable on-lab person to receive about 40 copies of “W6VIO Calling” each month to address and mail to retired and other off-lab club members.  Job involves applying club supplied adhesive address labels and postage stamps.  Takes only one hour each a month.  Contact Scott Nolte, K6SN, at Ext 4-9724 for details.

Your want-ad or article for inclusion in a future issue of W6VIO Calling.  Submit to Bill Wood, W6FXJ, 31094 Hemlock Ave, Barstow, CA 92311; or email

For Sale:

Gillette Gen-Pro 12.5 Kw Diesel Generator, 21Hp DUETZ RUGGERINI air cooled diesel, Electric start, 8 gal fuel tank, Low hrs.  Can be viewed at  Cost $7800, sell for $3100.  Contact Buddy, 626-584-4645 days, 661-944-3864 eves, Lv msg.

Kenwood TS-940S base HF radio w/automatic tuner, MC-60 microphone, SP-230 speaker & MFJ 300 watt dummy load.  Asking $850 or trade for FT-100D.  Contact Bob at 909-396-0991 or

Kenwood TM-G707A 2 meter/440 dual-band mobile (single band receive).  50 W 2 meters/35 W 440, CTCSS decoder modified to eliminate falsing problem common with all G707s & V7As.  Original/only owner, asking $260.  Contact Bob at 909-396-0991 or

QST 1990-1994 CD-ROM set, new.  $25 (ARRL price $39.95) Skip, W7NWY, 818-354-9674

Icom UT-40 Tone Squelch Option Board (CTCSS) for HT models 2GAT, 4GAT, 12GAT, 32AT or for mobiles 228, 448, 901, 1201, 2400 and 2500.  Cost: $80 (AES Catalog)  Sale for $40.  Contact Scott Nolte, or 818-354-9724 n


Newsletter Deadline:

Friday, November 30 for the December issue of W6VIO Calling.  Your articles, ads, photos, diagrams, letters to the editor, or technical material should be submitted to the editor via email ( or regular mail to: Bill Wood, 31094 Hemlock Ave, Barstow, CA 92311.

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Posted November 7, 2001