2018-10-05 Board of Directors Meeting

Steve Townes WB4ILW, our club president, gave an update on the club status and activities.  A PDF version of his presentation is available (see below).  Note that this presentation includes a our new HF equipment in the Building 329 “Shack” (see page 11).   This equipment was purchased by JEARS, the JPL Emergency Amateur Radio Service, an official JPL entity.  The primary purpose of the equipment is for NASA inter-center contacts in case of an emergency.

Attending: Steve Townes WB4ILW (President), Jonathan Cameron KF6RTA (Vice-President), Chris Gaylord W6YTB (Emergency Communications Manager), Brian Lee KM6ATB, and Bob Cesarone WA9JIB.  By Phone: Chris Carson KE6ABQ, and Chuck Sarture (KG6NF).  We did not have a quorum.

We welcomed Brian Lee KM6ATB, newly licensed.  He has is interested in participating with the club activities.

We did not have a quorum; no official actions were taken.

The presentation by Steve Townes for the meeting is available via this link:

2018-10-05 JPL ARC Board of Directors Meeting Presentation