2018-03-23 General Meeting

JPL ARC 2018-03-23 General Meeting

After a welcome by Steve Townes, Courtney Duncan N5BF gave a talk: “Working Out the 23 cm EME Band”.   He discussed his Earth-Moon-Earth communication activities in the 23 cm (~1.2 GHz) amateur radio band during the 2014-2017 period.   A link to his presentation is included here. Continue reading 2018-03-23 General Meeting

2018-03-09 Board of Directors Meeting

JPL ARC 2018-03-09 Board of Directors Meeting

Attending:  Steve Townes WB4ILW (President), Jonathan Cameron KF6RTA (Vice-president), Matt Bennett KF6RTB (Secretary), Chuck Sarture KG6NF, Chris Gaylord W6YTB (Emergency Communications Manager),  Arian Maleki KM6QPY, Mike Tope W4EF, Rob Smith W6GRV, Bob Dengler NO6B, and Dave Hodges KI6PMB.   We had a quorum.

Meeting Reports / Notes

Continue reading 2018-03-09 Board of Directors Meeting