2019-01-11 Board of Directors Meeting

Steve Townes WB4ILW welcomed everyone and introduced the new club officers for 2019. We discussed several transition issues, reviewed our successful participation in NASA On The Air (NOTA), and did some preliminary planning for 2019, including future talks and the 2019 club budget.   There is a link for the material presented at the meeting at the end of this post.

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2018-11-16 General Meeting

After a welcome by Steve Townes WB4ILW, Jonathan Cameron KF6RTA announced the 2018 JPL ARC Holiday Dinner (details below). Then Chris Gaylord W6YTB gave a presentation on the JEARS participation in the Great Shakeout exercise (a summary of the presentation is given below). Following that, Rob Smith W6GRV gave a presentation on getting started with making contacts by satellite.  Rob also prepared an update on the JPL ARC participation in the NASA On The Air (NOTA) but did not have time to present it.  Links to both of Rob’s presentations are included below.

Continue reading 2018-11-16 General Meeting

2018-11-02 Board of Directors Meeting

Chris Gaylord gave an update on our participation in the Great Shakeout Exercise.  There were updates on the HF capabilities in the Building 329 “Shack”.  We discussed how to improve our HF capabilities, including how to repair our HF antennas on the Mesa.   Steve Townes announced that there would be a work party on our next RDO Friday (November 9).

NOTE: The main JPL repeater on 445.20 MHz has switch to regular PL tones (103.5 Hz).  Please updates your radios.  The Repeater list on this website has been updated appropriately.

Continue reading 2018-11-02 Board of Directors Meeting

2018-10-05 Board of Directors Meeting

Steve Townes WB4ILW, our club president, gave an update on the club status and activities.  A PDF version of his presentation is available (see below).  Note that this presentation includes a our new HF equipment in the Building 329 “Shack” (see page 11).   This equipment was purchased by JEARS, the JPL Emergency Amateur Radio Service, an official JPL entity.  The primary purpose of the equipment is for NASA inter-center contacts in case of an emergency.

Continue reading 2018-10-05 Board of Directors Meeting