W6VIO Calling



The fifth annual JPL ARC VHF-UHF Tune-up Clinic will be held on Saturday, January 30, 1982 to enable our members to maintain their VHF and UHF equipment in tip-top shape. As he has done for five years now, Miguel Santana, WB6TEB, will provide the professional test equipment to check frequency, deviation, power output, touch tones and possibly spectrum for spurious outputs. All VHF and UHF rigs can be checked. Bring your rig and it's service notes, including schematics and locations of all trimmers. Also, please have a list of each unit's channels vs. frequencies for frequency checking. While repairs are not the intent of the clinic, some tools will be available for you to "do your own", if necessary, and have the unit rechecked before you leave.

The clinic will be located at Miguel's house, 1050 Monte Verde Drive, Arcadia. Take the 210 Fwy to the Michillinda exit in Arcadia; go east from Michillinda one block on Colorado Blvd. to Altura, then south on Altura to the first stop sign which is Monte Verde. Miguel is on the corner. Talk-in will be available on W6VIO/R, 224.04, and on 223.5 MHz simplex.

Even if you think your rig is working great, a check is worthwhile. Crystals age, microphones deteriorate and “home-brew” adjustments are next to impossible without the right equipment. And, as it has turned out for the past 5 years, it affords us all the chance to meet and chat over coffee and donuts. Don’t miss this opportunity! (Merv - N6NO)

Officers will be officially installed at the regular January club meeting (January 13th.)

An election was recently held for the Office of Vice President. At the election meeting in December, the name of Stan Brokl, N2YQ, was placed in nomination from the floor, requiring per the By‑Laws, that mail ballots be sent out. The results of the election were:

Art Zygielbaum 61
Stan Brokl           30

An impressive 58% of the eligible club members voted. Congratulations to new Board. (Stan - N6MP)



Dear Eileen,

Even though it stated in the newsletter that the "editorial section" expresses the opinions of the author and not those of the Club, I thought I should take some time and write about Merv's timely opinion on the Frequency Coordination Board at the SMA, specially since it followed my article on that same organization. The poor choice of words to describe what in my opinion has been an unwilling mistake, and a first one at that, and not "incredible display of incompetence" is what is most disheartening. As I mentioned in my article we at the SMA have coordinated 90+ repeater pairs and many more services, all within the limited spectrum available to us. As far as thorough investigations prior to frequency coordination, the Board within it's limited human resources explores all apparent viable alternatives, including propagation tests. Myself as trustee of WB6QWR/R on 224.88 MHz, spent many cold nights and hot summer days performing propagation tests with members of the Board for nearly a year before a suitable co‑channel was found. Why a verbal agreement was given to KQ6P is beyond me, but that will soon come to light. There is always a first mistake and I am sorry it had to be our club the one affected. Again I grant Merv that the choice for co‑channeling is a poor one. I can vouch for that. As far as I know there are two of us who live in an area where both repeaters are heard 40+. If you think you have problems, try using the autopatch on the 91 or 605 Freeways South of the Santa Ana. So, if anyone is to be outraged it's John McKinney and myself.

On the other hand, and not to change the subject, when Walt (WA6PEA) was a member of the Board, our Club had a representative within the Coordination Committee. Walt's term expired last October. For three weeks I announced on the Tuesday Net that the October Meeting of the SMA was to be held at JPL and that there would be elections for the Coordination Board Position #7. On the date of the meeting only 3 JPL'ers showed up. Two of the three had to be there. One, Jay (W6EJJ) as ARRL Director and myself as President of the SMA. So, in fact, only George Morris (W6ABW) was there from the Club. Art Zygielbaum (W6SAL) was nominated, in absentia as a candidate to replace Walt (who did not wish to be reelected or be at least a candidate) but there were no JPL'ers there to support Art's candidacy. I do not mean to imply that in order to "protect" your frequency a member has to have "connections" or representatives within the Board, but if the matter comes to discussion it sure helps to have someone to represent your interests and explain to the other members certain technical problems that they might not be aware of. Not only that but during the general membership meetings, the Coordination Board activities are read and matters of possible interference can be brought up to the Board's attention.

As for the January meeting, which by the way is the 23rd. of January and not the 16th. as Merv points out, the whole Board of Officers and one Coordination Board member (Position #2 now held by Al Acken WA6KMQ) will be up for reelection or removal. This is the time to express yourself.

Sometimes a crisis is required for the awakening of the dormant. If you think you can do a better job, go ahead, volunteer. I'll guarantee you will learn a lot and appreciate the efforts of others to maintain the 220 band as the most professional one of the ham bands. 73's. (Randy WB6QWR)

Another note received by the Editor -

FEEDBACK - In N6NO's editorial on the problem of visitors sharing the closed repeater channel, he mistakenly indicated the date of the next SMA meeting to be January 16th. While this would normally be the correct date, the SMA was unable schedule the meeting room, forcing a postponement of the meeting to January 23rd. PLEASE TAKE NOTE!

This note was not signed but it's being printed as an explanation as to why the date was wrong in Merv' 5 editorial.  Please be advised that in the future any and all notes or letters to the editor must be signed before being printed. You can disagree with anything that is said in VIO CALLING and let me know - but - if you don't have the courage of your convictions and SIGN your letter - don't waste your time or your stamp as it won't be printed.  Eileen - KA6DGV



Many of you have no doubt been asked by other amateurs what has happened to the QSL cards from the August Voyager II Saturn Encounter. Here is a brief explanation. As in previous Commemoratives, the Club plans to send out a full-color picture QSL. Most people do not appreciate all the work that is entailed in a project of this sort. Besides the card design (carried out this time by Mimi Stapleton) the production of the card involves a complex series of steps involving lay-out and typesetting. All of this must go through the JPL Graphics and Photo Departments on a shoe-string budget. This means that such jobs are last on the priority list and involve much pleading and arm-twisting by the Club. The actual print job is done on the outside and JPL Regulations require that competitive bids be acquired. All this results in lengthy delays and much frustration. However, the cards that have been produced in the past have all been worth the wait, as anyone will say. The commitment to produce a high-quality card is part of the reason that the last Voyager Commemorative resulted in a record-high 12,000 QSO's. The card we produce for this event will, in all respects, be as good or better than the last.

At this writing (early January), the QSL has been designed, laid out and typeset, and should be ready to go out to the printer in a week or so. The finished cards should be delivered in early to mid-February. At this time we will be calling upon many of you, as in previous years, to fill in the many hundreds of cards which need to be mailed. So tell your anxious friends to hang in there just a little longer; they'll be glad they did! (Stan N6MP)



Main topics of discussion were current budget problems and the planning of next year's budget. The subject of JPL Tours was brought up by Jay W6EJJ. He stated that the Assoc. Amateurs of Long Beach would like a tour of JPL He suggested that the Club needed a way to accommodate tours for groups of radio amateurs. Attendees for meeting were: Warren K6GPK, Merv N6NO. Jay W6EJJ, John N6AVW, George W6ABW, Stan N6MP, Sam WB6EMO, Ron W6TUZ, & Art WA6SAL. Nov mtg (Art - WA6SAL)



PLAIN LANGUAGE IS DEAD! - In case you haven't already heard, the FCC's so-called "Plain Language" proposal to rewrite the amateur regulations, PR Docket 80-729, was terminated without action at a Commission meeting on November 11th. The Commission received over 1200 written comments on this proposal, and they were overwhelmingly negative.

This is a case where the amateur community, both individually and through the League, spoke up loudly - and we were heard! Our thanks to the many amateurs who took the time to communicate their concerns over this proposal to the FCC. We need your continued interest and support as we work to promote legislation favorable to Amateur Radio and attempt to deal with the problems facing our service today.

AMATEUR RADIO LEGISLATION IN 1982? - The Goldwater Bill, S.929, has already passed the Senate. At hearings on November 18, the House Subcommittee on Telecommunications, Consumer Protection, and Finance, considered legislation which would affect the Amateur Radio Service. At this session, Reps. Wirth and Swift introduced their own bill to amend the Communications Act of 1934. It is H.R. 5008, the "Communications Technical Amendments Act of 1981". In matters affecting Amateur Radio the bill would:

1. Authorize FCC to utilize volunteers to monitor rules violations and to administer examinations.

2. Exempt certain Amateur Radio transmissions from the secrecy provisions of Sec. 605 of the Communications Act.

3. Authorize FCC to issue amateur licenses good for a period of ten years.

4. Allow sponsors of Amateur Radio conventions and other meetings to reimburse FCC personnel for expenses connected with administering license examinations or otherwise participating in the meeting.

This bill essentially contains all of the Amateur Radio‑related provisions of the Goldwater Bill except for the one allowing FCC to set minimum standards for interference rejection by home entertainment devices. Item 4 above is a new item not contained in S.929.

Please write or wire your congressman in support of the Amateur Radio provisions of H.R. 5008 and urge him to also support the RFI provisions in the Goldwater Bill. A suggested message is as follows:

"I strongly urge you to support all Amateur Radio provisions of H.R. 5008. In addition, FCC authority to set interference rejection standards as provided in the Goldwater Bill, S.929, is vitally important to consumers."

Use your own words, but please write your own congressman and also Subcommittee Chairman Timothy E. Wirth. Inputs to the two California congressmen on the Subcommittee (Carlos J. Moorhead and Henry A. Waxman) by amateurs living in their districts would be especially helpful.

Help make 1982 the year that we get an Amateur Radio bill through Congress!

ARRL REORGANIZATION PROPOSALS - The ARRL Long‑Range Planning Committee's Phase 2 Report is summarized in QST for December 1981. Please take a few minutes to read these important proposals. I will be attending a meeting of the LRPC on February 6th. and would appreciate receiving any comments you may have. I'm particularly anxious to get reaction to the proposals for strengthening the organization at the Section level and for creating a new class of club affiliation. Please let me hear from you­ before I have to vote on these issues! May the year 1982 be a happy and prosperous one for you.  73's. (Jay - W6EJJ)

I've asked Jay to write an ARRL Column every 3 months to keep you  posted on ARRL news items that are of interest to you. Hopefully this will promote a better understanding of what the ARRL is doing and will also provide the information needed by you to get involved in current proposals.

Hopefully Stan N2YQ will also provide a column posting  us  on local ARRL items. -- (Eileen -- KA6DGV)



JPL hams! We need your help! The JPL Explorer Post has the chance to fly an experiment on the Shuttle. TRW has donated a Get Away Special payload to the National Explorer Organization, and we are one of thirteen posts selected from the first round of competition to submit a second detailed proposal.

We are planning an experiment to measure the density of the ionosphere, using a dual frequency transmitter at about 144 and 432 MHz on the Shuttle, and a tracking station on the ground at JPL. We are working with scientists active in ionospheric studies, and we hope to make a genuine scientific contribution, as well as have some fun. We need advisors who can help us design, build, test and fly transmitters, receivers, antennas, computers and power supplies.

The Post members are bright high school and college students who have a strong interest in space and lots of enthusiasm, but they need advisors with practical experience to guide them. We would like to invite interested hams - and others - to help us.

Our second proposal is due February 28th. We're building breadboards now, and plan to fly them on a balloon in mid January, so we can use help right away. If you are interested, please contact Peter Mason, N6BBP, at M/S 179-122, or phone X4056, or 794-2200. (Peter - N6BBP)



The Club will be losing an active and enthusiastic member soon when Ron Zenone, W6TUZ, starts his new position at Aerojet in Azusa. Ron has served on the Club's Board for several years, holding the positions of Secretary and, most recently, Vice President. As QSL Manager for the Club, he had the awesome responsibility of organizing the QSL response effort for the recent Voyager Commemoratives. This was a job which took countless hours and a willingness to forego most of his office floor space to accommodate cardboard boxes filled with QSL's. Ron, best of luck in your new job and don't forget to keep in touch! (Stan - N6MP) Not only will Ron be missed but also his wife Pat. Pat worked hard at the Club Hot Dog Booth each year.



The CQ CW Contest was lots of fun with a number of new countries on CW being available for the skillful/lucky.

The operation in "Sovereign Military Order of Malta" IA0KM unfortunately eluded my efforts - although he was active. I didn't hear him (sob!). The following information was excerpted from my most recent set of bulletins:

Bouvet - Forget it! They were delayed year due to financial difficulties.

Albania - Delayed until January‑April timeframe.

Monaco -- - PA0VDV and some fellow Dutch amateurs operated /3A in this somewhat location from 24 Dec - 2 Jan.

Iraq - YI1AS is active primarily on list operations and expects to be there for about 2 years. The only frequency/time known is 28740‑760 at 1200Z a tad early for the W6's.

Taiwan - In addition to regular activities on 10 & 20 meters, Tim is now allowed to work 15 meters. Look for him on CW on 21029 at 0030Z and also on SSB on 21270 & 21315.

Crozet - FB8WG was expected to become more active again between Christmas and New Year's. This was primarily a "list" operation at 14225 in the 1200-160OZ time frame. This is one of the 12 countries I still need on SSB!

Swaziland - W6YB/3D6 was expected to be active from 24-31 December.

Angola - OK3TAB/DZ will put Angola on the air from 3 January through 1 April.

Good hunting! Hope you had a Merry Christmas and that you'll have a Prosperous DX New Year. (Bob – N6ET)



Big things are planned for the January Meeting to be held on Wednesday, January 13th., at Noon in 238-543, as usual. The January meeting is traditionally when the new officers are installed. Be sure to come and get to know the faces you will be complaining to for the next year!

And now to our guest speaker, who will be Jan Moller. K6FM. Jan wrote an article recently in Pam Radio describing the new technical specifications for receivers, which allow us to characterize a receiver far better than the old "sensitivity" and "selectivity" specs we have used for years. He will explain what is meant by "Dynamic range", "Third-order intercept point", "Noise floor", and other terms that are just beginning to appear in the ham literature and advertisements. Jan works for Litton Command Systems and has had lots of experience analyzing communication systems and specifying receiver characteristics for military systems. I am sure you will enjoy this educational talk - see you there! (Merv - N6NO)



Instruction Manual and Tune-up information for the ICOM IC230 Wanted. Please contact George Aumann, KE6FE, X4457.


The Education Committee announces the start of the Spring Upgrade Classes on Tuesday, January 19, 1982 at 12 NOON in Conference Room 238-543.

Classes will be held every Tuesday and Thursday thereafter for 8 to 10 weeks.

The first half-hour will be devoted to code lessons (starting at about 5 WPM) with the second half-hour being devoted to study material. Nucleus of the group will be the 16 new Novices from the Fall series, however, any and all Novice/Technician Licensees are welcome.

The material will cover both the General and Advanced Class licenses. If there is sufficient interest, consideration will be given to conducting later follow-on sessions for Extra Class. Classes are open to JPL employees, contractors and their family members. Club membership is desirable, but not mandatory. (John N6UK and Paul K06D)


The fall Novice Class has produced a "bumper crop" of new hams and club members. To date sixteen (16) have taken their tests and are anxiously awaiting their licenses from the FCC. Hopefully a few more will pass the code in January to swell the ranks further. The new Novices will need some help getting started: everything from advice on selecting their first rig - all the way through to making their first contacts. That's where you Club Regulars come-in by signing up to be a Big Brother to one or more of the new Novices. We need several Big Brothers each for the La Canada and Pasadena areas, plus one each from Cerritos, Claremont, Los Angeles, San Gabriel and Whittier. Please volunteer. Contact John Walsh (N6UK) X3303 or Paul Goodwin (K06D) X4820.         (Paul K06D)


The TRW ARC Swapmeet begins at 8 AM and closes at 11 AM on the LAST SATURDAY of the month. Attendees have misused these starting and stopping times in the past - but they will be enforced in the future. The swap meet is admission-free and is being held for the enjoyment of the LA Amateur Community. The TRW members donate their time to make it nice for everyone, so please help by bending down and picking up any litter that you see and putting it in the trash cans that they provide. It will help them keep the area looking nice and bending down will help keep YOU looking nice. Thank you TRW ARC for all your efforts.

The Lockheed ARC - W6LS will conduct a sale of CQ, Ham Radio, (QST, and 73 (only) magazines Saturday 16 January 1982. Issues will sell at ten cents each (no limit) from 10 AM to 4 FM at 2814 Empire in Burbank. Also W6LS has beautiful Amateur radio wall calendars for sale - details can be obtained by dropping a note to W6LS 2814 Empire Avenue, Burbank, CA 91504.


In celebration of the 20th. Anniversary of the first OSCAR, the Principal speaker at our December Meeting was Admiral Ray Meyers (USN, Ret.) - W6MLZ. His talk was on the beginnings of Project OSCAR and how a launch opportunity was found for OSCAR I in 1961. OSCAR is the Acronym for Orbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio.

Ray has been a ham since 1910. At the 1980 ARRL Southwest Division Convention he was presented with a special award to celebrate his seventy years as a ham.

After retirement from the Navy he was involved in many facets of ham radio. At the time of the initial proposals for an amateur satellite beacon Ray was the ARRL Southwest Division Director.

Together with Dr. Henry Richter, W6VZA then of JPL's Instrumentation Section and others such as Chuck Towns K6LFH and Henry Hicks traveled to Washington and got the Air Force brass to agree to let them replace ballast on the Discoverer 36 with an amateur satellite beacon package. If the group would be able to find support of an American group such as ARRL, the Air Force would agree. The support was obtained and the rest is history.

Up until 2 years ago Ray wrote a Ham Radio column in the Los Angeles Herald Examiner.

Also at the meeting W6EJJ, Jay Holladay made a pitch for JPL amateurs' and any others' participation in the Project Syncart which is a joint venture of the Project OSCAR, AMSAT and AMSAT Canada to put an amateur transponder package aboard a geosynchronous orbiting satellite.

K6PGX gave some details about listening to UOSAT (OSCAR 9) which you can hear on your handhelds at 145.825 MHz sometime between 2:00 and 5:00 PM every afternoon and same in the morning. Two or three passes will occur each day and night. The signals being heard currently are ASCII, RTTY, CW, sometimes a continuous tone and sometimes the "Digitalker". The Spacecraft is expected, when fully stabilized, to produce a CCD image with a slow scan 256x256 pixel rate and a frame rate of 30 seconds. There are 64 gray levels possible and the lens is pointing at the sub satellite point to give images of the earth and/or cloud cover beneath it.

Sometime at the beginning of this year it is expected that all of the engineering tests will be completed and that the various experiments can begin on a regular schedule. UOSAT OSCAR-9 is a downlink only transmitter. In addition to the 145.825 beacon, there will be beacons at 7050 KHz, 14.001 MHz, 21.001 MHz, and 28.651 MHz (FM).

The 7, 14 and 21 MHz transmitters will all be phase locked to the 7050 frequency for propagation and ionospheric delay measurements. Other beacons will be transmitting on 70 cm, 23 cm and 3 cm. (Norm - K6PGX)

Dec. 8th., 1981 

Norm, Here's the copy I promised you. Thanks for the luncheon, I appreciated the hospitality very much. 

73,  Ray Meyers

At 2040 GMT Dec. 12, 1961 OSCAR‑1 W6EE/S was launched into space aboard an AGENA-B Satellite aboard an AF Discoverer [mission]  and within minutes OSCAR-1 started sending out the signal "HI" on 144.98 Mcs for the whole world to hear.

It all started by an article which appeared in CO Magazine around 1958/59 by Don Stoner - W6TNS who wrote a Such Rogers yarn about an amateur satellite in which lie wound up his story with 'Ale tee need is a missile. '

At the time, I was Manager of Radio Operations for Lockheed Aircraft Co. and one of my operators at Palmdale teas Fred Hicks - W6EJU. Fred was excited about Don's article and suggested to me that tee do something about it for Amateur Radio.

At the time, I was FCC's Representative for Amateur Radio on it's National Industry Advisory Committee. On a trip to Washington I mentioned the possibility of an Amateur Satellite to FCC and was informed that the State Department had jurisdiction of all communication devices in Space by U.S. sponsors. With this information at hand I contacted Dick Black, a fellow amateur at the State Dept. and he said State would have no objection suggesting that I contact the Air Force to see what were chances of riding piggyback on one of it's satellites.

First I contacted Col. Steve Cerwin USA K6OJO, who at the time was Chief, Plans and Policy Div. Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS). He thought it a great idea and he contacted the late MGen James Dreyfus USA - WA2WBE who went to bat for us with members of JCS and they all agreed it was a good idea and they authorized the Air Force to assist us in the project.

With this information at hand I informed Fred of results and also ARRL with information that the authority was granted provided it was for the benefit of all Radio Amateurs. Things began to hum. A committee was formed to be known as the OSCAR Committee consisting of Fred, my Sunnyvale Supervisor - B.B. Barrick W6OON, Bill Orr - W6SAI, Chuck Towne - K6LFH, Harley Garielson - W6HEK, Tom Lott - VE2AGF, Dick Esneault - W4LK,  Harry Workman - K6JJC, Nick Corsier - W6IGE,  Stanenson - K6CBK, Jerre Crosier - W6IGE, Harry Enright - W6HC, and M.K. Caston - WA6MSO, Nick Marshall - W6OLO and Don Stoner. By that time I had transferred Fred to Sunnyvale from Palmdale. (W6HEK is Gabrielson)

Next step was to come up with specifications of the package we wanted to get in space. Fred Hicks , Doc Henry Richter - W6VZA and I got together on what was needed and Doc drafted a beautiful presentation and we took it back to Washington as requested by Gen. Dreyfus, JCS Air Force representative, then approved of the presentation and notified Vandenberg AFB to provide us with space aboard an upcoming AGENA-B based on package specifications that would be prepared by the OSCAR Committee based on Don Stoner's design.

The rest is history. I became Southwestern Div. Director for ARRL and invited President Dosland – W0TSN to be my guest to Vandenberg AFB Officer's Club and we were joined by Lt. Gen Francis (Butch) Griswold USAF - K3RBA (now K0DWC) Vice Cmdr SAC under Gen. Curtis LeMay, another Amateur, Capt Turner USAF and Chuck Towne - K6LFH who kept in touch with OSCAR Control Station WA6GFV. This was the first time I had seen Butch Griswold since he flew me out from Washington after an Armed Forces Communications Ass'n. meeting we both attended.

Much credit goes to Chuck Towne and Fred Hicks who promoted material for the construction of OSCAR. Though ok Lockheed President gave us his blessings construction cost the Amateur fraternity nothing for labor or materials.

The gang at Lockheed and members of the OSCAR Committee did the work. The batteries were furnished by Burgess Battery, Transistors by Fairchild Transistor Co., Philco Co., PCS, Diodes Inc. and Pacific Semiconductors, Inc. Crystals furnished by XpTron, Inc. and Midland Crystal Co.

Art Diem - W3LSZ, a project Engineer, designed the RF Assembly, Harry Hugh worked out the ideas and surmounted the problems of the code generator, Gad Gangwish and Doug Beck - WA6AAL packaged the keyer assembly into shape for the launching.

Components and materials not mentioned above plus laboratory and testing facilities were made available by Philco Corp., Western Development Labs at Palo Alto and the Lockheed Missile Division at Et Monte.

Antenna work was done by C.A. Andrews - W6LHV and Jim Daly. Wallyaven - WA6AID and Jim Barnett were consultants on mounting and heating problems. Howard Linnenkoht - K6SSD designed the contain". Walter Read - W6ASH got it built based on drafting and layout by Orv Datton - K6UEY. Herman Poole designed. and built a second transmitter that served as a standby unit. Alf Modine and Will Jensby wrote the test procedures. All this should give you some idea as to the many helping hands we had for the project and obviously I may have omitted a few names that should have been given credit for work performed. Modine's call was K6TWF.

ARRL had appointed me as League Coordinator for OSCAR Program which I considered an honor. On June 1, 1962, OSCAR-11 was launched into space as a sort of tribute to thousands of amateurs gathered at Disneyland for the ARRL Southwestern Division Convention that year.

It was nice meeting with You folks and thanks for the hospitality. Ray Meyers - W6MLZ

Ray Meyers W6MLZ at December Club Meeting
Photo courtesy of Norm Chalfin K6PGX



I was planning on writing a profound editorial for you to read this month - but with all the excitement of the Club Election I never got it written. But now with John elected President I thought I'd write a few thoughts on the Editor vs President or


What's it like being married to the President? Well in the past I never felt that Nancy Reagan and I had much in common.

She on one hand has tons of money I on the other hand have ounces. She has Ronnie the Urban Cowboy I have John the real McCoy from Texas. She has designer dresses from all over the world. I have dresses that would give designers a migraine.

She is a diplomat - I well I - John is a diplomat. She sets trends I destroy them in one fell swoop.

But on the other hand We're both married to presidents. We both feel the awesome responsibility of the job. She smiles sweetly in her red original and takes it all in stride. I scream, "What will I wear to the Inauguration Ball" and get told I won't have that problem.

Ron gives her an unlimited entertaining budget. John hands me $4.32 and wants receipts. She has Ronnie's ear at all times. John had a plaster of Paris ear made for me to talk to. She's in on all policy decisions - an advisor a friend - a confidant. My policy decisions lamb chops tonight or tacos. She hobnobs with cabinet members and advisors. John won't even get me a I day JPL On-Lab Pass.

Ron was elected with her as a help. John was elected in spite of me.

Her advice is sought - is held in esteem people hang on her very words. John has threatened if my words don't STOP I'll be hanged. But still yes - Nancy and I do share some goals. We both want new dishes. I wonder what the JPL ARC Presidential Emblem will cost to monogram. (Eileen KA6DGV


The JPL ARC Finished 1981 with $328.11 deposited with the ERC and $5.25 Petty Cash. Thanks for your support. (John N6AVW)


Members are reminded that 1982 - dues ($3.00) three dollars should be sent to John Repar 157-507.

Please include the attached registration form so that the Club membership lists can be updated. (John WA6LWD)

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Updated August 16, 1999