The W6VIO Editor/Dictator has limited my space this Month, so I will keep it short, QSL cards for the Voyager commemorative are finally in distribution. Volunteers should have received a stack of cards to fill out for mailing. Prompt processing will be appreciated by the HAM's who have waited since August for this truly outstanding QSL card (see copy below).

Merv MacMedan, N6NO, is updating the Clubs Emergency Communication Capability records. Members are requested to complete the attached survey and return to Merv at JPL M/S 233-208. Also don't forget to return the Field Day questionnaire which was attached to last months newsletter to Stan Sander JPL M/S 183-601. (John, N6AVW)



The JPL ABC has been asked to provide communications again for the La Canada Memorial Day Parade. Now, I can make no promises about this year, but last year everyone participating got a ride through La Canada on a fire engine. So, all you fire engine buffs please step forward. (George W6ABW - X7066)



If you know any of the following members, please contact them and let them know if their dues are not paid immediately - the axe will fall - and they'll be ex-members. (List Submitted by J. Repar, Treasurer) *Denotes Off-Lab Members

Bataglia, Charles

Bremner, D.S.

Santana, Mike

Callender, Davis*

Douglas, Lin

Schaefer, Mark

Fuhrman, James

Irvine, Dale

Sebastian, D.

Hurick, Michael

Kalmar, Julian

Shealy, David

Keith, Charles

Pollock, Paul

Weems, Wes

Reasoner, Ron

Reyman, Skip*

Whitiker, Dave



Our speaker this month will be Jim Cass, AA6K, on Ten-Ten International, history and information.

Jim is Chairman of the Rules and Contest Committee for the Ten-Ten Club. He will have many slides and information for certificate hunters. My Ten Ten number is 10706. What's yours? 73's (Stan N2YQ)



After the SMA Meeting on Saturday we went to the ball game. Michael made the City team and my "nervous mother syndrome" emerged. I didn't like the idea of Michael getting hurt so I took precautions. Mike wailed that no other kid had to wear football pads to practice and shin guards while up at bat. He screamed that no other player had to wear a batting helmet even when he wasn't batting. He couldn't understand why he was the only kid on the team that wore a mitt on each hand. 

I explained that none of those other kids could play the piano like he could. When I tried to put a catcher's mask on him while he pitched to protect his million dollar smile though it was the final straw he ran to get the coach. 

Now this coach is a law unto himself. Never before have I seen a coach give a catcher a butcher shop bone to chew on during the inning to terrify the other players. So what would he know about safety. That child could have choked on a bone splinter. 

But as bad as the coach was the parents took the cake. They screamed advice to the kids on if the second baseman blocks the baseline - run him over - mow him down - annihilate him. Second base in this case was a 4 ft. tall pygmy who wore safety glasses and probably couldn't see that he was blocking any base much less the one he was "standing" on. 

Meanwhile the only thing the kids were concerned about was when they would get their snacks. The coach yelled never mind food - be aggressive - be tough - get those runs scored. I was shocked - how could seemingly stable people turn into baseball maniacs overnight. Such a display of childishness - such awful behavior what terrible examples they were setting - AND I would have told them so too if I hadn't been busy being ejected from the ballpark for yelling at the umpire. Well I don't care. My kid was safe on second and that "dumb" second baseman had been blocking the base. (Eileen KA6DGV)



FOR SALE: Heath Novice Station. HR10-B Revr. DX-35 xmtr and an HG10B VFO. All with manuals. $120.00 Call Al Kuchler Home: 448-0760, Lab X-7743

FOR SALE: Collins 75A4 $300.00; Heath HW-202, XTALS 28-88, 34-94, 52-52, 16-76, $75.00; Heath HX-10 Marauder SSB XMTR $125.00; SB-34 SSB XCVR w/microphone, 25KC calibrator and mobile mount $150.00; Heath 6 channel single stick R-C model airplane radio, complete with T-20 trainer aircraft & engine, XMTR on 6 meter band $150; Heath metal locator $50-00; Heath programmable door bell $20.00. Call Harry Enmark WA61UR, Home 355-0290, Lab X-4187.



Attendees: N. Chalfin, J. Earnest*, J. Lumsden, M. MacMedan, J. McKinney*, J. Repar*, S. Sander*, A. Zygielbaum*, S. Weaver. *=Board Members

1. The minutes of the March Board Meeting were read and approved.

2. J. Repar gave an interim treasurer's report. Two sets of Call Books have been purchased for the Club.

3. Off Lab members voted in were Randy Johnstone WB6QWR and Vince Humphrey W6RNO.

4. A motion was approved that all monetary contributions from nonmembers that are intended to support club activities be returned.

5. Two checks received by the Club as gifts are to be returned to the senders with cover letters by the secretary.

6. A motion was passed to accept the recommendations of the Repeater Chairman (J. Lumsden) to cover Shuttle audio for STS-4 as in the past.

7. Regarding the STS audio coverage on the JPL Repeater, J. Lumsden requested that all publicity be controlled and cleared by him.

8. N. Chalfin plans to cover Field Day activities with both video tape and still photos.

9. The taping of the slow scan TV tapes was to begin the night of this meeting.

10. Meeting was adjourned. (John N6CTT-Secretary)



On April 19, 1982 the Emergency Operations Board (EOB) for the City of Los Angeles (chaired by Chief Gates) unanimously approved guidelines for cooperation and utilization of amateur radio by the City of Los Angeles. The guidelines specifically refer to the ARRL/ARES as the sole representative for amateur radio for the City of Los Angeles. This marks the first time in over 25 years that L.A. has committed to using amateur volunteers in an official capacity to supplement the emergency communications for the City. A detailed plan is now being prepared by the SEC and DEC's for ARES and the City on how to implement and mobilize the amateurs during a time of disaster. (Stan N2YQ)



AMSAT has received new slide sets and is offering these to interested amateurs. The 35 mm mounted slides cover OSCARs 1 through 9. There are 40 slides in all and a narrative description of each slide accompanies the set. A portion of the $10 price goes towards AMSAT. To order your set send to AMSAT, P.O. BOX 27, Washington, D.C. 20044. Please allow 3-4 weeks delivery. Please enclose your payment of $10 in the form of check or int'l money order. Be sure to enclose your legible address. Excerpted from AMSAT Satellite Report, No. 30. (Submitted by Norm K6PGX)


As I sat in front of my station last night listening to all the bootleggers signing BY1PK, I became aware that it was time to write another DX News article. Here goes:

China - As you might conclude, BY1PK, the first legal mainland China on the ham bands in a number of decades is actually making a few QSO's. The real BY1PK is rumored to operate 30kHz above the low end of the 10, 15 & 20 meter CW band. Lots of people are bootlegging the call and it will be necessary to work more than one of the people signing BY1PK to maximize your chances of working the "real one".

Mellish Reef - If all went per schedule, VK9ZR should be on his way to Mellish in preparation for a 5 day operation starting about 7 May. Operation will be mostly on CW. After this, they will move to Willis Island for a short CW only run.

Sierra Leone - Field Day will be held on May 8-9th. from this semi-rare country. Look for SSB operation on 28600, 21360, 14310 and 7060 kHz by 9LIFD, 9L2FD and 9L3FD.

Sable Island - VE1AWS will activate Sable Island for most of the Summer starting on about 11 May. Look for him on 80-10 CW only. VE1AI/1 is expected on from here also from 9-11 May.

Togo - 5V7HL likes 28600 or 14285 kHz Sundays from 210OZ and Wednesdays from 220OZ. He is also active from 160OZ to 220OZ as propagation permits on 14205, 21305 or 28600 kHz.

May the Great Powers of the universe responsible for propagation smile favorably on your DX efforts until next month. 73's (Bob MET)



Don Lawson & Harry Enmark responded to the air race article in last month's W6VIO Calling. I hope they'll come back with an interesting story. Randy Johnstone is to handle Long Beach Airport and it looks like Nash will have to handle the finish line in topaz. (Nash W6HCD)



George Hansen (formerly KD6FL) has now received his EXTRA CLASS call sign. It is NJ61.

Another member of our Ham Classes has now received his Novice license. Earle Howard received the call KA6TUT while attending our Spring upgrade classes. Earle has an IC-730 which he has been using to receive WlAW. Big Brother George Morris is going to help him put up a Novice Band antenna. Club members are encouraged to set up QSO's once Earle gets on the air. (Paul KO6D



(FOB Bul. #6-Oct 81) This bulletin contains information about recent changes the FCC has made in its radiotelephone operator licenses. Perhaps you've inquired about the FCC radio operator licenses, or filed an application for one and are unaware of the changes.

SUMMARY - The Commission no longer conducts exams for, or issues, the Radiotelephone First Class Operator License. Persons holding any class of commercial operator license, including the Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit, but excluding the Marine Radio Operator Permit and the Alien Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit, may install, maintain, repair, and operate transmitters at AM, FM, and TV Broadcast stations. The Commission has renamed the Radiotelephone Second Class Operator License. It is now called the General Radiotelephone Operator License.

If you now hold a first or second class radiotelephone operator license, it will remain valid until it expires. Upon renewal of your license, you will be issued a General Radiotelephone Operator License. Any endorsement you now hold on your first or second class license will be transferred to the General Radiotelephone Operator License. You do not lose any operating privilege or authority as a result of this change.

If you are responsible for servicing and maintaining two-way radio transmitting equipment, such as that used by police, fire, taxis, small ships, aircraft, citizen's band, etc., you must hold the General Radiotelephone Operator License or a valid First or Second Class Radiotelephone Operator License. The Ship Radar Endorsement may be placed on these licenses to allow you to service and maintain ship radar equipment.

Use FCC Form 756 to apply for the General Radiotelephone Operator License. If the application is an older version you will have to check "Radiotelephone Second Class" to apply for this license. To obtain the General Radiotelephone Operator License, you must pass commercial examination elements 3, 1, and 2. To qualify for the Ship Radar Endorsement, you must also pass examination element 8. (Submitted by H. Enmark WA61UR)



The JPL ARC was contacted by the Huntington Hospital Guild to help them with the Flintridge Children's Horseshow. This was a three day event on Friday, Saturday and Sunday - April 30, May 1st and 2nd. and the Guild needed help in parking cars in the large grounds just south of the JPL West parking lot. The Guild requested two amateurs with handitalkies to provide communications between the gate and parking areas for a two hour period each morning when the traffic was heavy.

George W6ABW and I volunteered and it turned out to be very easy this year because of a light turnout. But, organizers said be prepared for next year! (Connie KA6JAM)



The JPL ARC supported the March of Dimes WalkAmerica walkathon on 24 April 1982 by providing communication for the bus pick-ups and returns at several area schools.

The Club was contacted just four days before the event and asked to provide communications for the new Burbank walk which starts and finishes at the Disney Studio on Buena Vista just off the 134 Fwy.

The pick-ups at the schools in the morning were uneventful with help from the following members: Bruce Beaudry WD6HEZ, at Wilson Jr. High in Glendale; Warren Apel K6GPK, at Crescenta Valley High School; Ralph West N6YM, at Elliot Jr. High in Altadena; and George Morris, W6ABW, at the Disney Studio.

The delivery of walkers back to the schools in the evening was more exciting because parents and children never seem to match up. The activity was conducted on 224.08 and good use was made of the autopatch to get parents and children to the same place at the same time. The amateur communications relieved the anxiety of several parents and children and our operators stayed on the scene until everyone was safely picked up. Bob Layne W6LTC, at Wilson Jr. High had the biggest workout. Other operators involved in the evening operation were: Warren Apel K6GPK, at Crescenta Valley; Dick Mathison KG6Y, at Elliot Jr. High; and George, W6ABW, at Disney Studio.

This was a new public service activity for our club and we will surely be invited back as walk organizers were very pleased with our performance. Below is the thank you note received from March of Dimes.

George, 28 Apr 82

Just a note of personal thank for your help in the Glendale/Burbank WalkAmerica. We couldn't have done it without you. Please convey my sincere appreciation to the others who worked with you and gave so freely of their time and energy. Thanks Again, Dick Clubb.

(George W6ABW)



Plans for the Club's Great Mountain Escapade, Field Day, are progressing. Your humble FD Cochairmen, N6MP and W6LZP, are evaluating the questionnaires from last month's newsletter, returned to us by the many die-hard FD buffs. The present strategy calls for a two-transmitter operation from Mt. Disappointment. Besides being a superb radio location, "Mt. D." is nearby (about 40 min. drive from JPL) and affords a beautiful view of the L.A. Basin and Catalina. As always the Club will offer Saturday dinner and Sunday breakfast to the crew. A few of us will drive up to the site on Friday evening to begin preparations for the June 26-27 escapade with the majority arriving on Saturday.

It's not too late to return your FD questionnaires if you haven't already done so. Knowing who's coming and for how long helps us plan the event better. You don't have to stay the whole weekend to participate. Even if you can make it for only a few hours, it will help us greatly with set-up, operating and tear-down. Send your inputs to Stan Sander, M/S 183-601 as soon as possible. (Stan N6MP)



Foundation for Amateur Radio, Inc. (PRESS RELEASE) The Foundation for Amateur Radio, Inc., a nonprofit organization with headquarters in Wash.D.C. plans to award nine scholarships for the academic year 1982-83.

Radio Amateurs holding at least an FCC General Class license or equivalent may compete for one or more of these awards if they plan to pursue a full-time course of studies beyond high school and are enrolled or have been accepted for enrollment in an accredited university, college or technical school. The scholarship awards range from $300 to $900, with preference given in some of them to residents of specific geographical areas or the pursuit of certain study programs.

Additional information and an application form can be requested by a letter or QSL/postcard, postmarked prior to May 319 1982 from:

Hugh A. Turnbull, W3ABC
6903 Rhode Island Avenue 
College Park, Maryland 20740

The FOUNDATION is devoted exclusively to promoting the interests of Amateur Radio and to the scientific, literary and educational pursuits that advance the purposes of the Amateur Radio Service.



The JPL ARC provided communication support for two recent running events at the Rose Bowl. The first event sponsored by the USC Medical Center was held on Saturday Morning April 17th. There was just enough time to support the race and make the 220 SMA meeting scheduled later. Providing support was John McKinney, N6AVW; Eileen McKinney, KA6DGV; Dick Mathison, KG6Y; Connie Morris, KA6JAM; and Jim Longthorne, WA6KPW. Both a 5K meter and a 10K meter runs were conducted. The value of the Radio Club support was quickly realized when Jim noticed that the lead runners had taken the wrong path. Naturally everyone else followed. Jim quickly relayed the situation to the Command Post where the Event Director made the decision to redirect the remaining runners along the correct course.

The second event was the NASA Intercenter 10K meter run held on 23 April by the JPL Running Club. The Radio Club actually had a member entered - Booth Hartley, N6BH. Providing communication support for the Club were John McKinney, N6AVW; Bruce Beaudry; WD6HEZ, and Dennis Shebel, WB6IZR. (John, N6AVW)

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Updated May 6, 2000